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Влияние скармливания люпина, обработанного разными способами, на продуктивность бычков
Radchikov, V.F., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the efficiency of application of granulated and extruded lupine (Lupinus) in feeding of bull claves. It was determined that after lupine extruding the quantity of sugar in it increased on 45% due to lowering of starch content. The inclusion of extruded lupine into bull calves diets made it possible to increase the digestibility of dry and organic substances, protein and nitrogen-free extractive substances. The highest average daily weight gain (842 gram) was stated at claves which were fed with mixed fodder with 15% of extruded lupine; this was on 7,5% than in a control group. In the conditions of feeding with the granulated lupine the average daily weight gain increased on 5,3% in comparison with crushed one. In course of study there was analyzed the dependence chemical composition of lupine on the processing method; blood composition of the studied animals; diets of experimental animals; digestibility of nutrient substances of forages; balance and intake of nitrogen; biochemical blood composition; changes of live weight and average daily weight gain.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Засухоустойчивые культуры в условиях Беларуси
Istranin, Yu.V. | Zinovenko, A.L. | Gurinovich, Zh.A. | Shibko, D.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Results of determination of yielding capacity, chemical composition of initial weight and silage quality of forages prepared from the binary mixtures of Japanese millet (Panicum curs-galli var. frumentaceum), millet (Panicum) and saccharine sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum) realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were presented. Research results showed that the binary mixture of saccharine sorghum with blue lupine (Lupinus angustifolius) in ratio of 70% + 30%, respectively made it possible to obtain the highest efficiency (62,4 t/ha of green material, 15,1 t/ha of dry matter, 13,1 t/ha of fodder units). Mixed sowing of millet, Japanese millet and saccharine sorghum with blue lupine surpassed in productivity the single-crop sowing on 15,5-32,6%. It was established, that the silage produced from the mixture of sorghum and Japanese millet with lupine had higher energy and protein nutritive value: 0,86 and 0,98 fodder unit, respectively; 9,77 and 9,92 mJ of exchange energy per 1 kg of dry matter, respectively; 103, 3 and 108,4 grams of digestible protein per 1 fodder unit. High nutritive value and the best palatability of trial silos promoted the increasing of milk yield on 4,4-5,4% in comparison with the control tests. Haylage which was produced from drought resistant crops had high energy nutritive value: per 1 kg of dry matter there was noted 9,40-9,48 mJ of available energy, 0,89-0,94 fodder units with fodder unit provision with 102-114 grams of digestible protein
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Использование рапса и люпина в рационах племенных телок
Kurtina, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Tsaj, V.P. | Yanochkin, I.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Feeding replacement heifers of 6-12 months of age with mixed feed that contains 20-25% of rape and lupine grain within winter and summer diets instead of sunflower cake allows to obtain the average daily weight gain of 893-927 g at forage spends of 6,0-6,3 с of forage units. The cost of these mixed feeds is decreased at 14% and prime cost of 1 c of weigh gain-at 6-15%
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