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Resultados 381-390 de 395
Disseminated intravascular coagulation in experimental fowl cholera of chickens
Park, N.Y. (Chunnam Nat'l Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
The presence of fibrinous thrombi in the blood vessels of multiple organs was observed in chickens which died within approximately 3 days post inoculation. The density of fibrinous thrombi (i.e., the number of thrombi per section) was greatest in the lung, followed by spleen, kidney, liver and heart. The cause of death of the chickens after infection with acute fowl cholera was probably due to an endotoxin (septic) shock accompanied with DIC in multiple organs
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Pathological studies on urea poisoning in milk goats
Kim, S.B. (Gyeongsang Nat'l Univ., Jinju (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) | Chung, U.I. (Office of Rural Development, Anyang (Korea R.). Inst. of Veterinary Research)
Pathological studies on 6 milk goats administered with urea were carried out to determine the effects of acute and chronic poisoning on the animal. Clinical signs appeared about 10 minutes after ingestion of the urea and they consisted chiefly in dullness, staggering, uncontrolled urination, dyspnoea, frothy salivation, bloating, muscular tremor, humping of back and tetanic spasms. Macroscopic lesions were failure of blood clot, frothy and bloody contents in the highly congested respiratory tract, pulmonary edema, rumenitis and abomatitis accompanying with petechiation of the upper small intestine. Microscopically, the liver showed vacuolar degeneration, fatty change and areas of necrosis and partial proliferation of the interlobular connective tissues in chronic cases. The renal epithelium displayed vacuolar degeneration, necrosis and hyaline casts in their lumens. In the lungs, there were hyperemia, edema, hemorrhages, and acute catarrhal bronchitis. Neuronal degeneration and necrosis in the central nervous system, cattarhal rumenitis, abomatitis, doudenitis and myocaridal hemorrhage were also demonstrated
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Biochemical and drug susceptibility test of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from diseased chicken
Kim, K.S. | Namgoong, S. (Office of Rural Development, Anyang (Korea R.). Inst. of Veterinary Research) | Oh, K.R. (Chunho Poultry Disease Lab., Seoul (Korea R.))
Biochemical and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were conducted on 40 strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which originated from diseased chicken. An extensive study of the biochemical properties revealed that the tested strains can be identified with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antibiogram showed that all the strains were susceptible to gentamicin, colistin and amikacin but resistant to nitrofurantion, trimethoprim plus sulfamerthoxasole, ampicillin, methicillin and kanamycin and had varying degrees of resistance to other antimicrobials including carbenicillin, sulfomamides, neomycin, streptomycin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. Three of the most frequent resistance patterns observed were FM (Nitrofurantoin) SXT (Sulfamethoxasole) AM (Ampicillin) ME (Methicillin) KM (Kanamycin) CM (Chloramphenicol) TC (Tetracycline) SM (Streptomycine) NE (Neomycine) SSS Pattern, FM SXT AM ME KM CM TC SM NE SSS CB (Carbenicillin) Pattern and FM SXT AM ME KM CM TC SM Pattern, and these resistance patterns contained 72.5% of the tested strains
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Spontaneous nephroblastoma in a pregnant pig
Lee, C.S. (Kyungbuk Animal Health Experiment Inst., Daegu (Korea R.)) | Lee, C.S. (Kyungbuk National Univ., Daegu (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) | Han, D.S. (Wonkwang Univ., Iri (Korea R.). Dept. of Anatomy)
This paper dealt with histopathological observations of the nephroblastoma in the pregnant pig which died 8 days before parturition day. In the necropsy findings the pregnant pig died of circulative and respiratory disturbance by compression of fetus and renal tumor weighing about 12 kg. In the microscopical findings of the renal tumor it was composed of well differentiated tumor cells and connective tissue elements. As differentiation of the neoplastic epithelial cells progressed, tubular and cystic structures, and papillary structures resembling glomeruli appeared. This tumor was regarded as nephroblastoma
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Efficacy of the AHI mastitis detector for the diagnosis of bovine mastitis
Park, Y.H. | Kim, K.H. | An, S.H. (Office of Rural Development, Anyang (Korea R.). Inst. of Veterinary Research)
A total of 136 dairy cows were subjected to test for bovine mastitis by AHI mastitis detector, microbiological test (MT) and California mastitis test (CMT). MT indicated that the most important causative microorganisms isolated from mastitis milk were Staphylococcus aureus (59.3%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (16.4%), Streptococcus agalactiae (12.4%) and Streptococcus uberis (4.4%). In Holstein breed, the critical threshold of electrical conductivity values of normal and mastitic milk were found to be less than 6,900 S and above, 7, 700 S, respectively. Although there was good agreement (92.0%) between AHI mastitis, the diagnostic efficiency of AHI mastitis detector (80.0%) was higher than that of CMT (74.0%) when compared with microbiological findings. In addition, handiness and objectivity of AHI mastitis detector for the detection of mastitic milk suggested that this could effectively be used for the diagnosis of both clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis in field
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of six serological methods for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis
Kim, K.H. | An, S.H. | Park, Y.H. (Office of Rural Development, Suweon (Korea R.). Inst. of Veterinary Research)
This experiment was conducted to compare six serological tests for diagnosing bovine brucellosis standard plate agglutination test (SPT), standard tube agglutination test (STT), complement fixation test (CFT), Rivanol test (RT), agar gel precipitation test (AGP) and counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) in using 38 sera from brucella reactors and 222 sera from cattle. The SPT gave 1.6% apparent false negative reactions and 15.4% apparent false positive reactions when compared with STT which is an official test for bovine brucellosis in this country. The distribution of antibody titers determined by STT showed that 37.5% of 38 reactors had antibody titers of 400 or higher. When 38 reactors judged by STT were tested by CFT and RT, 32 cattle (82.4%) were positive by CFT and 33 catlle (86.8%) were positive by RT respectivily. This results suggest that Rt is comparable to CFT in the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. The results also indicated that both AGP and CIEP were insensitive to detect brucella infection in cattle
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Seroepizootiological study on bovine leucosis in Korea [R.]
Jun, M.H. (Office of Rural Development, Anyang (Korea R.). Inst. of Veterinary Research) | Baig, S.Y. (Office of Rural Development, Suweon (Korea R.). Livestock Exp. Station) | Lim, C.H. (Seoul Nat'l Univ., Seoul (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
A seroepidemiological survey on bovine leucosis virus was conducted. Serological studies were analyzed by age groups and the sizes of herds. The number of reactors increased gradually with the advance in the age of cattle and the herd size. The highest rate of BIV carriers was found in the ages between 6 and 8 years, and in the size of herds with 20 to 50 heads. Two out of 6 specimens (33.3%) from the reactors showed the typical type C virus with the size of 90 to 110 nm around microvilli and in intracytoplasmic vacuoles
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Studies on the yeast-like fungi associated with bovine mastitis, 2: sensitivity of yeast-like fungin to antifungal agents
Yeo, S.G. | Choi, W.P. (Kyungbuk National Univ., Daegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
This experiment was carried out to know the 133 isolates of yeast-like fungi. The antifungal agents tested were nystatin, griseofulvin, cycloheximide, 5-fluorocytosine, miconazol, clorimazole and tolnaftate. In general, clotrimazole, miconazol and 5-fluorocytosine were more effective in antifungal activity in vitro against the test organisms than the rest of the agents tested. However, some of the isolates showed higher resistance to certain antifungal agents compared to the other isolated of the same species. They were: 1C. albicans isolate to 5-fluorocytosine: 1 C. albicans to 5-fluorocytosine, miconazol and clotrimazole: 1 c. krusei to 5-fluorocytosine and cycloheximide; and 11 C. tropicalis isolates to cycloheximide. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of clotrimazole were 12.5 mg/ml or lower for all isolates tested except one C. albicans isolate, for which MIC of the drug was 100 g/ml. On the other hand, the MIC's of cycloheximide were 6.5 mg/ml or lower for all isolates except the following: all isolates of C. albicans (100 mg/ml), 11 C. pseudotropicalis (200 mg/ml) and Rhodotorula sp. (25-50 mg/ml), 11 C. tropicalis isolates (100 mg/ml) and 1 C. Krusei isolate (200 mg/ml)
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Histopathologic studies on the brain and lymphoid organs in hog cholera, 1: clinical and pathological observation in hog cholera
Kwak, S.D. (Kyungbuk Animal Health Experimental Inst., Daegu (Korea R.)) | Lee, C.S. (Kyungbuk National Univ., Daegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
This study was performed to clarify the clinical signs of macroscopical lesions of pigs naturally infected with hog cholera. There was clinical and macroscopical observation on the natural cases of hog cholera and experimental cases inoculated with ALD virus and isolated virus strains. In the clinical inspection of the natural cases, diarrhea (73.1%), blotching of ear (50.0), conjunctivitis (32.7%) and dyspnea (30.8%) were observed. Dyspnea, constipation and erythema of skin were observed mainly in the experimental cases, however, staggering and conjunctivitis in pigs infected with ALD virus were found and convulsion and hemorrhage of skin of pigs infected with isolated virus were seen, respectively. The gross lesions of natural cases were hemorrhage of lymph node (82.5%), pneumonia (55.0%), gastritis and hemorrhage (52.5%), cardial hemorrhage (40.0%) and renal petechiation (37.5%), while in the experimental cases, hemorrhage of lymph node, pneumonia, gastritis and hemorrhage, enteritis and hemorrhage of large intestine and splenic infarction were seen mainly
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A field case of bovine viral leukosis in young cattle
Lee, H.B. | Choi, W.P. | Lee, K.W. (Kyungbuk National Univ., Daegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Agriculture, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
This is a study of bovine viral leukosis in a young cattle (10 months old). Main clinical symptoms observed were emaciation, digestive disorder, and marked enlargement of superficial lymph nodes. Biopsied specimen of the lymph nodes revealed a characteristics histological picture of bovine leukosis. A severe degree of leukocytosis (108,000/cmm) accompanied by marked lympocytosis (96%=680/cmm) was detected from the hematological examination of peripheral blood. Most of the lymphocytes (94%=101,520) were large-sized, immature, and abnormal in their morphology. In addition, a pronounced anemia (1.78 million/cmm) without regenerative evidence of erythrocyte was noted. The serum of the patient showed positive reaction against gp antigen of bovine leukosis virus in agar gel diffusion test
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