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Antioxidant status, and blood zinc and copper concentrations in dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis due to Babesia canis infections
Teodorowski, Oliwier | Winiarczyk, Stanisław | Tarhan, Duygu | Dokuzeylül, Banu | Ercan, Alev Meltem | Or, Mehmet Erman | Staniec, Marta | Adaszek, Łukasz
The aim of the study was to demonstrate a link between uncomplicated Babesia canis infection in dogs and blood concentrations of zinc and copper and erythrocytic antioxidant defence – activities of glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). The study was based on 15 naturally occurring cases of canine babesiosis with anorexia, pyrexia, depression, pale mucous membrane, splenomegaly and dark red urine. Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained peripheral blood smears and the results of PCR confirmed B. canis infection. Seven apparently healthy dogs brought in for either a check-up or vaccination were used for comparison. The levels of the erythrocytic antioxidant enzymes - SOD and CAT - were significantly higher in the infected dogs than in cytologically negative dogs. The levels of blood micronutrients were significantly lower in the infected dogs (0.478 μg of zinc per mL vs 1.241 μg/mL and 0.722 μg of copper per mL vs 1.392 μg/mL). Oxidative stress can be posited as one of the mechanisms leading to anaemia in dogs with babesiosis, and therefore antioxidant biomarker and copper and zinc concentrations could be used as indicators of disease severity and prognostic markers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus induces cell-cycle arrest through the DNA damage-signalling pathway
Luo, Yi-Ran | Zhou, Shu-Ting | Yang, Liang | Liu, Yuan-Ping | Jiang, Sheng-Yao | Dawuli, Yeliboli | Hou, Yi-Xuan | Zhou, Tian-Xing | Yang, Zhi-Biao
Porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus (PEDV) infection causes watery diarrhoea, vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss, especially among neonatal piglets, inflicting on them morbidity and mortality potentially reaching 90%–100%. Despite it being known that certain mammalian cell phases are arrested by PEDV, the mechanisms have not been elucidated, and PEDV pathogenesis is poorly understood. This study determined the effect of an epidemic PEDV strain on cell cycle progression. We observed the effect of the PEDV SHpd/2012 strain on an infected Vero cell cycle through flow cytometry and Western blot, investigating the interrelationships of cell-cycle arrest, the DNA damage–signalling pathway caused by PEDV and the phosphorylation levels of the key molecules Chk.2 and H2A.X involved upstream and downstream in this pathway. PEDV induced Vero cell-cycle arrest at the G1/G0 phase. The phosphorylation levels of Chk.2 and H2A.X increased with the prolongation of PEDV infection, and no significant cell-cycle arrest was observed after treatment with ATM or Chk.2 inhibitors. The proliferation of PEDV was also inhibited by treatment with ATM or Chk.2 inhibitors. PEDV-induced cell-cycle arrest is associated with activation of DNA damage–signalling pathways. Our findings elucidate the molecular basis of PEDV replication and provide evidence to support further evaluation of PEDV pathogenesis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characterisation of fowl adenovirus (FAdV-8b) strain concerning the geographic analysis and pathological lesions associated with inclusion body hepatitis in broiler flocks in Turkey
Cizmecigil, Utku Yusuf | Umar, Sajid | Yilmaz, Aysun | Bayraktar, Erhan | Turan, Nuri | Tali, Besim | Aydin, Ozge | Tali, Hasan Emre | Yaramanoglu, Mehmetcan | Yilmaz, Semaha Gul | Kolukisa, Ahmet | Sadeyen, Jean-Remy | Munir, Iqbal | Yılmaz, Hüseyin
Fowl adenovirus can cause important diseases in chickens such as inclusion body hepatitis, hepatitis hydropericardium syndrome, and gizzard erosion and ulceration. Inclusion body hepatitis has been regularly reported from many countries. This is the first case report from Turkey, describing an outbreak of inclusion body hepatitis in broiler farms due to fowl adenovirus-8b (FAdV-8b). Broiler flocks with mortality about 10% were visited in Turkey, and necropsy was performed on dead birds. Samples were subjected to PCR assay to detect FAdV and other viral pathogens. After sequencing, phylogenetic analysis was performed and the nucleotide sequences of hexon genes were compared with the FAdV sequences data available in GenBank. Clinical signs such as anorexia, depression, ruffled feathers, huddling, and greenish diarrhoea were observed. Mortality started at the 8ᵗʰ day of age and ranged from 10% to 14%. Necropsy showed severe hepatitis, jaundice, and pancreatitis. The main necropsy findings included a pale, enlarged, haemorrhagic, and friable liver along with swollen and haemorrhagic kidneys and spleen. PCR and sequence analysis revealed the presence of fowl adenovirus serotype 8b (FAdV-E). This is the first report on characterisation and the pathological lesions associated with FAdV in broilers in Turkey. Our findings suggest that FAdV strains could be an emerging pathogen in Turkish broilers and could actively contribute to hepatitis and immunosuppression.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Roles of African swine fever virus structural proteins in viral infection
Jia, Ning | Ou, Yunwen | Pejsak, Zygmunt | Zhang, Yongguang | Zhang, Jie
African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a large, double-stranded DNA virus and the sole member of the Asfarviridae family. ASFV infects domestic pigs, wild boars, warthogs, and bush pigs, as well as soft ticks (Ornithodoros erraticus), which likely act as a vector. The major target is swine monocyte-macrophage cells. The virus can cause high fever, haemorrhagic lesions, cyanosis, anorexia, and even fatalities in domestic pigs. Currently, there is no vaccine and effective disease control strategies against its spread are culling infected pigs and maintaining high biosecurity standards. African swine fever (ASF) spread to Europe from Africa in the middle of the 20ᵗʰ century, and later also to South America and the Caribbean. Since then, ASF has spread more widely and thus is still a great challenge for swine breeding. The genome of ASFV ranges in length from about 170 to 193 kbp depending on the isolate and contains between 150 and 167 open reading frames (ORFs). The ASFV genome encodes 150 to 200 proteins, around 50 of them structural. The roles of virus structural proteins in viral infection have been described. These proteins, such as pp220, pp62, p72, p54, p30, and CD2v, serve as the major component of virus particles and have roles in attachment, entry, and replication. All studies on ASFV proteins lay a good foundation upon which to clarify the infection mechanism and develop vaccines and diagnosis methods. In this paper, the roles of ASFV structural proteins in viral infection are reviewed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of the 18S rRNA gene sequence of Hepatozoon canis detected in Indian dogs
Bal, M. S. | Sumbria, Deepak | Kaur, Paramjit | Singla, L. D. | Mandhotra, Ajay
Canine hepatozoonosis isa growing tick-borne disease in Punjab.Two canine hepatozoonosis cases, oneclinical and one subclinical, in Punjabwere analyzed by PCR targeting 18S rRNAgene (666 bp). After sequence analysisof the PCR products, both of them werefound almost identical to each other andwere closely related to the Hepatozooncanis strain found in Saint kitts and Nevisand Brazil with 100% (442/442) and 99%(440/442) nucleotide identity respectively.Isolates from Malta and Philippines ofH. canis were distantly related to IndianH. canis with 437/442 and 436/442 matchidentities. These results suggest that H.canis detected in north Indian dogs mighthave closer ancestral relationship with SaintKitts and Nevis followed by Brazil strain.This is the first molecular characterizationof Hepatozoon from Punjab, India.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy study of clindamycin as potential monotherapy treatment plan for clinical case of dogs infected with Babesia gibsoni
Vishnurahav, R. B. | Pillai, Usha Narayana | Ajithkumar, S. | Sabu, Lucy
A study was conducted inthe Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex,College of Veterinary Animal Sciences,Mannuthy to evaluate the efficacy ofclindamycin as potential monotherapytreatment plan for Babesia gibsoni infectionin dogs during the period from January2013 to March 2014. Dogs of variousbreeds and age groups belonging to bothsexes diagnosed of having Babesia gibsoniinfection by blood smear examination andconfirmed by PCR were selected for thestudy. These animals were treated withclindamycin @ 11mg/kg bw IV q24hr for10 days and supported with haematinics.All animals showed clinical cure withimprovement in appetite and physicalactivity, increase in haematologicalparameters including platelet count andimprovement in serum chemistry values.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of intravenous administration of lidocaine and buprenorphine on gastrointestinal tract motility and signs of pain in New Zealand White rabbits after ovariohysterectomy
Schnellbacher, Rodney W. | Divers, Stephen J. | Comolli, Jessica R. | Beaufrere, Hugues | Maglaras, Christina H. | Andrade, Natalia | Barbur, Laura A. | Rosselli, Desiree D. | Stejskal, Marko | Barletta, Michele | Mayer, Jörg | Rodríguez, Paula | Quandt, Jane E.
OBJECTIVE To compare analgesic and gastrointestinal effects of lidocaine and buprenorphine administered to rabbits undergoing ovariohysterectomy. ANIMALS Fourteen 12-month-old female New Zealand White rabbits. PROCEDURES Rabbits were assigned to 2 treatment groups (7 rabbits/group). One group received buprenorphine (0.06 mg/kg, IV, q 8 h for 2 days), and the other received lidocaine (continuous rate infusion [CRI] at 100 μg/kg/min for 2 days). Variables, including food and water consumption, fecal output, glucose and cortisol concentrations, and behaviors while in exercise pens, were recorded. RESULTS Rabbits receiving a lidocaine CRI had significantly higher gastrointestinal motility, food intake, and fecal output and significantly lower glucose concentrations, compared with results for rabbits receiving buprenorphine. Rabbits receiving lidocaine also had a higher number of normal behaviors (eg, sprawling, traveling, and frolicking) after surgery, compared with behaviors such as crouching and sitting that were seen more commonly in rabbits receiving buprenorphine. Both groups had significant weight loss after surgery. Pain scores did not differ significantly between treatment groups. Significant decreases in heart rate and respiratory rate were observed on the day of surgery, compared with values before and after surgery. Rabbits in the lidocaine group had significantly overall lower heart rates than did rabbits in the buprenorphine group. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE A CRI of lidocaine to rabbits provided better postoperative outcomes with respect to fecal output, food intake, and glucose concentrations. Thus, lidocaine appeared to be a suitable alternative to buprenorphine for alleviating postoperative pain with minimal risk of anorexia and gastrointestinal ileus.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The effect of pyridoxal-5-phosphate on serum alanine aminotransferase activity in dogs suffering from canine babesiosis
Myburgh, E.C.(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies) | Goddard, A.(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies)
Accurate measurements of serum aminotransferase (ALT) activity in dogs relies on the endogenous pro-enzyme pyridoxal 5-phosphate (P5P). The purpose of this study was to determine whether the exclusion of P5P from the analytical method causes an underestimation of serum ALT activity in dogs suffering from babesiosis and in those manifesting evidence of hepatocellular damage, and to determine if anorexia causes sufficient P5P depletion to affect in vitro serum ALT activity. One-hundred-and-twenty healthy control dogs and 105 Babesia-infected dogs were included in the study. Two methods for ALT measurement were used: Method 1 included P5P, and Method 2 excluded P5P from the reaction mixture. Higher serum ALT activity was measured with Method 1 in the Babesia-infected dogs (P < 0.001), as well as in 14 dogs with suspected hepatocellular damage (P = 0.03). Duration of anorexia had no effect, irrespective of the method used. Although inclusion of P5P to the reaction mixture consistently resulted in higher measured serum ALT activity, the differences were too small to have led to incorrect diagnoses in the Babesia-infected dogs suspected of liver disease.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Protective immunity to toxoplasmosis in pigs vaccinated with a nonpersistent strain of Toxoplasma gondii
Dubey, J.P. | Urban, J.F. Jr | Davis, S.W.
The RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii is highly virulent; 1 infective organism is uniformly lethal for mice. Three pigs inoculated sc with 10(3) tachyzoites of the RH strain developed fever, but otherwise remained normal, and T gondii was not demonstrated in their tissues by bioassay into mice. To determine whether vaccination with the RH strain could induce protective immunity to oral challenge with T gondii oocysts, 12 pigs were divided into 3 groups (A, B, C) of 4 pigs each. Pigs in groups A and B were inoculated IM with 10(6) tachyzoites of the RH strain and 4 pigs in group C served as uninoculated controls. Except for fever, the pigs remained clinically normal after inoculation with the RH strain and T gondii was not found by bioassay in mice of tissues from 4 pigs euthanatized 64 days after inoculation. Pigs in groups B and C were challenge-inoculated orally with 10(4) (4 pigs) or 10(5) (4 pigs) T gondii oocysts 72 days after vaccination with the RH strain. The previously uninodulated pigs developed fever, anorexia, and diarrhea from 3 to 8 days after the oocyst challenge. One of the 2 pigs given 10(5) oocysts became moribund because of toxoplasmosis and was euthanatized 9 days after inoculation. Pigs vaccinated with the RH strain remained free of clinical signs after challenge with oocysts. Results of the bioassays indicated that fewer tissue cysts developed in the RH strain-vaccinated pigs than in the previously uninoculated control pigs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Disease features in horses with induced equine monocytic ehrlichiosis (Potomac horse fever)
Dutta, S.K. | Penney, B.E. | Myrup, A.C. | Robl, M.G. | Rice, R.M.
Fifty-five horses were inoculated IV and/or SC with materials containing Ehrlichia risticii, ie, infected whole blood, buffy coat cells, or cell culture, to study clinical and hematologic features of equine monocytic ehrlichiosis (Potomac horse fever). Major clinical and hematologic features of induced E risticii infection were biphasic increase in rectal temperature with peak increases of 38.9 C and 39.3 C on postinoculation days (PID) 5 and 12, respectively; depression; anorexia; decreased WBC count (maximal decrease of 47% on PID 12); and diarrhea from PID 14 to PID 18. Increased WBC count was an inconsistent feature, with a maximal increase of 51.5% on PID 20. During times of decreased and increased WBC counts, lymphocyte/neutrophil ratios remained fairly constant. However, not all horses had all clinical and hematologic features, and these features were present in different degrees among horses. Increased rectal temperature, depression, anorexia, and decreased WBC count were more consistent features, whereas diarrhea developed in 73% of the horses. Of 55 horses, 39 (71%) had all clinical and hematologic features of the disease (classic disease), whereas 16 (29%) horses did not have greater than or equal to 1 of these features (nonclassic disease). The E risticii titer in the blood (ehrlichemia) was maximum during the peak increase in rectal temperature. In 55 horses, mortality was 9%. Significant differences (P > 0.5) in clinical and hematologic features were not detected between horses that survived and those that died of E risticii infection.
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