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Immunohistochemical Investigation of Lipid Peroxidation in Renal Coccidiosis of Geese
Yildiz, Ayfer | Karakurt, Emin
In this study, we aimed to evaluate the oxidative damage caused by lipid peroxidation due to renal coccidiosis by histopathological and immunohistochemical methods. Material-The material of this study was made up of tissue samples taken from 139 geese whose average age was 10 weeks, who were brought to our department dead between 2013-2020. Tissue samples taken were fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde solution. 5 µm-thick sections were taken from the paraffin blocks prepared after routine tissue follow-up procedures. Hematoxylin & Eosin staining was applied to the sections in order to detect histopathological changes. Sections were examined and photographed under a light microscope.Various clinical signs such as fever, respiratory distress, weakness, anorexia, tremors, inability to get up from the ground, balance disorders, rotational movement, diarrhea, wheezing were detected in geese. In systemic necropsies of geese, large and small white nodular structures were detected in the kidney. In histopathological examinations, coccidiosis agents (E. truncata) were found in the tubular epithelium of the kidney. Necrosis and mononuclear cell infiltration were observed in the tubules due to the presence of E. truncata. In addition, edema and hyperemia in the lungs, multifocal necrosis in the liver, cell infiltration in the portal spaces and enteritis were other important histopathological findings. In one case, aspergillosis was detected together with renal coccidiosis. We observed that MDA expression was more severe in oocyst stages, which is the mature form of the parasite, compared to other parasitic life stages.Based on the results obtained from this study, it was revealed that renal coccidiosis in geese caused lipid peroxidation / oxidative damage through the increase in MDA expression.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effects on the wound healing process using ozonated oils (Sesame, Nigella sativa, Hypericum perforatum) in rats
Canpolat, Ibrahim | Eroksuz, Yesari | Rizaoglu, Tamara
In this study, the effects of three different ozonated oils (Sesame, Nigella sativa and Hypericum perforatum) on wound closure rate, healing process and possible complications were examined macroscopically and microscopically. Twenty-one adult Wistar albino female rats were used in the study. Subjects were divided into three groups, early wound healing, (7 days), medium wound healing, (14 days) and late wound healing (21 days). Four full-thickness skin wounds of equal size (10 mm in diameter) were formed on the back regions of all rats. This region was chosen for preventing self-inflicted injuries and reducing external irritation. The wound was left open during the healing process. While the first wound (control) received no treatment in the second wound, ozonated Sesame oil, in the third wound ozonated Nigella sativa oil and in the fourth wound ozonated Hypericum perforatum oil were used. No group obtained parenteral drug administration. First, second and third main groups were euthanized on days 7, 14 and 21, respectively. The wound healing was assessed macroscopically daily. Wound sizes of individual rats were measured with a caliper and digitally photographed every day from the day of injury. After euthanasia, all wound sites of the subjects were evaluated histopathologically.There were no significant differences in wound healing between treatments in the first day 7. On they 14, it was found that the healing was better in the group applied Nigella sativa and Sesame oils (p≤0.05). On day 21 wound healing was completed in all subjects with a resultant of better outcome in Nigella sativa oil treatment compared with others (p≤0.01).In this study the best wound healing outcome was achieved with Nigella sativa oil and Sesame oil where three different minced oils were used.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Investigation of The Effect of Aminoglycosides on Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)
Çi̇ftci Yegi̇n, Sevim | Deger, Yeter | Dede, Semiha | Yur, Fatmagul
The researcher’s attention nephrotoxicity from antibiotics (as aminoglycosides), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and antifungals, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Several drugs have resulted in produce an adverse effect on kidneys. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a component of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), which leads to the conversion of Angiotensin-I to Angiotensin-II in vascular tissues. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect on serum angiotensin converting enzyme of the amikacin. In this study, two different groups were formed as control (10 rats / Wistar-albino female) and experimental group (30 rats / Wistar-albino female). The experimental group was administered 15 mg/kg amikacin intraperitoneally (ip) for 14 days, and the control group was administered saline solution at the same rate.When the groups are compared according to the statistical results, it is seen that there is a significant increase in ACE activity of the experimental group compared to the control group (p˂0.001).As a result, it was determined that amikacin administered increased serum ACE activity and it was concluded that it may be useful to investigate the possibilities to evaluate it as a risk factor and indicator in the development of hypertension.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Treatment of Humerus Salter Harris Type II Fracture with Double Pin Combination
Gulaydin, Ali | Akgul, Mustafa Barıs | Sindak, Nihat
In this case report, the clinical and radiographic results of the treatment of Salter Harris Type II fracture in the left humerus of a 10-month-old female and crossbred dog with parallel pin technique was evaluated. The dog with complaining of lameness was brought to Siirt University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Clinic of Surgery Department and local fracture findings were found in the distal 1/3 of the left humerus. On radiological examination, it was found that the distal physeal line of the left humerus was detached. Also, it was seen that the integrity of the bone cortex was disrupted through in a line that included the metaphysis at the medial angle. In the operation, following the reduction of the fracture fragments, 2 krischner pins with 2 mm in diameter parallel to each other were applied from the medial cortex of the humerus to the lateral side of the distal condule and fixation was achieved. After the operation, the limb was taken to a backed bandage. In the radiological examination of the case on post-op 3rd week, it was found that the formation of the collus began. On the post-op 21st day, the bandage was removed and physical therapy applications were started to apply. On the post-op 4th week, it was seen that the dog used the extremity functionally and it was discharged. As a result, it was concluded that parallel double pin applications can be used successfully in the treatment of Salter Harris Type II fractures that are formed in the distal of dog's humerus.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Analysis of total solids content for fresh milk quality grading in Perak for the year 2018
Kalaavathi M. | Bohari M. | Noor Akmi M. N. | Hazliana H.
Total solids content in milk is measured to ensure the quality of fresh milk. In Malaysia, The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) monitors the quality and safety of fresh milk from the dairy farm to milk processors through the Milk Collection Centre (MCC). The aim of this study is to assess the quality of milk produced by dairy farmers from four MCCs in Perak based on the milk’s total solids content. This parameter was used to grade fresh milk into Grade A, Grade B and Grade C, and used by DVS of Perak state for milk pricing. The Veterinary Research Institute (VRI) had received a total of 2397 samples of fresh milk from MCCs in Perak in the year 2018. Statistical analysis showed that the mean total solids content in milk from the four MCCs were significantly different (p<0.05) (Sg. Siput: 13.26%, Tapah: 12.60% Parit 12.87% and Taiping 12.99%). Overall, about 69.17% of samples were that of Grade A, 24.81% were Grade B and 6.02% were Grade C. This study showed that Sungai Siput MCC was the main contributor for Grade A milk while Taiping MCC was the highest contributor of Grade C milk. The result of this study also indicated that milk produced by dairy farmers in Perak was of good quality, yet there are still the needs for improvement in providing constantly high quality of milk.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Molecular phylogenetics of Newcastle disease virus isolated from chickens in 2019
Faizul Fikri M. Y. | Leow, B. L. | Muhammad Redzwa, S. | Faizah Hanim M. S. | Syamsiah Aini S.
Newcastle disease (ND) is an economically important, contagious poultry viral disease reported across the globe. No recent reports on ND circulating in Malaysia. Therefore, the aim of the study is to characterize 16 Newcastle disease viruses (NDVs) isolated from chickens in Malaysia in the year of 2019. All isolates were genotypically analyzed using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with primers specific to the viral fusion (F) protein gene. Analysis of the F protein cleavage site’s deduced amino acid sequences revealed that from the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) isolates, three of them were virulent with two different motifs of 112RRQKRF117 and 12RRRKRF117 while other isolates were avirulent. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that three isolates were grouped in genotype VII, five in genotype I while eight in genotype II. All genotype VII isolates were clustered under sub-genotype VII.2 (VIIh and VIIi) which is the same strain causing previous outbreaks in Malaysia. Therefore, findings in this study demonstrated that there is no new introduction of NDV genotypes in Malaysia. However, farms should implement biosecurity measures at strict level as well as executing continuous monitoring and surveillance of the disease as these implementations would help them to conduct proper preventive measures and control of panzootic viruses in future.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of nutritional needs, body weight gain and economic viability of stage feeding on Katjang-Boer crossbred goats
Mohamad Hifzan R. | Predith, M. | Mohd Azlan P.
Cost of feed is one of the primary stumbling blocks for goat farming in Malaysia. Stage feeding was introduced as a method to formulate feed at minimum cost based on the requirement of different stages of production to improve overall farm productivity. A study was conducted to evaluate 5 feeding rations formulated based on the requirements of different production stages on Katjang-Boer crossbred. Ration formulated of creep feed (CF) for a period of 101d, starter grower (SG) (70d), grower finisher (GF) (98d), flushing feed (FF) (97d) and maintenance feed (MF) (155d) were compared with commercial feed (CCF and CMF) as control. Results showed a significantly higher (P<0.05 preweaning bodyweight of 12.83 ± 3.61 kg in CF at 101 days of age. Post weaning also achieved significantly higher bodyweight (P<0.05 of 22.20±2.78kg and 31.5±4.67 in SG (223 days) and GF (361 days) of age respectively. Feed cost per kg gain obtain in CF (RM5.68), SG (RM9.03) and GF (RM6.57) were lower compared to CCM of RM6.14, RM10.27 and 12.99 respectively. FF showed a significantly higher (P<0.05) average daily gain (ADG) of 67.01 ± 14.42 g while MF was able to maintain body weight at minimum cost. Stage feeding proved to be able to meet nutritional needs through significantly higher body weight in CF, SG, GF and FF as well as lower feed cost per kg gain rendering it as a more economical option.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Feed nutritive value, milk production and milk quality status of dairy cows in Johore
Sabariah B. | Norlindawati A. P. | Samijah A. | Supie J. | Mohd. Noor I. | Ali H.
Information on the nutritional content of animal feed is very important in improving milk production and the quality of milk produced. Data on the nutrition and nutritional quality of feed given to livestock are not comprehensively evaluated and recorded in any dairy farms in Johore. The objective of this study is to determine the nutritional content of selected feedstuffs, with production and quality of milk in selected dairy farms in Johore. Data were collected from 94 dairy farms during field visits through face-toface interviews. Feed samples collected were dairy cattle pellet, Napier grass, palm kernel cake, palm kernel expeller, soybean hull, corn, cassava peel and agricultural waste. Proximate analysis was performed using standard AOAC methods. The result of this study found that 67.0% of dairy farmers in Johore use Napier grass as the main source of fodder. The survey showed that 46% of the farmers in Johore give a suitable quantity of Napier grass based on body weight, while for milk production, the survey showed that 54 dairy farms in Johore produce less than 100 litres/day, 18 farms produce 101-200 litres/day, 12 farms produce 201-300 litres/day, and 10 farms produce more than 300 litres/day. The overall status of dairy farms in Johore shows that 60% of the farms produce an average of 5.1-10 litre milk per cow per day in which 92.5% of milk samples collected had acceptable Total Dissolved Solid values indicating good quality of milk production.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seroprevalence of bluetongue infection among ruminant livestock in Peninsular Malaysia
Roshaslinda D. | Norlina D. | Mohd Hasrul A. H. | Zunaida B. | Pauzi N. A. S. | Hafizah M. Z. | Siti Surayahani M. S. | Roslina H. | Khoo, C. K.
Bluetongue (BT) is an arthropod-borne viral disease of domestic and wild ruminants caused by Bluetongue virus (BTV). It has been reported in most tropical and subtropical regions of the world which raises significant socioeconomic concerns for international trade in animals and animal products. However, recent and updated information related to the current prevalence of BT in Malaysia is limited. The last holistic report was reported during BT outbreaks in the year of 1990s. This study aims to determine the current status of seroprevalence of BT among ruminants in Malaysia from 2013 to 2019. A total of 9,787 serum samples from buffalo, cattle, deer, goat as well as sheep were received from January 2013 until December 2019. All these serum samples were subjected to Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) test to detect the presence of antibodies towards BTV. The overall status of BTV was 20.18 % (1,975/9,787), with 56 % (14/25) in deer, 46.4 % (428/922) in cattle and 35.7 % (60/168) in buffalo. Positive BT antibodies were detected in young animals (<6 months) with 30.60 %, while 23.61 % in adult animals (>2 years). The results of this study revealed that BTV is still circulating at low level in domestic and wild ruminant livestock animals in Malaysia. It is suggested that this disease needs close monitoring to prevent possible outbreaks in the future.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence of endoparasitic infections among rats in Laboratory Animal Facility And Management (LAFAM), UITM Selangor
Vellayan S. | Syazwani S.
A study on the prevalence of endoparasites of rats was conducted at the Laboratory Animal Facility and Management (LAFAM), UiTM Selangor, Puncak Alam. The fecal samples were collected from a total of 187 laboratory rats which included 112 Sprague-Dawley and 75 Wistar rats. The fecal samples were examined by direct smear technique and fecal floatation technique. From the total of 187 fecal samples examined, 35.83 % were found positive for endoparasites. Prevalence of endoparasites was higher in Wistar (54.67 %) compared to Sprague-Dawley rats (23.21 %). The most prevalent nematode parasites were Syphacia muris (68.66 %) followed by Syphacia obvelata (26.87 %). The prevalence of these parasites emphasizes the needs of careful monitoring in the LAFAM and therapeutic measures when necessary.
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