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Functional analysis of ectopic parathyroid activity in cats.
Flanders J.A. | Neth S. | Erb H.N. | Kallfelz F.A.
The ability of ectopic parathyroid tissue to support calcium homeostasis was evaluated by measuring serum concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, albumin, magnesium, and parathyroid hormone before and for 12 weeks after bilateral thyroparathyroidectomy in 14 cats. During the immediate postoperative period, significant decrease was observed in serum calcium, magnesium, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations. Serum PTH concentration remained subnormal and did not significantly increase during the 12-week observation period. Despite persistent hypoparathyroidism, serum calcium and magnesium concentrations gradually increased. Ectopic parathyroid tissue is not capable of maintaining normal serum calcium concentration immediately after thyroparathyroidectomy. Serum calcium concentration gradually normalizes after thyroparathyroidectomy, apparently by means of a PTH-independent mechanism.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of urine and serum metabolites in Miniature Schnauzers with calcium oxalate urolithiasis.
Lulich J.P. | Osborne C.A. | Nagode L.A. | Polzin D.J. | Parke M.L.
To evaluate underlying causes of calcium oxalate urolithiasis, 24-hour excretion of urine metabolites was measured in 6 Miniature Schnauzers that formed calcium oxalate (CaOx) uroliths during periods when they were fed a standard diet and during periods when food was withheld. Serum concentrations of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D also were evaluated. Serum calcium concentrations were normal in all 6 affected Miniature Schnauzers; however, during diet consumption, mean 24-hour urinary excretion of calcium was significantly (P = 0.025) higher than calcium excretion when food was withheld. In 1 dog, urinary calcium excretion was lower during the period of food consumption, compared with the period when food was withheld. Compared with clinically normal Beagles, Miniature Schnauzers that formed CaOx uroliths excreted significantly greater quantities of calcium when food was consumed (P = 0.0004) and when food was withheld (P = 0.001). Miniature Schnauzers that formed CaOx uroliths excreted significantly less oxalate than clinically normal Beagles during fed (P = 0.028) and nonfed (P = 0.004) conditions. Affected Miniature Schnauzers also excreted abnormally high quantities of uric acid. Excretion of citrate was not different between Miniature Schnauzers with CaOx urolithiasis and clinically normal Beagles. In 5 of 6 Miniature Schnauzers with CaOx urolithiasis, concentrations of serum parathyroid hormone were similar to values from age- and gender-matched Miniature Schnauzers without uroliths. The concentration of serum parathyroid hormone in 1 dog was > 4 times the mean concentration of clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers. Mean serum concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in Miniature Schnauzers with calcium oxalate urolithiasis were similar to concentrations of clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Radioimmunoassay for parathyroid hormone in equids.
Roussel A.J. | Lin Y.C. | Strait J.R. | Modransky P.D.
Cardiovascular, hormonal, and metabolic responses to severe prolonged hemorrhage in adult sheep.
Wintour E.M. | Moritz K.M. | Potocnik S.J.
Over a 54-hour period, blood was removed from 8 adult sheep (body weight, 38.1 +/- 0.5 kg mean +/- SEM) in 9 episodes, 5 on day 1, 3 on day 2, and 1 on day 3. Cumulative blood loss was 1,630 +/- 63, 2,380 +/- 71, and 2,693 +/- 69 ml on days 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Blood samples (20 ml) were collected from 5 control ewes (33.8 +/- 2.8 kg) at equivalent times. Over the first day, mean arterial blood pressure decreased in the hemorrhaged sheep from 101 +/- 2 mm of Hg to 76 +/- 5 mm of Hg, but returned to control values by the beginning of the second day and, thereafter, was not different from control values. Heart rate was increased after the first hemorrhage episode and remained high throughout the entire protocol. Over the entire period, there were statistically significant decreases in hematocrit, plasma osmolality, sodium, total calcium (P < 0.001), potassium, and chloride values (P < 0.05). There was no change in plasma phosphate, bicarbonate, creatinine, or magnesium concentrations and an increase in plasma urea nitrogen (P < 0.001) concentrations. Plasma arginine vasopressin concentration was increased significantly (P < 0.001) over the entire period. Plasma ACTH concentration was significantly (P < 0.05) increased over time, but only some values on day 1 were significantly outside the normal range of the control group data. Because of wide variation between sheep, the group data for aldosterone were not significantly different from control values. Blood volume was restored on day 1 with fluid of osmolality, Na, and Cl composition equivalent to that of plasma. The effects of arginine vasopressin were apparent by day 2, when the major decrease in osmolality and Na and Cl concentrations were observed The sheep has good capacity to withstand severe, prolonged hemorrhage, most likely because of a large reserve of RBC in the spleen; hematocrit remained at 31% of control values when an estimated 100% of initial circulating blood volume had been removed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Serum tumor necrosis factor activity in horses with colic attributable to gastrointestional tract disease.
Morris D.D. | Moore J.N. | Crowe N.
Over a 24-month period, serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF) activity was determined in 289 horses with colic attributable to gastrointestinal tract disease. Serum TNF activity was quantitated by use of a modified in vitro cytotoxicity bioassay, using WEHI 164 clone-13 murine fibrosarcoma cells. Causes for colic, determined by clinical and laboratory evaluation, exploratory celiotomy, or necropsy included: gastrointestinal tract rupture (GTR); ileal impaction; small intestinal strangulating obstruction (SIO); proximal enteritis (PE); transient small intestinal distention; large-colon displacement; large-colon vovulus; large-colon impaction; colitis; small-colon obstruction; peritonitis; and unknown. Each diagnosis was placed into 1 of 3 lesion categories: inflammatory disorders (GTR, PE, colitis, peritonitis); strangulating intestinal obstruction (SIO, large-colon volvulus); and nonstrangulating intestinal obstruction (ileal impaction, transient small intestinal distension, large-colon displacement, large-colon impaction, small-colon obstruction, unknown). The prevalence of high serum TNF activity and/or mortality were evaluated. Differences were tested at significance level of P < 0.05. Approximately 20% of the 289 horses has serum TNF activity greater than that found in clinically normal horses (> 2.5 U/ml). Twenty-three horses (8%) had marked increase in serum TNF activity (greater than or equal to 10 U/ml) which was more prevalent among horses with SIO and PE than in horses of other diagnostic groups, except those with GTR. Mortality and marked increase in serum TNF activity were greater in horses with intestinal inflammatory disorders or strangulating intestinal obstruction than in horses with nonstrangulating intestinal obstruction. Similarly, a greater proportion of the horses that died had markedly high serum TNF activity than did horses that lived. Mortality of horses with serum TNF greater than or equal to 10 U/ml was greater than that of horses with serum TNF activity < 10 U/ml. Results indicate possible association between colic and serum TNF activity in horses and that high mortality may be associated with horses with markedly increased serum TNF activity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Human-parathormone assay for use in dogs: validation, sample handling studies, and parathyroid function testing.
Torrance A.G. | Nachreiner R.
Ten commercially available parathormone (PTH) assays were competitively validated, using dilutional parallelism, intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation, and sensitivity and measured responses of 2 dogs to calcium and EDTA infusions. A 2-site immunoradiometric assay for intact human-PTH was superior to the others for estimating canine-PTH, met the criteria for validity, and was further investigated. A series of sample-handling studies was performed. Serum and plasma samples stored at 24 C lost 15% (n = 5; P less than 0.05) of PTH between 2 and 24 hours. This did not occur at 6 C. The mean PTH concentration of sera from blood samples clotted at 24 C was 6% (P less than 0.05) higher than equivalent EDTA samples. Serum samples stored at 6 and 37 C deteriorated 35% and 100% (n = 5; P less than 0.05), respectively, after 1 week, whereas samples stored at -20 and -70 C for 4 weeks did not deteriorate. There was no significant deterioration of PTH in samples frozen (-40 C) and thawed up to 7 times (n = 5). Parathyroid function testing was investigated by use of 2-hour infusions of disodium EDTA (25 mg/kg/h), 10-minute infusions of calcium gluconate (3 mg of elemental calcium/kg/10 min), and physiologic saline controls (n = 8). Renal function was monitored before and after EDTA infusion by exogenous creatinine clearance. Infusion of disodium EDTA increased mean PTH concentration from 67 (time 0) to 317 and 235 pg/ml at 90 and 180 minutes, respectively (P less than 0.001). Infusion of calcium gluconate decreased mean PTH concentration from 84 (time 0) to 14 and 12 pg/ml at 15 and 60 minutes, respectively (P less than 0.005). There were no observable side effects of the infusions in normal conscious dogs and no differences in exogenous creatinine clearance after EDTA infusion.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Serum concentrations of thyroxine and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine in dogs before and after administration of freshly reconstituted or previously frozen thyrotropin-releasing hormone.
Rosychuk R.A.W. | Freshman J.L. | Olson P.N. | Olson J.D. | Husted P.W. | Crowder Sousa M.E.
Concentrations of serum thyroxine (T4) and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) were determined after the administration of freshly reconstituted thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), reconstituted TRH that had been previously frozen, or thyrotropin (TSH) to 10 mature dogs (6 Greyhounds and 4 mixed-breed dogs). Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (0.1 mg/kg) or TSH (5 U/dog) was administered IV; venous blood samples were collected before and 6 hours after administration of TRH or TSH. Concentrations of the T4 and T3 were similar (P > 0.05) in serum after administration of freshly reconstituted or previously frozen TRH, indicating that TRH can be frozen at -20 C for at least 1 week without a loss in potency. Concentrations of T4, but not T3, were higher after the administration of TSH than they were after the administration of TRH (P < 0.01). Concentrations of T4 increased at least 3-fold in all 10 dogs given TSH, whereas a 3-fold increase occurred in 7 of 10 dogs given freshly reconstituted or previously frozen TRH. Concentrations of T4 did not double in 1 dog given freshly reconstituted TRH and in 1 dog given previously frozen TRH. Concentrations of T3 doubled in 5 of 10, 2 of 10, and 5 of 10 dogs given TSH, freshly reconstituted TRH, or previously frozen TRH, respectively. Results suggested that concentrations of serum T4 are higher 6 hours after the administration of TSH than after administration of TRH, using dosage regimens of 5 U of TSH/dog or 0.1 mg of TRH/kg. Additionally, results suggested that Greyhounds have lower concentrations of serum T4 than do mixed-breed dogs, but Greyhounds tend to have higher concentrations of serum T3.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol concentrations after corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation testing in cats administered methylprednisolone.
Crager C.S. | Dillon A.R. | Kemppainen R.J. | Brewer W.G. Jr. | Angarano D.W.
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis was studied in 8 healthy cats after administration of supraphysiologic doses of methylprednisolone (MP). Ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH) administration increased cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations. Significant (P < 0.05) suppression of cortisol and a trend toward suppression of ACTH was observed after 1 week of MP administration. The HPA axis quickly recovered from suppressive effects of MP 1 week after administration of the steroid was discontinued. Side effects of oCRH administration were minimal in 7 cats; however, 1 cat had a severe hypotensive reaction. Clinical abnormalities were not associated with MP administration. The HPA axis was suppressed by supraphysiologic doses of MP in all treated cats that lacked clinical signs consistent with iatrogenic HPA axis suppression. Despite the relatively active pars intermedia in cats, compared with human beings and dogs, feedback of MP on the HPA axis resulted in similar trends in oCRH-stimulated ACTH and cortisol concentrations as observed in human beings and dogs. Lack of consistent correlation between ACTH and cortisol concentrations was observed in 3 cats and possibly was related to the active pars intermedia in the cat.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of α-enolase gene silencing on reproductive-related hormone receptor expression and steroid hormone synthesis of primary granulosa cells from goose F1 follicles
Ji, Hong | Niu, Chun-Yang | Zhang, Hong-Liang | Guo, Jing-Ru | Zhen, Li | Lian, Shuai | Yang, Chuang | Yang, Huan-Min | Wang, Jian-Fa
Enolases are enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, which catalyse the reversible conversion of D-2-phosphoglycerate into phosphoenol pyruvate in the second half of the pathway. In this research, the effects of α-enolase (ENO1) on steroid reproductive-related hormone receptor expression and on hormone synthesis of primary granulosa cells from goose F1 follicles were studied. Primary granulosa cells from the F1 follicles of eight healthy 8-month-old Zi geese were separated and cultured. An ENO1 interference expression vector was designed, constructed and transfected into primary cultured granulosa cells. The mRNA expression levels of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR), luteinising hormone receptor (LHR), oestrogen receptor α (ER α), oestrogen receptor β (ER β), growth hormone receptor (GHR) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) in the cells were evaluated as were the secretion levels of oestradiol, activin, progesterone, testosterone, inhibin and follistatin in cell supernatant. α-enolase gene silencing reduced the expression of FSHR, LHR, ERα, ERβ, GHR, and IGFBP-1 mRNA, potentiated the secretion of oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and follistatin of granulosa cells, and hampered the production of activin and inhibin. ENO1 can regulate the reactivity of granulosa cells to reproductive hormones and regulate cell growth and development by adjusting their hormone secretion and reproductive hormone receptor expression. The study provided a better understanding of the functional action of ENO1 in the processes of goose ovary development and egg laying.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of α-enolase gene silencing on reproductive-related hormone receptor expression and steroid hormone synthesis of primary granulosa cells from goose F1 follicles
Ji Hong | Niu Chun-Yang | Zhang Hong-Liang | Guo Jing-Ru | Zhen Li | Lian Shuai | Yang Chuang | Yang Huan-Min | Wang Jian-Fa
Enolases are enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, which catalyse the reversible conversion of D-2-phosphoglycerate into phosphoenol pyruvate in the second half of the pathway. In this research, the effects of α-enolase (ENO1) on steroid reproductive-related hormone receptor expression and on hormone synthesis of primary granulosa cells from goose F1 follicles were studied.
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