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Multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for genotyping Clostridium perfringens.
Meer R.R. | Songer J.G.
Prevalence of four enterotoxin (STaP, STaH, STb, and LT) and four adhesin subunit (K99, K88, 987P, and F41) genes among Escherichia coli isolates from cattle.
Mainil J.G. | Bex F. | Jacquemin E. | Pohl P. | Couturier M. | Kaeckenbeeck A.
Colony hybridizations with DNA probes for 3 heat-stable (STaP, STaH, and STb) enterotoxins and 1 heat-labile (LT) enterotoxin and for 4 adhesins (K99, F41, K88, 987P) were performed on 870 Escherichia coli isolates to determine pathotypes prevalent among enterotoxigenic E coli (ETEC) isolated from cattle in Belgium. One hundred thirty-two E coli isolates (15.2%) hybridized with probes STaP, K99, and/or F41. The 5 other probes were not hybridized by E coli isolates. Therefore, only STaP enterotoxin and K99 and F41 adhesins were virulence factors of ETEC isolated from cattle. Two major pathotypes accounted for 95% of the ETEC: STaP+K99+F41+ (67.4%) and STaP+K99+ (27.3%). The last 5% of probe-positive isolates had STaP+, STaP+F41+, or K99+F41+ minor pathotypes. Of 12 American ETEC isolates also assayed, 7 were positive with STb and/or 987P probes (pathotypes STaP+STb+,STaP+ 987P+, or STaP+STb+987P+) and may be porcine- rather than bovine-specific enteropathogens. The remaining 5 American ETEC isolates belonged to 3 minor pathotypes (STaP+,STaP+F41+, and K99+F41+) also found among Belgian E coli isolates. Such isolates may be derivatives of STaP+K99+F41+ or STaP+K99+ ETEC after in vivo or in vitro loss of virulence genes and/or non-ETEC isolates, which have acquired virulence genes by in vivo transfer.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of age on activation of porcine intestinal guanylate cyclase and binding of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) to porcine intestinal cells and brush border membranes.
Jaso Friedmann L. | Dreyfus L.A. | Whipp S.C. | Robertson D.C.
Development of age-dependent resistance to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was studied, using isolated enterocytes and brush border membranes (BBM) from 7-day-old and 7-week-old pigs. Binding of 125I-labeled heat-stable (125I-STa) enterotoxin to enterocytes and BBM was specific, temperature- and time-dependent, saturable, and partially reversible. Scatchard analysis revealed a single class of receptors. Mean +/- SD avidity of binding (apparent affinity constant, Ka) of 125I-STa to enterocytes from 7-day-old and 7-week-old pigs was 2.14 +/- 0.29 X 10(8) and 2.72 +/- 0.25 X 10(8) L/mol, respectively. Numbers of STa receptors were calcuated to be 64,903 +/- 2,900/enterocyte for 7-day-old pigs and 53,029 +/- 3,117/enterocyte for 7-week-old pigs. Numbers of STa receptors expressed per milligram of BBM protein from 7-day-old pigs were 2.66 X 10(11), compared with 2.29 X 10(11) for BBM from 7-week-old pigs. By 5 minutes after addition of STa to reaction mixtures, intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate concentration increased 13.9-fold in enterocytes from 7-day-old pigs and 8.7-fold in enterocytes from 7-week-old pigs. The particulate guanylate cyclase activity associated with BBM from 7-week-old pigs was slightly more sensitive to low amounts of STa, compared with BBM from 7-day-old pigs; however, differences were not observed at intermediate and high amounts. These data indicate that lack of a secretory response to STa by older pigs is not attributable either to decreased numbers of STa receptors or to decreased signal response between the STa receptor and membrane-bound guanylate cyclase. Development of age-dependent resistance by porcine small intestine to STa appears to be attributable to steps in the secretory pathway that respond to increased concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]In vitro effects of a mixture of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins on chloride flux in everted jejunal sacs of male pigs.
Panichkriangkrai W. | Ahrens F.A.
In vitro effects of a mixture of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins (STa and STb) on isolated jejunum of 3-week-old male pigs were studied, using everted intestinal sac techniques. Heat-stable enterotoxins increased chloride secretion and chloride absorption in everted intestinal sacs. The increase of secretory flux was greater than that for absorptive flux. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (6 x 10-9M) increased chloride secretion, but had no effect on chloride absorption. Neither vasoactive intestinal peptide nor pilocarpine (10-5M) had additive effect to ST. Secretory effects of ST were not blocked by atropine 2 x 10-5M), clonidine (10-6M), or morphine (4.2 X 10-6M).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of iron on production of epsilon toxin
Rana, W. | Bhatti, J.I. | Naz, S. | Gill, Z.J. | Nawaz, G. (Veterinary Research Inst., Lahore (Pakistan))
Nutrient broth with iron was used for obtaining high yields of epsilon toxin by clostridium perfringens type D. In this study iron balls, iron nails and ferrous sulphate were used as iron source. Results showed that the presence of iron nails and iron balls in nutrient broth slightly increased the bacterial growth but did not show increase in toxin production.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence of pili and enterotoxins of Escherichia coli associated with diarrhea in preweaning piglets
Ham, H.J. (Seoul Metropolitan Institute of Health and Environment, Seoul (Korea Republic)) | Cheon, D.S. | Chae, C.H. (Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Enterotoxin production and plasmid detection of citrate utilizing Escherichia coli isolated from cattle
Chae, T.C. | Choi, W.P. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
This paper deals with the 0 groups of citrate utilizing variants of Escherichia coli (Cit+ E. Coli) isolated from cattle, the production of colicin, hemolysin, K99 antigen, heat stable enterotoxin, and the isolation of plasmid DNA. Among 42 Cit + E. Coli, 12 strains were 020, 9 strains 08, 5 strains 045, 3 strains 0115, 1 strain 064, 1 strain 0139 and remaining strains (11) were untypable. Thirty-nine(81.3%)out of 48 Cit + E. Coli produced colicin and 13(27.0%) produced hemolysin. Of 12 cit + E. coli bearing K99 antigen, 6(50.0%) produced heat stable enterotoxin. In gel electrophoresis for the isolation of plasmid DNA, the number of plasmids varied from 1 to 7 in 10 Cit+ E. Coli. Its molecular weight ranged from 2 to 50 Mdalton, and 50 Mdalton plasmid commonly existed in all strains
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Studies on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from cattle
Lee, G.L. | Choi, W.P. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
The purpose of this study was the examination for presence of K99 antigen (K99), enterotoxigenicity, 0-groups, colicin and antibiotic susceptibility among E. coli isolated from calves and cows. A total of 49 (18.7%) among 262 strains, isolated from 30 (26.5) out of 113 calves and cows, possesed K99, and thirty three of 49 K99+ strains produced ST. Of the strains of diarrheal calf origin which less than 15 days old, a high correlation was observed between enterotoxigenic ability and K99: 92.3% of the K99+ strains produced heat stable enterotoxin (ST)
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Importância do Staphylococcus aureus nas mastites subclínicas: pesquisa de enterotoxinas e toxina do choque tóxico, e a relação com a contagem de células somáticas
Marcos Eielson Pinheiro de Sá | Maria de Lourdes Ribeiro de Souza da Cunha | Acacia Orieth Elias | Cassiano Victória | Helio Langoni
O Staphylococcus aureus é um dos principais agentes das mastites consideradas contagiosas, apresentando elevada incidência na maioria dos rebanhos leiteiros em vários países. Além de perdas econômicas é importante salientar o aspecto de saúde pública para cepas produtoras de enterotoxinas e da toxina do choque tóxico. A enterotoxina A, relacionada com maior ênfase nos casos de toxinfecções alimentares, pode ser veiculada pelo leite cru, pasteurizado e subprodutos lácteos. A síndrome do choque tóxico é determinada mais freqüentemente pela toxina do choque tóxico, porém as enterotoxinas do tipo B e C também podem ser implicadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de S.aureus produtores de enteroxinas e da toxina do choque tóxico em amostras de leite de animais com mastite subclínica, e correlacionar estes resultados com a contagem de células somáticas; utilizando a técnica de "celofane over agar" para detecção da TNAase, kit comercial para identificação das enterotxinas e contagem eletrônica de células somáticas. Avaliod]MORENO, B.[u-se 209 amostras de leite oriundas de vacas com mastite subclínica por S.aureus, e dentre estas, 209 (98,86%) produziram TNAse, nove amostras (4,39%) foram produtoras de enterotoxinas, sendo que uma (0,49%) dentre elas foi produtora de EED, três (1,46%) de EEC, e três (1,46%) de EEB. Em uma amostra (0,49%), detectou-se concomitantemente EEA e EEB e em outra EEB e EEC. A toxina do choque tóxico não foi encontrada nas cepas avaliadas neste estudo, assim como não houve aumento estatisticamente significativo, na contagem de células somáticas, das amostras de cepas produtoras de enteroxinas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Importance of Staphylococcus aureus in bovine subclinical mastitis: presence of enterotoxins, shock syndrome toxin and relationship with somatic cell count | Importância do Staphylococcus aureus nas mastites subclínicas: pesquisa de enterotoxinas e toxina do choque tóxico, e a relação com a contagem de células somáticas
Marcos Eielson Pinheiro de Sá | Maria de Lourdes Ribeiro de Souza da Cunha | Acacia Orieth Elias | Cassiano Victória | Helio Langoni
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major agents of contagious mastitis and has high incidence worldwide in most of dairy herds. Besides the economic impact, the public health aspects of the enterotoxins and the toxic shock syndrome toxin are very important. The enterotoxin A is frequently correlated with food related illness in man and can be associated with raw, pasteurized and other milk products. The toxic shock syndrome is caused most frequently by toxic shock syndrome toxin, but enterotoxins B and C also can be implicated. The aim of this study was to verify the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin producers. Milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis were collected. The results of toxins research by "celofane over agar" to TNAase and by commercial kit to enterotoxins were associated with the electronic somatic cell count. Total of 209 milk samples from cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis caused by S.aureus were verified. A total of 209 (98.86%) were TNAase producers, nine samples (4.39%) were enterotoxin producers, and one of them (0.49%) was EED producer, three (1.46%) EEC producers and three (1.46%) EEB producers. The toxic shock syndrome toxin was not identified in any of the samples assayed on this study. There was no statistical correlation between the somatic cell count results and the samples with toxin production. | O Staphylococcus aureus é um dos principais agentes das mastites consideradas contagiosas, apresentando elevada incidência na maioria dos rebanhos leiteiros em vários países. Além de perdas econômicas é importante salientar o aspecto de saúde pública para cepas produtoras de enterotoxinas e da toxina do choque tóxico. A enterotoxina A, relacionada com maior ênfase nos casos de toxinfecções alimentares, pode ser veiculada pelo leite cru, pasteurizado e subprodutos lácteos. A síndrome do choque tóxico é determinada mais freqüentemente pela toxina do choque tóxico, porém as enterotoxinas do tipo B e C também podem ser implicadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de S.aureus produtores de enteroxinas e da toxina do choque tóxico em amostras de leite de animais com mastite subclínica, e correlacionar estes resultados com a contagem de células somáticas; utilizando a técnica de "celofane over agar" para detecção da TNAase, kit comercial para identificação das enterotxinas e contagem eletrônica de células somáticas. Avaliod]MORENO, B.[u-se 209 amostras de leite oriundas de vacas com mastite subclínica por S.aureus, e dentre estas, 209 (98,86%) produziram TNAse, nove amostras (4,39%) foram produtoras de enterotoxinas, sendo que uma (0,49%) dentre elas foi produtora de EED, três (1,46%) de EEC, e três (1,46%) de EEB. Em uma amostra (0,49%), detectou-se concomitantemente EEA e EEB e em outra EEB e EEC. A toxina do choque tóxico não foi encontrada nas cepas avaliadas neste estudo, assim como não houve aumento estatisticamente significativo, na contagem de células somáticas, das amostras de cepas produtoras de enteroxinas.
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