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Bronchoscopy of the horse
Sweeney, C.R. | Weiher, J. | Baez, J.L. | Lindborg, S.R.
The endobronchial anatomy of 12 lung specimens from horses and 12 healthy, standing, sedated horses was evaluated, using a 200-cm-long, 9.5-cm-diameter videoendoscope. On the basis of these findings, the nomenclature system of Amis and McKiernan was modified for identification of airways of horses during bronchoscopy. Lobar bronchi are identified on the basis of the side of the bronchial tree on which they were found and the order in which they originated from the primary bronchus. Thus, RB1, RB2, and RB3 referred to right cranial lobar bronchus, respectively. On the left side, the designation of LB1 and LB2 refer to the left cranial lobar bronchus and the left caudal lobar bronchus, respectively. Segmental bronchi are identified by consecutive numbers in the order of origination from the lobar bronchus. The direction of the segmental bronchus was denoted by the capital letter D (dorsal), V (ventral), L (lateral), M (medial), R (rostral), and C (caudal). Subsegmental bronchi were identified in the order of origination from the segmental bronchi, using lower case letters (eg, RB2, 1V, a or RB2, 1V, aV). For subsequent branching of the subsegmental bronchi, the branches were numbered consecutively by their order of origination (eg, RB2, 1V, aV, 1D).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Anatomy of the prepubic tendon in the horse, cow, sheep, goat, and dog
Habel, R.E. | Budras, K.D.
Analyses of the fibers in the prepubic tendon of the horse and ruminants have shown that it is composed of the crossed and uncrossed tendons of origin of the pectineus muscles, the pelvic tendons of the rectus and obliquus abdominis muscles, and the tendons of origin of the cranial parts of the gracilis muscles. Pelvic attachments of the linea alba and the yellow abdominal tunic are incorporated in it. It is not a transverse ligament, and it is not homologous to the human superior (cranial) pubic ligament. The dog differs in 4 respects: (1) the pectineus tendons do not cross, but each originates from the pubic bone of the same side; (2) an iliopubic cartilage is intercalated in the prepubic tendon on each side at the junction of the pectineus tendon and the abdominal and pelvic tendons of the external oblique at the caudal angle of the superficial inguinal ring; (3) in some dogs, the caudal border of the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis joins the prepubic tendon; (4) the gracilis tendon does not extend to the prepubic tendon. The clinical anatomy was described, illustrated, and compared between species. Conflicting descriptions in the literature were discussed and resolved by new approaches to the dissection. Studies of the inguinal region in the cat and pig were reviewed. A table of nomenclature is included.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Changes in oscillatory potentials in the canine electroretinogram during dark adaptation
Sims, M.H. | Brooks, D.E.
Oscillatory potentials (OP) and electroretinograms (ERG) were recorded from clinically normal dogs after 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 minutes of dark adaptation. At the end of the adaptation period, OP were characterized by 5 distinct positive peaks, O1 through O5, with mean latencies of 14.46, 20.24, 27.38, 35.31, and 44.85 ms, respectively, and with mean amplitudes ranging from 7.20 to 34.84 microvolt. After 60 minutes of dark adaptation, the ERG had a mean a-wave latency of 12.03 ms and a mean b-wave amplitude of 109.29 microvolt. Peaks O3 and O4, which partially mask the summit of the b-wave, had mean latencies of 28.66 and 36.83 ms, respectively. The mean amplitude of the b-wave measured to the peak of O3 was 240.06 microvolt and 230.73 microvolt when measured to peak O4. Changes in the OP during dark adaptation consisted of significant (P less than 0.05) increases in the latencies of O1, O2, and O3, and significant increases in the amplitudes of O1, O3, O4, and O5. Concurrent ERG changes consisted of significant increases in the amplitudes of the a-wave and b-wave measured from O3 and O4, and significant increases in the latencies of peaks O3 and O4 on the b-wave.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Философское толкование понятий нормы и патологии
Kovalev, N.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
An interpretation of concepts 'norm' and 'pathology' in the veterinary medicine and medicine from the point of dialectic and materialistic theory was analyzed. There was given an interpretation of 'norm' as a complex of average indexes of state of vital function of body; interpretation of pathological process, pathological conditions and diseases. There was analyzed the philosophical concept of reasons and consequences in etiology and pathophysiologic mechanisms of diseases, as well as criticism of terms causalism and conditionalism
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