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Changes in blood lymphocyte subpopulations and expression of MHC-II molecules in wild mares before and after parturition
Krakowski, Leszek | Bartoszek, Przemysław | Krakowska, Izabela | Stachurska, Anna | Piech, Tomasz | Brodzki, Piotr | Wrona, Zygmunt
Introduction: Pregnancy is a physiological state in which the immune system undergoes certain changes. On the one hand, by depleting cell defence mechanisms, it favours development and maintenance of the pregnancy. At the same time cells of the immune system ensure resistance to many risk factors, including infectious agents.Material and Methods: The study was carried out on 24 Polish Konik breed mares which were divided into two equal groups. The first group (group I) included mares living in the reserve. The second group (group II) comprised mares maintained under conventional conditions in the stables. The blood samples were collected for the first time in the perinatal period, i.e. 2 weeks before parturition (trial 0), then within the first 24 h after delivery, and then on 7ᵗʰ and 21ˢᵗ day after foaling. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte expressing TCD4+, TCD8+, CD2+, and MHC class II antigens was performed.Results: Before the delivery, in group I there was a significantly higher CD4:CD8 ratio compared to group II (P ≤0.05). Similarly, significantly increased CD4:CD8 ratio in group I was noted within 24 h after parturition (P ≤0.001) and it was also observed on 7ᵗʰ day (P ≤0.03) and 21ˢᵗ day after foaling (P ≤0.02). In the first 24 h after parturition, a significant decline of lymphocytes CD8+ (P ≤0.02) was noted. No significant differences in terms of lymphocytes CD2+ and CD3+ were observed. Expression of MHC-II molecules before and after the parturition was higher in group I compared to group II; however, the difference between the groups was not significant.Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that mares living in the reserve display higher activity of cell defence mechanisms.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of pregnancy and stage of lactation on energy processes in isolated blood cells of dairy cows
Dębski Bogdan | Nowicki Tadeusz | Zalewski Wojciech | Bartoszewicz Agnieszka | Twardoń Jan
Introduction: The transition period is the most challenging time for dairy cattle, which is characterised not only by negative energy balance but also by fatty tissue mobilisation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes in circulating adiponectin and tumour necrosis factor-α and their relationship with insulin resistance in periparturient dairy cows
Mecitoglu Zafer | Senturk Sezgin | Akgul Gulsah | Udum Duygu | Uzabacı Ender | Kasap Sevim | Catik Serkan
Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate changes in the serum levels of adiponectin and TNF-α, as well as insulin sensitivity, and to elucidate the possible relationship among the parameters and negative energy balance during the periparturient period of dairy cows.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of pregnancy and stage of lactation on energy processes in isolated blood cells of dairy cows
Dębski, Bogdan | Nowicki, Tadeusz | Zalewski, Wojciech | Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka | Twardoń, Jan
Introduction: The transition period is the most challenging time for dairy cattle, which is characterised not only by negative energy balance but also by fatty tissue mobilisation.Material and Methods: The efficiency of energy pathways, β-oxidation in WBC and glycolysis in RBC (based on deoxyglucose transmembrane transport) were estimated. Insulin in blood plasma was determined using ELISA.Results: After calving and up to one month after delivery, a significant drop in blood plasma level was noticed, simultaneously with a rise in β-oxidation from 18.93 ±3.64 to 30.32 ±5.28 pmol/min/mg protein in WBC. A strong negative correlation between these two indices (r = −0.68) was found. During the period of transition to lactation an increase in glucose cross-membrane transportation from 41.44 ±4.92 to 50.49 ±6.41 μmol/h/g Hb was observed. A strong positive correlation between glucose transportation in RBC and β-oxidation in WBC (r = 0.71) was noticed. These data are in agreement with results of studies on dairy cows using liver slices from dairy cows in late pregnancy and different stages of lactation, in which changes in gene expression were analysed.Conclusion: It seems that measuring fatty acids oxidation and glycolysis using isolated blood cells may be an adequate and relatively simple method for energy state analysis to estimate the state of dairy cow metabolism and animal health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes in circulating adiponectin and tumour necrosis factor-α and their relationship with insulin resistance in periparturient dairy cows
Mecitoglu, Zafer | Senturk, Sezgin | Akgul, Gulsah | Udum, Duygu | Uzabacı, Ender | Kasap, Sevim | Catik, Serkan
Introduction: The aim of the study was to investigate changes in the serum levels of adiponectin and TNF-α, as well as insulin sensitivity, and to elucidate the possible relationship among the parameters and negative energy balance during the periparturient period of dairy cows.Material and Methods: Thirty primiparous Holstein dairy cows were selected for the study. Blood samples were collected from each cow seven days before the expected calving date, on the calving day, and 7, 14, and 21 days after calving. Blood non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), glucose, insulin, adiponectin, and TNF- α levels were measured. Revised Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index (rQUICKI) was calculated using data on NEFA, insulin, and glucose concentrations.Results: When compared to prepartum levels, serum concentration of adiponectin significantly increased on day 21 postpartum. The rQUICKI increased and NEFA levels decreased on day 7 after parturition. Insulin and glucose levels decreased on days 7, 14, and 21 postpartum when compared with prepartum levels. BHBA levels decreased on day 21 and TNF- α concentration also decreased on days 7, 14, and 21 postpartum. Adiponectin levels positively correlated with NEFA during the preparturient period. Negative correlation was detected between adiponectin and rQUICKI on calving day and on 14ᵗʰ day after parturition. TNF- α concentration positively correlated with glucose levels on day 7 prepartum and on 21ˢᵗ day postpartum and with rQUICKI on 21ˢᵗ day postpartum. Negative correlation was detected between adiponectin level and insulin sensitivity.Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, we concluded that adiponectin could possibly increase insulin sensitivity when blood NEFA concentrations are elevated.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ovarian changes and follicular dynamics during postpartum period in Murrah buffaloes.
Malik, R. K. | Singh, Pardeep | Tuli, R. K. | Chandolia, R. K. | Malik, V. S. | Malik, D. S. | Lathwal, S. S.
The study was conducted on twelve normally calved, suckled, lactating Murrah buffaloes, aged 57.9±3.2 months from 1st to 3rd parity. The animals varied from 12 to 30 days postpartum at the start of experiment and suckling was restricted to twice daily (before milking). The objective of the study was to monitor ovarian follicular changes during early postpartum in Murrah buffaloes using a real time Bmode ultrasonography. Only 3 out of 12 animals showed cyclicity during observation period. Large follicles (8 to 10 mm) were detected for the 1st time at 24.4±1.99 days, whereas 10 mm follicles were first noticed at 26.0±1.41 days. The duration of growth of dominant follicle (9.3±0.48 days) was higher than duration of its regression (7.1±0.40 days), thereby indicating that the rate of regression is faster (0.73±0.03 mm/d) as compared to rate of growth (0.64±0.02 mm/d). The duration of growth of corpus luteum formed after 1st ovulation was very short (8.67±1.44 days). The largest diameter attained by first postpartum ovulatory follicle was 13.0±1.10 mm and the calving to first postpartum ovulation interval was 52.67±8.02 days in the present study. It is concluded that very few (25%) buffaloes experience ovulations in early postpartum period (within 2 months postpartum). Low number of buffaloes displayed spontaneous resumption of postpartum cyclicity although ovaries of all the animals exhibited follicular activity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Factors contributing to immunosuppression in the dairy cow during the periparturient period
Ingvartsen, K.L. (Aarhus University, Tjele (Denmark). Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Animal Science) | Moyes, K.M.
Postnatal changes in Rho and Rho-related proteins in the mouse brain
Komagome, R. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Kimura, K. | Saito, M.
To provide information on the role of Rho, a GTP-binding protein, in postnatal development of the brain cells, the change in the levels of Rho protein and Rho-related proteins was examined in the brain of mice for two weeks after birth, in parallel with the changes in the activity of marker enzymes for neuronal and glial cells. The activities of acetylcholine esterase and choline acetyltransferase of whole brain homogenate, both of which are neuronal marker enzymes, were progressively increased in an age-dependent manner. The activity of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase, a glial marker enzyme, increased markedly between one and two weeks after birth. In contrast, the levels of RhoA and RhoB in the membrane fraction were decreased during the postnatal period. The amount of Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor, a regulatory protein for Rho, was unchanged, while those of Rho target proteins, Rock-2 and citron, were gradually increased. Since the inactivation of Rho is known to induce neurite extension and neuronal and glial differentiation in vitro, our results suggest that the Rho signalling pathway plays a regulatory role in the postnatal differentiation of neuronal and glial cells in vivo
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Follicular development after ovum pick-up and fertilizability of retrieved oocytes in postpartum dairy cattle
Sasamoto, Y. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Sakaguchi, M. | Nagano, M. | Katagiri, S. | Takahashi, Y.
Динамика активности ферментов и нуклеиновых кислот в щитовидной железе кур
Klimenkova, I.V. | Gukov, F.D. | Kasko, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The research was realized by an example on 30 chickens aged 1, 10, 20, 30 60-days old, and 10 hens: 4-months, one-year-old and 2-year-old in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. All poultry stock was maintained in the conditions of industrial production at the Gorodokskaya Poultry Farm of Vitebsk region (Belarus). As a result of the study there was revealed a certain pattern of variation of a quantity of active forms of enzymes in organs chickens of different age. Application of histochemical methods made it possible to reveal different levels of metabolic processes in cellular elements of thyroid gland, which demonstrated the habit of formation and functioning of the organ at different stages of postnatal ontogenesis in hens. Coefficients of acid phosphatase activity in thyrocytes of thyroid gland of hens and indexes of alkaline phosphatase activity in secretion forming cells were analyzed. | Исследование провели на 30 цыплятах в возрасте 1-, 10-, 20-, 30- 60-дней, и 10 курах: 4-месячные молодки, годовалые и 2-летние особи. Все поголовье птицы содержалось в условиях промышленного производства на Городокской птицефабрике Витебской области. В результаты исследований установлена определенная закономерность изменения количества активных форм ферментов в органах птиц разного возраста. Использование гистохимических методов позволило выявить разные уровни метаболических процессов в клеточных элементах щитовидной железы, которые демонстрируют характер становления и функционирования органа на разных этапах постнатального онтогенеза кур. В табличной форме представлены коэффициенты активности кислой фосфатазы в тироцитах щитовидной железы кур и показатели активности щелочной фосфатазы в секретообразующих клетках.
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