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Oral administration of bovine lactoferrin for treatment of intractable stomatitis in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-positive anad FIV-negative cats.
Sato R. | Inanami O. | Tanaka Y. | Takase M. | Naito Y.
Prevalence of small ruminant lentivirus and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis co-infection in Ontario dairy sheep and dairy goats
Stonos, Nancy | Bauman, Cathy | Menzies, Paula | Wootton, Sarah K. | Karrow, Neil A.
Infection with small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV) causes a variety of chronic inflammatory conditions that limit production. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is also a major production-limiting disease of sheep and goats, which causes severe inflammation of the small intestine. Previous studies have indicated that both SRLV and MAP are widespread in small ruminants in Ontario. This study estimated the prevalence of SRLV and MAP co-infection. Serum samples that were previously tested for MAP infection were re-tested for SRLV. The apparent prevalence of co-infection was low, with 3.4% [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.9 to 5.9] and 14.3% (95% CI: 11.6 to 17.5) of sheep and goats respectively, positive for both infections. However, co-infection is widespread with 36.8% (95% CI: 19.1 to 59.1) and 71.4% (95% CI: 52.8 to 84.9) of sheep and goat farms with 1 or more co-infected animals. A significant association was found between SRLV seropositivity and MAP fecal culture (P = 0.021), suggesting that co-infected goats may be more likely to shed MAP in their feces.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects on lung compliance, lung volume, and single-breath transfer factor for carbon monoxide in sheep with lentivirus-induced lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
Collie, D.D.S. | Watt, N.J. | Warren, P.M. | Begara, I. | Lujan, L.
Static lung compliance, static lung volumes, and transfer factor for carbon monoxide were measured in 12 anesthetized adult Texel ewes seropositive for maedi-visna virus (MVV) and in 11 breed-, sex-, and age-matched seronegative controls. Median static lung compliance in MVV-infected sheep (1.24 L.kPa-1; range, 0.27 to 2,20 L.kPa-1) was not significantly different from that in controls (1.58 L.kPa-1; range, 0.82 to 2.08 L.kPa-1). Median body weight of MVV-infected sheep (56 kg; range, 40 to 75 kg) was significantly (P < 0.05) less than that of controls (65 kg; range, 53 to 87 kg). Median effective alveolar lung volume in MVV-infected sheep (3.36 L; range, 1.44 to 4.52 L) was significantly (P < 0.01) less than that in controls (4.12 L; range, 3.75 to 4.90 L). Median effective end expiratory lung volume in MVV-infected sheep (1.20 L; range, 0.56 to 1.99 L) was significantly (P < 0.001) less than that of controls (1.98 L; range: 1.76 to 2.78 L). Median lung volumes expressed per unit of body weight did not differ significantly between the groups. Median single-breath transfer factor for carbon monoxide in MVV-infected sheep (7.89 mmol-min-1.kPa-1; range, 3.45 to 12.74 mmol.min-1.kPa-1) was significantly (P < 0.001) less than that in controls (14.10 mmol.min-1-kPa-1; range, 10.02 to 18.30 mmol.min-1-kPa-1). Median transfer factor expressed per liter of alveolar volume in MVV-infected sheep (2.44 mmol.min-1-kPa-1.L-1; range, 1.28 to 3.72 mmol.min-1-kPa-1.L-1) gm significantly (P < 0.05) less than that in controls (3.22 mmol.min-1-kPa-1.L-1; range, 2.47 to 3.74 mmol.min-1-kPa-1.L-1). These findings indicate that static lung volumes and transfer factor for carbon monoxide are significantly decreased in adult sheep naturally infected with MVV.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Immunomodulative effects of bovine immunodeficiency-like virus (BIV)-infection and mixed infection of BIV and bovine leukemia virus on sheep
Hirai, N. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Kabeya, H. | Ohashi, K. | Sugimoto, C. | Onuma, M.
Evaluation of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of feline lentivirus-reactive antibodies in wild felids, employing a puma lentivirus-derived synthetic peptide antigen
Van Vuuren, M. | Stylianides, E. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Veterinary Tropical Diseases Dept.) | Kania, S.A. | Zuckerman, E.E. | Hardy, W.D.
Controle da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina, em um capril comercial endemicamente contaminado
Anee Valéria Mendonça Stachissini | José Rafael Modolo | Roberto Soares de Castro | Barbára Lima Simioni Leite | João Pessoa Araújo Júnior | Carlos Roberto Padovani
A CAE é provocada por um lentivírus. Os animais infectam-se, principalmente, quando mamam colostro e/ou leite contaminados. Neste trabalho, propôs-se um plano de controle da CAE, sem que se sacrificassem as mães contaminadas. Utilizaram-se 39 cabritas, nascidas de mães soropositivas para a CAE. Após o nascimento, as cabritas foram isoladas das mães e alimentadas com colostro de cabras soronegativas, tratado termicamente, e com leite de cabra pasteurizado, até os dois meses. Submeteram-se todas as cabritas ao teste sorológico, trimestralmente, do nascimento aos 12 meses; segregaram-se as soropositivas do rebanho. O grupo controle consistiu de 12 cabritos, nascidos de cabras soropositivas, os quais permaneceram com suas mães. O procedimento de diagnóstico foi o mesmo, mas não foram segregados os positivos. Ao final de 12 meses, 34 (87%) animais do grupo experimental permaneceram soronegativos, com limites de confiança de 76% a 98%; nos animais do grupo controle, a taxa de negatividade acumulada foi de 17%, com limites de confiança entre 0% e 38%. Com esses resultados, conclui-se que o plano proposto é viável para garantir o controle da enfermidade, em rebanhos contaminados, ou seja, a não-adoção do mesmo pode levar à contaminação dos animais nascidos de cabras infectadas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seroprevalence of feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus in domestic cats of Fortaleza, Ceará
Mariana Araújo Rocha | Reginaldo Pereira Sousa Filho | Keytyanne Oliveira Sampaio | Marina Gabriela Monteiro Carvalho Mori da Cunha
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) and Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) are important etiologic agents of immunosuppressive diseases in felines. The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of these retroviruses in domestic cats in Fortaleza, Ceará and the epidemiological factors associated with these infections. Between 2015 and 2016, 138 blood samples were collected and tested for FIV and FeLV by the enzyme immunoadsorption assay (ELISA). Parameters such as breed, gender, age, reproductive status, multi-cat environment, outdoor access and clinical manifestations were evaluated. The results showed that 12.32% were positive for FIV, 5.80% for FeLV and 1.45% for co-infection (FIV/FeLV). FIV+ animals were mostly mixed breed, neutered male adult cats, with indoor lifestyle and living in a multi-cat household. The most common clinical manifestation observed was disorders of the oral cavity. Factors found to increase the risk for FeLV seropositivity include mixed breed, young, spayed female cats, indoor lifestyle living in a multi-cat household were the most common epidemiological factors observed. The most common clinical manifestation was anorexia and apathy. The prevalence of these viruses were relatively high, compared with other region of Brazil. This study demonstrated that mixed breed, castrated, multi-cat environment and indoor lifestyle animals are of greater relevance for FIV and FeLV infection diseases. Factors related to cat demographics and health such as age, sex and type of household are important predictors for seropositive status to FeLV or FIV in Fortaleza. High prevalence of FeLV or FIV observed in our study is of concern, in view of the immunosuppressive potential of the two pathogens.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis control in an endemically contaminated commercial goat farm | Controle da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina, em um capril comercial endemicamente contaminado
Anee Valéria Mendonça Stachissini | José Rafael Modolo | Roberto Soares de Castro | Barbára Lima Simioni Leite | João Pessoa Araújo Júnior | Carlos Roberto Padovani
CAE is caused by a lentivirus. The animals are mainly infected when taking contaminated colostrums and/or milk. This study proposed a CAE control strategy without sacrificing contaminated mothers. Thirty-nine female kids, born to CAE seropositive mothers were isolated from their mothers at birth and fed heat-treated colostrum and pasteurized milk from seronegative goats up to two months of age. All kids were submitted to three-monthly serological tests from birth to 12 months; seropositives were segregated from the herd. The control group consisted of 12 kids born to seropositive mothers that remained with their mothers. Diagnosis was the same, but seropositve animals were not segregated. At the end of 12 months, 34 (87%) animals from the experimental group remained seronegative with 76% to 98% confidence limits; in control group animals, the accumulated negativity rate was 17%, with 0% and 38% confidence limits. These results show that the proposed plan is viable to assure disease control in contaminated herds and that without it contamination can pass to animals born to infected goats. | A CAE é provocada por um lentivírus. Os animais infectam-se, principalmente, quando mamam colostro e/ou leite contaminados. Neste trabalho, propôs-se um plano de controle da CAE, sem que se sacrificassem as mães contaminadas. Utilizaram-se 39 cabritas, nascidas de mães soropositivas para a CAE. Após o nascimento, as cabritas foram isoladas das mães e alimentadas com colostro de cabras soronegativas, tratado termicamente, e com leite de cabra pasteurizado, até os dois meses. Submeteram-se todas as cabritas ao teste sorológico, trimestralmente, do nascimento aos 12 meses; segregaram-se as soropositivas do rebanho. O grupo controle consistiu de 12 cabritos, nascidos de cabras soropositivas, os quais permaneceram com suas mães. O procedimento de diagnóstico foi o mesmo, mas não foram segregados os positivos. Ao final de 12 meses, 34 (87%) animais do grupo experimental permaneceram soronegativos, com limites de confiança de 76% a 98%; nos animais do grupo controle, a taxa de negatividade acumulada foi de 17%, com limites de confiança entre 0% e 38%. Com esses resultados, conclui-se que o plano proposto é viável para garantir o controle da enfermidade, em rebanhos contaminados, ou seja, a não-adoção do mesmo pode levar à contaminação dos animais nascidos de cabras infectadas.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Artrite encefalite caprina: avaliação dos aspectos produtivos e reprodutivos de animais infectados e não infectados
Elizabeth Bohland | José Luiz D'Angelino
O objetivo foi avaliar os aspectos produtivos e reprodutivos, de caprinos leiteiros, reagentes e não reagentes à prova de imunodifusão em ágar gel (IDAG), utilizando os antígenos gp135 e p28 do vírus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAE). Os animais pertenciam a uma propriedade localizada no interior de São Paulo e foram acompanhados por um período de 24 meses, tendo sido realizados 3 testes sorológicos, com intervalos de 12 meses. A freqüência de ocorrência da CAE, nos três momentos foi respectivamente, 60,1%, 74,1%, e 70,5% (média de 68,3% - 566/829). O percentual de animais reagentes aumentou significativamente com a idade. A duração média da lactação (dias) foi menor para reagentes e significativa nas faixas etárias 24 a 36 meses e 36 a 48 meses. A produção leiteira (kg./dia) foi menor para reagentes e significativa nas faixas etárias: 12 a 24 meses maior ou igual a 48 meses. A produção total por lactação foi 21,5% menor para as cabras soropositivas. A CAE não influenciou os aspectos reprodutivos neste estudo no que se refere à idade ao primeiro parto, ao intervalo interpartos. No entanto, a média de idade ao parto entre os animais reagentes foi maior e estatisticamente significante e o peso das crias nascidas de mães reagentes com idade maior ou igual a 48 meses foi menor do que os animais nascidos de cabras não reagentes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Caprine arthritis encephalitis: productive and reproductive aspects evaluation in infected and no infected goats | Artrite encefalite caprina: avaliação dos aspectos produtivos e reprodutivos de animais infectados e não infectados
Elizabeth Bohland | José Luiz D'Angelino
The present study was carried out to compare the productive and reproductive aspects of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis virus (CAEv) antibody-positive and antibody-negative dairy goats. The agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) was performed, using the following antigens from the CAEv: gp135, a glicoprotein and p28, an internal structural protein. A goat herd coming from the contry of São Paulo state was evaluated for 24 months. Three serum tests were performed with intervals of 12 months. The frequency of occurrence of CAE, obtained for the three different moments of observation was 60,1%, 74,1%, 70,5%, respectively, and the total rate was 68.3% (566/829). The percentage of reagents to the CAEv rose significantly as the age grew. The average lactation length (in days) was lower for positive goats, significant values were found for goats of 24 to 36 months and for 36 to 48 months ones. The CAEv antibody-positive goats presented a mean daily milk yield (kg./day) lower than CAEv antibody-positive goats, with significant values for the groups: 12 to 24 months and 48 months or more. The total production for lactation was 21.5% lower for positive goats. The CAE did not influenced the reproductive aspects in this study on first kidding and on kidding interval. However, the average of kidding age was bigger between the reagents, when compared with not reagents, being statistically significant. Also the weight of kids, born from positive goats with age of 48 months or higher, was lower than that of the ones born from negative mothers. | O objetivo foi avaliar os aspectos produtivos e reprodutivos, de caprinos leiteiros, reagentes e não reagentes à prova de imunodifusão em ágar gel (IDAG), utilizando os antígenos gp135 e p28 do vírus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina (CAE). Os animais pertenciam a uma propriedade localizada no interior de São Paulo e foram acompanhados por um período de 24 meses, tendo sido realizados 3 testes sorológicos, com intervalos de 12 meses. A freqüência de ocorrência da CAE, nos três momentos foi respectivamente, 60,1%, 74,1%, e 70,5% (média de 68,3% - 566/829). O percentual de animais reagentes aumentou significativamente com a idade. A duração média da lactação (dias) foi menor para reagentes e significativa nas faixas etárias 24 a 36 meses e 36 a 48 meses. A produção leiteira (kg./dia) foi menor para reagentes e significativa nas faixas etárias: 12 a 24 meses maior ou igual a 48 meses. A produção total por lactação foi 21,5% menor para as cabras soropositivas. A CAE não influenciou os aspectos reprodutivos neste estudo no que se refere à idade ao primeiro parto, ao intervalo interpartos. No entanto, a média de idade ao parto entre os animais reagentes foi maior e estatisticamente significante e o peso das crias nascidas de mães reagentes com idade maior ou igual a 48 meses foi menor do que os animais nascidos de cabras não reagentes.
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