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Fiber type, fiber size, and capillary geometric features of the semitendinosus muscle in three types of dogs.
Rosenblatt J.D. | Kuzon W.M. Jr. | Pynn B.R. | Plyley M.J. | McKee N.H.
The fiber type, fiber size, and capillary geometric features were determined from the center of the proximal half of the left and right semitendinosus muscles in 5 mixed-breed dogs, 5 hound-type dogs, and 5 Beagles. There were no significant differences between the left and right muscles of each dog. Comparisons among the 3 groups of dogs revealed that the hound-type dogs had the largest fibers (type I and type II); however, the 3 groups were similar in their fiber-type percentages and their capillary geometric features.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Characterisation of porcine enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated in northeastern India
Kylla, Hosterson | Dutta, Tapan Kumar | Roychoudhury, Parimal | Subudhi, Prasant Kumar | Lalhruaipuii, | Lalsiamthara, Jonathan | Mandakini, Rajkumari
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is one of the main pathotypes causing gastroenteritis, particularly in young immunocompromised hosts. The study reports the prevalence, characterisation, and molecular epidemiology of EPEC from piglets in northeastern India. A total of 457 faecal samples were collected, from which 1,286 E. coli strains were isolated and screened by PCR. The resultant EPEC strains were serotyped and phenotypically characterised for resistance against 15 antimicrobials. Also, the phylogenetic sequence was analysed for 11 selected strains. A total of 42 strains (3.26%) belonged to atypical EPEC, of which, 15 (35.71%, and 2.29% of the 654 strains from this farm type) were isolated from organised and 27 (64.29%, and 4.27% of the 632 strains from this farm type) from unorganised farms; further, 5 (11.90% of the EPEC strains and 1.51% of the 330 strains from this breed) were isolated from the indigenous breeds and 37 (88.10%, and 3.87% of the 956 strains from this breed) from crossbred piglets. Serogroups O111 (11.9%) and O118 (7.14%) were the most prevalent of the 10 present. Sequence analysis of a length of the eaeA gene of 11 isolates of the region showed them to have 100% homology with each other and their identity ranged from 99.4% to 99.7% with GenBank reference sequences. All the EPEC isolates were multi-drug resistant, showing the highest resistance to amoxicillin (80.9%) and cephalexin (76.19%). The study highlighted the association of EPEC with piglet’s diarrhoea in northeastern India. EPEC isolates belonged to many serotypes and phenotypically all were multi-drug resistant with close genetic homology.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of early castration and health status on the performance of Holstein-Friesian and beef crossbred calves
Wielgosz-Groth, Zofia | Sobczuk-Szul, Monika | Nogalski, Zenon | Purwin, Cezary | Pogorzelska-Przybyłek, Paulina | Winarski, Rafał
Introduction: This article presents the analysis of the correlation between the category and health status of calves and the results of their rearing and levels of selected blood parameters.Material and Methods: The study included 105 Polish Holstein-Friesian and beef (Limousine, Charolaise and Hereford) crossbred calves. Young bulls were purchased at the age of two to four weeks. The animals underwent quarantine, were dehorned, and 46 young bulls were castrated. The germ horns were removed by burning out. Castration was carried out with a bloodless method using a rubber band. The calves were kept in groups and fed a milk replacer administered via teats from automated milk-feeding stations. After the period of milk feeding, the calves were fed grass silage ad libitum and a concentrate at 2.5 kg/animal/day. The calves were weighed every two weeks. Blood for analyses was sampled at 43 d of age.Results: After the rearing period finished at the age of six months, young bulls and steers had similar body weights (176.17 and 176.55 kg) and approximate average daily weight gains from birth (0.756 and 0.767 g/day). The healthy calves at six months of age weighed 180.47 kg, whereas the animals which at least once suffered from some diseases during rearing were lighter by approx. 30 kg (P ≤ 0.01). A statistically significant (P ≤ 0.01) difference was found for the count of red blood cells and white blood cells. In comparison with healthy individuals, the diseased animals had less RBC (8.33 and 9.42 10¹²/L respectively) and more WBC (27.03 and 12.26 10⁹/L respectively).Conclusion: Castration of young bulls did not have any impact on the results of rearing and health status of the calves. The magnitude of the analysed parameters depended on the health status of the calves. Thus RBC and WBC parameters may be used to predict the health status of calves during rearing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of meloxicam on respiratory virus titers and health outcomes when administered concurrently with a modified live respiratory vaccine in abruptly weaned beef steers
Homerosky, Elizabeth R. | Jelinski, Michael J. | Dorin, Craig
Abruptly weaned crossbred steer calves (N = 271) were used in a randomized, blinded 2-arm clinical trial to assess the impact of a long-acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on bovine herpesvirus type 1, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus type 3, and coronavirus titers and health outcomes when administered concurrently with a modified live respiratory vaccine upon arrival at a feedlot. Treatment groups included a control (saline; n = 135) and an experimental group (injectable meloxicam; n = 136). Viral antibody titers and body weight were measured on arrival, day 7, and day 21, along with a final weight on day 45. Body weight and antibody titers for all viruses increased over time (P < 0.001); however, there were no differences by treatment group or a significant group × time interaction when evaluated using repeated measures analysis of variance. Interestingly, the use of meloxicam was associated with increased treatment risk (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the administration of meloxicam may adversely affect health; however, a decreased vaccine response is likely not a contributing factor.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of hematologic and biochemical reference values in specific-pathogen-free 1-month-old Yorkshire pigs and Yorkshire-Landrace crossbred pigs
Li, R. | Wang, F. | Zhang, Y. | Li, C. | Xia, C. | Chen, H. | Lu, X. | Liu, F.
Analysis of hematologic and biochemical values in pigs is an important basis for biomedical research and veterinary clinical diagnosis. Reference values for specific-pathogen-free (SPF) 1-month-old Yorkshire (Y) pigs and Yorkshire-Landrace crossbred (YL) pigs are limited. The present research aimed to describe and compare the reference values for hematologic and biochemical parameters in such pigs. Blood samples were obtained from 90 Y pigs (52 males and 38 females) and 88 YL pigs (55 males and 33 females), all 1 month old and bred in an SPF environment. Among the 16 hematologic and 15 serum biochemical parameters tested, no significant differences between the Y and YL pigs were found except in the concentration of triglyceride (P < 0.05), and heterosis was not observed. Thus, the values determined in this study can be used as basic reference values for 1-month-old Y and YL pigs and will contribute to the use of SPF pigs in biomedical research.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pharmacologic evaluation of ammonium tetrathiomolybdate after intravenous and oral administration to healthy dogs
Chan, Christina M. | Langlois, Daniel K. | Buchweitz, John P. | Lehner, Andreas F. | Olivier, Bari | Herdt, Thomas H. | Bailie, Marc B. | Schall, William D.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate pharmacokinetics of ammonium tetrathiomolybdate (TTM) after IV and oral administration to dogs and effects of TTM administration on trace mineral concentrations. ANIMALS 8 adult Beagles and Beagle crossbreds (4 sexually intact males and 4 sexually intact females). PROCEDURES Dogs received TTM (1 mg/kg) IV and orally in a randomized crossover study. Serum molybdenum and copper concentrations were measured via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in samples obtained 0 to 72 hours after administration. Pharmacokinetics was determined via noncompartmental analysis. RESULTS For IV administration, mean ± SD terminal elimination rate constant, maximum concentration, area under the curve, and half-life were 0.03 ± 0.01 hours−1, 4.9 ± 0.6 μg/mL, 30.7 ± 5.4 μg/mL•h, and 27.7 ± 6.8 hours, respectively. For oral administration, mean ± SD terminal elimination rate constant, time to maximum concentration, maximum concentration, area under the curve, and half-life were 0.03 ± 0.01 hours−1, 3.0 ± 3.5 hours, 0.2 ± 0.4 μg/mL, 6.5 ± 8.0 μg/mL•h, and 26.8 ± 8.0 hours, respectively. Oral bioavailability was 21 ± 22%. Serum copper concentrations increased significantly after IV and oral administration. Emesis occurred after IV (2 dogs) and oral administration (3 dogs). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Pharmacokinetics for TTM after a single IV and oral administration was determined for clinically normal dogs. Absorption of TTM after oral administration was variable. Increased serum copper concentrations suggested that TTM mobilized tissue copper. Further studies will be needed to evaluate the potential therapeutic use of TTM in copper-associated chronic hepatitis of dogs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Field study of the comparative efficacy of gamithromycin and tulathromycin for the treatment of undifferentiated bovine respiratory disease complex in beef feedlot calves
Torres, Siddartha | Thomson, Dan U. | Bello, Nora M. | Nosky, Bruce J. | Reinhardt, Chris D.
Objective-To compare the efficacy of gamithromycin with that of tulathromycin for the treatment of undifferentiated bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) in feedlot calves. Animals-1,049 weaned crossbred beef calves. Procedures-At each of 6 feedlots, newly arrived calves with BRDC were administered a single dose of gamithromycin (6.0 mg/kg, SC; n = 523) or tulathromycin (2.5 mg/kg, SC; 526). Case-fatality and BRDC retreatment rates during the first 120 days after treatment, final body weight, and average daily gain (ADG), were compared between treatments. At 2 feedlots, calves were assigned clinical scores for 10 days after treatment to determine recovery rates for each treatment. Bioequivalence limits for gamithromycin and tulathromycin were calculated for outcomes for which there was no significant difference between treatments. Results-Mean BRDC retreatment rate (17.7%) for calves administered gamithromycin was greater than that (9.0%) for calves administered tulathromycin. Mean case-fatality rate, final body weight, ADG, and clinical score 10 days after treatment did not differ significantly between treatments. Limits for mean differences within which gamithromycin was bioequivalent to tulathromycin were +/- 2.4% for case-fatality rate, +/- 13 kg for final body weight, and +/- 0.1 kg/d for ADG. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Calves administered gamithromycin had a higher BRDC retreatment rate than did calves administered tulathromycin; otherwise, the clinical efficacy did not differ between the 2 treatments for the treatment of BRDC in feedlot calves.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The development of a novel percutaneous lung biopsy procedure for use on feedlot steers
Burgess, Brandy A. | Hendrick, Steve H. | Pollock, Colleen M. | Abutarbush, Sameeh M. | Vogstad, Amanda | Jim, G Kee | Booker, Calvin W.
The purpose of this study was to develop a percutaneous lung biopsy technique to be used on steers in a commercial feedlot setting. Thirty-four crossbred steer and heifer calves from a commercial feedlot in southern Alberta were used in this study. The calves originated from the auction market and all were chronically affected with bovine respiratory disease (BRD). A technique was developed to obtain a lung sample from the right cranioventral lung lobe, intercostal space (ICS) 2, using a manual or an automatic biopsy instrument with a 14- or 12-gauge (ga) biopsy needle. Overall, lung parenchyma was successfully harvested in 55.9% of experimental animals and in 55.0% of lung biopsy trials. Compared with postmortem diagnosis, the biopsy resulted in the same pathologic diagnosis for 75% of biopsy samples when evaluated using standardized criteria by the same veterinary pathologist. The success rate was 61.5% and 42.9% in a hospital or field setting, respectively. With an automatic instrument, lung was recovered from 57.9% and 37.5% of samples obtained using a 12- or 14-ga biopsy needle, respectively. One experimental animal or 2.9% of the total had fatal complications from the procedure. In a commercial feedlot setting, the procedure took 20 min for each animal. Percutaneous lung biopsy of the right cranioventral lung lobe may be a viable technique when used on feedlot steers affected with chronic pneumonia. These findings suggest that using an automatic instrument with either a 14- or 12-ga biopsy needle may yield lung samples that are suitable for histopathological evaluation. However, this technique needs to be further evaluated in a field setting.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the prevalence and onset of lung lesions and their impact on growth of lambs
Daniel, J.A. | Held, J.E. | Brake, D.G. | Wulf, D.M. | Epperson, W.B.
Objective-To determine the prevalence and temporal onset of lung lesions in lambs and the impact of lung lesions on growth of affected lambs. Animals-259 crossbred wether lambs from a single flock in the upper Midwestern United States. Procedure-An observational study was conducted. Lambs born in the spring and fall were slaughtered at finished weight or at a predetermined time point. Lungs of each lamb were examined and classified as normal, moderate lesions (consolidation > 5% but less than or equal to 50% of any lobe), or severe lesions (consolidation > 50% of any lobe). Data were examined to detect effects of prevalence or severity of lung lesions on growth and carcass traits. Results-57 of 89 (64%) spring-born lambs had lung lesions characterized by consolidation of lung tissue. A small number of lambs had pulmonary adhesions or active abscesses. In contrast, only 31 of 108 (29%) fall-born lambs had lung lesions. Severe lung lesions were associated with a significant reduction in average daily gain. Severe lung lesions were not detected until the middle of the finishing period and were associated with culture of Mannheimia haemolytica or Pasteurella multocida. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Analysis of results indicates that the prevalence of severe lung lesions can be quite high in lambs. Severe lung lesions can lead to greatly decreased growth performance of lambs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Myoplasmic calcium regulation in myotubes from horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis
Lentz, Linnea R. | Valberg, Stephanie J. | Herold, Lee V. | Onan, Gary W. | Mickelson, James R. | Gallant, Esther M.
Objective-To determine whether alterations in myoplasmic calcium regulation can be identified in muscle cell cultures (myotubes) and intact muscle fiber bundles derived from Thoroughbreds affected with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER). Animals-6 related Thoroughbreds with RER and 8 clinically normal (control) Thoroughbred or crossbred horses. Procedures-Myotube cell cultures were grown from satellite cells obtained from muscle biopsy specimens of RER-affected and control horses. Fura-2 fluorescence was used to measure resting myoplasmic calcium concentration as well as caffeine- and 4-chloro-m-cresol (4-CMC)-induced increases in myoplasmic calcium. In addition, intact intercostal muscle fiber bundles were prepared from both types of horses, and their sensitivities to caffeine- and 4-CMC-induced contractures were determined. Results-Myotubes of RER-affected and control horses had identical resting myoplasmic calcium concentrations. Myotubes from RER-affected horses had significantly higher myoplasmic calcium concentrations than myotubes from control horses following the addition of ≥ 2mM caffeine; however, there was no difference in their response to 4-CMC (greater than 1mM). Caffeine contracture thresholds for RER and control intact muscle cell bundles (2 vs 10mM, respectively) were significantly different, but 4-CMC contracture thresholds of muscle bundles from RER-affected and control horses (500µM) did not differ. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-An increase in caffeine sensitivity of muscle cells derived from a family of related RER-affected horses was detected in vitro by use of cell culture with calcium imaging and by use of fiber bundle contractility techniques. An alteration in muscle cell calcium regulation is a primary factor in the cause of this heritable myopathy.
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