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Detection of viral antigens in bluetongue virus-infected ovine tissues, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique.
Cherrington J.M. | Ghalib H.W. | Sawyer M.M. | Osburn B.I.
Acute and sub-chronic toxicity study of recombinant bovine interferon alpha in rodents
Yu, Hai-Yang | Gao, Dong-Mei | Zhou, Wei | Xia, Bing-Bing | He, Zhi-Yuan | Wu, Bo | Jiang, Min-Zhi | Wang, Mingli | Zhao, Jun
Recombinant bovine interferon alpha (rBoIFN-α) has been demonstrated to have antiviral activity. However, no conduct of acute or chronic toxicity tests has been reported. Specific pathogen-free Sprague Dawley rats were administered doses at different concentrations through intraperitoneal or intravenous injection. After the administration (single for an acute toxicity test over 14 days or daily for a sub-chronic toxicity test over 30 days), the rats’ behaviour and other indicators and the degree of toxic reaction were continuously monitored. Blood was collected for haematological and serum biochemical examinations. At the end of the experiments, the rats were sacrificed for necropsy and histopathological tissue analysis. The external performance, behaviour characteristics, and changes in body temperature and body weight of the rats in each subgroup were comparable to the normal control subgroup. Except for a few cases, there were no lesions in the viscera’s pathological structures, and the blood parameters and biochemical indicators were not noticeably different from those of the control subgroup. This study suggests that rBoIFN-α seems to be safe for rats, and its use may foster the development of the cattle industry in China by protecting livestock health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Anatomical and histological studies on the developing pancreas of chicken embryos
Ku, S.K. (Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Industry Company, anyang (Korea Republic). Pharmacol & Toxicol Laboratory, Central Research Laboratories) | Lee, J.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). Laboratory of Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.S. (Kyungsan University, Kyungsan (Korea Republic). Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural science)
Anatomical and histological changes were studied in the dorsal, ventral, third and splenic lobes of the pancreas of the chicken embryos (8 days of incubation, 10 days of incubation to hatching). From 13 days of incubation, all four pancreatic lobes, namely, dorsal, ventral, third and splenic lobes were observed. Histologically, the pancreas of 10-14 days of incubation were consisted of mesenchymal tissue, exocrine acini and pancreatic islets. But mesenchymal tissues were disappeared from 15 days of incubation. The pancreatic ducts were observed from 14 days of incubation. The dark and light typed pancreatic islets were observed in splenic lobe from 13 days of incubation, in the third lobe from 11 days of incubation, and in the dorsall lobe from 13 days of incubation. But no dark typed islets were observed in the ventral lobes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Serum and tissue concentrations of erythromycin in calves with induced pneumonic pasteurellosis
Burrows, G.E. | Gentry, M. | Ewing, P.
The effects of pneumonia on the pharmacokinetics of erythromycin administered IM and the tissue concentration changes with time were evaluated in 2-month-old calves. Pneumonia was induced by injection of Pasteurella haemolytica cultures through the thoracic wall into each lung. Six days prior to induction of pneumonia, erythromycin (15 mg/kg) was administered in a single IM dose. Erythromycin was administered again 48, 72, and 96 hours after injection of P haemolytica. On the third day of erythromycin administration (96 hours), the calves were serially euthanatized in groups of 4 calves each at 2, 5, 8, 12, 18, and 24 hours after the final dose was given. Tissue concentrations of erythromycin in kidney, liver, lung, muscle, CSF, and serum were determined. Neither the serum concentrations nor the overall pharmacokinetic values were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) changed by pneumonia. The concentrations of erythromycin were maximal at 5 hours for liver, muscle, and serum and at 8 hours for CSF, kidney, and lung. Serum and muscle concentrations were similar, whereas concentrations in CSF were lower than in serum and higher in kidney, liver, and lung. The lung/serum ratios were approximately 2.5 to 3 at 8 through 24 hours after IM administration. The peak concentration in lung was approximately 6 microgram/per gram at 8 hours.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of feeding corn naturally contaminated with aflatoxin on feed efficiency, on physiologic, immunologic and pathologic changes, and on tissue residues in steers
Richard, J.L. | Pier, A.C. | Stubblefield, R.D. | Shotwell, O.L. | Lyon, R.L.
Two of 3 groups of Holstein-Friesian steers (groups II and III; n = 5 each) were fed a ration containing corn naturally contaminated with 800 ng of aflatoxin/g. The other group of steers (group I; n = 5) was fed a ration containing noncontaminated corn. The respective rations were fed for 17.5 weeks, except the ration given to group III; the latter's first diet (contaminated with aflatoxin) was changed to a noncontaminated diet after 15 weeks, continuing for the remaining 2.5 weeks. All steers were killed and tissues and fluids were obtained for aflatoxin analysis. Although aflatoxin B1 and M1 could be detected in blood and urine at several sampling times during the experimental period in groups II and III steers (given the diets containing aflatoxin), there appeared to be no effects on body weight gains and immune phenomena, such as lymphoblastogenesis and antibody production, but there was a waning of the delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity in steers given aflatoxin-contaminated diets. In group III animals (diet was changed to noncontaminated ration at 15 weeks), aflatoxin B1 and M1 disappeared from urine before they were slaughtered. All tissues and fluids, except the rumen contents from these group III steers, were void of detectable aflatoxins B1 and M1 at necropsy. The concentrations of aflatoxin B1 in the rumen content of the latter steers were low. All tissues collected at necropsy from the group II steers fed the aflatoxin diet throughout the 17.5 weeks had detectable aflatoxins B1 or M1 present.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatic tumorigenesis in rats 3. Electron microscopic observaton of liver tissue
Kwak, S.D. | Kim, C.S. | Koh, P.O. | Yang, J.H. | Seo, D.L. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). Institute of Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine)
The study was designated to investigate the electron microscopic findings following diethylnitrosamine (DEN) treatment in rats. Forty four male (Srague Dawley) rats were continuously given water containing 0.01% DEN for 13 weeks and livers of five rats with more tumor lesions at 16 and 17 weeks after initial treatment were used as EM materials. In transmission electron microscopic findings, most small-sized hepatocytes were active cells containing large mount of organelles, but light (pale staining) hepatocyte among small-sized hepatocytes were injured cells containg disorganized organelles. Tumor cells among small-sized hepatocytes were irregularly arranged and have ;leomorphic nuclei containing electron dense chromatin but the organelles in cytoplasm were swelled. Large-sized hepatocytes were active cells with condensed chromatin but the cytoplasm of these cells were pale due to be injured and dilated organelles. Dark hepatocytes were apoptotic cells with homogenous pyknotic nuclei and cytoplasm, and the cytoplasm of these cells contained dilated smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sER) but these sER were non-vesiculated. Cholangiocarninoma cells were crowed and were pale by far less number of organelles in cytoplasm and nuclei. In scanning electron microscopic findings, the lumens of portal veins, bile canaliculi, bile ductules, bile ducts and sinusoids were dilated and have irregular folded inner surface by protruded parenchyma.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Observations of pneumonia inslaughtered pigs according to season
Lee, S.K. | Han, J.H. (Kangwon National University, Chuncheon (Korea Republic). Department of Beterinary Medicine) | Jeong, H.K. (Dodram Pig Farmers Cooperation, ichon (Korea Republic).)
From 2,373 slaughtered pigs examined, 1,899 of them had visible evidence of pulmonary lesion. The lungs with pulmonary lesion were examined by grossly, histopathological technique to investigate the prevalence accordint to season, severity ofpulmonary lesion, types of the pneumonia and relationship between rearing management and prevalence of pulmonary lesion. The results were as follows: 1. Prevalence of pneumonia according to season was 72.3 % to 85.9% and the higher prevalence was in winter. 2. In the severity of pulmonary lesion, rates mild, moderate and severe lesions were 38.3%, 47.0% and 14.7%, respectively. Prevalence of mild lesion was the highest in autumn. Prevalence of moderate and severe lesions was the hihgest in winter. 3. In the type of pneumonia, rates of interstitial pneumonia and bronchopneumonia fibrinous pneumonia were 23.6%, 13.0%, and 3.4%, respectively. Prevalence of interstitial pneumonia was high in spring and autumn while that of broncho-pneumonia and fibrinous pneumonia was high in winter and summer, respectively. 4. In relationship of pulmonary lesions according to severityo fpulmonary lesion and types of pneumonia, similarity was observed in prevalence of mild lesion and bronchopneumonia.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]In situ production of interferon in tissues of chickens exposed as embryos to turkey herpesvirus and Marek's disease virus
Sharma, J.M.
Chicken eggs at embryonation day (ED) 18 or newly hatched chicks were inoculated with turkey herpesvirus (HVT), Marek's disease virus (MDV), or virus-free diluent and, at intervals after inoculation, tissue homogenates of virus-exposed and virus-free chickens or chicken embryos were examined for interferon (IFN) activity. Homogenates of lung thymus and spleen specimens from chickens given HVT at ED 18 had IFN activity. Activity of IFN in the lungs was studied further. Homogenates of lung specimens from chickens exposed to HVT at hatching also had IFN activity, although the concentration of IFN was lower than that in chickens given HVT at ED 18. The pathogenic isolates of MDV (JM-(MDV)), but not the atenuated (Md11/75C-(MDV)) or nonpathogenic (SB1-(MDV)) isolates, inoculates at ED 18 also induced high lung IFN activity. Exposure to a combination of HVT and SB1-MDV induced IFN activity comparable with that in chickens given HVT alone. The IFN activity in homogenates of lung specimens from virus-exposed chickens was species specific and heat and pH stable, but was destroyed by trypsin treatment. Occassionally, low IFN activity also was detected in homogenates of tissus specimens from virus-free chickens or chicken embryos. This IFN activity could have been produced constitutively or may have been induced by substances (inducers) in the environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Tissue sulfonamide concentration and correlation in turkeys
Epstein, R.L. | Ashworth, R.B.
Nineteen hen turkeys (10 to 12 kg each) were used in a feeding study to determine sulfadimethoxine and sulfaquinoxaline concentrations in blood serum, liver, and skeletal muscle, as well as the respective ratios at selected withdrawal intervals. Two feeds were prepared by use of premixes to achieve 60 mg of sulfadimethoxine/kg and 100 mg of sulfaquinoxaline/kg, respectively. Each of the medicated feeds was given to 9 turkeys for 7 days. The turkeys were then fed nonmedicated feed at intervals from 24 to 56 hours and were slaughtered. One turkey was used as control. The serum/liver and serum/muscle ratios for sulfaquinoxaline were 60 to 70% higher than for sulfadimethoxine. However, the liver/muscle ratio for both sulfonamides was equivalent, approximately 3. Disposition of both sulfonamides approximated first-order pharmacokinetics. The calculated half-life of sulfadimethoxine was half that of sulfaquinoxaline, approximately 16 vs 30 hours. The coefficients of variation in the serum/tissue ratios for both sulfonamides were between 13% and 25% for serum/liver and less than 15% for serum/muscle, indicating excellent potential for using serum as a predictor of actionable concentrations of sulfonamide residues.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Морфология тканевых компонентов сычуга новорожденных телят с различной степенью антенатального недоразвития
Malashko, V.V. | Tumilovich, G.A., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Studies of morphological and morphometrical particularities of rennet of newborn calves with different degree of antenatal hypotrophy were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Scientific-and-production researches were spent in 2007 - 2008 on the basis of agricultural production co-operative Dembrovo (Shchuchinskij district, Grodno area, Belarus), agricultural production co-operative Okhovo (Pinsk district, Brest region, Belarus) and research laboratory of Grodno State Agrarian University (Belarus). For an estimation of morphofunctional maturities there were used 165 1-day old calves. Research results showed that in the studied calves the basic indexes of glanderous apparatus of rennet proved the different degree of morphofunctional immaturity. In calves with hypertrophy in the first days after birth there stated an active morphogenesis of all cytological components of rennet
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