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Increased numbers of duodenal mucosal mast cells in turkeys inoculated with hemorrhagic enteritis virus.
Opengart K. | Eyre P. | Domermuth C.H.
The relation between average duodenal mast cell count, duodenal mucosal mast cell numbers, duodenal connective tissue mast cell numbers, circulating basophil numbers, heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, and lesion score were studied to gain an understanding of the events that may lead to intestinal lesion formation associated with hemorrhagic enteritis virus (HEV) infection. Changes in vascular permeability in the duodenum in birds inoculated with HEV were examined, using colloidal carbon and ferritin as vascular markers. Turkeys inoculated with HEV had significantly (P < 0.05) higher duodenal mast cell counts than did noninfected controls. Birds inoculated with HEV had significantly (P < 0.05) more mucosal mast cells than did phosphate-buffered saline solution-inoculated birds. Connective tissue mast cell and basophil numbers were unaffected by viral inoculation. Thermal stress did not have significant effect on lesion severity, but did increase number of birds that developed the characteristic intestinal lesions. The heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in HEV-inoculated birds, compared with phosphate-buffered saline solution-inoculated controls. Increase in vascular permeability was only detected in HEV-inoculated birds with intestinal lesions. Results indicate that mast cells, and the vasoactive mediators contained within mast cells, may be important in the early manifestation of HEV infection. They also provide a possible mechanism through which biochemical and physiologic changes characteristic of HEV infection can occur.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin induces histamine release from bovine pulmonary mast cells.
Adusu T.E. | Conlon P.D. | Shewen P.E. | Black W.D.
Role of mast cells in cow metritis
Wang, Guo-Qing | Hou, Jin-Long | Huang, Huanyou | Yuan, Chao-Wen
Introduction: Bovine postpartum metritis causes great losses. Mast cell (MC)-released mediators participate in uterine inflammation and immune response, but their role in postpartum metritis in cows has not been reported. This study investigated the effect of endometrial MC on the disorder.Material and Methods: Ten dairy cows, at 6 to 10 days postpartum and with acute purulent metritis made up the experimental group, and 10 comparable healthy cows the control group. Endometrial histamine and IgE levels were determined by ELISA, and the MC particle state and expression of histamine H₁ (H₁R) and H₂ (H₂R) mRNA receptors were examined by transmission electron microscope and real-time quantitative PCR, respectively.Results: Endometrial histamine and IgE levels were significantly higher in the experimental group. In the control group, homogenously distributed size-varied granules were seen in MC cytoplasm of endometrium of lamina propria. In the experimental group however, these showed degranulation with features of reduction. The level of H₁R mRNA was lower in the experimental group, but that of H₂R mRNA was higher.Conclusion: The results suggest MC type I hypersensitivity characteristics during metritis, and histamine provocation of local inflammation. High expression of H₂R and low expression of H₁R inhibited the inflammatory response and prevented excessive uterine tissue damage.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Occurrence and distribution of canine cutaneous mast cell tumour characteristics among predisposed breeds
Smiech, Anna | Łopuszyński, Wojciech | Ślaska, Brygida | Bulak, Kamila | Jasik, Agnieszka
Introduction: Breed predisposition to cutaneous mast cell tumours (MCT) in a population of dogs in Poland affected by various skin tumours was assessed, and the distribution of MCT characteristics such as histological grading, sex, age, and location, in predisposed breeds was evaluated. Material and Methods: The retrospective epidemiological study included 550 dogs affected by cutaneous MCTs with a reference group of 2,557 dogs diagnosed with other skin tumours. Results: A univariable logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals. The risk of high-grade MCTs was the highest for Shar-Peis (OR: 26.394) and American Staffordshire Terriers (OR: 2.897). Boxers (OR: 6.619), Labrador Retrievers (OR: 2.630), French Bulldogs (OR: 2.050), Golden Retrievers (OR: 1.949), and American Staffordshire Terriers (OR: 2.592) were mainly affected by low-grade MCTs. The high risk of MCT was calculated to be at the age of 4–6 years for Labrador Retrievers (OR: 2.686) and 7–10 years for Boxers (OR: 2.956) and French Bulldogs (OR: 9.429). MCTs were significantly more often located on the trunk in French Bulldogs (OR: 4.680), American Staffordshire Terriers (OR: 2.520), and Labrador Retrievers (OR: 1.948). There was no statistically significant correlation between gender and the occurrence of MCTs in the breeds. Conclusions: The breed-predicated differences in the clinical course of MCTs suggest a genetic background for the tumours.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitor-masitinib mesylate on canine mammary tumour cell lines
Ustun-Alkan, Fulya | Bakırel, Tülay | Üstüner, Oya | Anlas, Ceren | Cinar, Suzan | Yıldırım, Funda | Gürel, Aydın
Masitinib mesylate, a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor of the c-KIT receptor, is used for the treatment of mast cell tumours in dogs. Masitinib has previously been investigated in various cancers; however, its potential anticancer effect in canine mammary tumours (CMTs) is unknown. In the present paper, we investigated the antiproliferative effect of masitinib in CMT cells and its possible mechanisms of action. The effect of masitinib on the proliferation of CMT-U27 and CMT-U309 cells was assessed by MTT assay and DNA fragmentation. Flow cytometric analysis was used to measure the effect of masitinib on apoptosis and the cell cycle. Additionally, vascular endothelial growth factor levels (VEGF) were measured, and the proliferation marker Ki-67 was visualised in immunocytochemical stainings in CMT cells. Treatment with masitinib inhibited the proliferation of CMT cells in a concentration-dependent manner. Maximal apoptotic activity and DNA fragmentation were observed at approximately IC₅₀ of masitinib in both cell lines. In addition, cell cycle distribution was altered and VEGF levels and Ki-67 proliferation indices were decreased in masitinib-treated cells in comparison with control cells. In this study, masitinib suppressed cell proliferation concomitantly via induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest by decreasing VEGF levels and the Ki-67 proliferation index in CMT-U27 and CMT-U309 cells in vitro, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic tool in the clinical setting of mammary cancer treatment in dogs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Amount of skin shrinkage affecting tumor versus grossly normal marginal skin of dogs for cutaneous mast cell tumors excised with curative intent
Upchurch, David A. | Klocke, Emily E. | Henningson, Jamie N.
OBJECTIVE To assess differences in skin shrinkage between grossly visible tumor and grossly normal marginal skin of dogs for cutaneous mast cell tumors (MCTs) excised with curative intent and to determine an equation to estimate postexcisional gross tumor margins from preexcisional measurements and vice versa. SAMPLE 19 cytologically confirmed and surgically excised cutaneous MCTs obtained from dogs. PROCEDURES Tumors were measured in craniocaudal and dorsoventral directions before excision, immediately after excision, and after fixation in formalin. Both grossly visible tumor and surrounding grossly normal skin that comprised the surgical margin were measured at each time point. Percentage of shrinkage was compared among time points and between the tumor and surrounding grossly normal skin. Patient and histopathologic variables were correlated to skin shrinkage. RESULTS Overall shrinkage was 17.70%. The amount of shrinkage within the grossly visible tumor (4.45%) was less than that within the surrounding grossly normal skin (24.42%). Most of the shrinkage occurred immediately after excision. There was no effect of age, sex, completeness of excision, or degree of edema. Accuracy of an equation to estimate postexcisional margins from preexcisional measurements was only 18.4%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Grossly evident MCTs of dogs shrunk less than did the grossly normal surrounding skin. Although an equation to estimate postexcisional margins from preexcisional measurements could be derived, it likely would need to contain additional variables not included in the study reported here. Until such an equation exists, care must be used when extrapolating surgical margins from histologic margins and vice versa.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of canine mast cell tumors for presence of estrogen receptors
Larsen, A.E. | Grier, R.L.
Ten tumors from 7 dogs were analyzed for estrogen receptors. Of 9 determined to be mast cell tumors, 6 were determined not to have estrogen receptors (less than 3 fmol of estradiol/mg of cytosol protein) and 3 were questionable (3 to 10 fmol of estradiol/mg). One tumor was a mixed mammary tumor and was determined to have estrogen receptors (12 fmol of estradiol/mg). Histologic grading of the mast cell tumors did not suggest a correlation with estrogen receptor values.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pathogenesis of psoroptic scabies in Hereford heifer calves
Stromberg, P.C. | Guillot, F.S.
Hereford heifer calves were experimentally infested with Psoroptes ovis. Histologic examination of skin specimens was conducted at weekly intervals before and after treatment with ivermectin on postinfestation week 7. Electron microscopy revealed numerous degranulating mast cells in the skin of infested but not in control calves. Many active, as well as degenerate, neutrophils were in the scab on infested calves. Microscopic epidermal ulcers developed on infested calves when live mites were present but not after treatment. Numbers of dermal neutrophils and plasma cells decreased and numbers of circulating neutrophils increased 1 week after treatment. Numbers of dermal eosinophils and mast cells in calves with eosinophilia increased for several weeks after treatment. Statistical analysis indicated significant correlations (P less than 0.05) among numbers of dermal inflammatory cells, hemogram values, and changes in dermal thickness. Seemingly, mite-induced epidermal damage was the key pathogenic event in psoroptic scabies in calves. Mast cell degranulation contributed to the pathogenesis of the dermatitis, and neutropenia was caused by sustained, poorly compensated efflux of neutrophils into the scab through mite-induced breaks in the epidermis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pathogenesis of naturally acquired bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in calves: evidence for the involvement of complement and mast cell mediators
Kimman, T.G. | Terpstra, G.K. | Daha, M.R. | Westenbrink, F.
Indicators of immune-mediated disease were studied in calves with severe natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection. Although antigen and antibody were detected concurrently in most calves, immune complexes were not detected by use of immunofluorescence, ELISA, and binding of the 1q component of complement. Complement component C3, however, was observed by immunofluorescence in the cranioventral, virus-infected portion of the lungs of 19 of 25 calves. Reductions in the amount of histamine and in the numbers of mast cells and mast cell granules in the virus-positive cranioventral and virus-negative caudodorsal portions of the lungs, indicated activation of mast cells and liberation of their granule contents. On the basis of these and previous findings, a model for the pathogenesis of bovine respiratory syncytial virus-induced disease was proposed.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Aerosolized Micropolyspora faeni antigen as a cause of pulmonary dysfunction in ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (heaves)
Derksen, F.J. | Robinson, N.E. | Scott, J.S. | Stick, J.A.
Ponies with recurrent airway obstruction (principal ponies) and their controls were given aerosolized Micropolyspora faeni antigen via endotracheal tube during a period when the principal ponies were in disease remission. In both groups of ponies, we performed bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and measured pulmonary function at base line, and 5 hours after aerosol administration of 30 ml of 0.9% NaCl solution or 30 ml of 1% w/v particulate M faeni antigen in 0.9% NaCl solution. In both groups of ponies, aerosolized M faeni antigen increased WBC count, neutrophil numbers, and albumin concentration in BAL fluid, but macrophage numbers decreased. In the principal ponies, BAL mast cell numbers were decreased 5 hours after administration of M faeni antigen. The M faeni antigen had no effect on the mechanical properties of the lungs or on gas exchange in the control ponies, but did increase respiratory frequency minute ventilation and pulmonary resistance, and decreased arterial oxygen tension in the principal ponies. Changes in pulmonary function were apparent only in the principal ponies, which suggests that neutrophils, per se, do not cause pulmonary dysfunction and that M faeni may be one of the etiologic agents involved in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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