AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences ]
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Influence of green-house cover on potential evapotranspiration and cucumber water requirements


Hashem. F.A. | Medany, M.A. | Abd El-Moniem, E.M.

Ain Shams University - Egypt

Wheat yield and antioxidant enzymes relationship under different soil water content


Abdel-Kader, M.A. | Nour El-Din, N.A. | Fawzy, M.H. | Bechini, L.

Ain Shams University - Egypt

Study of genetic relationship between some olive varieties in gellin gene bank


Moustaf, N. | Hamed, F. | Lawand, S.

Ain Shams University - Egypt

Effect of the growth retardant PP333 on growth development, yield and fruit quality of, Picual olive trees


Abou-Rawash, M. | Montasser, A. | El-Wakeel, H. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture) | Nageib, M. | Zinhoum, E.

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

Spectral reflectance of faba bean plants in relation to growth and yield


Zaki, H.K. (Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo (Egypt). Soil, Water and Environmental Research Inst.) | Abdel-Gawad, A.A. | Edris, A.S. | Ibrahem, N.T.

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt