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Multielement assay of perinatal lamb livers by inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy
Van Selm, G. | Rook, J.S. | Slanker, M. | Bartlett, P.C. | Braselton, W.E.
During the 1986 lambing season, 33 Michigan sheep producers submitted all lambs that had died before weaning to the Michigan State University Diagnostic Laboratory for necropsy. Inductively coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy was used to measure 22 elements in the liver of 888 of the lambs submitted. Mean concentrations of each element were established and compared with literature values of established deficient, normal, and toxic concentrations. Mean values in milligrams per kilogram of wet weight were as follows: A1, 3.843; As, less than 1; Ba, 0.176; Ca, 128.2; Cr, 0.778; Cu, 56.82; Fe, 491.6; Hg, less than 2; K, 2,150; Mg, 138.4; Mn, 2.776; Mo, 0.489; Na, 1,384; P, 2,583; Pb, 1,453; Sb, less than 1; Tl, less than 5; Zn, 68.31. In only 11 lambs did the liver contain As, B, Cd, Co, Hg, Sb, Se, or Tl in detectable concentrations.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Glycoprotein-specific immune responses in cats after exposure to feline herpesvirus-1
Burgener, D.C. | Maes, R.K.
To obtain synchronous infection, 10 cats were inoculated with feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-) on the oral, nasal and conjunctival mucosa. Swab specimens of the nasal conjunctival, and pharyngeal mucosa were obtained for virus isolation from each cat before inoculation and at 3-day intervals thereafter until postinoculation day 21. Recovery of virus and evidence of clinical signs were used to document FHV-1 infection. Serum was obtained from blood samples collected sequentially from each cat between day 0 and postinoculation day 90. Virus-neutralizing antibody titer was determined in all serum specimens. Immunoprecipitation with [35S]methionine- and [14C]glucosamine-labeled viral antigens, followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was performed on each specimen. Three precipitation bands with approximate molecular weights of 105,000, 68,000, and 60,000 were separated from [14C]glucosamine- and [35S]methionine-labeled immunoprecipitates. The concurrent detection of virus-neutralizing antibody glycoprotein-specific immunoprecipitins implied that in cats, the FHV-1 glycoproteins were important in the induction of virus-neutralizing antibodies to FHV-1.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Metabolism of naturally occurring [13C]glucose given orally to horses
Klein, H.J. | Schulze, E. | Deegen, E. | Giese, W.
In 5 horses, 13CO2/12CO2 ratios in expired air were determined using isotope mass spectroscopy to investigate metabolism of naturally occurring [13C]glucose. Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were performed using maize or beet glucose. Maize has a higher 13C concentration than that of most plants. The 13CO2/12CO2 ratios after OGTT was performed using maize glucose were compared with 13CO2/12CO2 ratios in expired air after OGTT was performed using beet glucose. The ratio also was determined during the period horses were not fed. Using OGTT, all horses were glucose tolerant. The OGTT performed using beet glucose led to minimal changes in 13CO2/12CO2 ratios. The 13CO2/12CO2 ratios decreased significantly (P less than 0.01) when horses were not fed. After oral dosing with maize glucose, 13CO2/12CO2 ratios reached maximal increases 5 hours after dosing and reached baseline values 15 hours after dosing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects of weaning on diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in three-week-old pigs
Sarmiento, J.I. | Dean, E.A. | Moon, H.W.
We attempted to determine whether weaning is required for induction of diarrhea in pigs with postweaning enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection. Three-week-old newly weaned pigs and their suckling littermates were inoculated with the K88+ enterotoxigenic E coli strain M1823B. Fourteen of 21 weaned and 12 of 20 suckling pigs were genetically resistant to intestinal adhesion by the K88+ strain of E coli; they remained healthy, and gained weight at similar rates. Both groups of K88-resistant pigs gained weight faster, and shed fewer bacteria of strain M1823B in their feces, than did their K88-susceptible counterparts. Diarrhea developed in K88-susceptible pigs in the weaned (6 of 7 pigs) and suckling (4 of 8 pigs) groups, and 1 of the 4 affected suckling pigs died from complications resulting from diarrhea. The incidences of diarrhea, weight gain rates, and the numbers of strain M1823B shed in feces of susceptible weaned and suckling pigs were not significantly (P > 0.05) different. Diarrhea scores of susceptible weaned pigs were significantly (P < 0.02) higher than those of susceptible suckling pigs on the second day after inoculation. In this experimental model, it was concluded that weaning is not required for induction of diarrhea, but may modestly increase its severity.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of renal gentamicin depletion kinetic properties in sheep, using serial percutaneous biopsies
Brown, S.A. | Baird, A.N.
Tissue drug residue research often involves the killing of an animal every time tissue concentrations are determined. To decrease the number of animals required to perform tissue depletion studies and to circumvent the statistical problems associated with determining tissue depletion kinetic properties, using multiple animals, the renal depletion profile of gentamicin from individual sheep was studied, using a bilateral renal translocation technique. Seven ewes were surgically altered, allowed to stabilize, and then allocated into 2 groups; groups-1 sheep (n = 4) were given 3 mg of gentamicin/kg, IM, q 12 h for 10 days, and group-2 sheep (n = 3) were not given gentamicin. The kidneys from all ewes were biopsied 9 times over 74 days after the termination of gentamicin treatment. The renal concentrations of gentamicin were measured by use of a validated tissue digestion procedure coupled with a liquid-phase fluorescence polarization immunoassay. On days 75 and 77 after the end of gentamicin treatment, all ewes were euthanatized and necropsied. The concentrations of gentamicin in the biopsy specimens ranged from 71.9 to 183 microgram/g on days 1 and 2 after dosing, and decreased to concentrations ranging from 3.99 to 7.35 microgram/g on days 73 and 74 after the end of dosing. The decrease in renal gentamicin concentrations was best described by a biexponential equation, The early phase half-life was 2.8 days, whereas the terminal phase half-life was 59 days (harmonic means). There was no difference in the appearance or histologic features of the kidneys from groups 1 and 2. The only lesions noticed were linear fibroses that were attributed to the biopsy procedure.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cellular defense of the avian respiratory system: effects of Pasteurella multocida on respiratory burst activity of avian respiratory tract phagocytes
Ochs, D.L. | Toth, T.E. | Pyle, R.H. | Siegel, P.B.
The respiratory tract of healthy chickens contain few free-residing phagocytic cells. Intratracheal inoculation with Pasteurella multocida stimulated a significant (P < 0.05) migration of cells to the lungs and air sacs of White Rock chickens within 2 hours after inoculation. We found the maximal number of avian respiratory tract phagocytes (22.9 +/- 14.0 x 10(6)) at 8 hours after inoculation. Flow cytometric analysis of these cells revealed 2 populations on the basis of cell-size and cellular granularity. One of these was similar in size and granularity to those of blood heterophils. Only this population was capable of generating oxidative metabolites in response to phorbol myristate acetate. The ability of the heterophils to produce hydrogen peroxide, measured as the oxidation of intracellularly loaded 2', 7'-dichlorofluorescein, decreased with time after inoculation. These results suggest that the migration of heterophils, which are capable of high levels of oxidative metabolism, to the lungs and air sacs may be an important defense mechanism of poultry against bacterial infections of the respiratory tract.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of acupuncture on young pigs with induced enteropathogenic Escherichia coli diarrhea
Hwang, Y.C. | Jenkins, E.M.
Thirty-four preweaning pigs with induced enteropathogenic Escherichia coli diarrhea were treated with electroacupuncture, traditional acupuncture, or neomycin. In the group treated with electroacupuncture, points GV-1, bilateral ST-36, and Bai-hui were stimulated electrically. In the group treated with traditional acupuncture, points GV-1, bilateral ST-36, BL-20, bulb points, bilateral ear tip, and Shan-gen were used. Acupuncture points CV-12 and bilateral ST-25 also were treated with moxibustion (applying heat generated by a burning herb, Artemisia argyi). Hemoacumpuncture also was applied to Shan-gen, bilateral ear tip, and bulb points. Pigs in the third group were given neomycin orally. Five pigs were inoculated with E coli, but were not treated and served as nontreated controls. At postinoculation day 5, 60% of control pigs and greater than 80% of pigs in treated groups recovered from diarrhea. However, at postinoculation day 3, recovery rates for pigs in the control and group treated with electroacupuncture were only 20 and 27.3%, respectively; whereas pigs treated with acupuncture or neomycin attained 81.8 and 71.4% of recovery rates, respectively. Seemingly, traditional acupuncture, but not electroacupuncture, was effective in controlling induced E coli diarrhea in pigs at its early stage.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fiber type, fiber size, and capillary geometric features of the semitendinosus muscle in three types of dogs
Rosenblatt, J.D. | Kuzon, W.M. Jr | Pynn, B.R. | Plyley, M.J. | McKee, N.H.
The fiber type, fiber size, and capillary geometric features were determined from the center of the proximal half of the left and right semitendinosus muscles in 5 mixed-breed dogs, 5 hound-type dogs, and 5 Beagles. There were no significant differences between the left and right muscles of each dog. Comparisons among the 3 groups of dogs revealed that the hound-type dogs had the largest fibers (type I and type II); however, the 3 groups were similar in their fiber-type percentages and their capillary geometric features.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Capillary permeability to endogenous macromolecules in the equine digit
Allen, D. Jr | Korthuis, R.J. | Clark, E.S.
Microvascular permeability characteristics were evaluated in digits of 7 adult horses. After capillaries were isolated and an extracorpeal perfusion circuit for the digit was established, a lymphatic vessel draining the distal portion of the phalangeal region was cannulated at the level of the coronary band. Venous pressure was increased in a stepwise manner, and lymph flow, lymph protein concentration (Cl), and plasma protein concentration (Cp) were determined after measured variables were allowed to reach steady state. Lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratios (Cl/Cp) and lymph and plasma oncotic pressures were determined from samples collected during steady state. The osmotic reflection coefficient was determined after Cl/Cp became constant, regardless of increasing lymph flow, and was expressed as 1 - Cl/Cp. The osmotic reflection coefficient for the digit was 0.67. Seemingly, the microvasculature bed of the digit was relatively permeable and could maintain only 67% of the endogenous macromolecules within the vasculature.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Method to create and maintain the patency of the bovine mammary papilla
Nassef, M.T. | Coy, C.H. | Watson, G.L.
The patency of mammary papillae was reestablished after surgically induced injury. Perforated prosthetic tubes with affixed Dacron tubing or Teflon strips were implanted in 18 abrabed papillae of lactating dairy cows and were secured with sutures. Wound healing was assessed by palpation and visual inspection. All wounds, with one exception, healed by first intention. Machine milking, reinstituted on day 5 after surgery, caused no apparent discomfort. Grossly and histopathologically, all implants stimulated a variable degree of mucosal metaplasia and hyperplasia. Only implants with Teflon strips became anchored by fibrotic invasion. Mastitis, tube migration, and milk fistulas were complications of the procedure.
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