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Role of obioactin on toxoplasmacidal activity within mouse peritoneal macrophages
Yang, M.P. (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Естественная резистентность высокопродуктивных коров при введении в рацион нетрадиционных кормовых средств
Nadarinskaya, M.A. | Zayats, V.N. | Golushko, O.G. | Kvetkovskaya, A.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Makarova, N.L., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of administration of nonconventional feed materials in diets of highly productive cows and its influence of indexes of natural resistance at different physiological stages of animals. In the process of studying of adaptation processes of highly productive cows at different stages of lactation it was determined that feeding with nonconventional melanoidin-humic additives at different physiological periods rendered a positive influence of highly productive cows, promoted the increasing of natural resistance of animals and improvement of immuno-humoral blood indexes. Administration of an additive Ehkolin in a ration of highly productive cows with stimulation for increasing milk flow in a dose of 100 ml per head promoted the increasing of blood serum bactericidal activity on 5,2%, beta-lysine activity - on 7,2%. Feeding of animals at a basic lactation period with 50 ml of preparation Ehkolin-2 provided the maximum increasing of lysozyme activity of blood serum (on 6,2%) and beta-lysine activity of blood serum (on 12,7%), and also promoted the activation of leukocytopoiesis. Addition of Ehkolin-3 in ration structure of dry cows in a dose of 750 ml increased the indexes of lysozyme activity of blood serum on 7-8,6%, bactericidal activity of blood serum - on 2,2-3,6% and beta-lysine activity of blood serum - on 2,2-3,6%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Формирование факторов неспецифической защиты у жеребят в постнатальный период жизни
Makovskij, E.G. | Motuzko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the formation of nonspecific protection factors of the first year foals. By a principle of conditional analogues there was generated a group of clinically healthy foals at which monthly from bulbar veins there were taken tests of blood for hematological and biochemical analysis. From the obtained data it was visible, that within the first year of foal life there were taking place the processes of formation of nonspecific protection factors of an organism which were accompanied by a gradual increasing of quantity of erythrocytes, haemoglobin, leukocytes, certain change in the diagramme, and also increasing of bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum. However, at seven-month age there was marked a considerable decrease in number of erythrocytes, leukocytes, concentration of haemoglobin, bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum is marked, in leukogram share reduction of segmented neutrophils, and at the same time, the content of eosinocytes and lymphocytes increased. It testified the decreasing of protective forces of an organism during this period. Consequently, the seventh month in the postnatal period of foal life proved to be the most critical.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние улучшенной воды на организм свиней
Karas, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of influence of water improved by potassium permanganate solution on welfare and productivity of piglets was realized in the conditions of swine breeding complex in the Republic of Belarus. In the experiment there were used 2 groups of 30-day old piglets. In course of 75 days of experiment the running water of pig complex was used for watering of piglets of control group. Piglets from the experimental group were given water with addition of 0,1% solution of potassium permanganate. Analysis of obtained results showed that water with potassium permanganate promoted the increasing of natural resistance of piglets. At the same time there was stated the increasing of lysozyme and bacterial activityin blood serum. Application of improved water promoted the increasing hemoglobin on 4,8-4,5%, erythrocytes - on 2,9-4,2% in comparison with control. Content of total protein increased on 2,2-2,8% in the experimental groups, lisozyme activity - 6,9-7,0% and bacterial activity - on 5-6,9%. Application of improved water did not influence the glucose and potassium concentration in blood. In the experimental group there was stated the increased lipid concentration on 3,1-6%, cholesterol - on 4,4-6,3%, potassium level - on 2,5-4,5%, phosphorus - on 0,7-5,3%, sodium - on 1,4-3,8%. Application of water with КMnО4 increased average daily weight gain on 5,2-4,2%
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность, гуморальные факторы защиты поросят-сосунов при использовании бесклеточного пробиотика Лактимет и клеточного пробиотика Бифилак
Sadomov, N.A. | Khodyryeva, I.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
Comparative evaluation of the influence of cell-free probiotic preparation Laktimet and cellular probiotic Bifilak on productivity, livability, nonspecific response of suckling piglets in the early extrauterine life was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus.Application of both probiotics increased the productivity of suckling pigs, stimulated the processes of metabolism and natural protection of organism in the early postnatal period in the conditions of specialized pig breeding complexes. Research results showed, that application of brand new cell-free probiotic Laktimet exercised higher influence on suckling pigs. Application of Laktimet made it possibler to increase piglets body weight gain on 7,8%; piglet livability - on 6,7%; and application cellular probiotic preparation Bifilak - on 5,4% and 3,3%, respectively. The same tendency was noted during the analysis of indexes of cellular factors of organism protection. Bactericidal activity of blood serum of experimental animals changed both in connection with age, and under influence of probiotic preparations. During all studied periods the bactericidal activity of blood serum was authentically (P less than 0,05) above in experimental groups in comparison with a control group. At 20-days old piglets there was stated the strengthening of bactericidal activity of blood serum. Throughout all period of experiment the superiority of trial animals over control on indicators of lysozyme activity of blood serum was observed
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Противопаразитарная эффективность Альбеполиса и Аверполиса при стронгилоидозе крупного рогатого скота и их влияние на некоторые компоненты иммунной системы
Patafeev, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Skulovets, M.V., Pinsk State Agrarian Technological College (Belarus)
Despite of presence of a wide choice of antihelminthics, in the Republic of Belarus it is still a real problem of development of preparations that provide long-term treatment and preventive maintenance efficiency against helminthosis. At the same time, helminthes and anthelminthics render the immunosuppression action. The solution of this problem can be a combined application of antihelminthics and adjuvants. There were proposed preparations Albepolis and Averpolis. Their application made it possible not only to release an organism of animals from parasites, but also to correct the state of immune system. The obtained research data confirm the available data about the immunosuppression action of parasites on an organism of animals. There was also is noted the immunosuppression action of Albendazol and Aversektin C in therapeutic doses. Albendazol possess a wide spectrum of action against trematodes, nematodes, cestodes. It interrupts the metabolism, oppresses fumarate reductase activity and adenosine triphosphate synthesis of a parasite. It proved to be low-toxic for homoiothermal animals. Albendazol rendered positove influence on growth, development and increase of cattle productivity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Патогенез при экспериментальном эзофагостомозе свиней
Sajko, A.L., Volkovysk State Agrarian College (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the parasitizing influence of Oesophagostomum and their larvae on a metabolism of experimentally infested animals. In course of the study there were generated experimental and control groups of two-month old piglets. Animals of the experimental group were infested in a dose of 15000 invasion larvae per one kg of body weight. Animals of the control group were not infested. Infestation was realized through a mouth with invasion larvae with wet forage. Invasion larvae received by cultivation of excrement tests from infested pigs at temperature of 24 deg C. As a result of the realized research it was established, that Oesophagostomum invasion rendered a substantial influence on the experimental animals. At bimestrious pigs after the experimental infection with Oesophagostomum larvae there were stated the following changes: the disease on 4-30th day was characterized by frustration of function of a gastroenteric path - diarrhea, fever, anaemia, and in the subsequent - stagnation and juvenilism of animals. Oesophagostomum in a host organism caused the pathological changes of haemotological and biochemical blood value which were expressed in quantity decrease of erythrocytes, concentration of haemoglobin, leucocytosis. Eosinophilia was observed in a leukogram. In blood serum there was stated the lowering of crude protein and its fractions content; gradually, but authentically there was noted the increasing of activity serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase. Bactericidal and lysozymic activity of blood serum decreased. Activity of alkaline phosphatase increased.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность и естественная резистентность кур-несушек при использовании ферментного препарата Витазим
Shulga, L.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of productivity and natural resistance indexes of laying hens after application of dry multienzyme preparation Vitazim (xylanase, 3600 units/g; cellulose, 3000 units/g; beta-glucanase, 7000 units/g); as well as the specification of optimal doses the enzyme were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that the best indexes of egg yields of laying hens were obtained after application in the main poultry diet of enzyme preparation Vitazim in dose 500 g/t that made it possible to increase the productivity in the experimemtal group on 12%. Application of Vitazim also promoted the increasing of natural resistance level of laying hens. There was stated the positive effect of Vitazim on bactericidal activity of blood serum. Before the beginning of test this index was the level of 44,35+/-0,92 – 56,52 +/-1,63. By the 300-th day of life the bactericidal activity of blood serum in experimental group administrated Vitazim in dose 300 g/t exceeded the control idexes on 3,8%; in the second experimental group (Vitazim in dose of 500 g/h) – on 29,5%; in the third experimental group (/vitazim on dose of 700 g/h) – on 23,7%.Vitazim administration also exercised positive influence on lysozyme activity in blood serum of lying hens
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Естественная резистентность при применении препаратов полыни горькой
Vishnevets, Zh.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Due to Herbal medicine it is possible to use cheap and ecological clean preparation. Studied medicinal forms of wormwood bitter (the wormwood bitter extract, fluid extract, Artemizitan) in therapeutic dose stimulate the factors of natural resistance beside animals. Results of studying of lysozyme activity in blood serum have shown that preparations of wormwood bitter have caused authentic increase of this indicator in comparison with control animals, both in pigs, and at sheep. Bactericidal activity of blood serum was authentically more than in control group, both at pigs, and at sheep after introduction of infusion of wormwood bitter. Studying of influence of wormwood bitter on phagocytosis indicators has shown, that all medicinal forms of plant have made stimulating impact on phagocytal activity of neutrophils and phagocytal number both in experiences on pigs, and on sheep. Artemitizan has caused authentic increase and phagocytal index. Thus, the research will be coordinated with literary data, that preparations of wormwood bitter make stimulating impact on indicators of natural resistance of animal blood | Благодаря фитотерапии возможно использование дешевых и экологически чистых препаратов. Изученные лекарственные формы полыни горькой (настой полыни горькой, жидкий экстракт полыни горькой, артемизитан) в терапевтических дозах стимулируют показатели естественной резистентности у животных. Результаты изучения лизоцимной активности в сыворотке крови показали, что препараты полыни горькой вызвали достоверное повышение этого показателя по сравнению с контрольными животными, как у свиней, так и у овец. Бактерицидная активность сыворотки крови была достоверно больше, чем в контрольной группе, как у свиней, так и у овец после введения настоя полыни горькой. Изучение влияния полыни горькой на показатели фагоцитоза показало, что все лекарственные формы растения оказали стимулирующее влияние на фагоцитарную активность нейтрофилов и фагоцитарное число как в опытах на свиньях, так и на овцах. Артемизитан вызвал достоверное повышение и фагоцитарного индекса. Таким образом, наши исследования согласуются с литературными данными, что препараты полыни горькой оказывают стимулирующее влияние на показатели естественной резистентности крови животных
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