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سد النهضة الإثیوبی والزراعة المصریة
Jehad Awdah | Mohamed el-eraky | atef goda
الملخص تعتبر میاه النیل هی أکبر مصادر المیاه فی مصر حیث تمثل حوالی 72.62% من إجمالی الموارد المائیة المتاحة فی مصر، وأغلب الاحتیاجات المائیة فی مصر تعود لقطاع الزراعة حیث تمثل نسبة الزراعة نحو 81.45% من إجمالی الاحتیاجات المائیة فی مصر، وتلیها فی المرتبة الثانیة میاه الشرب حیث تبلغ نسبتها نحو 12.13% من إجمالی الاحتیاجات المائیة فی مصر. کما أنه منذ عام 1947 وحتى عام 1960 کان هناک وفرة نسبیة فی المیاه حیث تراوح نصیب الفرد سنویاً من المیاه بین (2604 -1893) متر مکعب؛ بینما وصلت مصر للکفایة المائیة منذ عام 1970 وحتى عام 1986 وتراوح نصیب الفرد من المیاه من (1672 إلى 1138) متر مکعب. ووصلت مصر للندرة المائیة منذ عام 1996 وحتى الآن حیث انخفض نصیب الفرد إلى نحو 860 متر مکعب. ومن المتوقع أن یصل نصیب الفرد إلى نحو 582 لتر فی عام 2025. ومن المعروف أن حد الفقر المائی هو 1000 م3، أی أن مصر وصلت لحد الفقر المائی بدایةً من 1996 وحتى الآن. ومن المتوقع أن تتسع الأزمة المائیة فی مصر فی عام 2050 حیث یصل نصیب الفرد فی مصر من المیاه إلى 294 م3، ویهتم هذا البحث بدراسة العلاقة المتشابکة بین مصر وإثیوبیا (فی ملف میاه النیل) فی إطار نظریة المباریات، حیث تم استخدام نماذج بسیطة لتحلیل الصراع المستمر والمخاوف بشأن سد النهضة الإثیوبی، ویشیر التحلیل إلى وجود درجة عالیة من الإجهاد المائی وقد یؤدی إلى صِدام مباشر بین دول حوض النیل على الرغم من أن التوصل إلى حل سلمی للمشکلة من الممکن أن یؤدی إلى زیادة العوائد المائیة لکلا البلدین. وبدراسة السیناریوهات المختلفة لملء خزان سد النهضة تبین أن مصر من الممکن أن تفقد حوالی 88% و 66% من أراضیها الزراعیة على الترتیب وفقاً للسیناریوهات الأول والثانی حیث سیتم ملء الخزان فی السیناریو الأول على مدار ثلاث سنوات مما سیترتب علیه نسبة عجزتقدر بحوالی 26% من إجمالی الموازنة المائیة المصریة السنویة مما سیؤدی إلى خسارة 2.6 ملیون فدان سنویاً، أی أنه على مدار 3 سنوات ستفقد مصر حوالی 8 ملیون فدان من رقعتها الزراعیة والبالغة نحو 9.1 ملیون فدان. أما بالنسبة للسیناریو الثانی فسیتم ملء الخزان وفقاً لهذا السیناریو على مدار خمس سنوات مما سیترتب علیه نسبة عجز تُقدر بحوالی 12% من إجمالی الموازنة المائیة المصریة السنویة. وهذا یعنی خسارة سنویة تقدر بحوالی 1.2 ملیون فدان من الأراضی الزراعیة فی مصر، أی أنه بعد مرور خمس سنوات ستفقد مصر حوالی 6 ملیون فدان من جملة أراضیها الزراعیة. ویعد السیناریوهان الأول والثانی هما المرشحان بقوة من قبل الحکومة الإثیوبیة. وأوصى البحث بما یلی: ضرورة التوصل لاتفاق بین مصر وإثیوبیا من شأنه زیادة سنوات الملء لتحمل إثیوبیا جزء من عبء الآثار السلبیة الناجمة عن إنشاء هذا السد الضخم. بالإضافة إلى الإدارة المشترکة للسد تأکیداً لمبدأ حسن النیة کما نصت علیه اتفاقیة إعلان المبادئ التی تم توقیعها بین مصر وإثیوبیا والسودان عام 2015. ومن الممکن أن تصل الثلاث دول إلى استراتیجیة مربحة للجانبین تفید جمیع الدول مع أدنى حد من الضرر الذی قد یلحق بأی طرف. ویمکن لمصر أن تساعد إثیوبیا فی تأمین الکهرباء المطلوبة من موارد أخرى إذا واصلت إثیوبیا الإعتراف بحق مصر فی التمتع بحصتها التاریخیة البالغة 55.5 ملیار متر مکعب فی السنة.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Use of Soilless Culture Technique in the Production of Chrysanthemum (Denderanthema grandiflora Ramat) cv.”Zembla”
Hadeer Rafaat | Abdel Azizِ Hosni | Mohamed Elshinawy | Mohammed Hewidy
This research study was carried out during the two successive seasons of 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 at the farm located within the vicinity of the Arid lands Agriculture graduated studies and Research Institute (ALARI), Shobra Elkheima, Qalyobia governorate, Egypt, under an unheated plastic-house (25 m length x 9 m width x 3.5 m height). The experiments were laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications, and the result data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Chrysanthemum (Denderanthema grandiflora Ramat) cv. Zembla was employed in this research imported initially from DELIFLOR Company, in the Netherlands. Seedlings were planted in different substrate cultures to determine the most suitable local mixes for their cultivation and maximum production. Three of them were chosen from the local environment namely Water hyacinth, Palm fiber and Sugar-cane refuse in addition to Sawdust and Peat moss. The seedlings were planted into pots filled with eleven substrate culture mixes as follow: Water hyacinth (WH), WH + peat moss (1:1), Palm fibers (PF), PF + Peat moss (1:1), Coarse sawdust (CS), CS + Peat moss (1:1), Fine sawdust (FS), FS + peat moss (1:1), Sugar-Cane refuse (SC), SC + Peat moss (1:1) and Peat moss. The results indicated that the substrate combination of PF + peat moss (1:1) and WH + peat moss (1:1) gave higher significant values when compared to other remaining substrate with regards to vegetative parameters, i.e. plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves per plant and greenness of leaves as SPAD reading values. Also flower diameter exhibited a higher significant increase when PF + peat moss (1:1) + WH+ peat moss substrate combination was used compared to the other remaining substrates. Flower vase life also was influenced by the local substrate used in bringing up the cut-flowers and showed longer standing in the preservative solution when flowers were obtained from both of WH + peat moss (1:1) and Palm fiber + peat moss (1:1) compared to other substrate culture mixtures.
Fathy Abdel_Azeem | Amer Helal | Hany Thabel | Ahmed Naguib Elbaz
A study was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding different levels of threonine and tryptophan on growth performance, some serum parameters and carcass traits of broiler chicks under Egyptian summer conditions. Three hundred and sixty Ross 308, one-day-old broiler chicks were randomly allocated into nine treatments with 4 replicates of 10 chicks each. Three levels of threonine (100, 150 or 200 %) and three levels of tryptophan (100, 150 or 200%) according to dietary requirements for Ross 308 chick's guidebook were used in a factorial design arrangement to obtain nine experimental treatments. Two periodical diets were used (starter phase 1-21 days and finisher phase 22-35 days). Growth performance traits including live body weight (LBW), Body weight gain (BWG), feed consumption (FC) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were recorded at the end of each week. Carcasses were manually eviscerated and weighed. Components of total protein, albumin, cholesterol, and triglycerides were analyzed by using commercial kits. The results showed that chicks fed diet containing 200 % threonine had an improvement in live body weight, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The performance index increased with the addition of threonine and tryptophan in the broiler diets. Serum total protein and globulin concentrations were affected by supplemental threonine and tryptophan. Dietary threonine, tryptophan did not affect serum albumin and triglycerides. Total cholesterol was increased with supplementation of threonine, tryptophan and interaction between them. Chicks fed 100% dietary threonine had the significantly better results in terms of the relative weights of carcass, edible parts and bursa compared to the chicks fed other dietary threonine levels, although tryptophan amino acid had not any significant effect on the above-mentioned traits. Giblets, liver, and heart weights percentage increase with increasing tryptophan level in the broiler diets. The relative weight of gizzard reduced with increasing level of both amino acids in the diets.In this study, it concluded that supplementation of threonine and tryptophan improves productive performance and health status of broiler chicks without imposing any toxicity as all blood components were in normal range.
Basma Mohisen | Fatma Fahmy | Mona Reyad | M Abd Elfatah
The problem of research is facing Egyptian exports of frozen vegetables in general, and the mixture of frozen vegetables in particular, with intense competition in foreign markets, which requires studying this problem and proposing appropriate solutions to it. Therefore, the research aimed to study means of developing and increasing agricultural exports of Egyptian frozen vegetables. The research focused on the exports of the Egyptian frozen vegetable mixture, as it was found that it ranked first among the total Egyptian exports of frozen vegetables during the period (2014-2018), where it represented about 70.1% of the total quantities. The research has reached some conclusions, including: The time trend equations for the quantity, value and price of Egyptian exports for both frozen vegetables and frozen vegetable mixtures were estimated during the period (2004-2018). It turned out that the ratio of the increase to the average in both the quantity and value of exports of frozen vegetables mixture is greater than that in the total frozen vegetables. By studying the geographical distribution, the most important importing countries for the Egyptian frozen vegetable mixture were identified during the period (2014-2018), namely Saudi Arabia, America, France. By studying the market share index of the most important importing markets for frozen vegetables mixture shows that Egypt occupies the first position in the list of countries exporting frozen vegetables mixtures in the Saudi market during the period (2010-2012) with an amount of exports estimated at about 4.9 thousand tons and a market share of about 72.2%. By studying The External of individual demand for the Egyptian frozen vegetable mixture in the Saudi market shows that an increase in the price of Egypt by 1% leads to a decrease in Egypt's exports to Saudi Arabia by 0.89%. A 1% decrease in India’s price leads to a decrease in Egypt’s exports by 0.89, meaning that there is a significant impact of price changes and that India is a competitor to Egypt within the Saudi market. The research recommended 1. Study the non-price competitive reasons, as Egypt has a competitive price advantage, yet its market share in the Saudi market is decreasing (it may be due to taste, packaging, export facilities, etc.). 2. The competitive advantage between Egypt and India is decreasing more than the other two competing countries (Spain, Belgium). 3. Focus on studying the reasons for India's increasing competitiveness of Egyptian exports. 4. There is an effect of price competition, especially with Mexican and Chinese exports, and it is recommended that this price competitive advantage be improved in favor of Egypt. 5. Italy is the largest competitor in the French market (it has a significant price impact on Egypt's exports, followed by Spain).
Sahar Abdl Elrazek | A. Abdelmaqsoud | Eman Yossif | M. Salem
The frozen vegetable industry in Egypt is one of the most important industries that contribute to the provision of vegetables throughout the year to the consumer, and the Egyptian frozen vegetables value of exports of preserved food industries as the may reach $86.61 million on average for the period (2011-2015) with relative importance of 47.68%. The problem statement of research represent that the agricultural production in general and from vegetables and fruits in particular and the high percentage of lost and damaged, which threatens the development of Egyptian exports of these products if the export of Egyptian manufactured products does not keep pace with its international counterparts, Therefore, the research aimed to estimate the external demand for Egyptian frozen vegetables, and the determinants of that demand in the most important import markets of Egypt during the period (2007-2018). The research has reached some conclusions, including That Saudi Arabia, The United Arab Emirates, Jordan, the United States of America, Italy, and France are the most important countries importing Egyptian frozen vegetables, where the percentage of Egypt's exports of frozen vegetables to these countries amounted to about 57.1% of the total amount of Egyptian frozen vegetables exported during the period (2014-2018) Egypt's exports of frozen vegetables to these countries amounted to about 55.6% of the total value of Egyptian frozen vegetable exports for the same period. The high price elasticity of Egyptian frozen vegetables for the UAE market compared to the Saudi market with a value of about 1.5, 0.46 respectively, which means that the individual demand for frozen Egyptian vegetables for the Emirates is elastic, while the individual demand for frozen Egyptian vegetables for Saudi Arabia is inelastic. This reflects the importance of Egyptian frozen vegetables in the Saudi market and deal with them as a necessary commodity at a time when this importance is diminishing in the UAE market, where dealing with frozen Egyptian vegetables as a luxury goods. The same table also shows the increase cross elastisates of the Italian market by about 2.3 compared to the Saudi market, where the cross elasticity of those markets where 2.3, 1.3 respectively, which means that the degree of competition in the Italian market is higher than the rest of the markets. The italian market's income elasticity is also shown to be higher compared to the UAE and US market with a value of about 6.5, 2.2, 0.66 respectively. The methods of estimating the individual demand for Egyptian frozen vegetables using import statistics and using export statistics indicate different types of elastisates for the demand for Egyptian frozen vegetables for the Italian market and the Saudi and Emirati market from elastic demand to inelastic demand, which indicates the existence of Tri-Market Operation of Egyptian frozen vegetables are in these markets. The need to increase Egyptian efforts to revive the Egyptian frozen vegetable market in the UAE market as one of the most important export markets for these goods. Try to export directly to the countries which it is already exported by identifying the countries importing from Egypt to be an effective and real demand and not an indirect demand.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phylogenetic analyses of some Egyptian genus of Lamiaceae family using rbcL sequences
Hadir Mansour | Rania Younis | F Eldomiati | M Rashed | S Hassanein
Six local Egyptian commercial cultivars of family Lamiaceae, two cultivars of genus Ocimum L. (Basil), two cultivars of genus Menthe L. (Mint), and two cultivars of genus Thymus L. (Thyme) were analyzed for ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase Large (rbcL) gene at the level of DNA sequences. All samples successfully amplified the ± 630 bp fragment. Additionally, the results of alignment analysis using BLASTN tools divulged that the sequence of DNA rbcL for the two local basil cultivars (Basil1 & Basil2) has similarities with (Ocimum basilicum, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Ocimum kilimandscharicum and Ocimum gratissimum) 100, 99.69, 99.37 and 99.06 respectively. In addition, two local mint cultivars (Mint 1 and Mint 2) has similarities with Mentha spicata, Mentha_pulegium, Mentha canadensis and Mentha menthaefolia, 99.85, 99.84, 99.69 and 99.53 respectively. For thyme local cultivars (Thyme1 and Thyme2), Thym1 cultivar sample genotype is genetic closely with species, (Thymus alsinoides and Thymus sibthorpii) with 99.69 and 99.84 respectively and they located nearest from the cluster (Thymus genus) members in phylogenetic trees while, Thym2 is located after the cluster with Artemisia genus belonging to family Asteraceae. The reason of this result may be occurring due to that a Thym2 genotype comes from local marketing, which some of them are selling it as a thymus genus however, it is belongs to Artemisia genus and has similarities with with seven species of Artemisia genus (Artemisia absinthium, Artemisia gmelinii, Artemisia selengensis, Artemisia scoparia, Artemisia maritima, Artemisia capillaris and Artemisia fukudo). Using of rbcL DNA barcode proves to be effective in identifying the plants from the family level up to the genus level. This study demonstrates the efficiency of using rbcL barcoding primer to classify family Lamiaceae phylogenetically. It is also concluded that the rbcL gene showed genuine potentials to distinguish the plant Egypt species under investigation into the proper family and genus. s to distinguish the plant Egypt species under investigation into the proper family and genus.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy of Zinc Foliar Application from Different Sources on Productivity and Fruit Quality of Wonderful Pomegranate trees
R Amer | N Abd-Alhamid | Laila Haggag | Noha Mansour | A Korayem
Nanoparticles (NPs), especially from micronutrients, are recently motivated for replacing their common mineral counterparts. To evaluate their comparative efficacy, this investigation was conducted to estimate the impact of foliar application of zinc through different sources on productivity, fruit quality and improve marketable fruit of “Wonderful” pomegranate trees. The field experiment was performed during two seasons (2017 and 2018) on seven - year old pomegranate trees “Wonderful” cv., cultivated in a private “Hegazi” farm located at 57 km. from Cairo on the road to Alex., Egypt. Four sources of zinc named “Zinc Sulphate, Zinc mannitol complex, Bio-Nano zinc (Bio Zn NPs) and Zinc Oxide nanoparticle (ZnO NPs) with four rates from each other were sprayed twice (the first before one week from full bloom and the second after a month from the first). So the experiment included seventeen treatments in a sample study spread in a randomized complete block design by five replicates. Results explicated that the greatest significant values of fruit set% were recorded by Bio Nano Zinc (Bio Zn NPs) treatments especially (400 ppm Bio-Nano Zinc (Bio Zn NPs)). Spraying with (3000, 4000 ppm Zn mannitol complex) and (300, 400 ppm Bio-Nano Zinc (Bio Zn NPs)) showed significantly the greatest values of productivity, improves marketable fruits and fruit quality of “Wonderful” pomegranate trees. So it could be recommended by spraying “Wonderful” pomegranate trees by 3000 ppm Zinc mannitol complex or 300 ppm Bio-Nano zinc (Bio Zn NPs). Another important point is that the application of Bio Zn NPs fertilizer at around 10% from the commercial dose of zinc sulphate resulted in the same results without any change in the productivity, further researches are needed to study a further low level of Zinc Oxide nanoparticle (ZnO NPs) below (100 ppm Zinc Oxide nanoparticle (ZnO NPs)) which may be improving yield and fruit quality
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Production of Function yogurts drink fortified with different types of herbal extracts and study its biological attributes in hepatitis rats
M Al-Soud | O Elbatawy | A Abdel Fattah | Safaa Gohari | W El-Dsouky
The present study aimed to produce function yoghurt drink fortified with different types of herbal extracts (Ginger, Amla, Curcuma) and assess its therapeutic effect in hepatitis rats. The rats were randomly divided into two main groups. The first group were control (-) (6 rats) was fed on a standard diet, while the second group (30 rats) were fed on standard diet and injected it by CCl4 "for two weeks" to induce chronic damage in the liver (hepatitis) then divided into five groups (6 rats each group), then treated by plain drinking yoghurt and different herbal drinking yoghurt fortified with different types of herbs extract. Different Biological attributes were determined. The antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and chemical properties were evaluated in herbal extracts and yoghurt product and their hepatoprotective effect of each alone evaluated in albino rats against carbon tetrachloride (CCL4) induced liver injury. The hepatoprotective activity was assessed using various biochemical parameters and histopathological studies. The results indicated that functional flavoured drinking yoghurt containing herbal extract exhibited no significant differences were observed in total solids, fat, protein, ash, and lactose content them control samples. Drinking yoghurt fortified with Curcuma exhibited highest content of antioxidant activity and total phenolic content among all treatments. Also, rats fed on diet supplemented with drinking yoghurt fortified with Curcuma for 28 days showed higher potential hepatoprotective effects compared to liver injury control group (IC). The rats succeeded to restore the biochemical parameters and improved the histological alteration of the liver. This improvement was pronounced partly in the group received drinking yoghurt fortified with Ginger and Amla herbal extracts while, the group received drinking yoghurt fortified with Curcuma herbal extract were improved totally. It could be concluded that drinking yoghurt fortified with different herbal extract especially Curcuma can be used as ingredients in functional foods for people suffering from liver diseases.
Radwa Noureldein | Mahmoud Zaki | Abdel-Mohsen Refaat | Ahmed Abdelsalam | Khaled El-Dougdoug | Khadiga Abou-Taleb | Shimaa Amin
The increasing demand of consumers who look for natural safe products and associated health risks of chemically treated and refined goods food products led to the introduction of alternative technologies for Preservation and maintenance of dietary freshness. One of such Preservation technology requires the use of Lactobacilli as starter culture for the preservation of food matrixes planned. The present study was designed to evaluate sweet whey low-cost by- product of dairy manufacture as a substrate for the selection of Lactobacilli with proven antibacterial activity to be used as biopreservation for fermented dairy product. Human population has used dairy products, including milk, as a source for Lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The positive impact of the given bacteria as a diet supplement has been of concern to researchers. The target of this study is to examine Lactobacillus species isolated from dairy products i.e. raw milk alongside cheese, with potential activities. Using the Sweet whey as growth medium for Lactic acid bacteria. Also, tested of antibacterial activities. Sweet whey (sw) proved to be suitable medium alternative to the expensive commercial De Man-Regosa-Sharp medium for the growth and production of antibacterial substances by isolated lactic acid bacteria isolates. Therefore, was used throughout the present work. A number of 32 isolates were obtained from raw cow milk (16 isolates), goat milk (9 isolates) and cottage cheese (7 isolates) using the specific De Man-RegosaSharp medium (MRS) for the isolation of LAB, these isolates were identified up to genus as strains of Lactobacillus spp. Among 32 isolates of Lactobacillus spp., there are twenty four isolates antagonized of the all seven tested pathogenic bacteria. The screened Lactobacillus spp. isolates were characterized and selected the best bio agent isolate against pathogens was identified using 16s DNA gene to Lactobacillus brevis. This strain was resistant to NaCl (2-6.5 %), produces dioxide carbon (CO2) and showed good growth in different temperature (10°, 15, 45°C) and fermented of many sugars. As per the outcomes shown herein, the strain in question was thought to be antimicrobial bacterium produced a variety of metabolites, including butyric, formic, lactic, citric, and sorbic acid. The given set of activities adds to microbiological safety by helping control microorganism growth, and inhibiting pathogenic bacteria by using the lower-cost sweet whey. Therefore, more detailed work on isolating and characterizing antibacterial bacteria from the locally produces dairy items, and augmenting their growth could be needed for the creation of biopreservative foods.
Samah Abu-Hussien | Maha Mohamed
The present work aimed to optimize amino acids production by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 35s from chicken feather using response surface methodology (RSM) and applying the produced amino acids in biological control of powdery mildew disease. Variables affecting amino acids production from B. amyloliquefaciens 35s were screened using Plackett Burman design. Factors showed to be significant to produce amino acids were optimized using central composite design (CCD) of RSM at three coded levels (-1, 0, +1). All obtained data were analyzed by ANOVA with post hoc multiple comparison analysis performed using Tukey’s HSD. TGY (tryptone, glucose, yeast extract) was the basal medium. Impacts of medium components were studied using Plackett-Burman design. “Design Expert 12” StateEase was used to analyze the experimental Plackett- Burman design. Feather, yeast extract, CaCO3, KH2PO4 and agitation rate (using shake flask) were optimized statistically by the CCD design of the RSM. Validation of statistical model of the medium components was done by carrying out the experiment at optimum conditions of the process parameters as determined by the model. Amino acids types were identified by amino acid analyzer. Among the significant medium components, feather, yeast extract, CaCO3, KH2PO4 and agitation rate showed to have significant effect on amino acids production. Predicted maximum amino acids production was observed near the mid-point concentrations of the mentioned above factors and the experimental value (6.55 g/l) was very close to the predicted value of (6.60 g/l) predicted by the model. Amino acid analyzer analysis for the produced amino acids shows the release of asparagine, threonine, serine, glutamine, proline, glycine, alanine, cysteine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenyl alanine, histidine, lysine and arginine, respectively. Effect of chicken feather hydrolysate on cucumber powdery mildew disease was tested by applying foliar application with different concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% v/v), then degree of infection and sporulation on cucumber plants were assessed. The lowest concentration of chicken feather hydrolysate showed the lowest effect on disease index. Conversely, cucumber resistance increased by the increasing of feather’s hydrolysate concentrations associated with a clear reduction in the disease index and sporulation. Aside from, extra foliar application showed a decrease in the disease index for all concentrations compared with untreated plants. Foliar application with 20% concentration of chicken feather hydrolysate had the highest stimulation of the studied oxidative enzymes i.e., peroxidase (POX), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).
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