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Resting energy expenditure in dogs with nonhematopoietic malignancies before and after excision of tumors.
Ogilvie G.K. | Walters L.M. | Salman M.D. | Fettman M.J.
Effect of histologic processing on dimensions of skin samples obtained from cat cadavers
Jeyakumar, Sakthila | Smith, Annette N. | Schleis, Stephanie E. | Cattley, Russell C. | Tillson, Michael | Henderson, Ralph A.
OBJECTIVE To determine changes in dimensions of feline skin samples as a result of histologic processing and to identify factors that contributed to changes in dimensions of skin samples after sample collection. SAMPLE Cadavers of 12 clinically normal cats. PROCEDURES Skin samples were obtained bilaterally from 3 locations (neck, thorax, and tibia) of each cadaver; half of the thoracic samples included underlying muscle. Length, width, and depth were measured at 5 time points (before excision, after excision, after application of ink to mark tissue margins, after fixation in neutral-buffered 10% formalin for 36 hours, and after completion of histologic processing and staining with H&E stain). Measurements obtained after sample collection were compared with measurements obtained before excision. RESULTS At the final time point, tissue samples had decreased in length (mean decrease, 32.40%) and width (mean decrease, 34.21%) and increased in depth (mean increase, 54.95%). Tissue from the tibia had the most shrinkage in length and width and that from the neck had the least shrinkage. Inclusion of underlying muscle on thoracic skin samples did not affect the degree of change in dimensions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE In this study, each step during processing from excision to formalin fixation and histologic processing induced changes in tissue dimensions, which were manifested principally as shrinkage in length and width and increase in depth. Most of the changes occured during histologic processing. Inclusion of muscle did not affect thoracic skin shrinkage. Shrinkage should be a consideration when interpreting surgical margins in clinical cases.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quantification of tissue shrinkage in canine small intestinal specimens after resection and fixation
Clarke, B.S. | Banks, T.A. | Findji, L.
The aim of this study was to quantify the longitudinal shrinkage of canine small intestinal specimens after resection and fixation in 10% formalin. Samples were obtained from 12 clinically normal dogs of medium to large breed via ventral midline coeliotomy and enterectomy. The length of each sample was measured before excision, immediately after excision, and after 24 h in 10% formalin. The results were interpreted with the use of single-sample t-tests of the average changes; P-values of less than 0.01 were considered significant. The samples indicated a significant decrease in length after resection and fixation. The mean shrinkage from the pre-excision state was 28.3% immediately after excision (P < 0.0001) and 26.3% after 24 h of fixation (P < 0.0001). There was a small but not significant increase in the length of the specimens between the 2nd and 3rd measurement points. Quantification of the longitudinal shrinkage of resected intestinal specimens may improve interpretation of the distance of surgical margins from abnormal tissue in histopathology reports and allow investigation of the margins required for the clearance of specific tumors.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of serosal patch supplementation of surgical anastomoses in intestinal segments from canine cadavers
Hansen, Lane A. | Monnet, Eric L.
Objective-To compare leakage and maximum intraluminal pressures of intestinal anastomoses with and without serosal patch supplementation in dogs. Sample-Healthy small intestine segments from cadavers of 2 dogs euthanized for reasons unrelated to the study. Procedures-12 enterectomy constructs were created by anastomosis of intestinal segments with a standard simple continuous suture pattern. Half of the constructs were randomly selected for additional serosal patch support. Leakage and maximum intraluminal pressures were measured in and compared between patch-supplemented and nonsupplemented constructs. Results-Mean +/- SD leakage pressure was significantly greater for the patch-supplemented anastomoses (81.8 +/- 6.7 mm Hg) than for the nonsupplemented anastomoses (28.0 +/- 6.7 mm Hg). Maximum intraluminal pressures were not significantly different between the groups. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Serosal patch–supplemented anastomoses were able to sustain a significantly higher pressure before leakage than were nonsupplemented anastomoses in intestinal specimens from canine cadavers. The serosal patch supplementation may protect against leakage immediately after enterectomy in dogs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Preliminary study of laryngeal sacculectomy in horses, using a neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser technique
Shires, G.M.H. | Adair, H.S. | Patton, C.S.
In an attempt to ablate the laryngeal saccule as an alternative method of sacculectomy (conventially done through a laryngotomy incision for laryngeal hemiplegia) a neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser was used transendoscopically in noncontact fashion in 6 horses. The procedure was easy, quick, and labor-saving, with few complications. Endoscopically, the lased sacculectomy site appeared healed at postsurgical day 42. On postsurgical day 42, microscopic examination revealed mucosal remnants under the granulation bed. Laser energy caused thermal damage to tissues adjacent to the lased saccule. Additional work must be done to refine the technique before it can be recommended for clinical applications.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the expression of hexokinase 1, glucokinase, and insulin by canine insulinoma cells maintained in short-term culture
Suwitheechon, Orn-usa | Schermerhorn, Thomas
OBJECTIVE To develop a technique for isolation and culture of canine insulinoma cells and assess expression of cellular hexokinases (glucokinase and hexokinase I) and expression and secretion of insulin from these cells in vitro. SAMPLE Pancreatic insulinomas and normal pancreatic tissue from 4 and 3 dogs, respectively. PROCEDURES Tissues were collected by surgical excision or at necropsy. Insulinoma cells from 2 dogs were cultured for up to 10 weeks with standard techniques; insulin synthesis in vitro was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis of freshly prepared slides of cultured cells, and insulin secretion was assessed by measurement of insulin concentrations in culture medium with an ultrasensitive mouse insulin ELISA. Expression of cellular hexokinases in insulinomas and adjacent normal (nontumor) pancreatic tissue from the same dog (n = 3) was examined by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR assay. RESULTS Insulinoma cells survived for up to 10 weeks but did not proliferate in culture. Insulin was detected in isolated cells and secreted into culture medium for up to 10 weeks. Both cellular hexokinases were expressed; glucokinase appeared to be overexpressed in insulinomas, compared with normal pancreatic tissue from the same dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Canine insulinomas expressed hexokinases responsible for glucose responsiveness. Insulinoma cells were successfully maintained in short-term culture; cultured cells remained functional for 10 weeks as evidenced by cellular insulin content and had detectable secretion of insulin into the culture medium for ≥ 5 weeks. Apparent glucokinase overexpression by insulinomas suggested a possible mechanism underlying excessive insulin release by these tumors.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Assessment of a vessel and tissue–sealing device for ovariectomy in chickens to evaluate the potential application of the procedure to other avian species
Sullivan, Jessica L. | Wakamatsu, Nobuko | Yin, Ji-Hang | Roberts, Tanner | Bennett, R Avery
OBJECTIVE To assess the feasibility of a novel technique involving a vessel and tissue–sealing device (VTSD) for ovariectomy in chickens to evaluate the potential application of the procedure to other avian species. ANIMALS 20 domestic laying hens (Gallus domesticus), of which 10 were immature (< 4 months old) and 10 were adults (> 18 months old). PROCEDURES Ovariectomy was performed with a VTSD through a left lateral celiotomy. Birds were allowed to recover for 14 days after the procedure and then were euthanized for necropsy. A board-certified veterinary pathologist performed complete necropsies, with particular attention to identifying any remaining ovarian tissue. RESULTS All birds survived the procedure. For the mature and juvenile birds, the mean ± SD durations of anesthesia (interval from intubation to extubation) were 67.2 ± 7.6 minutes and 50.5 ± 5.1 minutes, respectively, and mean durations of surgery were 45.3 ± 8.5 minutes and 31.6 ± 5.1 minutes, respectively. Three birds had severe hemorrhage during ovariectomy. At necropsy, ovarian tissue was present grossly in 2 mature birds and histologically in 6 additional birds (2 mature and 4 juvenile birds), indicating incomplete excision in 8 (40%) birds. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that the evaluated VTSD can be used to successfully perform ovariectomies in both juvenile and mature chickens, although the procedure was associated with major hemorrhage and incomplete excision of ovarian tissue in some cases. Use of this VTSD for ovariectomy in birds of other species, particularly birds with reproductive tract disease, should be investigated.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of optimal sample preparation conditions with potassium triiodide and optimal imaging settings for microfocus computed tomography of excised cat hearts
Simcock, Ian C. | Hutchinson, J Ciaran | Shelmerdine, Susan C. | Matos, Jose Novos | Sebire, Neil J. | Luis Fuentes, Virginia | Arthurs, Owen J.
OBJECTIVE To determine optimal sample preparation conditions with potassium triiodide (I2KI) and optimal imaging settings for microfocus CT (micro-CT) of excised cat hearts. SAMPLE 7 excised hearts (weight range, 10 to 17.6 g) obtained from healthy adult cats after euthanasia by IV injection of pentobarbital sodium. PROCEDURES Following excision, the hearts were preserved in 10% formaldehyde solution. Six hearts were immersed in 1.25% I2KI solution (n = 3) or 2.5% I2KI solution (3) for a 12-day period. Micro-CT images were acquired at time 0 (prior to iodination) then approximately every 24 and 48 hours thereafter to determine optimal sample preparation conditions (ie, immersion time and concentration of I2KI solution). Identified optimal conditions were then used to prepare the seventh heart for imaging; changes in voltage, current, exposure time, and gain on image quality were evaluated to determine optimal settings (ie, maximal signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios). Images were obtained at a voxel resolution of 30 μm. A detailed morphological assessment of the main cardiac structures of the seventh heart was then performed. RESULTS Immersion in 2.5% I2KI solution for 48 hours was optimal for sample preparation. The optimal imaging conditions included a tube voltage of 100 kV, current of 150 μA, and exposure time of 354 milliseconds; scan duration was 12 minutes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results provided an optimal micro-CT imaging protocol for excised cat hearts prepared with I2KI solution that could serve as a basis for future studies of micro-CT for high resolution 3-D imaging of cat hearts.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Amount of skin shrinkage affecting tumor versus grossly normal marginal skin of dogs for cutaneous mast cell tumors excised with curative intent
Upchurch, David A. | Klocke, Emily E. | Henningson, Jamie N.
OBJECTIVE To assess differences in skin shrinkage between grossly visible tumor and grossly normal marginal skin of dogs for cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) excised with curative intent and to determine an equation to estimate postexcisional gross tumor margins from preexcisional measurements and vice versa. SAMPLE 19 cytologically confirmed and surgically excised cutaneous MCTs obtained from dogs. PROCEDURES Tumors were measured in craniocaudal and dorsoventral directions before excision, immediately after excision, and after fixation in formalin. Both grossly visible tumor and surrounding grossly normal skin that comprised the surgical margin were measured at each time point. Percentage of shrinkage was compared among time points and between the tumor and surrounding grossly normal skin. Patient and histopathologic variables were correlated to skin shrinkage. RESULTS Overall shrinkage was 17.70%. The amount of shrinkage within the grossly visible tumor (4.45%) was less than that within the surrounding grossly normal skin (24.42%). Most of the shrinkage occurred immediately after excision. There was no effect of age, sex, completeness of excision, or degree of edema. Accuracy of an equation to estimate postexcisional margins from preexcisional measurements was only 18.4%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Grossly evident MCTs of dogs shrunk less than did the grossly normal surrounding skin. Although an equation to estimate postexcisional margins from preexcisional measurements could be derived, it likely would need to contain additional variables not included in the study reported here. Until such an equation exists, care must be used when extrapolating surgical margins from histologic margins and vice versa.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mast cell tumor destruction by deionized water
Grier, R.L. | Di Guardo, G. | Schaffer, C.B. | Pedrosa, B. | Myers, R. | Merkley, D.F. | Thouvenelle, M.
In a controlled study, malignant murine P815 mastocytoma cells exposed in vitro to distilled and deionized water died as a result of progressive swelling, degranulation, and membrane rupture. A 90% mean cell death occurred when cells obtained directly from culture were exposed to deionized water for 2 minutes. Of 6 cryopreserved malignant murine cell lines, which included Cloudman S91 melanoma, CMT-93 rectum carcinoma, MMT-06052 mammary carcinoma, and S-180 Sarcoma, only P815 mastocytoma and YAC-1 lymphoma were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by hypotonic shock; Cloudman S91 melanoma cells were the most resistant. Mastocytoma cells were selectively killed by hypotonic solution, and lymphoma cells were also killed by isotonic saline solution. Local mast cell tumor (MCT) recurrence and percentage survival were evaluated in 12 cats (21 MCT) and 54 dogs (85 MCT) subjected to surgery alone or local infiltration of deionized water as an adjunct to surgery. Of all 16 incompletely excised MCT in cats, there was no local recurrence following injection. Four mast cell tumors (2 cats) regressed after being injected in situ. In dogs with clinical stage-I MCT, local recurrence was detected in 50% (5/10), but with injection after incomplete excision, local MCT recurrence was significantly (P < 0.05) less (6.6%, 1/15). Percentage recurrence was significantly (P < 0.05) less and survival significantly greater when incompletely excised grade-II MCT were injected. Mean follow-up period after surgery in cats and dogs was 35 and 23.4 months, respectively.
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