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Ototoxicity assessment of a gentamicin sulfate otic preparation in dogs.
Strain G.M. | Merchant S.R. | Neer T.M. | Tedford B.L.
Vestibulotoxic and ototoxic effects often are seen after long-term, high-dose systemic treatment with gentamicin, but toxic effects after topical use have not been reported in animals, to the authors' knowledge. Vestibular and auditory effects of twice daily otic gentamicin treatment for 21 days were evaluated in 10 dogs with intact tympanic membranes and in the same 10 dogs after experimental bilateral myringotomy. Each dog served as its own control; 7 drops of gentamicin sulfate (3 mg/ml in a buffered aqueous vehicle) were placed in 1 ear, and 7 drops of vehicle were placed in the opposite ear. Treatment and control ears were reversed after myringotomy. Vestibular function was evaluated daily by neurologic examination and behavioral assessment Auditory function was evaluated twice weekly by determination of brain stem auditory evoked potentials. Gentamicin sulfate placed in the ear of clinically normal dogs with intact or ruptured tympanic membranes, in the quantities used in this study, did not induce detectable alteration of cochlear or vestibular function. Serum gentamicin concentration after 21 days of treatment was detectable in only 2 dogs and was an order of magnitude below documented toxic concentrations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Anatomical studies on the ear muscles of the Korean native goat.
Lee C.H. | Lee H.S. | Lee I.S.
This study was carried out to investigate the origin, insertion, direction of muscle fibers and structure of the ear muscles of the Korean native goat. The description was based on the dissection of fifteen Korean native goats with embalming fluid. The ear muscles of the Korean native goat were composed of the Musculus zygomaticoauricularis, M. scutuloauricularis superficialis, M. scutuloauricularis profundus, M. frontoscutularis, M. interscutularis, M. parietoauricularis, M. cervicoscutularis, M. cervicoauricularis superficialis, M. cervicoauricularis medius, M. cervicoauricularis profundus, M. auricularis profundus posterior and M. parotidoauricularis. The M. frontoscutularis clearly seperated into temporal and frontal parts in 6 cases. The M. scutuloauricularis profundus clearly separated into major and minor parts. The M. zygomaticoauricularis blended with the M. parotidoauricularis near its insertion, but not with the M. scutuloauricularis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A simple catheterizaion from the earvein into the jugular vein for sequential blood sampling from unrestrained pigs.
Niiyama M. | Yonemichi H. | Harada E. | Syuto B. | Kitagawa H.
Establishment of a method for evaluation of the efficacy of a classical swine fever virus subunit vaccine in rabbits
Cao, Zhi | Zhang, Heng | Yang, Qian | Zhang, Hui | Fan, Gencheng
OBJECTIVE To establish a method for evaluation of the efficacy of a classical swine fever virus (CSFV) subunit vaccine in rabbits as determined via humoral immune responses to the virus. ANIMALS 40 specific pathogen–free rabbits. PROCEDURES Rabbits were randomly assigned to 4 groups (10 rabbits/group) for SC injection of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mL of a CSFV subunit E2 vaccine (representing 1.15, 2.3, or 4.6 μg of E2 protein/dose, respectively) or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Blood samples were collected 21 days after vaccination for measurement of the antibody response against CSFV via ELISA and virus neutralization methods. On the same day, the CSFV Chinese (C) strain was injected into an ear vein. Vaccine efficacy was determined by monitoring of rabbits for pyrexia for 4 days and measurement of viral copies in spleen lysates at the end of the study. Reproducibility of the antibody response was tested with 2 other batches of the vaccine at the minimum immunization dose identified for the initially tested batch. RESULTS The E2 protein dose of the initially tested vaccine was positively correlated with the antibody response and protection rate in rabbits. The identified minimum immunization dose per rabbit was 0.1 mL, representing an E2 protein content of approximately 2.3 μg, and reproducibility of the antibody response to vaccination with the 2 other batches at this dose was good. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE A method was established in rabbits for evaluation of the efficacy of a CSFV subunit vaccine that could help in the optimization of later large-scale vaccine production and quality control processes as well as in the clinical application of the vaccine.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of synthetic canine cerumen on in vitro penetration of auricular skin of dogs by florfenicol, terbinafine, and betamethasone acetate
Ehling, Sarah | Baynes, Ronald E. | Bäumer, Wolfgang
OBJECTIVE To determine the pharmacokinetics of florfenicol, terbinafine, and betamethasone acetate after topical application to canine auricular skin and the influence of synthetic canine cerumen on pharmacokinetics. SAMPLE Auricular skin from 6 euthanized shelter dogs (3 females and 3 neutered males with no visible signs of otitis externa). PROCEDURES Skin adjacent to the external opening of the ear canal was collected and prepared for use in a 2-compartment flow-through diffusion cell system to evaluate penetration of an otic gel containing florfenicol, terbinafine, and betamethasone acetate over a 24-hour period. Radiolabeled 14C-terbinafine hydrochloride and 3H-betamethasone acetate were added to the gel to determine dermal penetration and distribution. Florfenicol absorption was determined by use of high-performance liquid chromatography–UV detection. Additionally, the effect of synthetic canine cerumen on the pharmacokinetics of all compounds was evaluated. RESULTS During the 24-hour experiment, mean ± SD percentage absorption without the presence of synthetic canine cerumen was 0.28 ± 0.09% for 3H-betamethasone acetate, 0.06 ± 0.06% for florfenicol, and 0.06 ± 0.02% for 14C-terbinafine hydrochloride. Absorption profiles revealed no impact of synthetic canine cerumen on skin absorption for all 3 active compounds in the gel or on skin distribution of 3H-betamethasone acetate and 14C-terbinafine hydrochloride. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE 3H-betamethasone acetate, 14C-terbinafine hydrochloride, and florfenicol were all absorbed in vitro through healthy auricular skin specimens within the first 24 hours after topical application. Synthetic canine cerumen had no impact on dermal absorption in vitro, but it may serve as a temporary reservoir that prolongs the release of topical drugs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A survey of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) in stray cats in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, West Malaysia
Norlida O. | Nik Kamarudin T. | Saipul Bahari A. R. | Wan Norulhuda W. A. W. | Nik Noor Syamimi I.
Ear mite (Otodectes cynotis)is a very common cause of otitis externaand it is one of the clinically importantdiseases of cats and dogs. A study on earmite infestation was carried out on straycats around the vicinity of Kota Bharutown. This study was done to establish theincidence of positive infections by directsmear of skin scrapings from cats. A total of34 skin scraping and ear swab samples weretaken from stray cats around Kota Bharu,Kelantan. The study was conducted in fourlocations around the Kota Bharu district,namely; Pasar Pasir Tumbuh, Pasar MedanBuluh Kubu, Kampung Kraftangan andRural Transformation Centre in Tunjung.A total of 7 samples from RTC Tunjungarea were positive for these mites, observedunder the microscope. This area also hasa wet market where the stray cats live andas the environment is damp and dirty, it isthe perfect environment for the spread ofthe mites. This information is vital for thecontrol of stray animal populations whichindirectly affect human health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pharmacokinetics of a long-acting ceftiofur crystalline-free acid formulation in Asian elephants (Elephas maxim us)
Adkesson, Michael J. | Junge, Randall E. | Allender, Matthew C. | Martiin-Jimenez, Tomas
Objective: To determine the pharmacokinetics of a long-acting formulation of ceftiofur, ceftiofur crystalline-free acid (CCFA), following SC injection to Asian elephants (Elephas maxim us). Animals: 11 adult Asian elephants. Procedures: Each elephant received CCFA (6.6 mg/kg, SC) in the area caudoventral to the base of an ear. Blood samples were collected from an ear vein immediately prior to and at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, and 168 hours after CCFA administration. Plasma concentrations of desfuroylceftiofur acetamide (the acetamide derivative of ceftiofur) were measured via ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Data were analyzed via a noncompartmental pharmacokinetics approach. Results: The mean ± SD maximum plasma concentration of desfuroylceftiofur acetamide was 1.36 ± 0.74 μg/mL and was detected at 4718 ± 31.30 hours. The mean ± SD area under the curve from time 0 to infinity was 2278 ± 55.8 μg•h/mL, and the mean residence time from time 0 to infinity was 158.2 ± 90.2 hours. The terminal elimination half-life associated with the slope of the terminal phase had a harmonic mean ± pseudo-SD of 83.36 ± 30.01 hours. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Elephants tolerated CCFA at a dose of 6.6 mg/kg, SC, well. Dosing recommendations will depend on the mean inhibitory concentration of ceftiofur for each bacterial pathogen. Desfuroylceftiofur acetamide concentrations remained > 0.25 μg/mL for the entire 168-hour study period, which suggested CCFA would provide clinically relevant antimicrobial activity against certain pathogens for 7 to 10 days.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Morphologic measurements of the external horizontal ear canal of dogs
Stout-Graham, M. | Kainer, R.A. | Whalen, L.R. | Macy, D.W.
Microscopic anatomy of the horizontal part of the external ear canal was evaluated in 24 dogs. Sixteen dogs were from breeds known to have a predisposition to otitis externa. The remaining 8 dogs were from breeds that do not have a predisposition to otitis externa. Dogs were separated into groups according to predisposition to otitis externa: group 1--predisposed dogs without otic inflammation, group 2--predisposed dogs with otic inflammation, and group 3--nonpredisposed dogs without otic inflammation. Qualitative microscopic evaluation of distribution of hair follicles revealed hair within proximal, middle, and distal regions of the horizontal ear canal in all breeds. The degree of keratinization was directly proportional to the presence of otic inflammation and was excessive in group-2 dogs. Quality of sebaceous glands within the horizontal ear canal was similar among dogs with and without otitis externa, whereas the quantity of apocrine tubular glands was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in dogs with otitis. Quantity of apocrine tubular glands was also greater in group-1 dogs than in group-3 dogs. Thickness of the soft tissue in the external ear canal increased in direct proportion to the progression of disease and was greatest in the proximal region of the affected ear canal. Soft tissue located caudally between nonopposing ends of the annular cartilage, within the proximal region of the horizontal ear canal, contained few glands and hair follicles in dogs without otitis externa. In dogs with otitis externa, this region was infiltrated by distended apocrine tubular glands.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of a multipump air pistol as a method for euthanizing young dairy goat kids
Hempstead, Melissa N. | Fowler, Jennifer L. | Shearer, Jane K. | Plummer, Paul J.
OBJECTIVE To assess the extent of damage to the skull and brain of cadaveric dairy goat kids caused by a .22-caliber, 16-g pellet fired from a multipump air pistol at various power levels. SAMPLE Cadavers of 8 male and 7 female dairy goat kids ≤ 5 days old. PROCEDURES Each cadaver was positioned in sternal recumbency with the head and neck extended on a straw bale. A multipump air pistol was held with the barrel perpendicular to and 2.5 cm from the head at the intersection of 2 imaginary lines that extended from the lateral canthus of each eye to the middle of the contralateral ear base and fired at half (5 pumps; n = 2), intermediate (7 pumps; 2), or full (10 pumps; 11) power. The head and neck were removed from the carcass for CT imaging and gross sectioning to determine the location of the pellet and extent of damage caused to the skull and brain. RESULTS The pellet successfully penetrated the skull of all 13 heads shot at full or intermediate power and 1 of the 2 heads shot at half power. The pellet did not fragment after entering the skull of any cadaver and penetrated the brainstem (necessary for instantaneous death) in only 7 cadavers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The described technique was insufficient for use as a stand-alone method for euthanizing young dairy goat kids. Modification of the technique warrants further research to determine whether air pistols can be used to effectively euthanize young goat kids.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Computed tomographic features of the osseous structures of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla of llamas (Lama glama)
Concha-Albornoz, Ismael | Stieger-Vanegas, Susanne M. | Cebra, Christopher K.
Objective-To evaluate the osseous structures of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla of llamas (Lama glama) by use of computed tomography (CT) and establish measurement values for use in detection of abnormalities associated with the external or middle ear in llamas. Animals-10 adult llama heads without any evidence of ear disease. Procedures-Heads of 10 healthy llamas euthanized by use of a captive bolt striking the dorsal aspect of the skull were collected. Transverse images of the heads were acquired with 1-mm slice thickness, and images were reconstructed in sagittal and dorsal planes. Measurements of the bony structures of the external and middle ear of each head were obtained. Results-The osseous external acoustic meatus curved ventrally as it tracked medially. Its narrowest portion was located at the level of the tympanic annulus. The tympanic bulla conformation differed widely from the bubble-shaped tympanic bulla in dogs and cats. The bulla was divided by the stylohyoid fossa into a larger caudolateral and a smaller caudomedial process; its interior had a honeycombed structure with pneumatized cells similar to the honeycombed appearance of the human mastoid process. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Results provided new information regarding the shape and dimensions of the osseous external and middle ear structures in adult llamas without ear disease. Specific landmarks for location of the external acoustic meatus, tympanic cavity, and tympanic bulla in relation to each other were identified. Knowledge of the CT appearance of normal structures will help clinicians to identify changes attributable to middle ear otitis, external ear canal stenosis, or congenital malformations of the ear in this species.
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