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Evaluation of sulbactam plus ampicillin for treatment of experimentally induced Klebsiella pneumoniae lung infection in foals.
Hoffman A.M. | Viel L. | Muckle C.A. | Yager J.S. | Staempfli H.R.
Efficacy of sulbactam, a beta-lactamase inhibitor, in combination with ampicillin, was evaluated for treatment of experimentally induced pneumonia caused by beta-lactam-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Infection was experimentally induced in 18 healthy weanling foals that were randomly allocated to 3 treatment groups: sulbactam plus ampicillin (S/A, 3.3 and 6.6 mg/kg of body weight, respectively), ampicillin (6.6 mg/kg), or vehicle only. Foals were treated daily for 7 days; the observer was unaware of treatment status. Compared with ampicillin and vehicle, treatment with S/A resulted in a statistically significant (P < 0.05) decrease in severity of pneumonia, with regard to bronchoalveolar lavage cytologic findings (decreased total cell and neutrophil numbers, and increased lymphocyte numbers) and extent of macroscopic lesions in lung tissue of the noninoculated regions. Marked trends toward improvement of S/A-treated foals were observed for quantitative results of bacteriologic culture of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples (P < 0.07), macroscopic pathologic features of the whole lung (P < 0.1), and histopathologic variables (P < 0.07), compared with ampicillin- and vehicle-treated foals. Treatment effects were not observed for radiographic, hematologic, and blood gas abnormalities that resulted from infection. In conclusion, the combination of sulbactam plus ampicillin was found to have synergistic effects in vivo, to reduce the extent and severity of experimentally induced grain-negative lung infection in foals.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Use of orthopedic markers for quantitative determination of proximal radial and ulnar growth in foals.
Smith B.L. | Auer J.A. | Taylor S. | Hulse D.S. | Longnecker M.T.
Cortical bone screws were implanted into the proximal portion of the right and left radius and ulna of 6 newborn Quarter Horse foals as radiographic markers for measurement of growth. Distance between markers on a lateral radiographic view was measured. Radiographs were taken at 2-week intervals until the horses were 8 weeks old, at 4-week intervals until they were 48 weeks old, and at 12-week intervals until they were 72 weeks old. The proximal radius and ulna grew at similar rates during the 72-week period of evaluation, and growth continued throughout 72 weeks. The proximal radius grew 3.5 cm, and the ulna grew 3.4 cm. Although the rates of growth were similar, growth from the ulnar physis contributed only to the length of the olecranon; growth was not transmitted to the ulnar diaphysis distal to the cubital joint. The proximal radius slid distally in relation to the ulna as growth occurred at the proximal radial physis. These findings suggest that transfixing the ulna to the radius while growth is occurring at the proximal radial physis impedes the natural shifting process, and subluxation of the elbow can result. Severity of subluxation would be inversely related to the age of the horse at the time of transfixation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pharmacokinetics of gentamicin in newborn to 30-day-old foals.
Cummings L.E. | Guthrie A.J. | Harkins J.D. | Short C.R.
Gentamicin sulfate, equivalent to 4 mg of gentamicin base/kg of body weight, was administered IV to 6 Thoroughbred foals on day 1 (12 to 24 hours of age) and at 5, 10, 15, and 30 days after birth. On day 40 after parturition, gentamicin was given to the mares at a dosage similar to that used in foals. Decay of serum gentamicin concentrations was best described by a 2-compartment model. Among foals, the overall elimination rate constant at 30 days of age was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than at days 1, 10, and 15. There was, however, no difference in the overall elimination rate constant between foals and mares. The volume of distribution (Vd), determined on the basis of total area under the disposition curve, did not change between day 1 and day 30. Mean values of Vd of foals were between 1.5 and 2.5 times higher than the mean Vd of the mares; however, only values from the foals at days 5 and 10 were significantly greater. Both age and interindividual differences were reflected in the total body clearance (ClB) of gentamicin. Total body clearance of gentamicin of foals on day 1 was less than that of foals on days 5, 10, and 30. Additionally, ClB of gentamicin on day 15 was less than that on day 30. There was no significant difference between ClB of foals and mares except for the day-30 group, which had a higher clearance rate than did the adults. Protein binding of gentamicin was less than 30% in all groups, and there were no apparent age-related differences.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Equine neonatal isoerythrolysis: evidence for prevention by maternal antibodies to the Ca blood group antigen.
Bailey E. | Albright D.G. | Henney P.J.
Foals with the Ca blood group antigen on their RBC were given colostrum with anti-Ca antibodies (6 foals) or colostrum without anti-Ca antibodies (6 foals). The PVC were determined at birth and 2, 4, and 6 days after birth for the foals in each group. Significant differences were not observed for the PCV between the 2 groups, indicating that foals were not adversely affected by ingesting colostrum with the anti-Ca antibody. Standardbred mares without the Aa blood group antigen were evaluated to determine whether production of anti-Ca antibodies influenced production of anti-Aa antibodies. Of 266 mares without the Aa antigen, 3 of 61 (5%) mares without the Ca blood group antigen produced anti-Aa antibodies and 43 of 205 (21%) with the Ca blood group antigen produced anti-Aa antibodies. These 2 groups of mares were significantly (p = 0.006) different; Ca-negative mares were less likely to produce antibodies to Aa than were mares with the Ca blood group antigen. This observation was consistent with a hypothesis of antibody-mediated immunosuppression of immune response to the As blood group antigen by antibodies to the Ca blood group antigen, ie, when a mare is exposed to her foal's RBC and already has antibodies to the Ca blood group antigen on the foal's RBC, then she is less likely to initiate an immune response to the Aa blood group antigen also on the foal's RBC.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-][3H]ouabain binding in skeletal muscle from horses with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis. [English]
Pickar J.G. | Spier S.J. | Harrold D. | Carlsen R.C.
Ouabain, a cardiac glycoside, binds to the Na+-K+i-adenosine triphosphatase (Na+ pump) and prevents active transport of Na+ and K+ across cell membranes. We used [3H]ouabain to quantify the number and affinity of Na+ pumps in skeletal muscle from Quarter Horses with the muscular disorder hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP). [3H]Ouabain-binding properties of gluteal muscle from clinically normal and affected horses were used to determine whether altered Na+ pump number or affinity could contribute to the pathologic features of muscle in affected horses. Foals and adult horses with HYPP were compared with age-matched clinically normal horses. The number of [3H]ouabain-binding sites in adult gluteal muscle was not different between the 2 types of horses (85.7 +/- 8.9 pmol of [3H]ouabain-binding sites/g [wet muscle weight] in horses with HYPP vs 100.2 +/- 8.8 pmol/g in clinically normal adult horses). Gluteal muscles in HYPP-affected and clinically normal foals also contained a similar number of [3H]ouabain-binding sites (222.3 +/- 21.0 pmol/g vs 225.3 +/- 24.2 pmol/g, respectively). The affinity of these binding sites for ouabain was not different, between adults or foals, in clinically normal or affected horses. Our results indicate that membrane events underlying the periodic episodes of paralysis in horses with HYPP are not attributable to quantitative changes in Na+ pump number or affinity. Our data cannot exclude the possibility that the specific activity of the Na+ pump is altered in muscle from HYPP-affected horses.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of the fungal endophyte Acremonium coenophialum in fescue on pregnant mares and foal viability.
Putnam M.R. | Bransby I. | Schumacher J. | Boosinger T.R. | Bush L. | Shelby R.A. | Vaughan J.T. | Ball D. | Brendemuehl J.P.
Effects of the endophyte Acremonium coenophialum in tall fescue on pregnant mares and foal viability were evaluated. Twenty-two mature pregnant mares were randomly chosen to graze either Kentucky-31 tall fescue that was free from A coenophialum (endophyte-free, EF) or tall fescue infected with A coenophialum (endophyte-present, EP) after the first 90 days of pregnancy through parturition. Concentrations of pyrrolizidine and ergopeptine alkaloids were significantly greater in EP grass, compared with EF pasture. Ten of 11 mares grazing EP pasture had obvious dystocia. Mean duration of gestation was significantly greater for the EP group, compared with the EF group. Foal survivability was severely reduced among mares grazing Ep fescue with only 1 foal surviving the natal period. Udder development and lactation were low in mares grazing EP grass. The absence of clinical problems in mares grazing EF grass implicated the endophyte as the causative agent of reproductive problems and perinatal foal mortality in pregnant mares grazing endophyte-infected fescue grass. Caution should be exercised in allowing pregnant mares to graze pastures infected with the endophyte A coenophialum.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of repeated Strongylus vulgaris inoculations and concurrent ivermectin treatments on mesenteric arterial lesions in pony foals.
Klei T.R. | Turk M.A.M. | McClure J.R. | Holmes R.A. | Dennis V.A. | Chapman M.R.
Eight of 10 pony foals reared under helminth-free conditions were inoculated PO with 50 Strongylus vulgaris infective larvae/week for 4 weeks, at which time 1 foal died of acute verminous arteritis. Inoculation of 7 remaining foals continued at 2-week intervals for 20 weeks. Of the 7 foals, 3 were treated with ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg of body weight) in an oral paste formulation at experiment weeks 8, 16, 24; 4 foals were not treated. Two foals were not inoculated or treated and served as controls. After the first ivermectin treatment, ivermectin-treated foals had fewer days (12 +/- 2.9) with rectal temperatures > 38.6 C than did nontreated foals (23.3 +/- 3.8). Mean baseline rectal temperatures were 38 +/- 0.2 C. Adverse clinical reactions to ivermectin treatment were not observed in foals. Foals were euthanatized and necropsied 3 weeks after the last ivermectin treatment (week 24). Ivermectin was effective in reducing S vulgaris arterial larval and intestinal adult parasite numbers by 100% in 3 treated foals. Strongylus vulgaris arterial larvae and/or adults were recovered from all 4 nontreated inoculated foals. One nontreated inoculated foal lacked arterial larvae or active arterial lesions, indicating that protective resistance had developed in this individual. Marked gross and histopathologic lesions typical of chronic S vulgaris infection were observed in the 3 nontreated inoculated foals with arterial larvae. Repeated killing of intra-arterial S vulgaris fourth-stage larvae in ivermectin-treated foals did not exacerbate lesions associated with verminous arteritis or induce unique lesions associated with repeated destruction of arterial larvae. Arterial lesions in treated inoculated foals were markedly reduced and had resolved, compared with those in nontreated inoculated foals.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cytologic and bacteriologic evaluation of tracheobronchial aspirates from clinically normal foals.
Crane S.A. | Ziemer E.L. | Sweeney C.R.
Thirty-eight tracheobronchial aspirates (TBA) were collected from twenty 1 to 6-month-old foals, which were free of clinical signs of respiratory tract or other infectious disease. We collected TBA from 9 of the foals 3 times when they were approximately 8, 16, and 24 weeks old. Aspirates were examined cytologically after staining with modified Wright-Giemsa, Gram, toluidine blue, and prussian blue stains. Aerobic bacterial culturing was performed on all aspirates. Of the 20 initial TBA, 4 (20%) were normal cytologically on the basis of previously defined criteria for TBA from clinically normal horses, 6 (30%) had a high percentage of eosinophils (> 5%), 8 (40%) were classified as indicative of subacute inflammation, and 2 (10%) were classified as indicative of acute inflammation. Nine (45%) were positive for mast cells and none were positive for hemosiderin-laden macrophages (hemosiderophages). Of the 9 foals from which samples were collected at 16 and 24 weeks of age, results were similar, except for an increase in the number of TBA classified as indicative of chronic inflammation (33% and 22% respectively) and the number positive for hemosiderophages (33% and 88%, respectively). One TBA was considered nondiagnostic because of pharyngeal contamination. Culturing of 12 of the 37 aspirates (32%) yielded a potential microbial pathogen. Only 2 were positive cultures from the same foal. The following organisms were isolated: beta-hemolytic Streptococci spp (4), Actinobacillus/Pasteurella spp (4), Rhodococcus equi (2), unidentified nonenteric Gram-negative rod (1), and Escherichia coli (1). Thirty-four of the 37 aspirates (92%) yielded light growth of various organisms considered to be nonpathogenic and normal inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract. It was concluded that the presence of inflammatory cells, eosinophils, and mast cells in the tracheobronchial aspirates from clinically normal foals is a common finding. These cytologic findings were consistent in the samples collected from foals at 8, 16, and 24 weeks of age. It was also concluded that bacteria with recognized pathogenicity can be isolated from TBA from clinically normal foals and were most frequently isolated from 1- to 2-month-old foals or those with cytologic evidence of inflammation, even in the absence of clinical signs of respiratory tract disease.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Response to demineralized bone matrix implantation in foals and adult horses.
Douglas J. | Clarke A.
Equine demineralized bone matrix, particle size 2 to 4 mm, was implanted SC and IM in 4 foals and 4 adult horses. The implants were removed between 5 and 8 weeks after implantation. Bone formation was induced by SC and IM implantations in all animals. The implantation site had a marked effect on the amount of bone that developed, bone being formed earlier and in greater amounts when the matrix was implanted IM. The amount of bone formed increased with increasing time after matrix implantation at both sites. Demineralized bone matrix implantation also led to formation of small amounts of chondroid tissue; this tissue was more common in IM than SC matrix implants, and increased in amount with increasing time after implantation. Formation of this chondroid tissue did not precede the formation of bone, and there was no evidence that implantation of demineralized bone matrix in horses induced endochondral ossification. Age of the host did not appear to affect the response.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Serum tumor necrosis factor alpha concentrations and clinical abnormalities in colostrum-fed and colostrum-deprived neonatal foals given endotoxin.
Allen G.K. | Green E.M. | Robinson J.A. | Garner H.E. | Loch W.E. | Walsh D.M.
We examined the effect of infusion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) concentration and clinical attitude in 2- to 3-day-old colostrum-fed (CF) and colostrum-deprived (CD) foals. Eleven CF and 8 CD neonatal foals were given a bolus IV infusion of Escherichia coli 055:B5 lipopolysaccharide (0.5 microgram/kg of body weight) in sterile saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Four CF and 2 CD foals were given saline solution alone. Serum IgG concentration and serum anti-LPS IGG(T) antibody titer were determined for each foal prior to infusion. A depression index was used to score clinical abnormalities. Serum TNF alpha concentration was estimated by use of an in vitro cytotoxicity bioassay that used WEHI 164 clone 13 cells as targets. The cytotoxic serum factor was identified as TNF alpha by immunoprecipitation with caprine antisera raised against the 15 NH2-terminal amino acids of human TNF alpha. Tumor necrosis factor alpha was not detected in any preinfusion serum samples nor in any samples from foals given saline solution alone. Serum TNF alpha concentration increased in all LPS-infused foals and peaked between 60 and 90 minutes after infusion. Serum TNF alpha concentrations, expressed as mean percentage of peak serum TNF alpha concentration, persisted longer in CD foals given LPS than in CF foals given LPS. All LPS-infused foals displayed clinical signs of endotoxemia, but mean depression index scores of the CF and CD foals given LPS were not significantly different at any time. Serum TNF alpha concentrations were correlated with depression index scores in both LPS-infused groups. Mean rectal temperature increased by 1 hour and remained high for 4 hours after infusion in CF foals given LPS. Mean rectal temperature in CD foals given LPS was significantly less than that for CF foals given LPS 1 and 2 hours after infusion and was higher than mean rectal temperature prior to infusion 3 and 4 hours after.
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