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Laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernioplasty in a dog
João Pedro Scussel Feranti Feranti | Marília Teresa de Oliveira | Hellen Fialho Hartmann | Luis Felipe Dutra Corrêa | Saulo Tadeu Lemos Pinto Filho | Marcella Teixeira Linhares | Rafael Oliveira Chaves | Marco Augusto Machado Silva | Maurício Veloso Brun
A diaphragmatic hernia is characterized by the passage of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity, which may be congenital or acquired. Its treatment is achieved by surgical correction. When there is no tissue or in cases of herniation with a chronic disease, the use biological or synthetic implants is recommended. The objective of this study was to report a technique of laparoscopic diaphragmatic hernia repair using bovine pericardium preserved in a canine, using three portal accesses. Due to the large diaphragmatic defect, reduction with the aid of a network of preserved bovine pericardium in formaldehyde 4% was chosen. The mesh was sutured to the transversus abdominus muscle in two layers. The first layer was sutured using simple continuous pattern, and the second one using simple interrupted sutures. The patient collapsed and died 24hours postoperatively. However, the purposed technique was feasible.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Infecção pelo complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis em carneiro da Barbária (Ammotragus lervia) no Zoológico de Curitiba, sul do Brasil: relato de caso
Vivien Midori Morikawa | Alexander Welker Biondo | Rogério Ribeiro Robes | Ivan Roque de Barros Filho | Cristina Kraemer Zimpel | Maria do Carmo Custódio de Souza Hunold Lara | Cristina Corsi Dib | Luciana Cristina Fagundes Gequelin | Igor Adolfo Dexheimer Paploski | Marcelo Bonat
A tuberculose é uma das doenças mundiais de notificação obrigatória mais importantes causada pelo complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis que pode infectar pessoas e animais. A morte repentina de um carneiro da Barbária no Zoológico de Curitiba, que apresentou nódulos multifocais no pulmão à necropsia, levantou a suspeita de tuberculose. Foi realizada a Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase Quantitativa (qPCR) de fragmentos de órgãos e fluido. A qPCR detectou a presença do complexo M. tuberculosis nas amostras de pulmão. Este estudo relata a infecção pelo complexo M. tuberculosis no carneiro da Barbária, uma zoonose de grande relevância para a saúde pública, ressaltando-se a necessidade da implementação de medidas de prevenção. Além disso, pode prover um melhor entendimento sobre conservação de espécies, ocorrência e transmissão de doenças em cativeiro, potencial reservatório e impacto na saúde pública para visitantes e funcionários dos zoológicos.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Mannheimiose atípica em emas (Rhea americana) cativas
João Marcelo Azevedo de Paula Antunes | Kilder Dantas Filgueira | Larissa de Castro Demoner | Jael Soares Batista | Moacir Franco de Oliveira | Marta Brito Guimarães | Ilanna Vanessa Pristo de Medeiros Oliveira | Débora Alves de Carvalho Freire | Valéria Veras de Paula
Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) é uma das principais causas da doença do complexo respiratório dos bovinos (DCRB) que causa grandes perdas econômicas. Até os dias atuais, não há relato de aves acometidas por tal bactéria. Relata-se um surto atípico de mannheimiose em emas em cativeiro (Rhea americana).
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Uso do corante azul de metileno a 2% na localização do linfonodo axilar em cadelas (Canis familiaris – Linnaeus, 1758)
Tábata Maués | Carolina Bistritschan Israel | Maria de Lourdes Gonçalves Ferreira | Ana Maria Reis Ferreira
A biopsia de linfonodo sentinela (LS) é cada vez mais utilizada para a determinação do estadiamento clínico tumoral. O acometimento de linfonodos em animais com doença oncológica possui forte valor prognóstico no tumor da glândula mamária. Em medicina veterinária faltam diretrizes bem estabelecidas para a avaliação do LS. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do corante azul de metileno a 2% na identificação do linfonodo axilar em cadelas com lesões mamárias. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 101 cadelas, portadoras de lesões mamárias, submetidas à mastectomia radical unilateral ou bilateral. Antes do início da cirurgia, aplicou-se, por via intradérmica, na área ao redor da mama torácica cranial, solução de azul de metileno a 2% estéril. O corante foi eficaz na identificação do linfonodo axilar em 76,27% das cadeias mamárias. Obtiveram-se estruturas coradas em azul, semelhantes a linfonodos em 78,81% dos casos. Dessas estruturas, 96,77% foram confirmadas ao exame histopatológico como linfonodos. Dada a importância prognóstica do comprometimento de linfonodos em alguns tumores, a avaliação do LS deve ser incorporada à rotina clínica, de modo a permitir um estadiamento mais preciso das cadelas com neoplasia mamária.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparação entre neurectomia por técnica de guilhotina e neurotomia associada à neurorrafia em alça de balde em nervo digital palmar de éguas
Taís Brito Santana | Gentil Ferreira Gonçalves | Duvaldo Eurides | Eduardo José de Almeida Araújo | Patricia Romagnolli | Marshal Costa Leme | Guilherme Sales Cerci | Campo Amor Vieira da Cunha Neto
O nervo digital palmar (NDP) lateral do membro torácico direito (MTD) de cinco equinos fêmeas foi submetido à neurectomia pela técnica da guilhotina, e o do membro torácico esquerdo (MTE) à neurotomia e neurorrafia término-lateral. Os animais foram avaliados a cada 15 dias quanto ao teste de sensibilidade cutânea com pressão local com pinça de casco e de claudicação, não sendo notados sinais clínicos de neuroma doloroso. Aos 60 dias pós-cirurgia coletou-se segmentos dos cotos proximais dos NDPs. Os dos MTDs apresentavam em média, a espessura de 7,16 mm e aos dos MTEs de 5,96 mm. Nos cotos proximais dos nervos dos membros direito e esquerdo notou-se predominância de células de Schwann à grande quantidade de tecido conjuntivo cicatricial. Os do MTEs apresentavam estruturas de nervo típico, bem constituídas, com maior organização do tecido nervoso e predomínio de fibras nervosas orientadas paralelamente. A neurorrafia termino-lateral apresentou tendência a ocasionar maior organização entre as estruturas analisadas, o que lhe conferiu menor potencial em desenvolver neuromas dolorosos.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A review of Sarcocystis spp. shed by opossums (Didelphis spp.) in Brazil
Samantha Yuri Oshiro Branco Valadas | Rodrigo Martins Soares | David Scott Lindsay
South American opossums are the definitive hosts of Sarcocystis neurona, Sarcocystis falcatula, Sarcocystis speeri and Sarcocystis lindsayi. The sporocysts of these species of Sarcocystis are morphologically similar and methods like infectivity and pathogenicity for intermediate hosts (immunodeficient mice and psittacine birds) and molecular tools are used for identification. Opossums are synanthropic wild animals, and widely distributed in Brazilian territory. Previous studies have shown high environmental contamination with S. neurona sporocysts in several Brazilian regions. This paper reviews information on Sarcocystis spp. shed by various opossum species and its occurrence in Brazil.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Hepatic capillariasis in two captive Callithrix penicillata
Washington Luiz Assunção Pereira | Raimundo Nonato Moraes Benigno | Klena Sarges Marruaz da Silva | Marcella Katheryne Marques Bernal | Lucien Roberta Valente Miranda de Aguirra
This study aimed to describe the occurrence of hepatic capillariasis in two non-human primates of the species Callithrix penicillata that were kept in captivity. Case 1 was in a young female, whose liver presented pale coloring, softening due to autolysis and several noticeably whitish areas. Case 2 was in a male of unknown age, whose liver was slightly pale and brownish. Histological analysis on the samples revealed extensive interstitial fibrosis with hemosiderotic areas. Adult nematodes of Capillaria hepatica and numerous eggs, morphologically characterized by their non-embryonic ellipsoid shape, with bipolar plugs that did not protrude from the shell, thick and birefringent, with a porous layer, thus giving a striated appearance to the eggs. Some cystic formations presented nematode eggs surrounded by numerous foreign-body giant cells. The literature consulted made little reference to reports of Capillaria hepatica in non-human primates. However, similar infections have been extensively studied in domestic rodents.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Leishmania amazonensis antibodies in domestic dogs in the western Brazilian Amazon region
Sérgio de Almeida Basano | Paulo Tarso | Herbert Sousa Soares | Andrea Pereira Costa | Arlei Marcili | Marcelo Bahia Labruna | Ricardo Augusto Dias | Luís Marcelo Aranha Camargo | Solange Maria Gennari
Blood samples from 99 domestic dogs were collected in the urban area (n = 33) and rural area (n = 66) of the municipality of Lábrea, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Among the rural samples, 40 were collected in riverine communities and 26 were collected in Indian communities, both along the Purus River. During the sampling, a questionnaire was applied to obtain information relating to sex, age, living in dryland or seasonally flooded areas, access to the streets (for urban dogs) and access to forests. The presence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Leishmania infantum chagasi and Leishmania amazonensis was detected by means of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) with cutoffs of 16, 50, 40 and 40, respectively. The association of each qualitative variable, with each parasite and positivity for each of them, were evaluated using the χ2 test (p < 0.05). T. gondii, N. caninum and L. amazonensis antibodies were found, respectively, in 61.6%, 7.1% and 8.1% of the animals examined. None of the samples were positive for L. infantum chagasi. The variable of living in an urban area (p = 0.041) presented an association with occurrence of T. gondii and the positivity for T. gondii increased with age of the dogs (p = 0.0006). The variable of male sex presented an association with N. caninum (p = 0.018) and no variable presented any association with L. amazonensis. The antibody titers against T. gondii ranged from 64 to 32,768; against N. caninum from 100 to 800; and against L. amazonensis from 40 to 640. Both T. gondii and L. amazonensis are important zoonotic agents and are active in this region. The municipality studied, and especially its riverine communities, has geographic, social and ecological peculiarities. This region requires greater attention from the authorities for controlling these agents.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) as ectoparasites of Brazilian wild birds and their association with rickettsial diseases
Maria Ogrzewalska | Adriano Pinter
Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) are obligatory hematophagous ectoparasites of a variety of vertebrate hosts and play an important role in the transmission and ecology of infectious pathogens causing diseases in humans and animals worldwide. Sixty-eight species of ticks exist in Brazil, and at least 23 are found parasitizing wild birds. This number is increasing with the advent of new studies highlighting the underestimated role of birds in the life cycle of these arthropods. In South America, many of these ticks are involved in epidemiology of the life-threatening spotted fever diseases caused by bacteria from the genus Rickettsia (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae). The aim of this paper is to present up-to-date knowledge about the bird-tick fauna of Brazil and their association with rickettsioses. The available literature concerning ticks on birds and tick-borne diseases related to these ticks in Brazil has been revised. It could be concluded that birds play a primary role in life cycles of various tick species, especially during immature stages (larvae and nymphs). The best known is a bird-tick fauna from the Atlantic Forest and from Brazilian savannah called Cerrado in southern and central Brazil, respectively. On the other hand, the knowledge about bird tick parasitism from other Brazilian biomes such as the Amazon, Caatinga, Pantanal and Pampas regions is very scarce and requires further study. Moreover, no studies about the role of birds as mobile hosts for spreading ticks to new areas exist, nor has their role in the natural life cycle of Rickettsia been thoroughly examined.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparative study between propofol and propofol-ketamine for induction of anesthesia in dogs
Daniela Santilli Cima | Keiji Sato | Jacqueline Silva Torrecilla | Vinicius Toshio Iwata | Fábio Futema
Anesthetic procedures in animals are widely used in hospital for routine surgery. For induction of anesthesia in dogs, propofol has been shown to be the drug of choice. The objectives of this study were the assessment of induction of anesthesia using propofol or propofol-ketamine. Twenty client-owned dogs were randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. All patients were administered acepromazine (0.05 mg kg-1) and fentanyl (5 µg kg-1) for premedication by intramuscular (IM) injection. Dogs in the treatment group were administered ketamine (1 mg kg-1), while dogs in the control group were administered 0.9% saline solution, by intravenous (IV) injection. Induction of anesthesia was done using IV propofol at a rate of 1 mL minute-1. Cardiopulmonary patterns were assessed before application of premedication, 15 minutes after application of premedication and after induction of anesthesia with propofol. Additionally, data regarding tracheal intubation score, presence of adverse effects and dose of propofol necessary for induction of anesthesia were collected. The control group showed significantly more adverse effects and changes in cardiopulmonary patterns when compared to the treatment group. There was a clinically significant reduction in the dose of propofol necessary for induction of anesthesia when associated with ketamine. The association of ketamine for induction of anesthesia in healthy dogs using propofol was able to reduce the dose of the induction agent necessary for tracheal intubation. Moreover, there was a reduction in the occurrence of adverse effects and cardiopulmonary depression, which allowed for a safer procedure for the patients.
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