AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

[ Publicado en: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Resultados 121-130 de 863

Evaluation of three approaches for performing ultrasonography-guided anesthetic blockade of the femoral nerve in calves


Vlamynck, Caroline A de | Pille, Frederik | Hauspie, Stijn | Saunders, Jimmy H. | Stede, Yves van der | Gasthuys, Frank | Vlaminck, Lieven E.M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Myocardial cytokine expression in dogs with systemic and naturally occurring cardiac diseases


Fonfara, Sonja | Hetzel, Udo | Tew, Simon R. | Cripps, Peter | Dukes-McEwan, Joanna | Clegg, Peter D.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Serum cobalamin and methylmalonic acid concentrations in dogs with chronic gastrointestinal disease


Berghoff, Nora | Parnell, Nolie K. | Hill, Steve L. | Suchodolski, Jan S. | Steiner, Jörg M.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Evaluation of tissue Doppler imaging for regional quantification of radial left ventricular wall motion in healthy horses


Decloedt, Annelies | Verheyen, Tinne | Sys, Stanislas | Clercq, Dominique de | Loon, Gunther van

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of oral administration of anti-inflammatory medications on inhibition of paracentesis-induced blood-aqueous barrier breakdown in clinically normal cats


Rankin, Amy J. | Sebbag, Lionel | Bello, Nora M. | Crumley, William R. | Allbaugh, Rachel A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Prediction of serum IgG concentration by indirect techniques with adjustment for age and clinical and laboratory covariates in critically ill newborn calves


Fecteau, Gilles | Arsenault, Julie | Paré, Julie | Van Metre, David C. | Holmberg, Charles A. | Smith, Bradford P.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Differences in virulence gene expression between atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheic and healthy ruminants


Horcajo, Pilar | Domínguez-Bernal, Gustavo | Carrion, Javier | Fuente, Ricardo de la | Ruiz-Santa-Quiteria, José A. | Orden, José A.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Inoculation of dogs with a recombinant ACTH vaccine


Kemppainen, Robert J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparison between manual aspiration via polyethylene tubing and aspiration via a suction pump with a suction trap connection for performing bronchoalveolar lavage in healthy dogs


Woods, Katharine S. | Defarges, Alice M.N. | Abrams-Ogg, Anthony C.G. | Dobson, Howard | Viel, Laure | Brisson, Brigitte A. | Bienzle, Dorothee

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Temporal and spatial history of Rift Valley fever in South Africa: 1950 to 2011


Nicolaas J. Pienaar | Peter N. Thompson

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden