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Rearing the blood-feeding fly Haematobia thirouxi potans in the laboratory
Doube, B.M. | Fay, H.A.C. | Aschenborn, H.H.
Haematobia thirouxi potans, two methods described for laboratory rearing, adult flies can be fed either on a bovine calf or on bovine blood in vitro
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of diethylcarbamazine on Strongylus vulgaris infection in ponies
Hofing, G.L. | Bennett, D.G.
Strongylus vulgaris, ponies (exper.), diethylcarbamazine did not prevent clinical or pathological changes due to migrating larvae, fewer adults recovered at necropsy from treated vs. untreated ponies
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Control of psoroptic scabies on calves with ivermectin
Meleney, W.P.
Psoroptes ovis, calves, control with ivermectin, dosages and routes of administration; effect on Bovicola bovis; Otobius megnini not affected
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Ivermectin: Activity against larval Strongylus vulgaris and adult Trichostrongylus axei in experimental infections in ponies
Lyons, E.T. | Drudge, J.H. | Tolliver, S.C.
Strongylus vulgaris (larvae), Trichostrongylus axei (adults), ponies (exper.), efficacy of ivermectin, controlled tests
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Quantitative parasitemia in calves fed Sarcocystis cruzi sporocysts from coyotes
Dubey, J.P.
Sarcocystis cruzi, calves fed sporocysts of 2 different isolates from coyotes, number of merozoites in peripheral blood, duration of parasitemia, and extent of multiplication of merozoites
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Anthelmintic efficacy of ivermectin given intramuscularly in horses
DiPietro, J.A. | Todd, K.S. | Lock, T.F. | McPherron, T.A.
gastrointestinal parasites, horses, anthelmintic efficacy of ivermectin, adverse local or systemic reactions not observed
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy of ivermectin against naturally acquired and experimentally induced nematode infections in sheep
Wescott, R.B. | LeaMaster, B.R.
The activity of ivermectin against common nematode parasites of sheep was examined in 2 experiments. In the 1st experiment, 14 sheep with naturally acquired infections were assigned to 2 groups of 7 sheep each. Sheep in 1 group were treated with 200 micrograms of ivermectin/kg of body weight and the remainder served as nontreated controls. In the 2nd experiment, 15 sheep with experimentally supplemented infections (including a benzimidazole-resistant strain of Haemonchus contortus) were assigned to 3 groups of 5 each. The 1st group was treated with 200 micrograms of ivermectin/kg, the 2nd was treated with 88 mg of thiabendazole/kg, and the 3rd served as nontreated controls. Ten to 12 days after treatment, all sheep were euthanatized and necropsied, and the parasites they harbored were recovered and identified. Efficacy of ivermectin was excellent (greater than 96%) against Dictyocaulus filaria, H contortus, Ostertagia circumcinta, Marshallagia marshalli, Trichostrongylus axei, T colubriformis, and T vitrinus. Treatment was not as uniformly effective for Nematodirus spathiger (73% to 85%), N filicollis (80% to 96%), Cooperia curticei (92% to 100%), immature nematodes (92% to 100%), and early 4th-stage larvae (46% to 100%). Efficacy of thiabendazole was poor for H contortus (42%) and early 4th-stage larvae in the abomasum (52%), but approached 100% for most of the other parasites.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Influence of increased temperature on Anaplasma marginale Theiler in the gut of Dermacentor andersoni Stiles
Kocan, K.M. | Barron, S.J. | Holbert, D. | Ewing, S.A. | Hair, J.A.
Dermacentor andersoni, transmission of Anaplasma marginale to splenectomized calves by injection of gut homogenates from incubated vs. non-incubated adult ticks
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Interspecies transmission of Cytauxzoon felis
Kier, A.B. | Wightman, S.R. | Wagner, J.E.
Cytauxzoon felis, susceptibilities of bobcats, 4 species of domestic farm animals, 9 species of laboratory animals, and 17 wildlife species to infection using infective material from domestic cats, Lynx rufus floridanus developed cytauxzoonosis with signs and lesions identical with those of domestic cats and died of disease, Lynx rufus rufus developed subclinical persistent parasitemia, results indicate that both species of bobcats may serve as reservoir hosts; sheep developed low persistent parasitemia without clinical signs, while other species of animals failed to produce evidence of cytauxzoonosis
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica infections in sheep by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Zimmerman, G.L. | Jen, L.W. | Cerro, J.E. | Farnsworth, K.L. | Wescott, R.B.
Fasciola hepatica, sheep (exper.), diagnosis, evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
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