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Evaluation of bending strength of five interdental fixation apparatuses applied to canine mandibles.
Kern D.A. | Smith M.M. | Grant J.W. | Rockhill A.D.
Strength in bending was determined for inter. dental fixation apparatuses applied to hemimandibles obtained from 24 canine cadavers. Hemimandibles were osteotomized perpendicular to the long axis between the third and fourth premolars, and segments were stabilized with 1 of 5 interdental fixation apparatuses: Erich arch bar (EAB, n = 6); Stout loop (SL, n = 6); acrylic A, n = 6); Stout loop and acrylic (SLA, n = 24); and Erich arch bar and acrylic (EABA, n = 6). Ultimate strengths (mean +/- SEM) of EAB, SL, A, SLA, and EABA were 395 +/- 48; 523 t 57; 1,106 +/- 102; 1,306 +/- 156; and 2,707 +/- 504 N.m, respectively. Stiffness (mean +/- SEM) of EAB, SL, A, SLA, and EABA were 2,944 t 357; 6,322 +/- 2,201; 16,010 +/- 5,017; 15,777 +/- 1,026; and 27,079 +/- 5,576 N.m/ radian, respectively. Yield strengths (mean +/- SEM) Of EAB, SL, A, SIA, and EABA were 66 +/- 6; 264 +/- 19; 911 +/- 126; 1,114 +/- 159; and 1,855 +/- 401 N.m, respectively. There were no significant differences in acrylic weight, cross-sectional area of the acrylic, or area moment of inertia of acrylic at the osteotomy site among A, SIA, and EABA; and there were no significant differences in osteotomy surface area and area moment of inertia at the osteotomy site among all apparatuses (P > 0.05). The EABA apparatus had significantly higher mean ultimate strength, mean stiffness, and mean yield strength compared to other interdental fixation apparatuses. There were no significant differences in the mean ultimate strength, mean stiffness, or mean yield strength between EAB and SL (P > 0.05). Apparatuses that combine acrylic with metal reinforcement (SLA, EABA) were significantly stronger and stiffer than those that used metal alone (EAB, SL) or acrylic alone (A).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]High-speed exercise history and catastrophic racing fracture in Thoroughbreds.
Estberg L. | Stover S.M. | Gardner I.A. | Drake C.M. | Johnson B. | Ardans A.
In vitro evaluation of four methods of attaching transfixation pins into a fiberglass cast for use in horses.
McClure S.R. | Watkins J.P. | Hogan H.A.
Treatment of Proximal Tibial Fracture of a Calf by Using Linear External Fixator
Gulayd, Ali
In this case report, treatment of the proximal tibial fracture of a calf with a linear external fixator (orthofix) system was presented. Oblique fracture was diagnosed proximal to left tibia regarding the clinical and radiological findings. Following the routine preparatory steps for the operation, the extremity was suspended and the fracture was reduced with orthofix from the lateral side of the tibia under general anesthesia. After the operation, it was observed that the calf could functionally use the related extremity from the first day. The consolidation was completed on the 41st day, and the fixator was removed on 47th day. In conclusion, it was considered that the proximal tibial fractures of calves could be successfully treated with a linear external fixator.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of diameter of the drill hole on torque of screw insertion and pushout strength for headless tapered compression screws in simulated fractures of the lateral condyle of the equine third metacarpal bone
Carpenter, R.S. | Galuppo, L.D. | Stover, S.M.
Objective-To compare variables for screw insertion, pushout strength, and failure modes for a headless tapered compression screw inserted in standard and oversize holes in a simulated lateral condylar fracture model. Sample Population-6 pairs of third metacarpal bones from horse cadavers. Procedure-Simulated lateral condylar fractures were created, reduced, and stabilized with a headless tapered compression screw by use of a standard or oversize hole. Torque, work, and time for drilling, tapping, and screw insertion were measured during site preparation and screw implantation. Axial load and displacement were measured during screw pushout. Effects of drill hole size on variables for screw insertion and screw pushout were assessed by use of Wilcoxon tests. Results-Drill time was 59% greater for oversize holes than for standard holes. Variables for tapping (mean maximum torque, total work, positive work, and time) were 42%, 70%, 73%, and 58% less, respectively, for oversize holes, compared with standard holes. Variables for screw pushout testing (mean yield load, failure load, failure displacement, and failure energy) were 40%, 40%, 47%, and 71% less, respectively, for oversize holes, compared with standard holes. Screws could not be completely inserted in 1 standard and 2 oversize holes. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Enlarging the diameter of the drill hole facilitated tapping but decreased overall holding strength of screws. Therefore, holes with a standard diameter are recommended for implantation of variable pitch screws whenever possible. During implantation, care should be taken to ensure that screw threads follow tapped bone threads.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Repair and management of fractured wing in an Indian peafowl (Pavo cristatus)
Venugopal, Syam K. | Anoop, S. | Saragom, Sherin B. | Philip, Susannah Bijee | Prakash, Sharanya | Joy, Bini | Kankonkar, Ashay P.
The reports on wing bone fractures are common in avian species, butare scanty with peafowl. An Indian peahen (Pavo cristatus) was presented with a wounded unstable left wing and inability to fly. Crepitus could be felt on palpation and the radiographic examination showed an open, transverse, mid-diaphyseal fracture of humerus. Open reduction, internal fi xation and wound closure were performed under general anaesthesia followed by external coaptation of the operated wing. Post-operative antibiotics and analgesics were administered. Bythird week, clinical signs of healing were noticed and physical therapy was advised.The bird recovered uneventfully and was released. A unique case on management of transverse humerus fracture rarely reported in peafowl is documented.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Surgical stabilisation of sacroiliac fracture-luxation with a lag-screw in a cat
Ganesh T. N. | Faqihah, I. | Nur Atikah H. | Rumaizi S. | Nur Zulaikha,M. Z. | Shalinie C.
An intact male, 2.5 kg, 1 ½ years old Domestic Long Hair (DLH) cat was brought to the University Veterinary Clinic, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan with the complaint of inability to stand and inappetence since it was hit by a car a day before presentation. Physical examination and radiography revealed multiple fractures including fracture of the pubis, fracture of the left ischium and fracture of the right femoral neck. There was also a left sacroiliac fracture-luxation. The cat was stabilized with intravenous fluid using normal saline, analgesic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic drugs. The sacroiliac fracture-luxation was repaired using a lag screw. The surgical site developed swelling due to seroma formation post operatively, where a drainage tube was placed which necessitated daily wound cleaning and dressing. The cat was able to ambulate with satisfactory weight bearing of the hind limbs at 10 days post-surgery and four weeks later, the cat demonstrated improvement in gait. At 5-months post-surgery, the cat was completely back to its normal gait and ambulation normally.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of electrical stimulation and vitamin AD3E on fracture healing in a rat model
Bae, C.S. | Cho, Y.S. | Chang, K.J. (Konkuk University, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine)