OCCURENCE OF Cheilospirura hamulosa AND Subulura brumpti IN A BACKYARD POULTRY (Gallus domesticus)
T.A.Vijayalingam | N.V. Rajesh | A. Latchumikanthan
desconocido. Examination of gastro intestinal tract of 20 carcasses of backyard poultry revealed mucoid material in the lumen of the proventriculus and gizzard. The mucosa of proventriculus and gizzard were thickened. Peeling of the horny gizzard cuticle layer revealed the presence of Cheilospirura hamulosa on the sub-mucosal and muscular surface. The lumen of different parts of the gastrointestinal tract contained tenacious muco-sanguineous content. Caeca was completely filled with tarry red coloured content mixed with Subulura brumpti.
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