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Genetic characterisation of African swine fever virus from 2017 outbreaks in Zambia: Identification of p72 genotype II variants in domestic pigs
Edgar Simulundu | Yona Sinkala | Herman M. Chambaro | Andrew Chinyemba | Frank Banda | Lynnfield E. Mooya | Joseph Ndebe | Simbarashe Chitanga | Chitwambi Makungu | Gift Munthali | Paul Fandamu | Ayato Takada | Aaron S Mweene
African swine fever (ASF) is a contagious haemorrhagic disease associated with causing heavy economic losses to the swine industry in many African countries. In 2017, Zambia experienced ASF outbreaks in Mbala District (Northern province) and for the first time in Isoka and Chinsali districts (Muchinga province). Meanwhile, another outbreak was observed in Chipata District (Eastern province). Genetic analysis of part of the B646L gene, E183L gene, CP204L gene and the central variable region of the B602L gene of ASF virus (ASFV) associated with the outbreaks in Mbala and Chipata districts was conducted. The results revealed that the ASFV detected in Mbala District was highly similar to that of the Georgia 2007/1 isolate across all the genome regions analysed. In contrast, while showing close relationship with the Georgia 2007/1 virus in the B646L gene, the ASFV detected in Chipata District showed remarkable genetic variation in the rest of the genes analysed. These results suggest that the Georgia 2007/1-like virus could be more diverse than what was previously thought, underscoring the need of continued surveillance and monitoring of ASFVs within the south-eastern African region to better understand their epidemiology and the relationships between outbreaks and their possible origin.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Diagnosis and genotyping of African swine fever viruses from 2015 outbreaks in Zambia
Jonas Thoromo | Edgar Simulundu | Herman M. Chambaro | Liywalii Mataa | Caesar H. Lubaba | Girja S. Pandey | Ayato Takada | Gerald Misinzo | Aaron S. Mweene
In early 2015, a highly fatal haemorrhagic disease of domestic pigs resembling African swine fever (ASF) occurred in North Western, Copperbelt, and Lusaka provinces of Zambia. Molecular diagnosis by polymerase chain reaction targeting specific amplification of p72 (B646L) gene of ASF virus (ASFV) was conducted. Fourteen out of 16 domestic pigs from the affected provinces were found to be positive for ASFV. Phylogenetic analyses based on part of the p72 and the complete p54 (E183L) genes revealed that all the ASFVs detected belonged to genotypes I and Id, respectively. Additionally, epidemiological data suggest that the same ASFV spread from Lusaka to other provinces possibly through uncontrolled and/or illegal pig movements. Although the origin of the ASFV that caused outbreaks in domestic pigs in Zambia could not be ascertained, it appears likely that the virus may have emerged from within the country or region, probably from a sylvatic cycle. It is recommended that surveillance of ASF, strict biosecurity, and quarantine measures be imposed in order to prevent further spread and emergence of new ASF outbreaks in Zambia. Keywords: African swine fever; Asfarviridae; Molecular epidemiology; Zambia
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Foot and mouth disease in Zambia: Spatial and temporal distributions of outbreaks, assessment of clusters and implications for control
Yona Sinkala | Martin Simuunza | John B. Muma | Dirk U. Pfeiffer | Christopher J. Kasanga | Aaron Mweene
Zambia has been experiencing low livestock productivity as well as trade restrictions owing to the occurrence of foot and mouth disease (FMD), but little is known about the epidemiology of the disease in these endemic settings. The fundamental questions relate to the spatio-temporal distribution of FMD cases and what determines their occurrence. A retrospective review of FMD cases in Zambia from 1981 to 2012 was conducted using geographical information systems and the SaTScan software package. Information was collected from peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, laboratory reports, unpublished scientific reports and grey literature. A space–time permutation probability model using a varying time window of one year was used to scan for areas with high infection rates. The spatial scan statistic detected a significant purely spatial cluster around the Mbala–Isoka area between 2009 and 2012, with secondary clusters in Sesheke–Kazungula in 2007 and 2008, the Kafue flats in 2004 and 2005 and Livingstone in 2012. This study provides evidence of the existence of statistically significant FMD clusters and an increase in occurrence in Zambia between 2004 and 2012. The identified clusters agree with areas known to be at high risk of FMD. The FMD virus transmission dynamics and the heterogeneous variability in risk within these locations may need further investigation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Identification of the plague reservoir in an endemic area of Zambia
Bernard M. Hang’ombe | I. Nakamura | D. Kaile | A.S. Mweene | K.L. Samui | B.S. Kilonzo | H. Sawa | C. Sugimoto | B. Wren
Yersinia pestis, the bacterial agent of plague, is primarily a parasite of wild rodents that persists in permanent, discrete enzootic foci throughout the world. The disease is transmitted in humans by bites from fleas of wildlife rodent species. Therefore surveillance is the ultimate public health solution through plague detection in domestic dogs, other carnivores and wild rodents. The investigations of die-offs amongst plague-susceptible colonial rodents are also significant to determine the presence of Y. pestis in a susceptible population. This study details the identification of the plague reservoir in a suspected endemic area of Zambia. The study was undertaken through rodent investigation for the presence of Y. pestis. A total of 105 rodents were sampled routinely and during a suspected plague period. On dissection 4 (3.81%, 95% CI: 1.23−10.0) rodents sampled during an outbreak showed signs of spleen enlargement. The blood, liver, lymph nodes and spleen of each rodent were subjected to culture on 6% sheep blood agar and MaCconkey agar. Colonies obtained were identified as Y. pestis by colony morphologic features, biochemical profiles, mouse inoculation assay and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR primers used targeted the Y. pestis plasminogen activator gene, chromosomal ferric iron uptake regulation gene and the outer membrane protein B gene. The isolates were also subjected to antibiotic sensitivity tests using the disk diffusion method on Mueller-Hinton agar with sensitivity being observed with ampicillin, amoxicillin, chloramphenicol, gentamycin, streptomycin, tetracycline and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. The findings, identifies a natural reservoir of Y. pestis in Zambia providing the public health officials with a definite host for the control strategy.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence of <i>Cryptosporidium</i> spp. and <i>Giardia duodenalis</i> in pigs in Lusaka, Zambia
Joyce Siwila | Kabemba E. Mwape
This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of <em>Cryptosporidium</em> spp. and <em>Giardia duodenalis</em> in pigs which were being raised in intensive management systems. Faecal samples were collected from pigs of all age groups from three different piggery units. Samples were collected directly from the rectum for piglets and weaners and from the floor within 2 min – 5 min of excretion for sows and boars. At the time of collection, faecal consistency was noted as being normal, pasty or diarrhoeic. Samples were analysed further using the Merifluor® <em>Cryptosporidium</em>/<em>Giardia</em> immunofluorescence assay. All piggeries had at least one pig infected with either parasite. From a total 217 samples collected, 96 (44.2%; confidence interval [CI] = 37.6% – 50.9%) were positive for <em>Cryptosporidium</em> spp., whilst 26 (12%; CI = 7.6% – 16.3%) had <em>G. duodenalis</em> parasites. Of all the pigs, 6.9% (15/217) harboured both parasites. With regard to <em>Cryptosporidium</em> spp. infection, statistically significant differences were observed amongst the three units (<em>p</em> = 0.001), whereas no significant differences were observed for <em>G. duodenalis</em> infection (<em>p</em> = 0.13). Prevalence was higher in weaners as compared to other pig classes for both parasites, with significant differences being observed for <em>G. duodenalis</em> infection (<em>p</em> = 0.013). There was, however, no difference in infection between male and female pigs for both parasites. Furthermore, most infections were asymptomatic. From the study results it was clear that <em>Cryptosporidium</em> spp. and <em>G. duodenalis</em> infections were prevalent amongst pigs in the piggeries evaluated and, as such, may act as a source of infection for persons who come into contact with them.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Clarification of the status of Rhipicephalus kochi Donitz, 1905 (Ixodoidea, Ixodidae)
Clifford, C.M. | Walker, J.B. | Keirans, J.E.
Rhipicephalus kochi, synonymy, description of female, male, nymph, and larva, scanning electron microscopy, brief report of laboratory life cycle study, review of host records and zoogeography in Africa, differentiation from R. pravus, R. punctatus, and R. appendiculatus
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Lay perceptions, beliefs and practices linked to the persistence of anthrax outbreaks in cattle in the Western Province of Zambia
Doreen C. Sitali | Mwamba C. Twambo | Mumba Chisoni | Muma J. Bwalya | Musso Munyeme
Anthrax, a neglected zoonotic disease that is transmitted by a spore-forming, rod-shaped bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, has reached endemic proportions in the Western Province of Zambia. Transmission of anthrax from the environment as well as between cattle has been observed to be partly because of entrenched beliefs, perceptions and traditional practices among cattle farmers in the known outbreak areas. This study was aimed at exploring lay perceptions, beliefs and practices that influence anthrax transmission in cattle of the Western Province. A mixed-methods study was conducted from August to December 2015. Quantitative data were collected using a cross-sectional survey. Qualitative data were generated by interviewing professional staff and community members. Five focus group discussions and five key informant interviews were conducted. Thematic analysis of interview data was performed using NVivo software. The findings suggested that cattle anthrax was biologically as well as culturally maintained. Cattle farmers were reluctant to have their livestock vaccinated against anthrax because of perceived low efficacy of the vaccine. Also, the cattle farmers did not trust professional staff and their technical interventions. Popular cultural practices that involved exchange of animals between herds contributed to uncontrolled cattle movements between herds and subsequent transmission of anthrax. These findings imply the need for professional staff to be culturally competent in handling socio-cultural issues that are known to be barriers for disease control in animals. There is a need to develop a policy framework that will foster integrated control of anthrax across disciplines.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in the Mbala and Kazungula districts of Zambia
Frank Banda | Christopher J. Kasanga | Raphael Sallu | Yona Sinkala | Tingiya W. Sinkombe | Misheck Mulumba | Mark M. Rweyemamu | Philemon N. Wambura
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an acute, highly contagious viral infection of domestic and wild cloven-hoofed animals. It is known to be endemic in Zambia, with periodic outbreaks occurring in different geographical areas of the country. This study was conducted to investigate the presence of FMD virus (FMDV) in reported FMD-suspected cases in cattle from the Kazungula and Mbala districts of Zambia. Sixty epithelial tissues or oesophageal-pharyngeal (OP) scrapings (probang samples) were collected from Mbala (n = 51) and Kazungula (n = 9) and examined for FMDV. The FMDV viral RNA and serotypes were examined by realtime reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and antigen Enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. Twenty-two samples (36.7%) were positive for the FMDV genome by qRT-PCR with Cycle threshold (Ct) values ranging from 13 to 31. The FMDV-positive samples from epithelial tissues showed relatively higher Ct values compared to those obtained from OP scrapings, irrespective of geographical location. Forty percent (40%; n = 4) of epithelial tissues from Mbala were serotyped into SAT 2 serotype by antigen ELISA. Kazungula samples were serotyped into SAT 1. These findings indicated that Mbala and Kazungula districts had FMD outbreaks in 2012 that were ascribed to at least FMDV serotype SAT 2 and SAT 1 field strains. Furthermore, regular interaction between buffalos from the Mosi-o Tunya Park and domestic animals from surrounding areas could contribute to the occurrence of regular FMD outbreaks in Kazungula, whilst the uncontrolled animal movements across borders between Mbala and Nsumbawanga could be responsible for disease outbreaks in Mbala. In-depth molecular biological studies, including sequencing and phylogeny of the viruses, should be conducted to elucidate the complex epidemiology of FMD in Zambia, thereby providing valuable information needed for the rational control strategy of FMD in Zambia and neighbouring countries.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Filoviral haemorrhagic fevers: A threat to Zambia?
Katendi Changula | A.S. Mweene
Filoviral haemorrhagic fevers (FVHF) are caused by agents belonging to Filoviridae family, Ebola and Marburg viruses. They are amongst the most lethal pathogens known to infect humans. Incidence of FVHF outbreaks are increasing, with affected number of patients on the rise. Whilst there has been no report yet of FVHF in Zambia, its proximity to Angola and Democratic Republic of Congo, which have recorded major outbreaks, as well as the open borders, increased trade and annual migration of bats between these countries, puts Zambia at present and increased risk. Previous studies have indicated bats as potential reservoir hosts for filoviruses. An increasing population with an increasing demand for resources has forced incursion into previously uninhabited land, potentially bringing them into contact with unknown pathogens, reservoir hosts and/or amplifying hosts. The recent discovery of a novel arenavirus, Lujo, highlights the potential that every region, including Zambia, has for being the epicentre or primary focus for emerging and re-emerging infections. It is therefore imperative that surveillance for potential emerging infections, such as viral haemorrhagic fevers be instituted. In order to accomplish this surveillance, rapid detection, identification and monitoring of agents in patients and potential reservoirs is needed. International co-operation is the strategy of choice for the surveillance and fight against emerging infections. Due to the extensive area in which filoviral infections can occur, a regional approach to surveillance activities is required, with regional referral centres. There is a need to adopt shared policies for the prevention and control of infectious diseases. There is also need for optimisation of currently available tests and development of new diagnostic tests, in order to have robust, highly sensitive and specific diagnostic tests that can be used even where there are inadequate laboratories and diagnostic services.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Genomic sequence of infectious bursal disease virus from Zambia suggests evidence for genome re-assortment in nature
Christopher J. Kasanga | T. Yamaguchi | H.M. Munang’andu | P.N. Wambura | K. Ohya | H. Fukushi
Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is a bi-segmented RNA virus, which belongs to the genus Avibirnavirus of the family Birnaviridae. Two serotypes, 1 and 2, exist in IBDV. The serotype 1 IBDVs are the causative agents of infectious bursal disease (IBD) in chickens worldwide and lead to immunosuppression in young birds. Genome re-assortment has been speculated to occur and contribute to the emergence of new IBDV strains. However, evidence was lacking until recently when two re-assortant viruses were detected in China. In this study, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of an IBDV, designated KZC-104, from a confirmed natural IBD outbreak in Lusaka, Zambia in 2004. The genome consisted of 3074 and 2651 nucleotides in the coding regions of segments A and B, respectively. Alignment of both nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences, and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the genome segment A of KZC-104 was derived from a very virulent strain, whereas its segment B was derived from a classical attenuated strain. On BLAST search, the full-length segments A and B sequences showed 98% closest nucleotide homology to the very virulent strain D6948 and 99.8% closest nucleotide homology to the classical attenuated strain D78, respectively. This is a unique IBDV reassortant strain, which has emerged in nature involving segment B of a live attenuated vaccine. This observation provides direct evidence for the involvement of vaccine strains in the emergence of reassortant IBDV in the field. Taken together, these findings suggest an additional risk of using live IBDV vaccines, which may act as genetic donors for genome re-assortment. Further studies are required to investigate the epidemiology and biological characteristics of reassortant strains so that the appropriate and safe IBDV vaccines can be recommended.
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