AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Arab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences ]
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Resultados 21-26 de 26

nfluence of biofertilization on total phenolic compounds and antioxidative activity of potato tubers, Solanum tuberosum L.


El-Morsi, E.A. | Abdel-Naem, G.F. | Shaker, E.S. | Ghazy, M.A. (Minia Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

dentification of some phaseolus genotypes by alcohol, glucose-6- [hosphate, glutamate and malate dehydrogenase isozymes


Saker, M.M. | Hassan, A.E. (Suez Canal Univ., Ismaileyah (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)Abdel-Rahman, S.M.

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

ydrolytic enzyme profiles of lactococcus lactis ssp: lactis isolated from Laban Rayeb


Roushdy, I.M. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

echnological, chemical and biological studies on fenugreek seeds, Trigonella foenum Graecum L.


Hassan, R.A. | Tolba, K.H. | Habashy, H.N. (Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo (Egypt). Food Technology Research Inst.)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

ffect of time, rate and patterns of thinning, leaf-bunch ratio and male type on "Zaghloul" date yield and quality


Abdel-Hamid, N. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt

anthan production as affected by strains and culturing methods


Ramadan, E.M. | Abdel-Hafez, A.M. | Abdel-Hady, H.M. | El-Tayeb, T.S.M. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)

Egyptian Documentation and Information Centre for Agriculture - Egypt