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Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milk – dietary intake and risk assessment
Mikołajczyk Szczepan | Warenik-Bany Małgorzata | Pajurek Marek
Milk from cows, goats and sheep was analysed in terms of content of fourteen perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The serological and genetic diversity of the Leptospira interrogans Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroup circulating in the UK
Arent Zbigniew | Gilmore Colm | Pardyak Laura | Dubniewicz Klaudia | McInerney Barry | Ellis William
Strains of Leptospira interrogans belonging to two very closely related serovars, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Copenhageni, have been associated with disease in mammalian species and are the most frequently reported agents of human leptospirosis. They are considered the most pathogenic serovars and represent more than half of the leptospires encountered in severe human infections.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Echinococcus multilocularis genetic diversity based on isolates from pigs confirmed the characteristic haplotype distribution and the presence of the Asian-like haplotype in Central Europe
Karamon Jacek | Samorek-Pieróg Małgorzata | Bilska-Zając Ewa | Korpysa-Dzirba Weronika | Sroka Jacek | Bełcik Aneta | Zdybel Jolanta | Cencek Tomasz
The aim of the study was to determine the genetic diversity of Echinococcus multilocularis in pigs in highly endemic areas in Poland, as well as to attempt to confirm the occurrence and geographical distribution of haplotypes characteristic for these areas, which were previously described on the basis of examination of adult tapeworms isolated from foxes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Retrospective Evaluation of Spinal Trauma Treatments in 58 Cats and 12 Dogs
Yayla, Sadık | Altan, Semih | Çatalkaya, Emine | Ersöz Kanay, Berna | Saylak, Nahit | Kılınç, Mehmet
Traumatic vertebral fractures and/or dislocations in cats and dogs can cause severe spinal cord injury, resulting in severe conditions such as pain, urinary incontinence, paresis or paraplegia. This study involved 58 cats and 12 dogs with external spinal trauma, and it was aimed to present the etiology, treatment and results, retrospectively. After the location of the neurological damage was determined, the patients were treated either conservatively or surgically. One of the surgical methods such as polyaxial screw, locking plate application and external fixation application was decided. In the treated animals, complete recovery was seen in 10 cats and functional recovery in 14 cats and 1 dog, but 12 cats and 2 dogs were in poor condition. Loss of deep pain sensation after spinal trauma is important for prognosis. Although there are many different treatment options, the decision should be made according to the patient's condition and the surgeon's preference. In addition, patients with spinal trauma also require serious trauma management and it is very important that the animal's vital values are stable.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of The Efficacy of Intratesticular Lidocaine and Bupivacaine During Castration in Cats
Tan, Belemir | Elma, Ertugrul | Pekcan, Zeynep
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of intratesticularly administered lidocaine and bupivacaine in castration in cats. 20 cats were divided into two groups regardless of breed and age. 80 microgram/kg medetomidine injection was administered for sedation. 4 mg/kg lidocaine or 1 mg/kg bupivacaine were injected intratesticularly in lidocaine and bupivacaine groups respectively. Castration was performed with routine methods. The reactions of the animals to the incision and the extraction of the funiculus spermaticus were recorded. After the operation, the animals were awakened by atipamezole. The pulse rate, respiratory rate and pain scores were evaluated for 6 hours at half-hour intervals. UNESP-Botucatu cat pain scale, Grimace cat pain scale and Glasgow cat pain scale were used to evaluate pain scores. A statistically significant difference was found between the groups in Grimace and Glasgow pain scores at the 150th min. and 180th min. postoperative evaluations (p<0.05). A statistically significant difference was found between the groups in Botucatu pain score at the 60th, 90th, 150th, 180th, 300th and 330th min. (p<0.05). No statistically significant difference was found in the pulse and respiration values (p>0.05). As a result, it was determined that bupivacaine should be preferred to lidocaine for long-lasting surgical procedures and postoperative analgesia due to its long duration of action.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Deep Dive of Vitamin D among Respiratory Diseased and Healthy Calves
Alıç Ural, Deniz
The requirement for vitamin D intake of dairy cattle has been better understood within the past few years and is well accepted by dairy producers and veterinary surgeons. In our country, as to the present author knowledge. In our country, as to the present author knowledge whether current recommendations and practices for supplemental vitamin D are meeting the needs of dairy cattle, however, is not well known. Circulatory vitamin D status of calves has been truly denoted via 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] metabolite levels in serum/plasma, with a concentration of 30 ng/mL proposed as a lower threshold for sufficiency. The present author was unaware of finding documented reports regarding vitamin d and its alterations among calves with respiratory distress. In the present study 16 calves (Group 1) were presenting clinical signs of respiratory problems and other 12 (Group 2) were selected as healthy control group. All necessary blood samples were taken were analyzed by Savant Fluorescent Immunoassay Device by use of Savant 25(OH)D test kits. Vitamin D (ng/mL) (X ̅ ± SE) among healthy calves and calves with pneumonia were detected as 63.21 ± 5.63 vs. 23.80 ± 2.75 with a statistical significance (p ≤0,001). In summary it should not be unwise to draw conclusion that pulmonary defence against respiratory infections should involve Vitamin D supplementation at appropriate dosages among calves.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fundamental Molecules in the Pathways and Regulation of Apoptosis
Tutuncu, Serife | Ozdemir, Bengul
Apoptosis plays a role in many events such as the remodeling of cells starting from embryo formation, the elimination of faulty or dysfunctional cells, and is important for cellular balance. Bcl-2 family and various mediators, of which caspases are the basis, play a role in maintaining this balance in apoptosis. These mediators are important in the initiation, continuation and arrest of apoptosis pathways, and in the regulation of cellular balance. Damages to these mechanisms can cause undesirable results and diseases. In this review, we tried to give information about the pathways of apoptosis and the basic molecules involved in the regulation of apoptosis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evolving customized non-polysaccharidase Mixture for effective utilization of sorghum Stover and groundnut haulm
M.I. Yancy | C. Valli | V.Balakrishnan
A study was undertaken with an objective of evolving substrate specific customized non-starch polysaccharidase mixture for effective utilization of sorghum stover and groundnut haulm. Enzyme activity (IU/g) assay revealed that the activity of cellulose, xylanase and pectinase were 1368.33±23.30, 2294.16±65.17 and 930.83±52.22 respectively. All enzymes were found to have associate activity of other enzymes. An invitro trial was conducted to identify the concentration range of individual non-starch polysaccharidase enzymes required for inclusion to sorghum stover and groundnut haulm for maximum hydrolysis. A second invitro trial was conducted to identify the precise concentration of individual non-starch polysaccharidase enzymes required for inclusion to sorghum stover and groundnut haulm for maximum hydrolysis. The third in vitro trial was conducted to optimize the concentration of non-starch polysaccharidase mixture for inclusion to sorghum stover and groundnut haulm for maximum hydrolysis. The efficacy of customized non-starch polysaccharidase mixture was further evaluated at three levels (viz the selected level, 10% higher than selected level and 10% lower than the selected level)to arrive at their optimal level of inclusion separately for sorghum stover and groundnut haulm.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Tendency by Echocardiography in Kangal Dogs
Toksoy, Görkem | Yasa Duru, Sibel
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is defined as a cardiac disease characterized by dilatation of the cardiac chamber, decreased myocardial contractility, and decreased left ventricular ejection fraction. In this study, we aimed to determine whether there is a tendency to age-related dilated cardiomyopathy in Kangal Dogs, a breed of Anatolia, echocardiographically. The experimental groups of the study consisted of a total of 20 dogs, 10 of which were 1-3 years old, young group (Group I) and the other 10 were 4-7 years old, middle-aged group (Group II), who had no clinical problems at rest. By echocardiographic examination, the end-diastolic thickness of interventricular septum, the end-systolic thickness of interventricular septum, left atrial diastolic diameter, aortic root diastolic inner diameter, the ratio of left atrium diameter to aortic diameter, left ventricular end-diastolic inner diameter, left ventricular end-systolic inner diameter end-systolic thickness of the posterior wall, the end-diastolic thickness of the posterior wall of the left ventricle, heart rate, left ventricular ejection fraction, left ventricular contraction force, stroke volume, cardiac output, end-diastolic volume and end-systolic volume parameters were measured. The data collected from the two groups were analysed using independent samples T-test. In conclusion, considering that the age of the Kangal dogs constituting the middle-aged group (G II) of the study was within the age limits specified in the studies (6-7 years), a myocardial defect indicating echocardiographic DCM was not detected. Thus, it was concluded that there is no tendency for DCM among the age groups included in the study. However, it can be said that echocardiographic evaluation of more coiled dogs in the given age group may give a more reliable result considering that the rate of DCM is 6% in different breed dogs.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Intestinal Permeability Targeted Rectal Enema Nutraceutical Intervention in Dogs with Cutaneous Adverse Food Reactions: Gut-Brain-Skin Axis Directed Pro-active Treatment
Ural, Kerem | Erdogan, Hasan | Erdogan, Songul | Aslan, Tuğba | Balıkçı, Cansu | Gökçay, Gamze
Inflammatory cutaneous disorders have frequently been subjected to treatment trials with very limited success by pharmaceutical intervention, such as corticosteroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Nevertheless, the latter drugs might be usual suspects for undesirable side effects. In an attempt to overcome those side effects, natural nutraceuticals are being investigated by the present researchers group. In this scenario, 5 different set of nutraceutical interventions [were numbered by their relevant usage order as Nutr-i1 to Nutr-i5] via rectal enema was deemed available at the present study as a novel protocol for pro-active treatment of cutaneous adverse food reactions (caFr) among dogs involved. In a total of 10 dogs with caFr, at the age of 2 to 7 years old, of both sexes, from various breeds diagnosis was based on i) in vitro serum testing for selected/specific IgE ii) intradermal testing different antigens, iii) elimination diet trial and iv) treatment based respond evaluation. Pruritus, as a vast majority presented clinical sign, scoring deemed available visual analog scale (pVaS). Mean ( ± Sd) pVaS scores showed significant decreases after treatment in contrast to prior values [1.4 ± 1.27 vs.7.7 ± 1.62, respectively (p<0.005)]. As discussed herein in the whole manuscript, all Nutr-i1 to Nutr-i5 protocols showed pro-active treatment efficacy, which could contribute to novel protocol establishment.
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