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Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for screening of milk samples for Salmonella typhimurium in dairy herds.
Hoorfar J. | Wedderkopp A.
We investigated the ability of an antibody-specific, O antigen-based ELISA to document Salmonella typhimurium herd infections by screening of milk samples. Three cattle populations, 20 herds with no history of salmonellosis, 8 herds with history of S. typhimurium episodes within the previous 7 months, and 220 herds of unknown disease status, were tested. A herd was considered ELISA positive if at least 5% of the cows had OD values > 0.3. Among the 20 herds without history of salmonellosis, only 2 herds were ELISA positive, whereas all 8 herds with a known history of salmonellosis were ELISA positive (herd specificity, 0.9 and herd sensitivity, 1.0). A significant correlation (P < 0.001) was found between the OD values of serum and milk samples from cows in the herds with a history of salmonellosis. It was concluded that ELISA testing of individual milk samples can be used for surveillance of herds for S. typhimurium infections, but further modifications are needed to test bulk tank milk samples.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in swine after oral or respiratory challenge exposure with live Salmonella typhimurium or Salmonella choleraesuis.
Stabel T.J. | Fedorka Cray P.J. | Gray J.T.
A series of experiments was conducted to document tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) activity in serum of swine after inoculation with Salmonella spp endotoxin and after oral or respiratory tract challenge exposure with live Salmonella spp. For experiment 1, a potentially lethal dose of S typhimurium endotoxin (25 microgram/kg of body weight) was administered IV, and serum TNF activity was measured. High TNF (approx 700 IU/ml) activity at 1 to 2 hours after administration of the inoculum was associated with death, whereas lower TNF (approx 30 IU/ml) activity was associated with a general prolonged state of shock. For experiment 2, pigs were administered a nonlethal dose (5 microgram/kg, IV) of either S typhimurium or S choleraesuis endotoxin. Difference in the ability to induce porcine serum TNF activity was not observed between strains. During experiment 3, pigs were inoculated with 104 colony-forming units of S typhimurium chi4232 either orally by gelatin capsule (GC) or by intranasal (IN) instillation. A late serum TNF response (17 IU/ml) was measured at 6 weeks after IN inoculation. A serum TNF response was not detected in GC-inoculated pigs. All tissues and feces were test-negative for S typhimurium prior to the 6-week TNF response. Serum TNF activity may be related to clearance of S typhimurium after respiratory tract exposure, but it is not important to or indicative of clearance of orally presented S typhimurium in swine. During experiment 4, pigs were inoculated with 106 colony-forming units of S typhimurium chi4232 similarly as for experiment 3. Challenge exposure with this medium-size dose of inoculum induced a prolonged peak serum TNF response (37 IU/ml) between 2 and 4 weeks after IN inoculation Again, serum TNF activity was not detected in GC-inoculated pigs. Data suggest that clearance of a medium-size dose (106) of inoculum may be influenced by the prolonged higher serum TNF activity. For experiments 5 and 6, pigs were inoculated IN with 103, 106, 108.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prophylactic effects of recombinant bovine interferon -alpha 1 on acute Salmonella typhimurium infection in calves.
Peel J.E. | Kolly C. | Siegenthaler B. | Martinod S.R.
The in vivo effects of a single prophylactic dose of recombinant bovine interferon (rBoIFN)-alphaI1 in calves with salmonellosis were investigated, using a Salmonella typhimurium infection model. Treatment with rBoIFN-alphaI1 reduced the degree of septicemia compared with that in control groups, and, in one experiment, using disease of reduced severity, body temperature was lower in treated calves than in controls.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence and pathologic study of porcine salmonellosis in Jeju
Yang, H.S., Jeju Self-Governing Provincial Veterinary Research Institute, Jeju, Republic of Korea | Kang, S.C., Optipharm Inc., Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Kim, A.R., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Jung, B.Y., Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Kim, J.H., Jeju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea
Salmonella (S.) Typhimurium is highly contagious, and its infection may rapidly spread within pig populations of herd. According to the survey (1,191 pigs) from 2003 to 2012, 155 pigs (13.0%) were diagnosed as salmonellosis in Jeju. Major porcine salmonellosis cases (88.4%) were concentrated in 4- to 12-week-old weaned pigs, but 6 pigs (3.9%) under 4 weeks old were also diagnosed. Based on the histopathologic examinations, ulcerative enteritis (63.9%) in the large intestine and/or paratyphoid nodules formation (57.4%) in the liver were most prevalent lesions in porcine salmonellosis. Single infection of S. Typhimurium and mixed infection with more than 2 pathogens were detected in 38 (24.5%) and 117 (75.5%) in pigs, respectively. Co-infections of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Porcine circovirus type 2 were very common in porcine salmonellosis in Jeju and detected in 84 (54.2%) and 59 (38.1%) pigs, respectively. Based on the serotyping tests using 41 bacterial isolates, S. Typhimurium and S. Rissen were confirmed in 39 (95.1%) and 2 (4.9%) cases, respectively.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Клеточные изменения в органах иммунной системы поросят, иммунизированных вакциной СПС
Kazyuchits, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Morphological indexes in immune system organs of piglets which were vaccinated which were immunized by SPS vaccine (against salmonellosis (Salmonella), pasteurellosis (Pasteurella) and streptococcus) in combination with immunostimulative drugs and without them were studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Piglets of the first group were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis by SPS vaccine. Piglets of the second group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine in combination with vitamin C. Piglets of the third group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with immunotstimulant sodium thiosulphate. The fourth (control) group of animals was administrated with normal saline. Animals were immunized twice, intramuscularly with 7 day interval and in dose 4 ml (primary), 5 ml (secondary). Vitamin С was added in dose 0,05g per head. Research results showed that immunization by SPS vaccine with sodium thiosulphate and Vitamin С activated the morphological reaction of immune system. Application of Vitamin С and sodium thiosulphate (30% concentration) in combination with SPS vaccine promoted the increasing of lymphoid nudels in lymphodnudus and lien, increasing of plasma cells quantity in 1,3-2,2 times, activation of micro- and macrophage reaction in 1,5-2,8 times in comparison with vaccinated animals
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние натрия тиосульфата и витамина С на показатели костного мозга у поросят иммунизированных вакциной СПС
Prudnikov, V.S. | Kazyuchits, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Morphological and structural changes in bone marrow of piglets which were immunized with produced in the Republic of Belarus SPS vaccine (against salmonellosis (Salmonella), pasteurellosis (Pasteurella) and streptococcus) in combination with immunostimulants and without them were analyzed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Piglets of the first group were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis by SPS vaccine. Piglets of the second group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with vitamin C. Piglets of the third group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with immunotstimulant sodium thiosulphate. The fourth (control) group of animals was administrated with normal saline. Animals were immunized twice, intramuscularly with 7 day interval in dose of 4 ml (primary), and 5 ml (secondary). Vitamin С was administrated in dose of 0,05g per head. Sodium thiosulfate was administrated in combination with the vaccine in 30% concentration. Alongside with myelogram there were derived formulas of different cell groups of bone marrow: leucoerythroblastic index; intramedullary index of neutrophil maturity; intramedullary index of eosinophile maturity. Detailed myelogram of piglets on the 14-th day after the second immunization was presented. Research results showed that in all groups of vaccinated animals there was noted the activation of myeloblastic hematogenesis and decreasing of erythropoeisis. Piglet immunization was accompanied by strengthening of myeloblastic hematogenesis, increased number of lymphocytes and plasma cells in bone marrow
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Получение иммуноглобулина против сальмонеллеза животных
Medvedev, A.P. | Darovskikh, S.V. | Korochkin, R.B., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was developed and a simple and applicable for industrial production method of immunoglobulin production against animal salmonellosis. The following initial raw materials were used for production of the specific immunoglobulin: blood serum of bulls which were hyperimmunized with formolated antigen on the basis of four serovars: S. typimurium; S. abortusovis; S. dublin; S. choleraesuis. In course of the study there were analyzed chemical and biological indexes of immunoglobulin of experimemtal series; determination of the preparation doses for white mice and pigeons. The experimental work on production of immunoglobulin against salmonellosis made it possible to develop a technological scheme of the analyzed preparation production. In course of the experiment there were found optimal conditions for serum fractionation; there were developed methods of its conservation, sterilization and quality control of the specific immunoglobulin.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Культурально-морфологические и ферментативные свойства выделенного штамма S. Enteritidis
Lagun, N.V. | Mashero, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of cultural, morphological and enzymatic properties of isolated from a calf strain Salmonella enteritidis was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There was presented quantity and results of bacteriologic examinations for cattle salmonellosis realized in the district veterinary services in Belarus in course of three years. There was presented quantity and results of serovars of salmonellas isolated from the pathologic material from cattle obtained in course of three-year analysis: S. typhimurium, S. enteritidis, S. dublin, S. panama. The following enzicymatic properties of the studied strain were analyzed: glucose, sucrose, manna sugar, citrate, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer reaction, mobility, indole, sulphuretted hydrogen, and urea. Determination of antibiotic susceptibility of strain S. enteritidis was presented. Initial data for calculation LD50 was given. Research results showed that the studied microorganisms were the representatives of family Enterobakteriacea, genus Salmonella, species S. enteritidis
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Иммунобиологические показатели у волов при гипериммунизации их сконструированным сальмонеллезным антигеном
Medvedev, A.P. | Darovskikh, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Studying of efficiency of application of modified scheme of hyperimmunization of bull-producers with a designer salmonella polyantigenin in comparative analysis with the production scheme of hyperimmunization was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that engineered polyvalent antigen for hyperimmunization of producer bulls contained in their formula the following serovariants of salmonella in 1:1 ratio: S. typhimurium 371, S. dublin 373, S. choleraesuis 370, and S. enteritidis CB. The obtained antigen was sterile, harmless and had pH 7,3. Hyperimmunization of producer bulls in the experimental scheme revealed in increasing of leukocytes quantity on 57,3 %, banded neutrophils on 86,7 %, B-lymphocytes - on 42,2 %, content of total protein - on 25,6 %, content of Ig G - on 77,8 %, lg M - on 51,6%. After the fifth administration of antigen there was stated the lowering of agglutinating activity of blood serum on 25%, content of Ig G - on 54,4%, Ig M - on 14,6 %, that indicated to the inefficiency of antigen administration and became the basis for termination of hyperimmunization cycle. Immunobiological reaction of bull-producers which were hyperimmunized by the suggested scheme differed from reaction of animals which were hyperimmunized by the production scheme: content of total protein increased on 10,1%, protein content - on 27,3 %, content of lg G - on 24,8 %, lg M - in 23,7%
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Морфологические и гистохимические изменения в ткани на месте введения вакцины и в органах иммунитета у поросят, иммунизированных вакциной СПС без и с применением иммуностимуляторов
Kazyuchits, M.V. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of a degree of manifestation of immunomorphological changes in immune system organs of piglets vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis with SPS vaccine (against salmonellosis (Salmonella), pasteurellosis (Pasteurella) and streptococcus) in combination with immunostimulative drugs and without them was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Piglets of 30-35 days old were divided into 4 groups according to the analogue principle. Piglets of the first group were vaccinated against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptoccocusis by SPS vaccine. Piglets of the second group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with vitamin C. Piglets of the third group were vaccinated by SPS vaccine with immunotstimulant sodium thiosulphate. The fourth (control) group of animals was administrated with normal saline. Animals were immunized twice, intramuscularly with 7 day interval in dose of 4 ml (primary), and 5 ml (secondary). Vitamin С was administrated in dose of 0,05g per head. Sodium thiosulfate was administrated in combination with the vaccine in 30% concentration. The research results showed that immunization with SPS vaccine in combination with sodium thiosulphate and vitamin С promoted the activation of morphological reactions in tissues at locus of vaccine administration, lymphodnudus and lien. Immunization of piglets by SPS vaccine with sodium thiosulphate and with vitamin С activated the limphiod, micro- and macrophage reactions at locus of vaccine administration, as well as in organs and cells there was stated the well-marked vitamin C and glycogen distribution. Sodium thiosulphate showed higher immunostimulate influence in comparison with vitamin C
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