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Haemodynamics imaging of swine segmental kidney artery using duplex Doppler technique
Roman Aleksiewicz | Krzysztof Lutnicki | Marcin Bojarski | Ilona Al-Mutari | Aneta Bocheńska
Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of duplex Doppler to objectify swine renal arterial flow in physiological conditions. The pig kidney was selected for its morphological similarities to the human and for the results therefore offering data to wider research. Material and Methods: Six White Large x Landrace sows, of 48.5–53 kg b.w. were used. Vascular flow parameters were acquired with a convex probe USG device with a duplex Doppler function using pulsed waves (frequency range of 5–7.5 MHz). Segmental kidney arterial flow was measured. Results: The RI values were within the 0.57 (min) to 0.6 (max) range, x RI was 0.58 (±0.014), and the SD² value was 0.0002. The PI index values ranged from 1.21 (min) to 1.3 (max), and x PI was 1.24 (±0.035). The value of SD² was 0.00123. In the S/D index, the results fell between 2.2 (min) and 2.49 (max), with x S/D of 2.29 (±0.117). The value of variance SD² was 0.0139. A double analysis of correlation between indices showed this to be almost certain and highly positive as confirmed by high correlation coefficients: r RI & PI 0.857, rho RI & PI 0.739, r RI & S/D 0.930, rho RI & S/D 0.941, r PI & S/D 0.913, and rho PI & S/D 0.754. The segmental kidney arterial flow spectrum evinced falls in PSV and PSV/LDV ratio, also noticed in the filling of the spectral window, comparing the renal to an interlobar artery. Conclusion: Swine were selected because of renal anatomical and haemodynamic similarity to humans. The most relevant values and indices approximated those in humans. The study anaesthetic protocol had a minor influence on the average RI, PI, and S/D indices. | swine, kidney, resistance index, pulsatility index, systolic/diastolic index | 140 | 259-265 | 2
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes in Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations and Expression of MHC-II Molecules in Wild Mares Before and After Parturition
L. Krakowski | P. Bartoszek | Izabela Krakowska | A. Stachurska | T. Piech | Piotr Brodzki | Zygmunt Wrona
Introduction: Pregnancy is a physiological state in which the immune system undergoes certain changes. On the one hand, by depleting cell defence mechanisms, it favours development and maintenance of the pregnancy. At the same time cells of the immune system ensure resistance to many risk factors, including infectious agents. Material and Methods: The study was carried out on 24 Polish Konik breed mares which were divided into two equal groups. The first group (group I) included mares living in the reserve. The second group (group II) comprised mares maintained under conventional conditions in the stables. The blood samples were collected for the first time in the perinatal period, i.e. 2 weeks before parturition (trial 0), then within the first 24 h after delivery, and then on 7th and 21st day after foaling. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte expressing TCD4+, TCD8+, CD2+, and MHC class II antigens was performed. Results: Before the delivery, in group I there was a significantly higher CD4:CD8 ratio compared to group II (P ≤ 0.05). Similarly, significantly increased CD4:CD8 ratio in group I was noted within 24 h after parturition (P ≤ 0.001) and it was also observed on 7th day (P ≤ 0.03) and 21st day after foaling (P ≤ 0.02). In the first 24 h after parturition, a significant decline of lymphocytes CD8+ (P ≤ 0.02) was noted. No significant differences in terms of lymphocytes CD2+ and CD3+ were observed. Expression of MHC-II molecules before and after the parturition was higher in group I compared to group II; however, the difference between the groups was not significant. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that mares living in the reserve display higher activity of cell defence mechanisms. | mares, pregnancy, immunity, lymphocytes, major histocompatibility complex | 20 | 217-221 | 2
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]First report of Leptospira infections in red deer, roe deer, and fallow deer in Poland
Jacek Żmudzki | Artur Jabłoński | Zbigniew Arent | Sylwia Zębek | Agnieszka Nowak | Agnieszka Stolarek | Marta Parzeniecka-Jaworska
Introduction: Recently in Europe an increase in the population of red deer (Cervus elaphus), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), and fallow deer (Dama dama) has been observed. Research on the prevalence of Leptospira infections in Polish cervids has been performed for the first time. Material and Methods: During 2014/2015 hunting season, 147 blood samples from red deer, roe deer, and fallow deer were collected. The animals originated from different geographical regions across Poland. Serum samples were tested by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for the presence of specific antibodies to the following Leptospira serovars: Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa, Sejroe, Tarassovi, Pomona, Canicola, Bratislava, Hardjo, Ballum, Zanoni, Hebdomadis, and Poi. Results: Serum antibody titres specific to Grippotyphosa, Pomona, and Zanoni serovars were found; none of the sera were positive for any of the other serovars. Out of 147 serum samples only 7 were positive, which gave an overall prevalence of 4.8% in the tested animal population. Conclusion: The low Leptospira antibody titres along with the low number of positive serum samples in deer indicate that these animals may not act as significant reservoirs of Leptospira for either humans or animals in Poland. | cervids; Leptospira; antibodies; epidemiology; zoonosis | 20 | 257-260 | 3
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Multidrug resistance in in sheep - can it be overcome?
Michal Babják | Alžbeta Königová | Michaela Komáromyová | Tetiana Kuzmina | Paweł Nosal | Marián Várady
Introduction: Gastrointestinal nematodes pose a threat to animal health and affect farmers by negatively impacting farm management. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on a sheep farm with suspected reductions in the efficacies of anthelmintics. Efficacy was determined using in vivo faecal egg count reduction, in vitro egg hatch (EHT) and larval development (LDT) tests. In the first phase, 60 sheep were equally split into six groups. Group 1 received the recommended dose of albendazole (ALB), group 2 received the same after fasting for 24 h, group 3 received the dose divided into two halves at 6 h intervals, group 4 received a double dose of ALB, and group 5 received the recommended dose of ivermectin (IVM). Group 6 served as a control. The second phase of the experiment had two groups: one treated with levamisole (LEV) and a control group. Faecal samples were collected from all sheep. Results: No reduction of egg output was observed in the groups treated with single, double, or divided doses of ALB, but one of 13.7–16.9% was noted in the fasting group. Efficacy in the IVM group ranged from 31.50 to 39.97%. The mean concentrations sufficient to prevent 50% of the eggs from hatching in the in vitro EHT and the mean concentrations in which the development of larvae to the L3 stage was inhibited by 50% in the LDT exceeded established thresholds for benzimidazoles and IVM. Haemonchus contortus was the only species identified after treatment. The LDT did not indicate the presence of resistance to LEV. All animals treated with LEV were negative for eggs 10 d after treatment. Conclusion: Resistance to ALB and IVM in Haemonchus contortus was confirmed. Alternative approaches to improve the efficacies of benzimidazole did not sufficiently increase the efficacy, but LEV was an efficient anthelmintic treatment. | sheep, drug resistance, alternative treatment, Haemonchus contortus, levamisole | 200 | 575-581 | 4
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The serological and genetic diversity of the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup circulating in the UK
Zbigniew Arent | Colm Gilmore | Laura Pardyak | Klaudia Dubniewicz | Barry McInerney | William Ellis
Introduction: Strains of Leptospira interrogans belonging to two very closely related serovars, Icterohaemorrhagiae andCopenhageni, have been associated with disease in mammalian species and are the most frequently reported agents of humanleptospirosis. They are considered the most pathogenic serovars and represent more than half of the leptospires encountered insevere human infections. Material and Methods: Nineteen such isolates from the United Kingdom – human, domestic andwildlife species – were typed using three monoclonal antibodies (F12 C3, F70 C14 and F70 C24) in an attempt to elucidate theirepidemiology. They were further examined by restriction endonuclease analysis (REA), multiple-locus variable-number tandemrepeat analysis (MLVA) and lic12008 gene sequence analysis. Results: Monoclonal antibody F12 C3, which is highly specificfor Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni, confirmed that all the strains belonged to these two serovars. Sixteen strains wereidentified as Copenhageni and three as Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar. Only one restriction pattern type was identified, thusconfirming that REA is not able to discriminate between the Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni serovars. Variable-numbertandem-repeat analysis found three loci with differences in the repeat number, indicating genetic diversity between Britishisolates. Sequences of the lic12008 gene showed that all isolates identified as the Icterohaemorrhagiae serotype have a singlebase insertion, in contrast to the same sequences of the Copenhageni serotype. Conclusion: Copenhageni is the predominantserovar in the Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup isolated in British Isles. There is a genetic diversity of MLVA patterns of theisolates but no genetic tool used in the study was able to determine serovars. | Leptospira, leptospirosis, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Copenhageni, animal pathogens | 200 | 529-536 | 4
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Balantidium coli in pig farms suspected of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) associated enteritis
Anna Szczotka-Bochniarz | Jacek Karamon | Agnieszka Nowak | Marian Porowski | Paweł Karbowiak | Andrzej Holeniewski | Zygmunt Pejsak
Introduction: Diarrhoea in growing-finishing pigs is a common problem of commercial pig farms. Among many causative factors, porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is one considered an important pathogen in modern pig production. The aim of the study was to verify if PCV2 was responsible for antibiotic non-responsive diarrhoea and wasting in pigs. Material and Methods: A total of 13 dead pigs aged between 12 and 15 weeks from three Polish farms with persistent herd symptoms suggestive of PCV2 infection were provided for evaluation. Sections of lymph nodes and intestines were analysed by in situ hybridization (ISH) for PCV2 and histopathological examination. Faeces and intestinal scrapings were tested for Lawsonia intracellularis and Brachyspira hyodysenteriae by real-time PCR and for parasitic infection by flotation and decantation. Results: ISH and histopathological examination showed that all pigs were PCV2 systemic disease negative. Swine dysentery was confirmed by real-time PCR on two farms, and proliferative enteropathy on one farm. In histological examinations, erosions of the caecal and colonic mucosa were found, together with cysts and trophozoites of Balantidium coli. The protozoa were present in the intestinal lumen and mucosa. B. coli cysts were identified in faeces from all examined pigs. Conclusion: These results suggest that monitoring of B. coli infections should be an additional measure of control and prevention of gastrointestinal tract disorders in modern swine husbandry. | pigs, diarrhoea, PCV2, Balantidium coli, farm water quality | 140 | 1-6 | 65
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]ARTs in wild felid conservation programmes in Poland and in the world
Joanna Kochan | Wojciech Niżański | Nei Moreira | Zalmir Silvino Cubas | Agnieszka Nowak | Sylwia Prochowska | Agnieszka Partyka | Wiesława Młodawska | Józef Skotnicki
With the exception of the domestic cat, all felid species (Felidae) are currently threatened with extinction in their natural habitat. To develop effective and optimal wild cat conservation programmes with assisted reproductive technology (ART) it is necessary to combine advances from different disciplines of science, starting from the biology of the species, through research into the population and habitat, assisted reproductive technologies, establishment of gene banks, developing bioinformatic systems, and ending with biodiversity and endangered species management. In the last few years knowledge of felid reproduction has expanded considerably thanks to comparative studies utilising the domestic cat as a research model for endangered wild cats. Basic reproductive techniques utilised in both domestic cat breeding and rescuing wild felid populations that are threatened with extinction include semen collection and cryopreservation, artificial insemination, oocyte collection, in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilisation, somatic cloning, and embryo transfer. The main directions in which assisted reproductive technologies are being developed in wild cat conservation implementations and the contribution of Polish research centres in advancing these methods are presented. | wild felids; assisted reproduction technology; conservation; biodiversity | 140 | 457-464 | 3
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cytogenetic karyotype analysis in selected species of the Erinaceidae family
Anna Grzesiakowska | Przemysław Baran | Marta Kuchta-Gładysz | Olga Szeleszczuk
Introduction: Comparative analysis of the karyotype structure was made in two hedgehog species: the northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) and the African pygmy hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris). Material and Methods: The cytogenetic analysis used differential staining techniques (DAPI, Ag-NOR, and C-banding/DAPI) and sequential QFQ/FISH banding with NOR20 and TEL20 probes which showed 45S rDNA and (TTAGGG)n repeat sequences, respectively, on hedgehog chromosomes. Results: It was confirmed that the somatic cells of the hedgehogs have a constant number of chromosomes (2n = 48,XY). Differences were observed in the NOR number between the species. NORs were identified on three autosome pairs in the northern white-breasted hedgehog and on only two pairs in the African pygmy hedgehog. Chromosome analysis by C-banding/DAPI showed large segments of heterochromatin rich in A-T pairs on three autosome pairs in both the northern white-breasted and African pygmy hedgehogs. The heterochromatin segments encompassed large fragments of the longer arm of chromosome pairs 13, 14 and 20. The (TTAGGG)n repeat sequences on the hedgehog chromosomes were only observed in the terminal position of all the chromosomes in both species. Conclusion: Our observations provide new information on the level of diversity within the Erinaceidae family. | hedgehog; chromosomes; heterochromatin; nucleolar organisers; telomere | 140 | 353-358
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mitochondrial D-loop mutations can be detected in sporadic malignant tumours in dogs
Brygida Ślaska | M. Surdyka | Adam Brodzki | Sylwia Nisztuk | Artur Gurgul | Monika Bugno-Poniewierska | Anna Śmiech | Dorota Różańska | Maciej Orzelski
The aim of this study was to identify mutations in the D-loop region of mtDNA in head, neck, and limb tumours in dogs,and determination of their relationship with the process of neoplastic transformation. Blood and tumour tissue samples from 19dogs with diagnosed sporadic malignant tumours were analysed. DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing of the mtDNAD-loop, and bioinformatic analyses were performed. Five mutations and 19 polymorphisms were observed in 68.42% of alltumours. Polymorphic variants were noted in 42.86% of the head and neck tumours and in 58.33% of the limb tumours.Mutations were observed in 21.05% of dogs. The mutations were found in 28.57% of the head and neck tumours and in 16.66%of the limb tumours. The mutations were identified in 50% of the studied epithelial cancers. In the mesenchymal tumours, nomutations in the D-loop region were observed. Mitochondrial haplotype A17 was found in over 40% cases of limb tumours. Noassociation between the age, breed, sex, type of tumour, and detected polymorphic variants were observed. Different mutationalchanges in the D-loop sequences of mtDNA identified in the blood and tumour tissues may indicate a relationship between thetype of tumour and individual changes in the D-loop nucleotide sequences of mtDNA. | dog, tumour, D-loop, mtDNA, mutations | 20 | 631-637 | 4
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genotoxic effect of cadmium and zinc in the peripheral erythrocytes of Prussian carp ( B.)
Ewa Drąg-Kozak | Marta Kuchta-Gładysz | Anna Grzesiakowska | Ewa Łuszczek-Trojnar | Magdalena Socha
Introduction: Cadmium and zinc are often found in aquatic environment and may accumulate in living organisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effect of Cd, Zn, and their binary mixture on the peripheral blood erythrocytes of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio B.). Material and Methods: The fish were exposed to 4.0 mg/L Cd, 4.0 mg/L Zn or a mixture of 4.0 mg/L Cd and 4.0 mg/L Zn for a period of 14, 21 or 28 days. Genotoxic effects were investigated in peripheral blood cells using the comet assay and the erythrocyte micronucleus assay. Results: The results demonstrated that the frequencies of micronuclei (MN) and both nuclear and cellular abnormalities in erythrocytes were significantly higher in all exposure groups as compared to the control group. The fish exposed to the mixture of Cd and Zn presented the highest frequency of MN. Furthermore, there was a decrease in the frequency of MN and an increase in the occurrence of DNA integrity defects (DNA damage) with longer time of exposure to the metals studied. Conclusion: Erythrocyte micronucleus and comet assays confirmed the genotoxicity of Cd and Zn. The results of the tests applied (which showed considerable variability) suggest the involvement of various toxicity mechanisms. Therefore, an integrative and comprehensive approach, using a set of assays for toxicity profile determination, should be adopted during ecotoxicological studies and environmental risk assessment pertaining to these elements. | genotoxicity, heavy metals, erythrocyte micronucleus assay, comet assay, Prussian carp. | 140 | 619-628 | 4
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