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Effect of early lactation milk yield on reproductive disorders in dairy cows.
Grohn Y.T. | Hertl J.A. | Harman J.L.
Association between individual cumulative milk yield and various reproductive disorders in 56,772 Finnish Ayrshire cows belonging to 5,912 herds in 80 communities was studied. All cows delivered calves between September 1985 and September 1986. Five logistic regression models were fitted, 1 for each outcome disorder of interest: early metritis, late metritis, silent heat, ovarian cyst, and other infertility. Cumulative individual 37-day milk yield was used in the early metritis model, and cumulative individual 60-day milk yield was used in the other models, on the basis of median days in milk when these disorders developed. Cumulative 305-day herd milk yield, parity, calving season, presence or absence of other disorders, and community were also included in the models. Point estimates from the models represented odds ratios for the likelihood of having the outcome disorder.Lactational incidence risks for the 5 reproductive disorders studied were: early metritis (2.4%), late metritis (1.1%), silent heat (5.4%), ovarian cyst (6.6%), and other infertility (2.1%). The risk of early metritis decreased with increasing 37-day milk yield. The risk of silent heat, ovarian cyst, and other infertility increased with increasing 60-day milk yield; 60-day milk yield had no effect on late metritis. The 305-day herd milk yield increased the risk of early metritis, ovarian cyst, and other infertility; it had no effect on late metritis or silent heat. Parity had an effect on all disorders, except late metritis. Cows that delivered calves during the colder, darker seasons of the year had a higher risk of reproductive disorders than did those that delivered calves at other times of the year. A number of other disorders, reproductive and otherwise, were significant predictors of development of the outcome disorders.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of milk stasis on Brucella abortus infection of the mammary gland in goats.
Meador V.P. | Deyoe B.L.
To compare the effects of milk stasis and milk flow on Brucella abortus infection of the mammary gland under the same systemic conditions, primiparous goats (n = 5) were inoculated IV with B abortus on the day of parturition, and suckling by their neonates was restricted to one mammary gland. Goats were euthanatized and necropsied at 3 weeks after inoculation, and milk, mammary glands, and supramammary lymph nodes were evaluated by bacteriologic, histologic, and immunoenzymatic staining techniques. Nonnursed mammary glands had high titers of brucellae in milk, moderate interstitial mastitis, and brucellar antigen in macrophages located primarily in alveolar and ductal lumina. Brucellae often filled the macrophage cytoplasm. In contrast, nursed mammary glands had fewer brucellae in milk, minimal inflammatory changes, and no detectable brucellar antigen in histologic sections. Hyperplastic changes were only seen in supramammary lymph nodes draining nonnursed mammary glands; these contained more brucellae than lymph nodes draining nursed mammary glands. These studies show that milk stasis may be the sole cause of increased susceptibility of nonnursed mammary glands to B abortus infection.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Improvement of reproductive performance by the application of reproductive herd health program in high yielding dairy herds
Rho, K.S.;Kim, U.H.;Nam, H.W.;Kang, H.G.;Kim, I.H.(Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea) | Suh, G.H.(National Livestock Research Institute, RDA, Cheonan, Republic of Korea)
We investigated the effect of reproductive herd health program (RHHP) on the reproductive performance in high yielding dairy herds. Data collected from 205 lactations at Boeun County, Chungbuk from April 2001 to Dec. 2003 included postpartum reproductive and metabolic diseases, body condition score (BCS), reproductive performance and milking records. First we compared the reproductive performance of cows without RHHP (pre-RHHP group) and cows with RHHP (RHHP group).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Response of buffaloes receiving sustained release bovine somatotropin with 15 days interval
Javed, R.S. (Livestock Experiment Station | Bahadurnagar (Pakistan))
One of the first potential biotechnology products for animals production is BST. Effect of BST on lactating buffaloes was studied 8 buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) were injected with sustained release formation Boosting-250, after 60 plus minus 5 days of calving. The overall increase in milk production was observed 18 percent and in milk fat 6.1 percent. BST is a protein hormone. Quality of management is the major factor affecting the magnitude of milk response to BST.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Relationship between serum total cholesterol levels before calving and occurrence rate of disease after calving in Holstein heifers and cows
Kweon, O.K. (Obihiro Univ. of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido (Japan)) | Ono, H. | Seta, T. | Onda, M. | Oboshi, K. | Kanagawa, H.
Production and development of calves from sexed-bisected bovine embryos
Seike, N. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Utaka, K. | Kanagawa, H.
Relationship between serum total cholesterol level and the number of transferable embryos in relation to milk yield in superovulated cows
Kweon, O.K. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Kanagawa, H. | Yamashina, H.
Влияние паратипических факторов на продуктивное долголетие коров белорусской черно-пестрой породы
Klimov, N.N. | Tanana, L.A. | Vasilets, T.M., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the influence of the following paratypical factors on cow productive longevity: age of the first calving; milk yield at the first lactation; and a birth season. At the experimental animals there studied the indices of dairy efficiency: a lifelong milk yield (kg); a lifelong yield of dairy fat (kg); the total duration of the lactation period (days); duration of practical use (lactations). There was noted a tendency of increasing of a term of productive use and lifelong productive efficiency at the animals the practical economic use of which was begun in later terms. The insemination of these animals was approximately realized at the age older than 21 months. Also it was stated that in accordance with all investigated indices (except for a milk yield per one day of lactation) the highest indexes were typical for cows which had the least milk yield at the first lactation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Изучение особенностей продуктивных и воспроизводительных качеств коров дойного стада черно-пестрой породы в условиях ЗАО Липовцы
Kovalevskaya, T.Ya. | Zayats, O.V. | Kurtina, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of peculiar features of productive and reproductive qualities (milk producing ability; reproductive qualities; live weight at different ages) of milking cows of white-and-black breed was realized in the conditions of CJSC Lipovtsy of Vitebsk region of the Republic of Belarus. On the basis of obtained results there was calculated the selective differential of milk yield and butter-fat yielding capacity which were increased by means of maternal and father's cattle; genetic progress through selection in reliance on generation and target standard for the analyzed herd, as well as the minimal requirements to first-calf heifer productivity.Research results showed that average milk yield in the analyzed herd was 5204 kg with average butterfat percentage 3,59%; for first-calf heifers – 4838 kg with butter-fat yield of 3,47%. Productivity of first-calf heifers and cows was higher than the standard valuation requirements to milk yield on 1350-1588 kg
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Оптимизация энергопротеинового отношения в рационах высокопродуктивных коров в период раздоя
Goryachev, I.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The recipe of mixed fodder is developed for cows with a 6-8 thousand kg yield of milk for a lactation during the period yield of milk, different the raised maintenance of a crude protein (18%) that allows to increase a yield of milk of animals by 6,6% (22,5 kg instead of 21,1 kg of 4% milk a day) to reduce the expense of forages on production unit to 6,4% (0,73 fodder units against 0,78 fodder units per 1 kg of milk). At the expense of additional production economic benefit makes 104,4 thousand rbl. counting on 1 head
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