AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Resultados 1-3 de 3

Effect of different energy and protein levels on the egg production of rural poultry


Rehman, A. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))

National Agricultural Research Centre - Pakistan

Comparative productive performance of different varieties of desi chickens


Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. | Akhtar, L.A. | Bhatti, S.U. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))

National Agricultural Research Centre - Pakistan

Productive performance of desi field chickens as affected under deep litter system


Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))

National Agricultural Research Centre - Pakistan