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Study on Cryptosporidium Infection in Cattle and Water Buffaloes of Farms in Mahabad Suburb, Iran
Noorani Kolije, Omid | Yakhchali, Mohammad | Malekifard, Farnaz
BACKGROUND: The protozoancryptosporidiumisan important intestinal parasitic infection in domestic ruminants that has the potential for transmission between humans and livestock throughout the world and Iran. OBJECTIVES: The present study was undertaken to determine cryptosporidiuminfection in different age groupsof cattle and water buffaloesin farms of Mahabad suburb, Iran. METHODS: For this purpose, a total number of 248 fresh fecal samples were randomly collected from rectum of cattle and water buffaloesin farms of 4 villages from May2016 to May 2017. The fecal samples were subjected to floatation technique andcryptosporidiumoocysts were collected using Sucrose Gradient and Percole flotation technique and stained with modified Ziehl-Neelsen technique. RESULTS: Overall prevalence of cryptosporidiuminfection was 50% (124/248). The highest rate of infection was significant in female calves (30.65%) less than one year-old. The highest infection rate was significantly found in summer (20.16%). Cryptosporidium parvum and C. andersoni were identified in 40.32% (100/248) and 9.68% (24/248) of examined cattle, respectively. Mixed infection was 8.47%. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicated that C.parvum was prevalent in cattle of the region, therefore, further molecular studies are recommended to determine the genotypes of the parasiteas a potential zoonotic agent.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in retail fresh meat products from free-range chickens in Spain
Salinas, María Jesús Gracia | Campos, Cristina Escolano | Peris, María Paz Peris | Kassab, Nabil Halaihel
Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most prevalent zoonotic protozoan parasites worldwide and affects the vast majority of warm-blooded animal species, including humans. Postnatal infection in humans occurs through the ingestion of sporulated T. gondii oocysts or via the oral intake of parasite tissue cysts during the consumption of raw or undercooked meat. In this regard, given their high exposure to oocysts, chickens (Gallus domesticus) raised on the ground constitute a potential source of T. gondii. For the first time in Spain, a survey was undertaken in commercial retail free-range poultry. A total of 50 thighs from different animals were analysed. The samples were homogenised and an acid pepsin digestion procedure was applied prior to molecular analysis. Toxoplasma gondii DNA was isolated from meat by qPCR. Two sets of primers were used for DNA amplification targeting the specific sequence of a 529 bp repeat element and another set of primers was utilised for the surface antigen protein-1 gene. DNA extracted from 5 out of 50 tissue samples was positive for both genes by qPCR amplification. The 10% prevalence of Toxoplasma infection found in commercial free-range chickens raises public health issues.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Coccidiosis in village chicken: a preliminary survey in Pasir Putih District, Kelantan, West Malaysia
Norlida O. | Nur Syakila M. Z. | Saipul Baharia R. | Wan Norulhuda W. A. W. | Nik Kamarudin T.
A study was carried out to detect and identify the presence of coccidia oocysts in the faeces of village chicken from the district of Pasir Putih, Kelantan, West Malaysia. A total of 135 fecal samples were collected from 15 areas in the Pasir PutihDistrict. The faecal samples were examined by direct smear method (qualitative study). A pinch of the faeces was put onto the glassslide with 1-2 drops of normal saline and cover slip, which was then observed under the compound microscope to detect thecoccidia oocysts. The presence of coccidia oocyst was then identified by its size and shape. Results showed that ten out of 135 samples were positive for coccidia oocysts, and classified as Eimeria maxima and Eimeria mitis, both of which are from two locations at Kampung Chap Banir, Pasir Putih, Kelantan. The remaining 125 samples were observed to be negative. This may suggest that the chickens reared in the backyard (extensive)are less susceptible to the coccidia infection due to their environment with lower stocking density (mostly free ranging chicken), and no damp/wet litter as bedding which canfacilitate sporulation of the coccicia oocyst thereby spreading the infection. Further studies need to be done to elucididate other factors which may affect coccidial infections in free range chicken such as the availability of medications in feed or genetic hardiness and tolerance to field infections. The localvillage chicken industry is an up and coming facet of the poultry industry and needs concerted efforts to boost it.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cryptosporidium infection in non-human hosts in Malawi
Banda, Z.(University of Malawi Department of Environmental Health) | Nichols, Rosely A.B.(Stobhill Hospital Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Laboratory) | Grimason, A.M.(Stobhill Hospital Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Laboratory ,Department of Civil Engineering) | Smith, H.V.(Stobhill Hospital Scottish Parasite Diagnostic Laboratory)
Serologic and parasitologic responses of domestic chickens after oral inoculation with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts
Dubey, J.P. | Ruff, M.D. | Camargo, M.E. | Shen, S.K. | Wilkins, G.L. | Kwok, O.C.H. | Thulliez, P.
Four-week-old chickens were inoculated orally with 1,000 or 100,000 oocysts of the ME-49 or GT-1 strain of Toxoplasma gondii, and their antibody responses were measured, using the direct modified agglutination test, latex agglutination test, indirect hemagglutination test, ELISA, and the Sabin-Feldman dye test. Antibodies against T gondii were detected by use of the modified agglutination test and ELISA within 2 weeks of oocyst inoculation, and antibodies persisted until termination of the study by postinoculation day 68. The latex agglutination test was insensitive in detecting T gondii antibodies, and antibodies were not detected by use of the dye and indirect hemagglutination tests. Of tissues bioassayed in mice for tissue cysts by pepsin digestion of individual organs of chickens on postinoculation day 68, tissue cysts were found in the brain of all 5, heart of 3, and leg muscles of 2, but not in the liver and breast muscles. None of the birds developed clinical toxoplasmosis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prospective vaccine prepared from a new mutant of Toxoplasma gondii for use in cats
Frenkel, J.K. | Pfefferkorn, E.R. | Smith, D.D. | Fishback, J.L.
Kittens are the principal disseminators of Toxoplasma gondii. They can shed > 10(8) oocysts in the feces after initial infection with bradyzoites in tissue cysts. Thereafter, most kittens develop protective immunity and do not shed oocysts again if they are reinfected. Bradyzoites of a T gondii mutant, designated T-263, were used to vaccinate kittens. Their use did not result in oocyst shedding, but successfully prevented 84% (31/37) of the kittens from shedding oocysts when challenge exposed with a normal isolate of T gondii. Vaccination of outdoor-roaming cats and kittens would be a useful public health measure to prevent transmission of toxoplasmosis near homes, on farms, and in zoos. It is anticipated that several years will be required for a lyophilized bradyzoite vaccine to be ready for licensing and possible commercial availability.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Risk of environmental exposure to small coccidia from wild canid feces in rural Ohio
Moreno-Torres, Karla I. | Sinnott, Devinn M. | Wolfe, Barbara A. | Marsh, Antoinette E. | Saville, William J. A. | Moritz, Mark | Garabed, Rebecca B.
OBJECTIVE To determine the extent of environmental exposure to heteroxenous coccidia from wild canid feces in southeastern Ohio. SAMPLE 285 presumed wild canid fecal samples collected across an ecological system in southeastern Ohio. PROCEDURES Morphological classification and molecular analysis were used to determine the canid genus for collected fecal samples. Microscopic and molecular analysis were used to detect coccidian oocysts and DNA. Several variables were analyzed for associations with coccidian DNA detection or prevalence. RESULTS Coccidian DNA was detected in 51 of 285 (17.9%) fecal samples. Of those positive samples, 1% (95% confidence interval, 0.4% to 3%) had positive results for Hammondia heydorni and none had positive results for Neospora caninum, for an estimated environmental N caninum prevalence of 0% (95% confidence interval, 0% to 7%)/1-km2 hexagonal area evaluated. Morphological classification revealed that 78.9% (225/285) of fecal samples were from coyotes and 17.2% (49/285) were from foxes. No difference in proportions of coccidian DNA-positive fecal samples was identified among canid species. Environmental temperature and fecal freshness were associated with coccidian DNA detection. Land use type, relative canid density, and cattle density were not associated with the prevalence of coccidian DNA-positive samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The low prevalence of coccidia shed in wild canid feces in this study, including the estimated 0% environmental prevalence of N caninum, suggested that the role of the oocyst environmental phase in coccidia transmission to ruminants is likely minor in rural southeastern Ohio.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Detection of Toxoplasma gondii oocyst in cats using Modified Kato-Katz and Sheather’s sugar methods
Norsharina A. | Norina L. | Hanafi H. | Norhamizah A. H. | Rashidah C. M. | Saipul Bahari A. R
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that causes toxoplasmosis in humans and animals. It belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa, subclass Coccidiasina and family Sarcocystidae. The Felidae family is thedefinitive host for this disease where the parasites undergo a sexual cycle of replication (oocysts). In this study, cat faeces were collected from private clinics around Johore Bahru, Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 61 samples were tested using microscopy to detect for presence of T. gondii oocyst via two methods; namelythe Modified Kato-Katz with Kinyoun staining and Sheather’s sugar floatation methods. The results showed that 40.98% of the faecal samples tested were positive for T. gondii oocysts. These two methodswere successfully used in diagnosing toxoplasmosis in cats in this study. Morphological approaches for Toxoplasma oocysts identification have been neglected in recent years, due to the upsurge of moreprecise technologies. This study suggests that this modified technique could be introduced for screening and detection of oocysts excreted in faeces of suspected animals of the Felidae family.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence of internal parasites in beef cows in the United States: Results of the National Animal Health Monitoring System’s (NAHMS) beef study, 2007‐2008
Stromberg, Bert E. | Gasbarre, Louis C. | Ballweber, Lora R. | Dargatz, David A. | Rodriguez, Judith M. | Kopral, Christine A. | Zarlenga, Dante S.
During the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Animal Health Monitoring System’s (NAHMS) 2007‐2008 beef study, 567 producers from 24 US States were offered the opportunity to collect fecal samples from weaned beef calves and have them evaluated for the presence of parasite eggs (Phase 1). Participating producers were provided with instructions and materials for sample collection. Up to 20 fresh fecal samples were collected from each of the 99 participating operations. Fresh fecal samples were submitted to one of 3 randomly assigned laboratories for evaluation. Upon arrival at the laboratories, all samples were processed for the enumeration of strongyle, Nematodirus, and Trichuris eggs using the modified Wisconsin technique. The presence or absence of coccidian oocysts and tapeworm eggs was also noted. In submissions where the strongyle eggs per gram exceeded 30, aliquots from 2 to 6 animals were pooled for DNA extraction. Extracted DNA was subjected to genus level polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identification for the presence of Ostertagia, Cooperia, Haemonchus, Oesophagostomum, and Trichostrongylus. In this study, 85.6% of the samples had strongyle type, Nematodirus, and Trichuris eggs. Among the samples evaluated, 91% had Cooperia, 79% Ostertagia, 53% Haemonchus, 38% Oesophagostomum, 18% Nematodirus, 7% Trichuris, and 3% Trichostrongylus. The prevalence of coccidia and tapeworm eggs was 59.9% and 13.7%, respectively.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effectiveness of current anthelmintic treatment programs on reducing fecal egg counts in United States cow-calf operations
Gasbarre, Louis C. | Ballweber, Lora R. | Stromberg, Bert E. | Dargatz, David A. | Rodriguez, Judy M. | Kopral, Christine A. | Zarlenga, Dante S.
During the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Animal Health Monitoring System’s (NAHMS) 2007‐2008 beef study, producers from 24 states were offered the opportunity to evaluate their animals for internal parasites and for overall responses to treatment with anthelmintics. A lapse of 45 d was required between initial sampling and any previous treatments. Choice of anthelmintic (oral benzimidazoles, and both injectable and pour-on endectocides) was at the discretion of the producer so as not to alter the local control programs. Fresh fecal samples were collected from 20 animals, or from the entire group if less than 20, then randomly assigned to 1 of 3 participating laboratories for examination. Analyses consisted of double centrifugation flotation followed by enumeration of strongyle, Nematodirus, and Trichuris eggs (the presence of coccidian oocysts and tapeworm eggs was also noted). Where strongyle eggs per gram (epg) exceeded 30, aliquots from 2 to 6 animals were pooled for egg isolation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for the presence of Ostertagia, Cooperia, Haemonchus, Oesophagostomum, and Trichostrongylus. Results from 72 producers (19 States) indicated that fecal egg count reductions were < 90% in 1/3 of the operations. All operations exhibiting less than a 90% reduction had used pour-on macrocyclic lactones as the anthelmintic treatment. While some of these less than expected reductions could have been the result of improper drug application, PCR analyses of the parasite populations surviving treatment, coupled with follow-up studies at a limited number of sites, indicated that less than expected reductions were most likely due to anthelmintic resistance in Cooperia spp. and possibly Haemonchus spp.
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