AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Pharmacokinetics and physiologic effects of intramuscularly administered xylazine hydrochloride-ketamine hydrochloride-butorphanol tartrate alone or in combination with orally administered sodium salicylate on biomarkers of pain in Holstein calves following castration and dehorning


Baldridge, Sarah L. | Coetzee, Johann F. | Dritz, Steve S. | Reinbold, James B. | Gehring, Ronette | Havel, James T. | Kukanich, Butch

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Enterotoxin production, enterotoxin gene distribution, and genetic diversity of Staphylococcus aureus recovered from milk of cows with subclinical mastitis


Oliveira, Leane | Rodrigues, Ana C. | Hulland, Carol | Ruegg, Pamela L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of the efficacy of gallium maltolate for chemoprophylaxis against pneumonia caused by Rhodococcus equi infection in foals


Chaffin, M Keith | Cohen, Noah D. | Martens, Ronald J. | O'Conor, Michael | Bernstein, Lawrence R.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Rates and determinants of antimicrobial use, including extra-label, on Ontario sheep farms


Moon, Catherine S. | Berke, Olaf | Avery, Brent P. | McEwen, Scott A. | Reid-Smith, Richard J. | Scott, Lisa | Menzies, Paula

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Preliminary investigations of the distribution of Escherichia coli O149 in sows, piglets, and their environment


Goswami, Priti S. | Friendship, Robert M. | Gyles, Carlton L. | Poppe, Cornelis | Boerlin, Patrick

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effect of in-water iodine supplementation on weight gain, diarrhea and oral and dental health of nursery pigs


Tucker, Anita L. | Farzan, Abdolvahab | Cassar, Glen | Friendship, Robert M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Cryptosporidiosis in a commercial dairy cattle farm in Malaysia


Slamah B. | Julaida S. | Saudah S. | Rasidah A. L. | Norhamizah A. H.

Universiti Putra Malaysia - Malaysia

The use of effective microbes for worm control in goats: a preliminary study


Adnan M. | Mohamed Zainudeen M. H. | Nurulaini R. | Chandrawathani P. | Rusydi A. H. | Premaalatha B. | Zaini C. M. | Zawida Z. | Wan M. K.

Universiti Putra Malaysia - Malaysia

Detection of anthelmintic resistance in aturally occurring gastrointestinal nematodes in unorganized sheep farms.


Buttar, B. S. | Rai, H. S. | Singh, N. K. | Jyoti | Kaur, A | Rath, S S

Indian Council of Agricultural Research - India

Microbial flora of eggs and egg contents from organized and unorganized poultry farms.


Rajmani , R. S. | Verma, S. P.

Indian Council of Agricultural Research - India