Plant and litter distribution in deciduous dipterocarp forest at Maejo University-Phrae Campus | การกระจายของพรรณพืชและซากพืชในพื้นที่ป่าเต็งรังพื้นที่มหาวิทยาลัยแม่โจ้-แพร่ เฉลิมพระเกียรติ
Jiraporn Pakketanang(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry) | Ratchanawan Jompo(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry) | Attakrit Chuakot(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry) | Sunisa Tomklan(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry) | Torlarp Kamyo(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Department of Agroforestry)
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Información bibliográfica
Este registro bibliográfico ha sido proporcionado por Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University