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Resultados 221-230 de 395
Abnormal spermatozoa, testicular degeneration, and varicocele in a ram.
Ott R.S. | Heath E.H. | Bane A.
Partial protection of calves against parainfluenza-3 virus infection by nasal-secretion interferon induced by infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus.
Cummins J.M. | Rosenquist B.D.
Bluetongue infections in Louisiana cattle [Viral infection].
Fulton R.W. | Nicholson S.S. | Pearson N.J. | Potter M.T. | Archbald L.F. | Pearson J.E. | Jochim M.M.
Ischemia: a cause of hepatic telangiectasis in cattle.
Jensen R. | Johnson L.W. | Lauerman L.H. | Tucker J.O. | Swift B.L. | Alexander A.F. | Hancock H.A. | Flack D.E. | Braddy P.M. | Horton D.P.
Proliferative colitis in ferrets [Campylobacter fetus subsp jejuni, Mustela putorius].
Fox J.G. | Murphy J.C. | Ackerman J.I. | Prostak K.S. | Gallagher C.A. | Rambow V.J.
Detection of antibody in Aleutian disease of mink: comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and counterimmunoelectrophoresis [Parvovirus].
Wright P.F. | Wilkie B.N.
Leukocyte migration inhibition in chickens inoculated with Salmonella typhimurium.
Nagaraja K.V. | Newman J.A. | Pomeroy B.S.
Infection of Syrian hamsters with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus: comparison of detection methods.
Thacker W.L. | Lewis V.J. | Shaddock J.H. | Winkler W.G.
Lymphosarcoma with leukemia in a horse.
Madewell B.R. | Carlson G.P. | MacLachlan N.J. | Feldman B.F.
Delayed-type hypersensitivity, contact sensitivity, and phytohemagglutinin skin-test responses of heat- and cold-stressed calves.
Kelley K.W. | Greenfield R.E. | Evermann J.F. | Parish S.M. | Perryman L.E.