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Temporal and subcellular distributions of Cy5.5-labeled hyaluronic acid nanoparticles in mouse organs during 28 days as a drug carrier
Lin, C., Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, China | Kim, S.B., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Yon, J.M., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Park, S.G., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Gwon, L.W., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Lee, J.G., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Baek, I.J., Asan Medical Center and University of Ulsan, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Lee, B.J., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Yun, Y.W., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea | Nam, S.Y., Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Republic of Korea
Temporal and subcellular distributions of hyaluronic acid (HA) as a degradable nanoparticle (NP) in animals were investigated to determine if HA-NP could be utilized as an appropriate drug delivery system. After mice were intravenously injected with 5 mg/kg of Cy5.5-labeled HA-NP sized 350-400 nm or larger HA-polymers, the fluorescence intensity was measured in all homogenized organs from 0.5 h to 28 days. HA-NP was greatly detected in spleen, liver and kidney until day 28, while it was maintained at low levels in other organs. HA-polymer was observed at low levels in all organs. HA-NP quantities in spleen and liver were reduced until day 3, but increased sharply between days 3 and 7, then decreased again, while their HA-polymers were maintained at low levels until day 28. In kidneys, both HA-NP and HA-polymer showed high levels after 0.5 h of administration, but steadily decreased until day 28. According to ultrastructural analyses, HA-NP was engulfed in Kupffer cells of liver and macrophages of spleen and kidney at day 1 and was accumulated in the cytoplasm of kidney tubular cells at day 7. Overall, these findings suggest that HA-NP could be considered a desirable drug carrier in the liver, kidney, or spleen.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of the correlation between gross lung score and microscopic diagnosis for swine pneumonia in Korean slaughterhouses
Lee, H.S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Kim, M.C., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Kim, N.Y., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Hwang, S.H., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Ji, S., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Park, Y.K., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Park, Y.H., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea | Kim, Y., Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
To reduce swine production costs, a slaughter check system has been developed in countries with an advanced swine industry. Evaluation of lung lesions in carcasses is a critical part of the slaughter check system. This study was performed to collect background information for use in developing a slaughter check system in Korea. Lung tissues and their gross images were collected from slaughterhouses in Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Scoring of the gross lung lesions was performed on the lung images. Histopathologic examination was conducted to classify the pulmonary lesions as bronchopneumonia or interstitial pneumonia. Scores of the gross lung lesions were significantly different between bronchopneumonia and interstitial pneumonia groups (p less than 0.001). A 90% confidence interval of gross lung lesion scores was established for the bronchopneumonia group, and the lesion scoring had a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 77.3%. The gross lung lesion scoring test was subjected to a diagnostic distinction evaluation by examining the receiver operating characteristic curve and was appraised as having good discrimination for bronchopneumonia. Establishment of a gross lung lesion scoring test for the diagnosis of bronchopneumonia could be valuable as a screening test of macroscopic bronchopneumonia in swine slaughter check system.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Conservation of matrix protein genes in rabies viruses circulating in South Korea since 1999
Lee, Y.A., Food and Rural Affair, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Kim, H.H., Food and Rural Affair, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Yang, D.K., Food and Rural Affair, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea | Cho, I.S., Food and Rural Affair, Gimcheon, Republic of Korea
Rabies virus (RABV) causes a neurological disease in warm-blooded animals that is nearly always fatal. In this study, we analyzed the matrix (M) genes in 10 Korean street RABV strains isolated from two Provinces during 2011-2013. The M genes in these 10 Korean strains were highly conserved during 1999-2013. Phylogenetic analysis revealed they were closely related to the M genes of RABVs isolated in northeastern China. Specific amino acid substitutions were identified in the KRVB1206, KRVF1301, and BV9901PJ strains. However, functional domains, including those involved in virus production and pathogenicity, were conserved in all 10 strains.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]First report of decompression sickness (DCS) in a sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) stranded in Southern Peninsular Malaysia
Norsharina A. | Noordin M. M. | Aida M. | Fahmi | Tamimi M. A. A. | Kamaruddin I. | Nurnadiah A. H. | Nurliyana M. T. | Hassan M. D. | Nor-Yasmin A. R. | Munir M. N. | Syed Abdullah S. A. K. | Sarol K. | Norina L.
Decompression sickness, a condition in whales caused by bubble formation in certain body tissues from dissolved inert gases. It occurs during transition from a high pressure environment to one of lower pressure, resulting in a range of conditions from itching to joint pain, convulsions, and death. A carcass of a stranded Sei Whale, Balaenoptera borealis, found on the shores of southern coast of Peninsular Malaysia was presentedfor postmortem. Investigation results showed that the male Sei Whale, named Si Corner showed pathologic lesions as seen from histology with the formation of fibrosis, emphysema and edema in the lungs and hepatic atrophy which indicated chronic starvation. It believedthat he also suffering from “Barotrauma or decompression sickness” which affected the ear or lungs which lead to unbalanced movement due to changes in air pressure.This may have caused the whale to beach and consequent mortality. The pathologic lesions found give an insight into possible causes of death of beached whales inMalaysia.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Phylogenetic grouping and virulence gene profiles of Escherichia coli isolated from chicken
Ramlan M. | S. Khairani Bejo | Khoo, E. | Roseliza R. | Zunita Z.
Colibacillosis is a disease caused by avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) and is one of the principle cause of morbidity and mortality in poultry worldwide which is represented by a complex syndrome characterized by multiple organ lesions. This study was carried out to determine phylogenetic grouping and virulenceassociated genes contained by E. coli isolates which is related in causing disease in chicken. E. coli isolates obtained from clinical cases of Veterinary ResearchInstitute were re-identified by conventional methods. Phylogenetic grouping of the isolates was determined by triplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the presence of eight virulence genes were identified by multiplex PCR. A total of 125 E. coli isolates were subjected toanalysis of phylogenetic background and virulence associated genes profiling. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that most of the E. coli isolated from chicken in this study belonged to group B1 (36.0%),group D (28.0%), group A (27.2%) and group B2 (8.8%). Multiplex PCR analysis demonstrated that 96 (78.6%) of the E. coli isolates harbored at least one virulencegene, while 29 (23.3%) did not contain any virulence genes tested. The most prevalent virulence genes identified were iss (51.2%), followed by iucD (36.0%),tsh (32.8%), vat (16.0%), astA (13.6%), irp2 (11.2%), papC (9.6%) and the least is cva/cvi gene (0%). None of the isolates harbored more than four virulence genes.Each of phylogenetic groups presented with different combinations of virulence genes, with no specific combinations of virulence genes found to correlate withE. coli phylogroups. None of the E. coli isolates harbored more than four virulence genes, suggesting that E. coli isolates from chicken in this study appear to bederived from commensal strains and may relate to environmental predispose factors especially stress factors in the host to establish infection.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Fascioliasis in an adult draught buffalo in Malaysia: a case report
Rosilawati K. | Ramli S. | Saipul Bahari A. R.
Fascioliasis is an importantparasitic disease caused by the liver flukeFasciola gigantica in Malaysia. Theinfestation of liver fluke in ruminants;cattle, sheep, goats and buffaloes can resultin economic losses to the country mainlydue to the drop in livestock production,reduction in growth rate, condemnationof liver, reduction in draught power andhigh usage of anthelmintics. This paperdescribes a case of liver fluke infestationin a two year old male buffalo that waseventually slaughtered. The buffalowas reported to be emaciated and wasreared in an oil palm plantation for useas draught power in buffalo-drawn cartsloaded with oil palm bunches; alongwith 18 other buffaloes of various ages.Previously, there were two cases of buffalodeaths from the same herd. The organand faecal samples were sent to KuantanRegional Veterinary Laboratory (RVL)for diagnostic work up. The receivedsamples were then sent to parasitology,histopathology and bacteriology sectionsfor laboratory analysis and confirmationon the pathogens. The bacteriology resultshowed Escherichia coli isolated in allinternal organs. Presence of adult flukes(Fasciola gigantica) were observed inthe bile duct of the liver through grossexamination and also histopathologicalevaluation and supported by the positiveresult of Fasciola ova via sedimentationtest conducted from the faecal sample, thusjustifying the final diagnosis as severe liverfluke infestation leading to emaciation andsimultaneously having colibacillosis.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A survey of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) in stray cats in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, West Malaysia
Norlida O. | Nik Kamarudin T. | Saipul Bahari A. R. | Wan Norulhuda W. A. W. | Nik Noor Syamimi I.
Ear mite (Otodectes cynotis)is a very common cause of otitis externaand it is one of the clinically importantdiseases of cats and dogs. A study on earmite infestation was carried out on straycats around the vicinity of Kota Bharutown. This study was done to establish theincidence of positive infections by directsmear of skin scrapings from cats. A total of34 skin scraping and ear swab samples weretaken from stray cats around Kota Bharu,Kelantan. The study was conducted in fourlocations around the Kota Bharu district,namely; Pasar Pasir Tumbuh, Pasar MedanBuluh Kubu, Kampung Kraftangan andRural Transformation Centre in Tunjung.A total of 7 samples from RTC Tunjungarea were positive for these mites, observedunder the microscope. This area also hasa wet market where the stray cats live andas the environment is damp and dirty, it isthe perfect environment for the spread ofthe mites. This information is vital for thecontrol of stray animal populations whichindirectly affect human health.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Coccidiosis in village chicken: a preliminary survey in Pasir Putih District, Kelantan, West Malaysia
Norlida O. | Nur Syakila M. Z. | Saipul Baharia R. | Wan Norulhuda W. A. W. | Nik Kamarudin T.
A study was carried out to detect and identify the presence of coccidia oocysts in the faeces of village chicken from the district of Pasir Putih, Kelantan, West Malaysia. A total of 135 fecal samples were collected from 15 areas in the Pasir PutihDistrict. The faecal samples were examined by direct smear method (qualitative study). A pinch of the faeces was put onto the glassslide with 1-2 drops of normal saline and cover slip, which was then observed under the compound microscope to detect thecoccidia oocysts. The presence of coccidia oocyst was then identified by its size and shape. Results showed that ten out of 135 samples were positive for coccidia oocysts, and classified as Eimeria maxima and Eimeria mitis, both of which are from two locations at Kampung Chap Banir, Pasir Putih, Kelantan. The remaining 125 samples were observed to be negative. This may suggest that the chickens reared in the backyard (extensive)are less susceptible to the coccidia infection due to their environment with lower stocking density (mostly free ranging chicken), and no damp/wet litter as bedding which canfacilitate sporulation of the coccicia oocyst thereby spreading the infection. Further studies need to be done to elucididate other factors which may affect coccidial infections in free range chicken such as the availability of medications in feed or genetic hardiness and tolerance to field infections. The localvillage chicken industry is an up and coming facet of the poultry industry and needs concerted efforts to boost it.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A survey of endoparasite and ectoparasite infections of wild rats caught in areas of Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Priscilla F. X. | Chandrawathani P. | Jamnah O. | Zaini C. M. | Premaalatha B. | Ramlan M. | Farah Haziqah M. T.
A survey of 95 wild rats which were captured from various locations was conducted to determine the diversity and distribution of ectoparasites and endoparasites infesting wild rat population around the city of Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. The rodents captured were Rat tus norvegicus and post mortem was carried out immediately after capture, with skin and organs examined for parasite infection. Ectoparasites recovered were blood sucking louse (Polyplax spinulosa) and mites (Myocoptes musculinus). Endoparasites recovered were nematodes (Aspiculuris tetraptera, Trichuris sp., and two strongyles, one of which is Strongyloides sp.) And three intestinal protozoan parasites (Blastocystis sp., Trichomonas sp., and a coccidia). Low diversity of ecto- and endoparasites were observed infecting wild rat population caught in Ipoh as compared to Kuala Lumpur.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Distribution of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) diagnosed in northern region Of Malaysia from year 2006 to 2016
Thenamutha M. | Sarenasulastri A. B. | Rafidah A. J. | Saipul Bahari A. R.
Data over a period of eleven years was analysed for Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) virus isolated from chicken samples submit ted to the Regional Veterinary Laboratory at Bukit Tengah, Malaysia (RVLBT) for diagnosis. A total of 247 suspect IBD cases were tested by Virology Section, RVLBT between years of 2006 to 2016. IBD virus has been isolated by using Agar Gel Precipitation Test (AGPT), a bursal homogenate which has been used as an antigen against a known positive antiserum. About 27 cases (11%) from a total of 247 suspect cases in chickens were positive for the presence of IBD. The rate of IBD may be influenced by age of chickens with an increase in the possibility of IBD occurring in chicken older than 3 weeks. Apart from that, both broiler and local chickens are highly susceptible to this disease. Therefore, awareness on the existing IBD cases indicates the importance of strict management procedures, proper management programmes, vaccination and immunisation for chickens in Malaysia.
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