AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

Effect of exposures to mixtures of lead and various metals on hypertension, pre-hypertension, and blood pressure: A cross-sectional study from the China National Human Biomonitoring


Qu, Yingli | Lv, Yuebin | Ji, Saisai | Ding, Liang | Zhao, Feng | Zhu, Ying | Zhang, Wenli | Hu, Xiaojian | Lu, Yifu | Li, Yawei | Zhang, Xu | Zhang, Mingyuan | Yang, Yanwei | Li, Chengcheng | Zhang, Miao | Li, Zheng | Chen, Chen | Zheng, Lei | Gu, Heng | Zhu, Huijuan | Sun, Qi | Cai, Jiayi | Song, Shixun | Ying, Bo | Lin, Shaobin | Cao, Zhaojin | Liang, Donghai | Ji, John S. | Ryan, P Barry | Barr, Dana Boyd | Shi, Xiaoming

Información bibliográfica
Environmental pollution
ISSN 0269-7491
Oxford University Press
Otras materias
Diastolic blood pressure; China national human biomonitoring; Pre-hypertension; Cross-sectional studies; Odds ratio; Metal mixtures; Systolic blood pressure; Lifestyle
Journal Article; Text

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