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Cytologic and bacteriologic evaluation of tracheobronchial aspirates from clinically normal foals.
Crane S.A. | Ziemer E.L. | Sweeney C.R.
Thirty-eight tracheobronchial aspirates (TBA) were collected from twenty 1 to 6-month-old foals, which were free of clinical signs of respiratory tract or other infectious disease. We collected TBA from 9 of the foals 3 times when they were approximately 8, 16, and 24 weeks old. Aspirates were examined cytologically after staining with modified Wright-Giemsa, Gram, toluidine blue, and prussian blue stains. Aerobic bacterial culturing was performed on all aspirates. Of the 20 initial TBA, 4 (20%) were normal cytologically on the basis of previously defined criteria for TBA from clinically normal horses, 6 (30%) had a high percentage of eosinophils (> 5%), 8 (40%) were classified as indicative of subacute inflammation, and 2 (10%) were classified as indicative of acute inflammation. Nine (45%) were positive for mast cells and none were positive for hemosiderin-laden macrophages (hemosiderophages). Of the 9 foals from which samples were collected at 16 and 24 weeks of age, results were similar, except for an increase in the number of TBA classified as indicative of chronic inflammation (33% and 22% respectively) and the number positive for hemosiderophages (33% and 88%, respectively). One TBA was considered nondiagnostic because of pharyngeal contamination. Culturing of 12 of the 37 aspirates (32%) yielded a potential microbial pathogen. Only 2 were positive cultures from the same foal. The following organisms were isolated: beta-hemolytic Streptococci spp (4), Actinobacillus/Pasteurella spp (4), Rhodococcus equi (2), unidentified nonenteric Gram-negative rod (1), and Escherichia coli (1). Thirty-four of the 37 aspirates (92%) yielded light growth of various organisms considered to be nonpathogenic and normal inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract. It was concluded that the presence of inflammatory cells, eosinophils, and mast cells in the tracheobronchial aspirates from clinically normal foals is a common finding. These cytologic findings were consistent in the samples collected from foals at 8, 16, and 24 weeks of age. It was also concluded that bacteria with recognized pathogenicity can be isolated from TBA from clinically normal foals and were most frequently isolated from 1- to 2-month-old foals or those with cytologic evidence of inflammation, even in the absence of clinical signs of respiratory tract disease.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cytologic evaluation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from Standardbred racehorses with inflammatory airway disease.
Moore B.R. | Krakowka S. | Robertson J.T. | Cummins J.M.
Cytologic examination of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), including phenotypic analysis of lymphocytes, was performed on 32 Standardbreds with poor race performance and endoscopic examination findings characteristic of inflammatory airway disease (IAD). Nucleated cell counts in BALF from IAD-affected horses were higher than those in control horses; the cytologic profile of BALF in affected horses included mixed inflammation, characterized by mild neutrophilia, lymphocytosis, and monocytosis. Eosinophil and mast cell counts were not higher in the IAD-affected group, compared with those in the control group; however, 4 IAD-affected horses had marked eosinophilia (24.7 +/- 4.8% SEM) in BALF. Phenotypic analysis of lymphocytes in BALF obtained from IAD-affected horses revealed a low proportion of CD4-positive cells and B cells, compared with those in the control group; these findings may have been representative of a greater proportion of non-B, non-T cells (null cells) in horses with IAD. The cytologic profile of BALF obtained from horses with IAD differed from that in horses affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, suggesting that the pathogenesis of inflammation in horses with IAD may differ from that of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Regulation of Mg2+ efflux by cAMP in perfused rat heart and isolated ventricular myocytes
Kang, H.S. | Kim, J.S. | Kang, C.W. | Lee, H.I. (Chonbuk National University, Chonju (Korea Republic). Bio-Safety Research Institute)
Although it has been reported that hormones or chemicals, which increse in intracellular cAMP, produced Mg2+ release from the heart, it is not well characterized whether a specific Mg2+ exchanger is involved in cAMP-induced Mg2+ efflux in themammalian hearts In this work, we studied the relationship between the increase in intracellular cAMP and ion transport system on Mg2+ regulation in the perfused rat heart and isolated myocytes. The Mg2+ content in the perfusate and supernatant were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The addition of membrane permeable cAMP analogue to the perfused hearts and myocytes. cAMP-induced Mg2+ efflux was ingibited by H7, benzamil or imipramine in the perfused hearts and myocytes, but not by EIPA. We confirmed that a significant Mg2+ efflux was induced by an increase in intracellular cAMP in the hearts and myocytes. The cAMP-induced increase of Mg2+ efflux in the hearts may be involved in ion transport system(Na+-Ca2+ and Na+-Mg2+ exchanger)
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Survey on mycoplasmal pneumonia of swien in Youngnam area and antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolated from Slaughter pigs
Cho, K.H. | Choi, J.S. | Kim, B.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
The present study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of mycoplasmal pneumonia of slaughter pigs in Youngnam area during the period from 1995 to 1997. The prevalence and pathomorphology of gross lung lesions were studied from 682 slaughter pigs in 8 swine herds. Gross lesions of pneumonia were recorede in the lungs of 442(64.8%), from 367 out of them(83.0%) were diagnosed as mycoplasmal pneumonia. Microbiological examination was performed with 197 lungs with gross lesions of mycoplasmal pneumonia of slaughter pigs from 8 differentswine herds. M hyopneumoniae, P multocida, A pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus spp, Corynebacterium spp, and H parasuis were detected in 24.4%, 48.2%, 2.5%, 11.2%, 3.6%, and 1.0% of the pneumonic lungs, respectively. A total of 48 strains of M hyopneumoniae was investigated for thier in vitro susceptibility to antibiotics. Among the drugs tested, lincomycin, oxytetracycline, tiamulin and tylosin showed the high activity in minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC) of 0.04-5 micro gram/ml while erythromycin showed low activity in MIC values(1.25~40micro gram/ml).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Production and partial purification of Staphylococcus aureus alpha toxin
Park, H.M. | Oh, T.H. | Han, H.R. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine)
Alpha toxin of S aureus has cytolytic activity respectively. This antigen has been received the most attention since it is a major virulence factor in pathogenesis of staphylococcal mastitis. Thus, alpha toxin has been focused as potential candidate ofvaccine tominimize mastitis in cows. the purpose of this study was to develop a simple, efficient production and purification methods of sufficient amount of alpha toxin antigen from S aureus. Alpha toxin production measured by hemolytic activity was the highest at 18 hrs postinoculation in yeast extract culture medium supplemented with thiamine, nicotinic acid and casamino acid. Alpha toxin was purifed by ammonium sulfate precipitation (65%) and ultrafiltration. Molecular weight of the toxin was 33 kDa in the analysis with SDS-PAGE. Conclusionally, when alpha toxin was included in the vaccine, the optimal harvest time of alpha toxin was at 18 hrs after inoculation in yeast extract medium supplemented with thiamine and nicotinic acid.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Scanning electron microscopical study on the uterine development of fetuses and neonates in Korean native goats
Jung, S.H. (Chinju Health College, Chinju (Korea Republic).) | Kim, C.S. | Kwack, S.D. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, J.H. (Ulsan University, Ulsan (Korea Republic). College of Medicine)
The development of uterus in fetuses on 60, 90 and 120 days of gastation and neonates of Korean native goats was investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The results were summarized as follows; 1. in the 60-day-old fetuses, the short microvilli were sporadically observed on the luminal surface of the endometrium. 2. In the 90-day-old fetuses, the mucosal folds, polygonal microridges, numerous microvilli, flower-like-buds, and domeshpaed or crateriform area were also observed on the luminal surface of endometrium. 3. In the 120-day-old fetuse, the primordial caruncles(nodules) of the endometrium were developed conspicuously and long microvilli were developed densely. 4. In the neonates, thecaruncles and microvilli of the endometrium were more developed than those of 120-day-old fetuses.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Electron microscopical study on the cecal development in fetuses and neonates in Korean native goats
Cho, G.H. | Kim, C.S. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, J.H. (Ulsan University, Ulsan (Korea Republic). College of Medicine)
The morphological studies on the cecal development in the 60-, 90-, and 120-day-old fetuses and the newborns of Korean native goats were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results were summarized as follows; Scanning electron microscopic studies: 1. In the 60-day-old fetuses, fold-like shpaes protrusion oon the cecal mucosa surface appeared. In the 90-day-old fetuses, the cecal villi appeared to be columnar shpaes. In the 120-day-old fetuses, the cecal villi showed variou tongue-like or columnar shpaes. In the newborns, only the rudimental trace of the villi and the intestinal glands were observed. 2. In the 60-day-old fetuses, the cecal epithelia were simple columnar in some areas and stratified columnar in others, and the epithelial cells contained nuclei, nucleoli, ER, mitochondria, Golgi complexes, zonula occuludens, desmosomes, digitiform intercellular junctions, and large masses of the glycogen granules. 3. In the 90-day-old fetuses, the cecal epithelia were simple columnar in some area and stratified columnar in other. The microvilli of the cecal epithelia became much larger and longer than those in the 60-day-old fetuses, and intercellular junctions were developed, and increased numbers of ER, mitochondria, Golgi complexes were observed and the goblet cells contained a lot of the secretory granules. 4. In the 120-day-old fetuses, the cecal epithelia were only columnar in all areas. Microvilli and cytoplasmic organelles were well developed and the irregular annular nuclei were observed. 5. In the newborns, the cecal epithelia were covered with extensive microvilli, and the goblet cells with secretory granules were protruded into lumen. And some goblet cells secreted the secretory granules into the lumen.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Production and identification of antisera against mu-opioid receptor usign synthetic peptide epitope
Lee, J.H. | Kwon, Y.B. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine) | Han, H.J. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine)
In the present study we have analyzed the characteristics and distribution of the mu-opioid receptor(MOR) by raising anti-peptide antisera to the C-terminal peptide of MOR. The antisera against MOR was produced in New Zealand White rabbit against 15 residue corresponding to amino acids, 384-398of the cloned rat MOR. The antigenic peptide was synthesized using an Applied Biosystems 432 solid-phase peptide aynthesizer. The specificity and identification fo the antisera were tested by analysisi fo transfected cells, epitope mapping and immunohistochemical method. COS-7 cells electroporated with MOR cDNA were used to evaluate the characteristics and subcellular distribution of MOR.MOR immunoreactivity was prodominent in the plasmalemma and subcellular compartments such as encoplasmicreticulum, Golgi apparatus and vesicle like structure. Furthermore, both tissue sections and transfected cell lines could be immunostained with these antisera and the immunoreactivity ws abolished when anti-MOR sera were preincubated with the peptide against which they wer raised. Based on epitope mapping analysis, all antisera appeared to have a similar epitope, which ws detemined to be within the last amino acid,391-398. Moreover, immunohistochemistry showed that MOR immunoreactivity was ovserved in many brain areas including cerebral cortex, striatum, hippocampus, locus coeruleus and the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn. These stained spinal cord and brain aras showed themirrored pattern observed in autoradiographic studies of mu-opioid binding as well as a pattern similar to that seen by in situ hybridization for MOR. Thus, several lines of evidence support the conclusion that the antisera produced in the present study most likely recognize mu-opioid receptor. These results suggest that MOR antisera may be utilized as useful tool to analyze the physiological and pharmacological studies for mu-opioid receptor in the future
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Studies on vaginal cytology after induction of estrous in the bitch
Kang, B.K. | Choi, H.S. | Son, C.H. | Oh, K.S. | Lee, C.B. (Chonnam National Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture) | Na, J.S. (Chonanm National Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture)
The present study was carried out to investigate the estrous behavior and vaginal smear after induction of estus with exogenous hormones in the premature, metestrous and anestrous bitches. In a total of 21 bitches(Mixed breed: 16, Jindo breed: 5), from 10 months to 5 years of age and weighing 8 to 15 kg the change of vaginal smear and the estrous behavior before and after induction of estrus was studied. In the treatment A(They were given the PGF2alpha, estrone, estradiol-17beta, PMSG and HCG) proestrus commenced in 10.16+-1.44(Mean+-SEM) days after treatment. The mean duration of proestrus and estrus was 7.50+-1.44 and 13.50+-3.44 days, respectively. In the treatment B(They were given the PMSG and HCG) proestrus commenced in 5.53+-0.59 days after treatment. The mean duration of proestrus and estrus was 6.60+-0.71 and 14.60+-1.14 days, respectively. All of the 6 bitches in the treatment A showed vulval swelling and vaginal discharge. 14 of the 15 bitches in the treatment B showed vulval swelling and vaginal discharge. However, all of the treatment A and B showed male acceptance. The main change of vaginal smear in proestrus and estrus after induction of estrus was an increase in the proportion of anuclear and superficial cells associated with a decrease in small intermediate and parabasal cells. By the estrous behavior and vaginal smear the estrus was induced in all the premature, metestrous and anestrous bitches
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Visceral lymphosarcoma in a dog
Bak, U.B. | Sung, J.K. | Lee, C.W. | Kim, J.W. (Seoul National Univ., Suwon (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
An eighteen months old, female, Great Dane dog which had shown signs of severe cachexia, dehydration, hematuria, vomiting and the palpable cervical mass during three weeks was examined clinically and necropsied after death. Diagnosis of this tumor case was made by gross pathology, cytology of the aspirate, radiography of the abdomen and the tumor tissue as multicentric, histiocytic lymphosarcoma. Cytologic findings of the needle aspirate of the cervical lesion were typical of macrophage origin cell. The tumor was encountered predominantly in the lymph nodes, tonsils and spleen. The predominant cell type of these tumor masses manifested characteristics of histiocytic cells
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