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Utility of urinary markers in the assessment of renal dysfunction in familial glomerulonephritis in Dobermann dogs
Winiarczyk Dagmara | Adaszek Łukasz | Madany Jacek | Winiarczyk Mateusz | Winiarczyk Stanisław
Dobermann dogs are reportedly predisposed to familial glomerulonephropathy. Proteinuria is a hallmark of canine familial glomerular diseases. The identification of glomerular abnormalities in breeds so predisposed is of great importance in improving breeding policy. Therefore, markers that allow the detection and localisation of renal damage are needed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the urinary concentrations of immunoglobulin G (uIgG), retinol-binding protein (uRBP), and Tamm–Horsfall protein (uTHP) in a family of Dobermanns with proteinuria and compare these concentrations with the corresponding values in healthy controls.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Association between urine osmolality and specific gravity in dogs and the effect of commonly measured urine solutes on that association
Ayoub, Jennifer A. | Beaufrere, Hugues | Acierno, Mark J.
Objective—To determine the association between urine osmolality and specific gravity (USG) in dogs and to evaluate the effect of commonly measured urine solutes on that association. Animals—60 dogs evaluated by an internal medicine service. Procedures—From each dog, urine was obtained by cystocentesis and USG was determined with a refractometer. The sample was divided, and one aliquot was sent to a diagnostic laboratory for urinalysis and the other was frozen at −80°C until osmolality was determined. Urine samples were thawed and osmolality was measured in duplicate with a freezing-point depression osmometer. The correlation between mean urine osmolality and USG was determined; the effect of pH, proteinuria, glucosuria, ketonuria, bilirubinuria, and hemoglobinuria on this relationship was investigated with multiple regression analysis. Results—The Pearson correlation coefficient between urine osmolality and USG was 0.87. The final multivariable regression model for urine osmolality included USG and the presence of ketones; ketonuria had a small negative association with urine osmolality. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results indicated a strong linear correlation between osmolality and USG in urine samples obtained from dogs with various pathological conditions, and ketonuria had a small negative effect on that correlation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Urinary indices in llamas fed different diets
Lackey, M.N. | Belknap, E.B. | Salmon, M.D. | Tinguely, L. | Johnson, L.W.
Indices of renal function and damage were measured in 12 healthy male adult llamas fed a diet of mixed alfalfa/grass hay (mixed hay) and water ad libitum. Using a collection bag fitted over the preputial area, urine samples were collected at 6, 12, and 24 hours. Serum samples were obtained concurrently to determine endogenous creatinine clearance (CL), total (TE) and fractional excretion (FE) of electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, P), electrolyte CL, urine and serum osmolality, urine enzyme activities (gamma-glutamyltransferase and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase), and urine protein concentration. Urine production was quantified. Three months later, 10 of the 12 llamas were fed a grass hay diet and water ad libitum. Similar samples were obtained, and similar measurements were made. Urine production was higher when the llamas were fed the mixed hay diet. Total urine volume for llamas fed mixed hay ranged from 628 to 1,760 ml/24 h, with a median of 1,307.5 ml/24 h, compared with a range of 620 to 1,380 ml/24 h and a median of 927.50 ml/24 h for llamas fed grass hay. Median urine osmolality was higher in llamas fed mixed hay (1,906 mOsm/kg of body weight, with a range of 1,237 to 2,529 mOsm/kg), compared with llamas fed grass hay (1,666 mOsm/kg with a range of 1,163 to 2,044 mOsm/kg). Creatinine CL did not vary significantly over time for either diet. Median creatinine CL was higher for llamas fed mixed hay, compared with llamas fed grass hay--0.78 ml/min/kg with a range of 0.20 to 1.83 ml/min/kg vs 0.45 ml/min/kg with a range of 0.13 to 3.17 ml/min/kg. Clearances for K and Cl varied significantly among the periods. However, median CL for Na and P did not vary over time for either diet. Overall values for these electrolytes in llamas fed mixed hay and grass hay diets were: CL(Na), 0.001 and 0.002 ml/min/kg and CL(P), 0.0006 and 0.0004 ml/min/kg respectively. The FE rates of K, Cl, and P did not vary significantly over time for either diet. Median respective FE for these electrolytes in the llamas fed mixed hay and grass hay diets include: FE(K), 84.90 and 63.10%; FE(Cl), 0.85 and 1.30%; and FE(P), 0.10 and 0.10%. Fractional excretion of Na varied over time for both diets and could not be expressed accurately as an overall median. Median respective TE of electrolytes for llamas fed the mixed hay and grass hay diets were: TE(Na), 0.007 and 0.03 mEq/kg/h; TE(Cl), 0.04 and 0.06 mEq/kg/h; and TE(P), 0.0002 and 0.00 mg/kg/h; TE(K) varied significantly (P < 0.05) over time for both diets. Urine gamma-glutamyltransferase activity changed significantly (P < 0.05) over time. Urine N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity was influenced by an interaction between diet and time. Median urine protein concentration was 26.0 mg/dl, with a range of 11.0 to 73.0 mg/dl for llamas fed mixed hay, and was 28.0 mg/dl, with a range of 16.0 to 124.0 mg/dl for llamas fed grass hay.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of renal protein loss in dogs with acute experimentally induced Ehrilchia canis infection
Codner, E.C. | Maslin, W.R.
Urinary protein-to-creatinine ratios and serum albumin concentrations were measured in 8 adult male dogs experimentally inoculated with Ehrlichia canis. Urinary protein concentration increased significantly, but transiently, during the acute phase of infection. Urinary protein-to-creatinine ratios were highest (mean, 8.6) during the third and fourth weeks after infection, and decreased to < 0.5 by 6 weeks after infection. Correspondingly, albumin concentration decreased significantly during the acute phase. Serum albumin concentrations were lowest (mean, 2.1 g/dl) the fourth week after infection and increased to > 3.0 g/dl by 11 weeks after infection. There was an inverse linear correlation between urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio and serum albumin concentration. The magnitude of proteinuria and its inverse relationship with serum albumin concentration suggested that hypoalbuminemia associated with acute E canis infection may be attributable primarily to increased renal loss of protein, rather than decreased hepatic synthesis as previously suggested. Another dog was subsequently inoculated with E canis from 1 of the experimentally infected dogs and a renal biopsy was performed during peak proteinuria (urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio = 22 and serum albumin = 1.1 g/dl). Immunofluorescent staining revealed mild to moderate deposits of anti-canine IgM, and to a lesser extent, anti-canine IgG and complement factor C3 in the glomerular tufts and mesangium. Ultrastructural evaluation revealed distortion and fusion of podocyte foot processes and increased microvilli on podocytes. These morphologic changes were consistent with transient glomerular leakage of protein of a magnitude that would significantly contribute to hypoalbuminemia during acute E canis infection. An underlying immunologic mechanism was suggested by positive glomerular immunofluorescence and previously described histologic findings.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Renal excretion of creatinine, electrolytes, protein, and enzymes in healthy sheep
Garry, F. | Chew, D.J. | Tarr, M.J. | Hoffsis, G.F.
Urinary indices of renal function and damage were measured in 6 healthy, mature ewes over a 48-hour period. Endogenous creatinine clearance, total and fractional electrolyte excretion rates, protein excretion, urine volume, and urine gamma-glutamyltransferase and beta-glucuronidase activities were measured. Significant variations in the excretion rates of creatinine, electrolytes, and protein were not found between intervals within the 48-hour urine collection period. Total urinary electrolyte excretion rates were significantly (P < 0.001) correlated with fractional electrolyte excretion rates normalized for creatinine concentration; however, coefficient of determination was low.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Twenty-four hour urinary protein loss in healthy cats and the urinary protein-creatinine ratio as an estimate
Monroe, W.E. | Davenport, D.J. | Saunders, G.K.
Urinary protein loss was determined in 12 healthy cats. Voided urine was collected and protein quantitated by the Coomassie blue method. Mean protein loss for all cats was 12.65 mg/kg24 h (5.45 SD). Protein loss for male cats (n=6) was 16.62 mg/kg24 h (3.3 SD), which was significantly different (P less than 0.01) from 8.69 mg/kg/24 h (4.09 SD) for females (n = 6). A single urine protein-creatinine ratio correlated well with the total urinary protein loss in mg/kg/24 h. The correlation coefficient for the protein-creatinine ratio in voided urine (UPCV) vs 24-hour urinary protein (UP-24) loss was 0.968, and that for the protein-creatinine ratio in urine obtained by cystocentesis (UPCC) vs UP-24 was 0.945. The regression equations were UPCV = 0.02145 + 0.02338 x UP-24 (mg/kg), and UPCC = 0.02667 + 0.02133 x UP-24 (mg/kg). Using the mean value plus 3 SD of urinary protein loss from the healthy cats in this study, a healthy cat would be expected to have a urinary protein loss of less than 29 mg/kg/24 h. A protein-creatinine ratio from a single urine sample provides an accurate estimate of urinary protein loss in healthy cats.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of blood contamination on results of dipstick evaluation and urine protein-to-urine creatinine ratio for urine samples from dogs and cats
Vientos-Plotts, Aida I. | Behrend, Ellen N. | Welles, Elizabeth G. | Chew, Dennis J. | Gaillard, Philippe R. | Busler, Jessica N. | Lee, Hollie P.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate effects of blood contamination on dipstick results, specific gravity (SG), and urine protein-to-urine creatinine ratio (UPCR) for urine samples from dogs and cats. SAMPLE Urine samples collected from 279 dogs and 120 cats. PROCEDURES Urine pools were made for each species (dogs [n = 60] and cats [30]). Blood was added to an aliquot of a pool, and serial dilutions were prepared with the remaining urine. Color and dipstick variables were recorded, and SG and UPCR were measured. For cats, 1 set of pools was used; for dogs, 2 sets were used. Comparisons were made between undiluted urine and spiked urine samples for individual colors. Repeated-measures ANOVA on ranks was used to compare dipstick scores and UPCR results; χ2 tests were used to compare proteinuria categorizations (nonproteinuric, borderline, or proteinuric). RESULTS Any blood in the urine resulted in significantly increased dipstick scores for blood. In both species, scores for bilirubin and ketones, pH, and SG were affected by visible blood contamination. No significant difference for the dipstick protein reagent results was evident until a sample was visibly hematuric. The UPCR was significantly increased in dark yellow samples of both species. Proteinuria categorizations differed significantly between undiluted urine and urine of all colors, except light yellow. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Any degree of blood contamination affected results of dipstick analysis. Effects depended on urine color and the variable measured. Microscopic blood contamination may affect the UPCR; thus, blood contamination may be a differential diagnosis for proteinuria in yellow urine samples.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of castration on the urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio of male dogs
Bertieri, Marie-Blanche | Lapointe, Catherine | Conversy, Berenice | Gara-Boivin, Carolyn
OBJECTIVE To assess the urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPCR) of healthy sexually intact male dogs and to compare the UPCR of these dogs before and after castration. ANIMALS 19 client- or shelter-owned healthy adult sexually intact male dogs. PROCEDURES Physical, hematologic, and biochemical examinations and urinalysis (including calculation of the UPCR) were performed on each dog. Dogs were then castrated, and physical examination and urinalysis (including calculation of the UPCR) were performed again at least 15 days after castration. RESULTS A dipstick test yielded positive results for protein in the urine of 10 sexually intact male dogs, but the UPCR was < 0.5 for all sexually intact male dogs. Mean UPCR for sexually intact male dogs was 0.12 (range, 0.10 to 0.32). The UPCR was < 0.2 for all castrated dogs, except for 1. Mean UPCR for all castrated dogs was 0.08 (range, 0.05 to 0.69). There was a significant difference between mean UPCR before and after castration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE In this study, pathological proteinuria was not detected in sexually intact male dogs. Positive results for a urine dipstick test should be interpreted with caution in sexually intact male dogs and should be confirmed by assessment of the UPCR. An increased UPCR in sexually intact male dogs may be considered abnormal.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Serum cobalamin, urine methylmalonic acid, and plasma total homocysteine concentrations in Border Collies and dogs of other breeds
Lutz, Sabina | Sewell, Adrian C. | Bigler, Beat | Riond, Barbara | Reusch, Claudia E. | Kook, Peter H.
Objective: To determine reference ranges for serum cobalamin (Cbl), urine methylmalonic acid (uMMA), and plasma total homocysteine (tHcys) concentrations and to compare values for healthy control dogs with values for Border Collies (BCs), a breed in which hereditary cobalamin deficiency has been identified. Animals: 113 BCs, 35 healthy control dogs fed a typical diet, and 12 healthy dogs fed a bone and raw food diet exclusively. Procedures: Urine and blood samples were obtained from each dog and Cbl, uMMA, and tHcys concentrations were determined. Results: Reference ranges for Cbl (261 to 1,001 ng/L), uMMA (0 to 4.2 mmol/mol of creatinine), and tHcys (4.3 to 18.4 μmol/L) concentrations were determined. Four BCs had a Cbl concentration lower than the assay detection limit (150 ng/L); median uMMA and tHcys concentrations in these dogs were 4,064 mmol/mol of creatinine and 51.5 μmol/L, respectively. Clinical abnormalities included stunted growth, lethargy, anemia, and proteinuria. Abnormalities improved after administration of cobalamin. Of the 109 healthy BCs with Cbl and tHcys concentrations within reference ranges, 41 (37.6%) had a high uMMA concentration (range, 5 to 360 mmol/mol). Results for dogs fed raw food were similar to those for control dogs. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Hereditary cobalamin deficiency is a rare disease with various clinical signs. The finding of methylmalonic aciduria in healthy eucobalaminemic BCs and BCs with clinical signs of Cbl deficiency was surprising and indicated these dogs may have defects in intracellular processing of Cbl or intestinal Cbl malabsorption, respectively. Studies investigating Cbl absorption and metabolic pathways are warranted.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of factors that affect analytic variability of urine protein-to-creatinine ratio determination in dogs
Rossi, Gabrielle | Giori, Luca | Campagnola, Simona | Zatelli, Andrea | Zini, Eric | Paltrinieri, Saverio
Objective: To determine whether preanalytic and analytic factors affect evaluation of the urinary protein-to-creatinine (UPC) ratio in dogs. Sample: 50 canine urine samples. Procedures: The UPC ratio was measured to assess the intra-assay imprecision (20 measurements within a single session), the influence of predilution (1:10, 1:20, and 1:100) for urine creatinine concentration measurement, and the effect of storage at room temperature (approx 20°C), 4°C, and −20°C. Results: The coefficient of variation at room temperature determined with the 1:20 predilution was < 10.0%, with the highest coefficients of variation found in samples with a low protein concentration or low urine specific gravity. This variability could result in misclassification of samples with UPC ratios close to the thresholds defined by the International Renal Interest Society to classify dogs as nonproteinuric (0.2), borderline proteinuric (0.21 to 0.50), or proteinuric (> 0.51). A proportional bias was found in samples prediluted 1:10, compared with samples prediluted 1:20 or 1:100. At room temperature, the UPC ratio did not significantly increase after 2 and 4 hours. After 12 hours at room temperature and at 4°C, the UPC ratio significantly increased. The UPC ratio did not significantly change during 3 months of storage at −20°C. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The intra-assay precision of the UPC ratio was sufficiently low to avoid misclassification of samples, except for values close to 0.2 or 0.5. The optimal predilution ratio for urine creatinine concentration measurement was 1:20. A 1:100 predilution is recommended in samples with a urine specific gravity > 1.030. The UPC ratio must be measured as soon as samples are collected. Alternatively, samples should be immediately frozen to increase their stability and minimize the risk of misclassification of proteinuria.
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