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Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in domestic pigs reared under different management systems in Zimbabwe
Hove, T.(Zimbabwe Univ., Harare (Zimbabwe). Dept. of Paraclinical Veterinary Studies) | Lind, P. | Mukaratirwa, S.
Freqüência de diarréia em bezerros mestiços sob diferentes condições de manejo na região do médio Paraíba Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais
Rita de Cássia Campbell Machado Botteon | Paulo de Tarso Landgraf Botteon | Juracy de Castro Borba Santos Júnior | Melissa Hanzen Pinna | Zelson Giácomo Lóss
As principais doenças que acometem bezerros e acarretam maiores gastos com medicação e perdas por mortalidade, são diarréia, tristeza parasitária e pneumonia. Em geral, estas enfermidades estão relacionadas ao manejo inadequado e precárias condições de higiene alimentar e ambiental. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido visando verificar a freqüência de diarréia em bezerros mestiços submetidos a diferentes condições de manejo. O levantamento foi efetuado de agosto de 1998 a julho de 1999, envolvendo 1974 bezerros em 20 Unidades de Produção de Leite C, localizadas no Vale do Rio Preto, entre Valença (RJ), Rio das Flores (RJ) e Rio Preto (MG). A freqüência de casos de diarréia em relação a diferentes aspectos de manejo evidenciou menor ocorrência de diarréia entre os bezerros que permaneceram com a mãe após o parto por pelo menos 24 horas, nas unidades de produção que utilizaram o sistema de aleitamento natural e naquelas propriedades em que os bezerros receberam alimentação suplementar na forma de volumoso picado e concentrado fornecidos no cocho. Em geral, estas propriedades apresentaram em relação às demais, menos vacas em lactação, menor produção de leite e mão de obra do tipo familiar, que podem ter resultado em maior controle das medidas de higiene além de mais atenção e cuidados por parte dos criadores.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Frequency of diarrhea in dairy calves submitted to different breeding conditions in the border of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states, Brazil | Freqüência de diarréia em bezerros mestiços sob diferentes condições de manejo na região do médio Paraíba Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais
Rita de Cássia Campbell Machado Botteon | Paulo de Tarso Landgraf Botteon | Juracy de Castro Borba Santos Júnior | Melissa Hanzen Pinna | Zelson Giácomo Lóss
The main diseases affecting calves, and consequently, representing economic losses with treatment and mortality losses are diarrhea, tick borne diseases and pneumonia. In general, these diseases are related to poor environmental conditions and food hygiene, plus inadequate management. The present work aimed at estimate the frequency of diarrhea in dairy milk calves submitted to different breeding conditions. Twenty dairy milk type C farms, located at the cities of Valença, Rio das Flores (RJ) and Rio Preto (MG), were visited from August of 1998 to July of 1999 and 1974 calves were examined. Statistical analysis of diarrhea frequency showed that the lowest occurrence of diarrhea was achieved in the following situations: to let the calves stayed with their mothers after born for at least 24 hours after delivery, use of natural milk feeding and also, to allow the calves to receive supplemental feeding. In general, these farms presented lower cows in lactation, lower milk production and familiar management, which contribute to higher levels of care. | As principais doenças que acometem bezerros e acarretam maiores gastos com medicação e perdas por mortalidade, são diarréia, tristeza parasitária e pneumonia. Em geral, estas enfermidades estão relacionadas ao manejo inadequado e precárias condições de higiene alimentar e ambiental. O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido visando verificar a freqüência de diarréia em bezerros mestiços submetidos a diferentes condições de manejo. O levantamento foi efetuado de agosto de 1998 a julho de 1999, envolvendo 1974 bezerros em 20 Unidades de Produção de Leite C, localizadas no Vale do Rio Preto, entre Valença (RJ), Rio das Flores (RJ) e Rio Preto (MG). A freqüência de casos de diarréia em relação a diferentes aspectos de manejo evidenciou menor ocorrência de diarréia entre os bezerros que permaneceram com a mãe após o parto por pelo menos 24 horas, nas unidades de produção que utilizaram o sistema de aleitamento natural e naquelas propriedades em que os bezerros receberam alimentação suplementar na forma de volumoso picado e concentrado fornecidos no cocho. Em geral, estas propriedades apresentaram em relação às demais, menos vacas em lactação, menor produção de leite e mão de obra do tipo familiar, que podem ter resultado em maior controle das medidas de higiene além de mais atenção e cuidados por parte dos criadores.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Санитарно-гигиеническая характеристика качества воды в районе свиноводческого комплекса
Karas, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of study of a pollution level of drinking water around a pig-breeding complex and degree of its distribution in Gorodok district of the Republic of Belarus were presented. For carrying out the monitoring of water objects around the pig-breeding complex there was analysed the drinking water in Palminka and Gorodok localities. Water tests were taken once in three months (September, December, March, June), in the morning. Tests of drinking water used on complexes, were taken once a month. Research results showed that drinking water quality on the pig-breeding complex was considerably lower in comparison with the remoted from it water sources. Closeness of the pig-breeding complex lowered the water quality both on the territory of swine complex and on the territory of neighboring objects. Results of the chemical water analysis, organoleptic estimation, and water correspondence to the sanitary-hygienic standard were presented
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Совершенствование воздухообмена и теплового режима животноводческих помещений
Kartashova, A.N. | Savchenko, S.V. | Lapina, E.U., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
During the sanitary-hygienic evaluation of livestock-rearing farm building (cow kennel and calf pens) by means of industrial and traditional technology there were revealed the infringements of constructive and exploit matter in ventilation system which proved to be the reason for formation of dissatisfactory stable climate. In case of the appropriate estimation, adherence to specification of ventilation construction and rather attentive attitude to the problem of ventilation regulation there could be obtained the positive results in optimization of air medium in animal husbandry houses. Support of air physical properties in livestock houses at the optimum hygienic level was possible only by means of ventilation and a choice of construction materials corresponding to the veterinary and hygienic requirements. The necessity of heat accumulation in livestock houses unites all mentioned above requirements. In some animal husbandry farms in the Republic of Belarus there was applied the mechanical ventilation. However, it was a great mistake to install only the air-moving device without heat exchanger installation. Therefore, an important point for optimization of microclimate livestock houses should be the determination of building thermal balance
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Дерматозы крупного рогатого скота, гигиенические аспекты их возникновения
Zhurba, V.A. | Savchenko, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied the aetiology factors in development of dermatoses of productive cows taking into account the hygienic aspects. Structural defects of floors of cattle livestock buildings in animals of an experimental group promoted higher (on 35%) development of mattery dermhelminthiasis of distal areas of hindlegs in comparison with animals of a control group. Occurrence of skin dermhelminthiasis, especially in distal areas of hindlegs, was caused by various primary traumas of soft parts with the subsequent introduction into them of pathogenic microbial flora. The imperfect design of floors, an unsatisfactory microclimate in cow cattle houses, hypodynamia in the absence of constitutional walk made the preconditions for it. The reasons of purulent dermatosis of cows were two interconnected etiological factors: mechanical damages of tissues and development of a surgical infections in affected areas against the background of unsatisfactory microclimate that led to decrease in dairy efficiency on 4,51%. Therefore in a complex of the actions directed towards the preventive maintenance of surgical diseases, it is necessary to include the strict control over designing, building and operation of cattle-breeding premises, traumatism prevention, creation of an optimum microclimate and observance of zoohygienic norms of cattle maintenance.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Использование винной кислоты для санациии воздуха птичников и повышения сохранности цыплят-бройлеров
Gotovskij, D.G. | Karpenko, E.A. | Ivanykova, K.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of bactericidal action of tartaric acid aerosol for air sanitation of poultry buildings and increasing of broiler chickens viability. The bactericidal action was analyzed by the example of Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli and Proteus vulgaris. In course of study there were analyzed biochemical indexes of blood and blood serum, lymphoid tubercle in proper mucous plate of trachea of broiler chickens after 6-time treatment with tartaric acid and Ekotsid C preparation. Research results showed that the analysed preparations did not render negative influence on metabolic indexes of broiler chickens and increase poultry viability. Application of tartaric acid did not cause pathomorphologic changes in tissues and organs of birds, stimulated the active proliferation of leucocytes in immune system organs (thymus gland; spleen; and lymphoid tissue).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Гигиенические аспекты энергосбережения в животноводстве
Medvedskij, V.A. | Gasanov, F.A. | Rubina, M.V. | Mazolo, N.V. | Zhelezko, A.F., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus energy estimation of veterinary and hygienic methods of microclimate organization in livestock buildings were presented. As a result of the conducted veterinary and hygienic estimation of conditions of cattle maintenance in premises at cattle breeding farm in Vitebsk region (Belarus) it was found out, that one of the reasons of decreasing in productivity and livability of calves was the unsatisfactory microclimate at livestock buildings. In particular, air temperature in calf houses was marked below standard on 25-29%. Indices of the relative moisture exceeded the standard requirements on the average on 7% and concentration of ammonia - on 19-24%. Natural and artificial light exposure at premises did not correspond to veterinary and hygienic requirements. Research results analysis showed that a principal reason of unsatisfactory microclimate condition was the unsatisfactory system of ventilation, application of artificial prompting of air that involved the exceeding expenses for the electric power. The veterinary and hygienic measures with regard for power economy were characterized. It was stated that the proper use of ventilation, manure removing, feed-supplying and lighting systems made it possible to save up to 30% of power energy
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