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Properties of monoclonal antibodies against Berne virus (Toroviridae)
Kaeffer, B. | Kooten, P. van | Ederveen, J. | Eden, W. van | Horzinek, M.C.
Seven hybridomas that secreted monoclonal antibodies (MAB) against the peplomer protein and one that secreted MAB against the nucleocapsid protein of Berne virus (proposed family Toroviridae) were isolated. All MAB directed against the peplomer protein neutralized virus infectivity and, with the exception of MAB 6A7, inhibited each other's binding in competition assays. Neutralization of Berne virus infectivity was potentiated when some MAB were used in pairs. The antibodies have been used to localize toroviral proteins in infected cells; use of antipeplomer MAB 6B10 yielded a diffuse intracytoplasmic immunofluorescence, whereas the antinucleocapsid MAB 1F1 detected antigen in the intra- and perinuclear compartments. By use of radioimmune precipitation, protein A of Staphylococcus aureus was found to bind directly to the nucleocapsid polypeptide, without the requirement for specific antibody. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated protein A, the intranuclear accumulation of the nucleoprotein of Berne virus was confirmed by results of immunofluorescence.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy of levamisole against immature and mature nematodes in goats with induced infections
Coles, G.C. | Giordano, D.J. | Tritschler, J.P. II.
Anthelmintic efficacy of levamisole against induced infections with 7- and 21-day-old Haemonchus contortus, Ostertagia circumcincta, Trichostrongylus axei, and T colubriformis was evaluated as an oral drench in goats. Group 1 (n = 8) was not treated, group 2 (n = 8) was given 3.96 mg of levamisole/kg of body weight, group 3 (n = 8) was given 7.92 mg of levamisole/kg, and group 3 (n = 7) was given 11.88 mg of levamisole/kg. Efficacy against all worms was low in goats given 3.96 mg of levamisole/kg, but was high against adult H contortus (99%) and adult T colubriformis (99.7%) in goats given 7.92 mg of levamisole/kg. Although efficacy against adults of all species was high in goats given 11.88 mg of levamisole/kg, some immature worms of all species remained in the abomasa of goats.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Immune response of the llama (Lama glama) to tetanus toxoid vaccination
Paul-Murphy, J. | Gershwin, L.J. | Thatcher, E.F. | Fowler, M.E. | Habig, W.H.
An ELISA was developed to measure serum concentratrions of tetanus toxoid-specific immunoglobulins. The titers obtained with this assay were compatible with those obtained by the standard mouse toxin-neutralization test. Serum samples from 123 llamas were analyzed for ELISA titers to tetanus toxoid. Of the 82 vaccination adults, 75 (91%) had titers greater than or equal to 1:50. The vaccination status and titers of weanlings and juveniles (3 to 12 months old) varied; of the 21 vaccinated, 17 (81%) had titers greater than or equal to 1:50 and 7 of 9 (78%) unvaccinated llamas had titers less than 1.50. The ELISA titers of unvaccinated llamas less than 8 weeks old (crias) were matched with the maternal titers. All crias with titers less than 1:50 had dams with titers greater than or equal to 1:50.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Complement activity and selected hematologic variables in newborn foals fed bovine colostrum
Lavoie, J.P. | Spensley, M.S. | Smith, B.P. | Bowling, A.T. | Morse, S.
Serum complement activity and selected hematologic variables were evaluated in 5 newborn foals fed bovine colostrum (principal group) and 6 foals allowed to nurse their dam (control group). Also, bovine colostrum was evaluated for anti-equine antibodies. Precolostral serum hemolytic and conglutinating complement activities were low and increased similarly in foals of both groups to reach adult values between 1 and 3 weeks after birth. Bovine colostrum strongly agglutinated, but did not hemolyse principal foals' RBC and blood containing all known equine blood group alloantigens. Hemolysis was not detected after administration of bovine colostrum. Physiologic anemia developed in foals of principal and control groups during the first week of life. Erythrocyte osmotic fragility in foals of the principal group prior to and after the ingestion of colostrum remained unchanged. However, at 36 hours after birth, there was a significant decrease in erythrocyte osmotic fragility in foals fed homologous colostrum.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Immunodeficiency in young pigs
Hammerberg, C. | Schurig, G.G. | Ochs, D.L.
Immunodeficiency in neonatal and young pigs was studied in terms of T-cell function. Generalized T-cell deficiency did not exist in young pigs on the basis of the in vitro response of blood mononuclear cells to a polyclonal T-cell mitogen, phytohemmagglutinin. However, immunodeficiency that extended from birth up to 4 weeks, was observed in serum antibody concentration and in vitro proliferative responses of blood mononuclear cells from young pigs exposed to a low antigen dose of a T-cell dependent antigen, egg white lysozyme. The low in vitro proliferative response to lysozyme was not attributable simply to a lack of interleukin-2 production, because supplementation with human interleukin-2 did not enhance the in vitro cellular response. Also, pokeweed mitogen-stimulated B cells from young pigs up to the age of 5 to 6 weeks produced immunoglobulin concentration, which also was not affected by the addition of human interleukin-2 to the in vitro cultures. The blood mononuclear cells obtained from pigs within the first 5 to 6 weeks after birth and incubated with monoclonal antibodies reactive to all T cells (MSA4), helper T cells (74-12-4) or suppressor/cytotoxic T cells (76-2-11) did not yield consistent excess of suppressor/cytotoxic T cells. This observed immunodeficiency cannot be attributed to a simple lack of functional T cells or to an excessive number of suppressor/cytotoxic T cells, but may be a property of the ability of specific T-cell clones to respond t o low concentration of T cell-dependent antigens or may be attributable to the induction of a suppressor T-cell population in response to in vitro stimulation with the polyclonal T-cell-dependent pokeweed mitogen system.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Naloxone reversal of oxymorphone effects in dogs
Copland, V.S. | Haskins, S.C. | Patz, J.
Oxymorphone was administered IV to dogs 4 times at 20-minute intervals (total dosage, 1 mg/kg of body weight, IV) on 2 separate occasions. Minute ventilation, mixed-expired carbon dioxide concentration, arterial and mixed-venous pH and blood gas tensions, arterial, central venous, pulmonary arterial, and pulmonary wedge pressures, and cardiac output were measured. Physiologic dead space, base deficit, oxygen transport, and vascular resistance were calculated before and at 5 minutes after the first dose of oxymorphone (0.4 mg/kg) and at 15 minutes after the first and the 3 subsequent doses of oxymorphone (0.2 mg/kg). During 1 of the 2 experiments in each dog, naloxone was administered 20 minutes after the last dose of oxymorphone; during the alternate experiment, naloxone was not administered. In 5 dogs, naloxone was administered IV in titrated dosages (0.005 mg/kg) at 1-minute intervals until the dogs were able to maintain sternal recumbency, and in the other 5 dogs, naloxone was administered IM as a single dose (0.04 mg/kg). Naloxone (0.01 mg/kg, IV or 0.04 mg/kg, IM) transiently reversed most of the effects of oxymorphone. Within 20 to 40 minutes after IV naloxone administration and within 40 to 70 minutes after IM naloxone administration, most variables returned to the approximate values measured before naloxone administration. The effects of oxymorphone outlasted the effects of naloxone; cardiovascular and pulmonary depression and sedation recurred in all dogs. Four hours and 20 minutes after the last dose of oxymorphone, alertness, responsiveness, and coordination improved in all dogs after IM administration of naloxone. Cardiac arrhythmia, hypertension, or excitement was not observed after naloxone administration.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of subchondral drilling on repair of partial-thickness cartilage defects of third carpal bones in horses
Shamis, L.D. | Bramlage, L.R. | Gabel, A.A. | Weisbrode, S.
Arthrotomies of middle carpal joints were done on 13 horses, and a 1-cm partial thickness, round defect was made on the radial facet of both third carpal bones. In one joint, 1-mm diameter 1-cm deep holes were drilled within the defect, and one joint was used as a control. Horses were assigned to 2 groups--group 1 (n = 6 horses), 5 drill holes; group 2 (n = 7 horses), 11 drill holes. At 1 and 3 weeks after surgery, differences between joints in synovial fluid total protein values, WBC counts, or results of mucin precipitate tests were not significant (P = 0.005). Physically and radiographically, horses were the same during the 12 initial weeks they were housed in stalls and the 9 weeks they were kept in paddocks. Twenty-one weeks after surgery, horses were euthanatized. Joints with drill holes had a significantly greater area (P less than 0.05) of healthy fibrocartilage new tissue: group 1--33 to 68% new tissue, compared with 0 to 23% new tissue in controls; and group 2--22 to 64% new tissue, compared with 0 to 37% new tissue in controls. Differences between healing of defects with drill holes in groups 1 and 2 were not significant. Thickness of new tissue over drill holes was 33 to 61% of thickness of cartilage adjacent to the defect, and thickness of tissue between drill holes was 11 to 43% (group 1) and 8 to 79% (group 2) of the thickness of cartilage adjacent to the defect. In all defects with drill holes, new tissue in the form of fibrocartilage was detected deep in drill holes, whereas fibrous tissue was observed superficially and adjacent to drill holes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Vascular anatomy of the equine small colon
Archer, R.M. | Lindsay, W.A. | Smith, D.F. | Wilson, J.W.
The vasculature of 22 small colons from dead adult ponies was perfused with latex or barium sulphate solution. The vascular anatomy was studied by use of dissection and alkali digestion of the latex specimens and microangiography of the barium sulphate-perfused specimens. The small colon is supplied by the caudal mesentric artery. The left colic artery arises from the caudal mesenteric artery, which then becomes the cranial rectal artery. Branches from the left colic and cranial rectal arteries form anastomosing arcades that become narrower distally along the length of the small colon. From these arcades arise terminal arteries, which enter the small colon wall and give rise to a subserosal, an intermuscular, and a large submucosal plexus, with frequent anastomoses between them. The venous drainage closely parallels the arterial supply, except near to its origin from the portal vein, when the left colic vein and caudal mesentric vein are separate from the corresponding arteries.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cytologic and bacteriologic evaluation of tracheobronchial aspirates from clinically normal foals
Crane, S.A. | Ziemer, E.L. | Sweeney, C.R.
Thirty-eight tracheobronchial aspirates (TBA) were collected from twenty 1 to 6-month-old foals, which were free of clinical signs of respiratory tract or other infectious disease. We collected TBA from 9 of the foals 3 times when they were approximately 8, 16, and 24 weeks old. Aspirates were examined cytologically after staining with modified Wright-Giemsa, Gram, toluidine blue, and prussian blue stains. Aerobic bacterial culturing was performed on all aspirates. Of the 20 initial TBA, 4 (20%) were normal cytologically on the basis of previously defined criteria for TBA from clinically normal horses, 6 (30%) had a high percentage of eosinophils (> 5%), 8 (40%) were classified as indicative of subacute inflammation, and 2 (10%) were classified as indicative of acute inflammation. Nine (45%) were positive for mast cells and none were positive for hemosiderin-laden macrophages (hemosiderophages). Of the 9 foals from which samples were collected at 16 and 24 weeks of age, results were similar, except for an increase in the number of TBA classified as indicative of chronic inflammation (33% and 22% respectively) and the number positive for hemosiderophages (33% and 88%, respectively). One TBA was considered nondiagnostic because of pharyngeal contamination. Culturing of 12 of the 37 aspirates (32%) yielded a potential microbial pathogen. Only 2 were positive cultures from the same foal. The following organisms were isolated: beta-hemolytic Streptococci spp (4), Actinobacillus/Pasteurella spp (4), Rhodococcus equi (2), unidentified nonenteric Gram-negative rod (1), and Escherichia coli (1). Thirty-four of the 37 aspirates (92%) yielded light growth of various organisms considered to be nonpathogenic and normal inhabitants of the upper respiratory tract. It was concluded that the presence of inflammatory cells, eosinophils, and mast cells in the tracheobronchial aspirates from clinically normal foals is a common finding. These cytologic findings were consistent in the samples collected from foals at 8, 16, and 24 weeks of age. It was also concluded that bacteria with recognized pathogenicity can be isolated from TBA from clinically normal foals and were most frequently isolated from 1- to 2-month-old foals or those with cytologic evidence of inflammation, even in the absence of clinical signs of respiratory tract disease.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Waveform analysis and reproducibility of visual-evoked potentials in dogs
Sims, M.H. | Laratta, L.J. | Bubb, W.J. | Morgan, R.V.
Visual-evoked potentials (VEP) and electroretinograms (ERG) were recorded from 10 normal light-adapted adult dogs, using a 3 X 5 matrix of light-emitting diodes as a stimulator. Visual-evoked potentials were recorded from 4 scalp electrodes overlying cortical areas, whereas electroretinographic activity was recorded by 2 scalp electrodes placed near the eye and by a conjunctivally placed electrode. The waveform of the VEP consisted of 3 major positive waves (P1 through P3), with peak latencies in the 20- to 70-ms range. Waveform reproducibility was assessed by comparing peak latencies from VEP recorded on 2 separate days approximately 1 week apart. The peak latencies for P1 through P3 did not differ (P greater than or equal to 0 .05) between first and second recording sessions. To substantiate the postretinal origin of VEP, recordings were made before and after unilateral optic nerve transsections in 4 dogs. Electroretinograms were also measured before and after surgery to assess the integrity of the retina. Postsurgically, VEP were absent when the eye on the surgically treated side was stimulated. Stimulation of the contralateral eye induced VEP with the same waveform shape, but latencies were slightly prolonged (P less than or equal to 0.05) compared with presurgical recordings. The only effect of optic nerve transsection on the ipsilateral ERG was a prolongation (P less than or equal to 0.05) of the b-wave. However, when postsurgical ERG values were compared with those from the intact side after surgery, there were no differences.
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