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Risk factors for infectious bronchitis virus infection in laying flocks in three provinces of Korea: preliminary results
Pak, S.I. (Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Republic of Korea), E-mail: | Song, C.S. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea) | Mo, I.P. (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea) | Song, C.Y. (Boram Animal Hospital, Pyungtaek, Republic of Korea) | Kwon, H.M. (Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Republic of Korea) | Yoon, H.J. (Kangwon National University, Chunchon, Republic of Korea) | Son, Y.H. (Konkuk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea)
To analyze and identify selected risk factors for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) infection in the growing and laying period of laying-hen flocks, a longitudinal field study was conducted with 27 commercial flocks reared in three provinces of Korea during the period from May 2003 to April 2004. Using monitored data for IBV infection status among study flocks we computed the multivariate odds ratios (ORs) and their corresponding confidence intervals (CIs), and population attributable risks (PARs). Multivariate logistic regression showed significant risk increments for: continuous entry of chick (OR=1.9, 95% CI, 0.7-69.1) and operation years of the layer house greater than or equal to 5 years (OR=3.2, 95%CI, 1.6-389.9).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Studies on the combined inactivated oil emulsion vaccine of newcastle disease and avian infectious bronchitis in chickens
Jeon, Y.S. | Kim, S.J. | Seo, I.S. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Outbreaks of infectious bronchitis in Korea
Rhee, Y.O. | Kim, J.H. | Kim, J.H. | Mo, I.P. | Youn, H.J. | Choi, S.H. | Namgoong, S. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea R.). Veterinary Research Inst.)
Reduced egg production with depigmented, chalky deposit, wrinkled and malformed eggs was observed in breeder flocks throughout the country. The disease was identified as Infectious Bronchitis based on serological findings and virus isolation
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Appearance of globule leukocytes in tracheal and broncheal mucosa in Korean native cattle with pneumonia and rats experimentally infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae
Park, S.J. | Jeong, K.S. (Korea Rearch Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, KIST, Taejon (Korea Republic)) | Lee, C.S. (Kyongpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Морфология органов иммунной системы молодняка кур при ассоциированной вакцинации против инфекционной бурсальной болезни, инфекционного бронхита и болезни Ньюкасла
Gromov, I.N. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Birman, B.Ya., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Immunomorphological changes in young hens vaccinated with an associated inactivated emulsion vaccine against bursal disease, infectious bronchitis and Newcasle disease was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Replacement young hens of 130-158 days old were divided into 2 groups with 200 head in each according the analogue principle. At the age of 130 days old the first experimental group of chickens was immunized against bursal disease, infectious bronchitis and Newcasle disease with a liquid inactive emulsion vaccine (produced in the republic of Belarus) in dose of 0,5 ml intramuscularly. In course of the experiment chickens from each group were killed on the third, seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first and twenty-eighth days. For the analysis of immunomorphological reaction there were tested tissue pieces from the places of vaccine administration, as well as thymus, bursa of Fabritius, lien, cecal tonsils and Garder's gland. Research results showed that in tissues in places of the vaccine administration there were developed hemorrhages, serous inflammatory edema, necrobiosis and necrosis of muscular fibers, inflammatory cellular infiltration, and moderate plasmocytic reaction. At a later stage at the places of damaged structures there was noted the development of granulation tissue with presence of some lymphoid nodules. In response to vaccination in the central organs of poultry immunity there was stated the sinuated changes of morphological indexes. Immunization of chickens against infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis and Newcasle disease promoted the increasing of absolute weight of lien, activation of blastic and plasmocytic reaction in bursa of Fabritius and lien and did not render substantial influence on immunomorphological indexes of cecal tonsils and Garder's gland
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Напряженность иммунитета у цыплят-бройлеров, иммунизированных ассоциированной вакциной против болезни Ньюкасла и инфекционного бронхита
Prudnikov, A.V. | Maksimovich, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of immunity of broiler chickens of Kobb-500 cross vaccinated by national associated viral vaccine and foreign (ABIC, Israel; Vitex XXI vek Seva) vaccines against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis was investigated in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of studies there was analyzed the content of immunoglobulin in blood serum, as well as the influence of living vaccines on immunity formation. Research results showed that broiler chickens immunization against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis by national and foreign vaccine produced by ABIC company made it possible to increase the phagocytic activity of pseudoeosinophils, bactericidalal and lysozyme activity of blood serum, that proved the activation of nonspecific protection factors. At the same time in blood serum there was stated the increasing of immunoglobulin number in 1,5-3,0 times in comparison with control groups. Economic efficiency of all analyzed vaccines was analyzed
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние оротата калия на гематологические, иммуноморфологические показатели и костномозговой миелопоэз при цыплят-бройлеров при пероральной ассоциированной иммунизации
Golubev, D.S. | Birman, B.Ya., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Radchenko, S.L. | Karelin, D.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Influence of potassium orotate on hematological, immunomorphological indexes and and marrowy myelopoiesis of broiler chickens in the process of oral associated immunization against infectious bronchitis and poultry Newcastle disease was investigated in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were studied 60 broiler chickens divided into 3 groups: one control group and two experimental ones. Research results established that potassium orotate application in combination with associated poultry immunization against infectious bronchitis and Newcastle disease increased the number of leucocytes and the volume of adenoid tissue as well as raised the lymphocytes density in thymus and bursa of Fabricius. In the bone marrow aspirates in 7 days after immunization in the control group there was stated the increasing of basophilic myelocytes number in comparison with the second experimental group. In 14 days in the control group there was noted the increasing of a total number of basophiles. In 21 days after immunization there were stated no considerable changes in the composition of basophil cells in the experimental groups. Research results showed that potassium orotate intensively stimulated the development of plasmocytic reaction in the conditions of multipartial immunization
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ветеринарно-санитарные и лечебно-профилактические мероприятия при респираторных болезнях овец и коз вирусной этиологии
Murzaliev, I.Dzh., Kyrgyz Agrarian University, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Albertyan, M.P., All-Russian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Moscow (Russian Federation)
For the well-timed prevention and treatment of sick animals there was analyzed the therapeutic efficiency of a produced survivor serum against acute respiratory diseases of sheep and lambs, as well as Catosal in combination with Nitox 200 against the mixed flow of parainfluenza-3, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial, chiamydial and pasteurellosis infection. Comparative efficiency of all mentioned preparations was presented. Research results showed the correct and timely application of drug preparations as well as their qualitative selection made it possible to lower the death cases. Application of the presented survivor serum in combination with Nitox 200 and Catosal made it possible to lower the loss of cattle in 4-5 times and increase the viability rate of animals
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Изучение предрасположенности телят к респираторным заболеваниям и их комплексная профилактика
Petrovskij, S.V. | Sukhaya, E.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the nosological profile of calve respiratory diseases and search of a complex way of preventive maintenance of respiratory pathologies with influence both on aetiology, and on the mechanism of disease development. The carried out research have allowed to draw following conclusions: among respiratory diseases at calves till 2-month age prevail diseases of the top respiratory ways (rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis); zinc-sulphatic is applied to complex diagnostics of respiratory diseases and predisposition to them of calves with high efficiency of the broncho-pulmonary; carrying out of preventive actions with use of an aerosol from one-chloride iodine and preparation ASD-2 leads to decrease in disease of calves by respiratory diseases and duration of their current; values of the broncho-pulmonary test applied to the control of efficiency of preventive actions, were above in trial groups at application of preparation ASD-2 on 32% and at complex application of preparation ASD-2 and an aerosol of one-chloride iodine on 37%. In the tabular form data on a clinical condition of calves are presented at respiratory diseases and dynamics of the broncho-pulmonary test at calves of trial and control groups. | Целями работы стали изучение нозологического профиля респираторных заболеваний телят и поиск комплексного способа профилактики респираторных патологий с воздействием как на этиологию, так и на механизм развития заболеваний. Проведенные исследования позволили сделать следующие выводы: среди респираторных заболеваний у телят до 2-месячного возраста преобладают заболевания верх¬них дыхательных путей (ринит, трахеит, бронхит); для комплексной диагностики респираторных заболеваний и предрасположенности к ним телят с высокой эффективностью применён цинк-сульфатный бронхолёгочный тест; проведение профилактических мероприятий с использованием аэрозоля из однохлористого йода и препарата АСД-2 приводит к снижению заболеваемости телят респираторными заболеваниями и длительности их течения; значения бронхолёгочного теста, применённого для контроля эффективности профилактических мероприятий, были выше в опытных группах при применении препарата АСД-2 на 32% и при комплексном применении препарата АСД-2 и аэрозоля однохлористого йода на 37%. В табличной форме представлены данные по клиническому состоянию телят при респираторных заболеваниях и динамика БХТ у телят опытных и контрольной групп.
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