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Ultrastructure of selected struvite-containing urinary calculi from cats.
Neumann R.D. | Ruby A.L. | Ling G.V. | Schiffman P.S. | Johnson D.L.
Oestrus synchronisation with progesterone-containing sponge and equine chorionic gonadotropin in Pirlak ewes during the non-breeding season: can Toryum improve fertility parameters?
Kuru, Mushap | Boga Kuru, Buket | Sogukpinar, Osman | Cebi Sen, Cigdem | Oral, Hasan | Kirmizibayrak, Turgut
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the vitamins, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and minerals in the supplement Toryum administered before and during oestrus synchronisation on some fertility parameters of ewes during the non-breeding season. The experimental animals were clinically healthy Pirlak ewes, 55–75 days postpartum, aged 2–4 years and weighing 40–50 kg. A sponge was inserted into the vagina for 10 d (G1, n = 30; G2, n = 30) or 14 d (G3, n = 30; G4, n = 30) for oestrus synchronisation, and on the day of removal, 400 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin was injected. Toryum soft capsules were administered individually (1 capsule/ewe p.o.) to G1 and G3 ewes seven days before the sponge was inserted and on the day it was removed. Oestrus detection was started 12 h after sponge removal. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography on the 30ᵗʰ day after mating. The pregnancy rate was statistically different between G1 and G4 (P < 0.05). The onset of oestrus was statistically different (P < 0.001) between the 10-d groups (G1 and G2) and the 14-d groups (G3 and G4). The litter size and oestrus, conception, lambing, multiple birth, and survival rates were not significantly different between the groups (P > 0.05). Toryum administered to Pirlak ewes during progesterone-based oestrus synchronisation protocols during the non-breeding season may increase pregnancy rates. The relationship between Toryum and fertility parameters in ewes would be better understood by comprehensive studies.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of dietary phosphorus and protein in dogs with chronic renal failure
Finco, D.R. | Brown, S.A. | Crowell, W.A. | Duncan, R.J. | Barsanti, J.A. | Bennett, S.E.
Four diets were formulated to contain: 16% protein and 0.4% phosphorus-diet 1; 16% protein and 1.4% phosphorus-diet 2; 32% protein and 0.4% phosphorus-diet 3; and 32% protein and 1.4% phosphorus-diet 4. Forty-eight dogs were fed diet 1 for 3 months after surgical reduction of renal mass, then were allotted to 4 groups of 12 dogs each, with equal mean values for glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Dog of groups 1-4 were fed diets 1-4, respectively, for 24 months. Data collected from the dogs during and at termination of the study were analyzed statistically for effects of dietary protein, phosphorus (P), time, and interactions between these factors. During the 24 months of study, 24 dogs developed uremia and were euthanatized for necropsy. Necropsy also was performed on the remaining 24 dogs after they were euthanatized at the end of the study. Dog survival was significantly enhanced by 0.4% P diets (vs 1.4% P diets), but survival was not significantly influenced by amount of dietary protein. The 0.4% P diets (vs 1.4% P diets) significantly increased the period that GFR remained stable before it decreased, but dietary protein did not have significant effect. Significant blood biochemical changes attributed to P, protein, and time were identified during the study. Terminally, plasma parathyroid hormone concentration was significantly increased from prediet values in all groups of dogs. Urine protein excretion was not significantly affected by dietary amount of either protein or P, when measured by either timed urine collection or urine protein-to-creatinine ratio. A tendency was seen for increased protein excretion with passage of time. Histologic and mineral analyses of kidneys removed at necropsy revealed some significant difference attributable to diet, but differences were more marked when diet was ignored, and the 24 surviving dogs were compared with the 24 that developed uremia. Overall, amount of dietary P was more important than amount of dietary protein for preventing adverse responses. However, because renal damage specifically attributable to either dietary component was not obvious, it is possible that the effects of P were manifested by extrarenal mechanisms.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biliary and plasma copper and zinc in pregnant Simmental and Angus cattle
S. Ravi Gooneratne | Bernard Laarveld | Kumar K. Pathirana | David A. Christensen
Three each of 3-year-old Angus and Simmental heifers, surgically modified to collect bile, were used to measure the effects of pregnancy and breed on bile flow, biliary copper and zinc excretion and plasma copper and zinc concentrations. Bile copper excretion was significantly higher at 7-mo of pregnancy when samples from both breeds were pooled. From then onwards it declined to its lowest, one week post-partum. During pregnancy, plasma copper concentration increased slightly, reaching its highest level at 7-mo of pregnancy and then decreased slightly until full term. In pooled samples from both breeds, the correlation between increase in bile copper excretion and plasma copper concentration from 0 to 7-mo of pregnancy was high (r = 0.85) and significant (p < 0.05). Plasma zinc concentration decreased to the lowest level around 6-mo of pregnancy but increased thereafter until full term. In cows that were dried off one week after parturition, major shifts in bile and plasma copper and zinc parameters occurred at one week following and these coincided with a marked decline of bile flow and bile copper and zinc excretion. By 3-mo post-partum, biliary copper and zinc excretion and plasma copper and zinc concentrations had reached levels observed prior to pregnancy. When the data from all samples were pooled, the bile flow and bile copper excretion were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in Simmental, and plasma copper and zinc concentration higher in the Angus.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of monensin on selenium status and related factors in genetically hypo- and hyperselenemic growing swine
Horvath, C.J. | Stowe, H.D. | Miller, E.R.
Monensin is an ionophoretic antibiotic, which selectively transports alkali metal cations across biological membranes. In growing swine, monensin toxicosis causes acute, degenerative cardiac and skeletal myopathy resembling vitamin E-selenium deficiency. Selenium is an essential trace element incorporated in glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), an antioxidant enzyme system that protects subcellular membranes. In our study, we examined the effects of monensin on body weight, Se balance, antioxidant status, and serum concentrations of selected minerals in growing pigs that were genetically hypo- or hyperselenemic (hypo-Se and hyper-Se, respectively). Three groups of eight 8-week-old pigs, each comprised of 4 hypo-Se and 4 hyper-Se pigs (76.4 +/- 3.0 and 106.3 +/- 10.3 ng of Se/ml of serum, respectively), were fed standard diets containing 0.1 mg of supplemental Se/kg of body weight, and either 0, 200, or 400 mg of monensin/kg for a 77-day period, followed by a 28-day monensin withdrawal period. On days 0, 7, 28, 56, 70, and 98, all pigs were weighed and blood was collected for determination of serum GSH-Px, creatine phosphokinase, and aspartate transaminase values, as well as serum concentrations of vitamin E, Se, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, and Zn. Significance of main effects of monensin treatment, genetic Se status, and their interactions was tested by Fisher's variance ratio test, followed by conditional comparison of treatment means with a Bonferroni test. Signs of monensin toxicosis were not observed and monensin consumption had no effect on body weight, or serum creatine phosphokinase, aspartate transaminase, or Se values. However, pigs consuming monensin had consistently higher serum GSH-Px activities, possibly because of increased synthesis of this adaptive antioxidant enzyme. Interactions were not found between monensin and genetic Se status. Hyperselenemic pigs were heavier and had higher serum Se and GSH-Px values than hypo-Se pigs. Furthermore, hypo-Se and hyper-Se pigs were hypo- and hypercupremic, respectively, suggesting genetic regulation of copper status. It is likely that pigs with inadequate antioxidant status (hyposelenemia, hypocupremia) are more susceptible to diseases associated with cellular membrane damage, such as vitamin E-Se deficiency disease and monensin toxicosis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Researching some mineral substance and vitamin levels in the cattle with indigestion
Ertas, Fatma | Yuksek, Nazmi
This study; It was aimed to compare serum and rumen content, trace element and serum vitamin levels and rumen content in indigestion cattle with healthy animals. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on a total of 30 cattle, 10 healthy (control group) and 20 indigestion group. Indigestion diagnosis in animals was determined by anamnesis information, clinical and rumen content examination.Hematologically, there was no statistical difference between indigestion and control groups. Serum magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn) levels of the measured trace elements decreased in the group with indigestion (p<0.05), while the levels of cobalt (Co) increased significantly (p<0.01). While there was a significant increase (p<0.5) in cattle with indigestion in rumen content Ca values compared to healthy cattle, serum levels were decreased (p<0.05). A positive correlation (p<0.01) was determined between rumen content levels of indigestion cattle and serum Mg levels of control group and rumen content of control group. In addition, a negative correlation was found between serum Ca and rumen content values of cattle with indigestion. In serum vitamin levels, Vitamin B1 (Vit B1) decreased statistically (p<0.05), while Vitamin B12 (Vit B12) was found to increase non-statistically (p>0.05).As a result, it was concluded that the decrease in serum Mg, Ca and Zn values in indigestion animals is important and these trace elements should be used in treatment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Minerals and trace elements composition of raw cow’s milk in Peninsular Malaysia
Falizah A. | Khairunnisak M. | Chandrawathani P. | Kamaliah G. | Ernah G. | Ketty G. S. L. | Roosnoor Farkhan H. | Saipul Bahari A. R. | Faridah F. I. | Norakmar I. | Marni S. | Izwan I.
This study was conductedon raw cow’s milk collected in seven statesof Malaysia to investigate the compositionof minerals and trace elements in the milk.Raw cow’s milk samples were collectedfrom Kedah, Perak, Johor, Melaka,Pahang, Selangor and Negeri Sembilanfrom January to November 2015. ICPMStechnique combined with microwavedigestion were applied to determine theconcentration of five major minerals (Na,Mg, K, Ca and P) and eleven trace elements(Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Sr, Mo,Baand Pb) in the milk samples. The resultof analysis showed relatively constantcomposition of minerals and trace elementsin the samples but some variations wereobserved in certain states. Application ofprincipal component analysis (PCA) in thecomposition data showed different clusterexists between the states of Selangor andNegeri Sembilan as well as Kedah andNegeri Sembilan. There is no significantdifference observed in the compositionsof minerals and trace elements betweenother states. The compositions of mineralsand trace elements in raw cow’s milk inMalaysia are comparable with reports fromother research. Further studies can be doneto investigate the source of nutrient, foodor environmental condition that producedthe amounts of minerals and trace elementsin the milk.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of dietary phosphoric acid supplementation on acid-base balance and mineral and bone metabolism in adult cats
Fettman, M.J. | Coble, J.M. | Hamar, D.W. | Norrdin, R.W. | Seim, H.B. | Kealy, R.D. | Rogers, Q.R. | McCrea, K. | Moffat, K.
Experimental evidence indicates that maintenance of urinary pH less than or equal to 6.4 is the single most effective means of preventing feline struvite crystalluria or urolithiasis of noninfectious causes. This may be accomplished by dietary acidification, but must be moderated to avoid potential adverse effects of excessive acidification, including bone demineralization, negative calcium balance, potassium depletion, and renal disease. Effects of chronic dietary phosphoric acid supplementation on acid-base balance and on mineral and bone metabolism were investigated in adult, domestic cats. One group of 6 cats was fed a basal, naturally acidifying diet without added acidifiers, and another group of 6 cats was fed 1.7% dietary phosphoric acid. Changes observed during 12 months of study included development of noncompensated metabolic acidosis, increased urinary calcium excretion, and lower but positive calcium balance in cats of both groups. Urinary pH decreased in cats of both groups, but was significantly (P < 0.05) and consistently maintained less than or equal to 6.4 in cats given dietary phosphoric acid. Urinary phosphorus excretion increased in cats of both groups, but was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in phosphoric acid-supplemented cats, leading to lower overall phosphorus balance as well. Potassium balance decreased in cats of both groups, but was only transiently negative in the phosphoric acid-supplemented cats midway through the study, and normalized at positive values thereafter. Plasma taurine concentration was not affected by dietary acidification, and remained well within the acceptable reference range for taurine metabolism. Double labeling of bone in vivo with fluorescent markers was followed by bone biopsy and histomorphometric measurement of several static and dynamic variables of bone formation. Overall indices of bone formation decreased in cats of both groups with age and confinement, but were not affected by dietary phosphoric acid supplementation. Dietary supplementation with phosphoric acid used as the principal inorganic P source to achieve moderate and stable degree of urinary acidification, did not appear over the course of 1 year, to have induced adverse effects on mineral, bone, or taurine balance in these adult domestic cats.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of concurrent subclinical infections by coccidia (Eimeria christenseni) and intestinal nematodes (Trichostrongylus colubriformis) on apparent nutrient digestibilities and balances, serum copper and zinc, and bone mineralization in the pigmy goat
Frandsen, J.C.
Eimeria christenseni, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, pygmy goats (exper.), effects of concurrent subclinical infections on liveweight; apparent feed digestibility; balances of calcium, nitrogen, and phosphorus; serum copper and zinc concentrations; and bone matrix mineralization
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Profiles of Serum Protein Fractions Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment in Lambs with Pica Disorder
Yüksek, Veysel | Ekici, Pınar | Dede, Semiha | Çetin, Sedat | Usta, Ayşe
Objective: The present study was planned to examine the changes in serum protein fractions of lambs with pica symptoms with electrophoresis. Material and Methods: The three study groups were the control group that included healthy lambs, pretreatment and post-treatment groups that included lamb with pica. Lambs with pica symptoms were then treated with a single capsule mineral complex orally and single dose vitamin complex. Serum protein fractions in blood samples were determined with cellulose-acetate electrophoresis.Results: It was determined that in terms of concentration, total protein, albumin and β-globulin, levels did not change, albumin percentage levels increased with pica, however reached control group levels with treatment and α1-Globulin and α2-Globulin levels reduced after treatment. Based on % gr, it was determined that α1-Globulin and β-Globulin did not change and α2-Globulin decreased. ɣ-Globulin level and percentage increased after treatment.Conclusion: Profiles of serum protein fractions may play an important role in the etiology of pica; it was suggested that the identification of serum protein fractions should be considered as a beneficial method in veterinary clinic for the detection, treatment and follow-up of certain diseases and certain nutrition-related conditions.
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