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Controlled wound repair in guinea pigs, using antimicrobials that alter fibroplasia.
Kenyon A.J. | Hamilton S.G. | Douglas D.M.
Effects of repeated Strongylus vulgaris inoculations and concurrent ivermectin treatments on mesenteric arterial lesions in pony foals.
Klei T.R. | Turk M.A.M. | McClure J.R. | Holmes R.A. | Dennis V.A. | Chapman M.R.
Eight of 10 pony foals reared under helminth-free conditions were inoculated PO with 50 Strongylus vulgaris infective larvae/week for 4 weeks, at which time 1 foal died of acute verminous arteritis. Inoculation of 7 remaining foals continued at 2-week intervals for 20 weeks. Of the 7 foals, 3 were treated with ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg of body weight) in an oral paste formulation at experiment weeks 8, 16, 24; 4 foals were not treated. Two foals were not inoculated or treated and served as controls. After the first ivermectin treatment, ivermectin-treated foals had fewer days (12 +/- 2.9) with rectal temperatures > 38.6 C than did nontreated foals (23.3 +/- 3.8). Mean baseline rectal temperatures were 38 +/- 0.2 C. Adverse clinical reactions to ivermectin treatment were not observed in foals. Foals were euthanatized and necropsied 3 weeks after the last ivermectin treatment (week 24). Ivermectin was effective in reducing S vulgaris arterial larval and intestinal adult parasite numbers by 100% in 3 treated foals. Strongylus vulgaris arterial larvae and/or adults were recovered from all 4 nontreated inoculated foals. One nontreated inoculated foal lacked arterial larvae or active arterial lesions, indicating that protective resistance had developed in this individual. Marked gross and histopathologic lesions typical of chronic S vulgaris infection were observed in the 3 nontreated inoculated foals with arterial larvae. Repeated killing of intra-arterial S vulgaris fourth-stage larvae in ivermectin-treated foals did not exacerbate lesions associated with verminous arteritis or induce unique lesions associated with repeated destruction of arterial larvae. Arterial lesions in treated inoculated foals were markedly reduced and had resolved, compared with those in nontreated inoculated foals.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Kinetics of healing of grafted and nongrafted wounds on the distal portion of the forelimbs of horses.
Schumacher J. | Brumbaugh G.W. | Honnas C.M. | Tarpley R.J.
Экспериментальный подбор состава лекарственного средства растительного происхождения для местного лечения гнойных ран
Frolova, A.V. | Kosinets, A.N. | Zholnerovich, M.L. | Grushin, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of antimicrobial activity of liquid extractions from the following medicinal plants and their mixtures against S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and P. vulgaris was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus: peat moss (Sphagnum); greater plantain (Plantago major); plumepoppy (Macleaya); common comfrey (Symphytum officinale); speckled alder (Alnus incana). Research results showed that the best results for septic wounds treatment were obtained apter application of mixture of plumepoppy and greater plantain as it showed the acute antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healthing effect. Antimicrobial activity of the analyzed infusion formula revealed in quicker (on 3-6 days in comparison with control) wound cleansing from microorganisms, quick lowering of bacterial content up to 10E3 bodies per 1 g of tissue and in provision of wound healing without inclusion of saprogenous microflora. Anti-inflammatory effect was characterized by quick (by 2 days) cancellation of acute inflammatory response, that was revealed in lowering of neutrophilic leukocytes quantity up to 59,8 +/- 0,49 %; quicker normalization hematologic indexes and early reduction of perifocal edema; weakening of hyperthemia and hyperemia; decreasing of wound secretion without purulence; absence of leaks and leak pouch; normalization of microcirculation in wound. Wound-healthing effect was revealed in increasing of fibroblast number from 7,1 +/- 0,4 % up to 29,4 +/- 0,4 % on the 7th day and in activation proliferate and synthetically function
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