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Dietary exposure assessment of tetracycline residues in chicken meat on children and adults in peninsular Malaysia
Chai, L. C. | Syariena A. | Ungku Fatimah U. Z. A. | Marni S. | Mahyudin N. A. | Khairunnisak M. | Marzura M. R.
An exposure assessment was conducted to quantitate tetracyclines (TCs) in chickens and the risk estimates were calculated using deterministic and probabilistic approaches. The results revealed that through deterministic approach, estimated daily exposure to TCs resulted in children aged 1<y<3 and 4<y<6 (0.05919 and 0.03946 μg/kg bw/day), followed by adults (0.02847 μg/kg bw/day) and children aged 7<y<10 at 0.02631 μg/kg bw/day. Based on the probabilistic approach, dietary exposure of Malaysian adults to TCs was estimated to range from 0.00174–0.35209 μg/kg bw/day. In comparison, for the children group, the estimated exposure was higher in age 1<y<3 at 0.0137 – 1.9845 μg/kg bw/day followed by children aged 4<y<6 and 7<y<10 at 0.00718 – 1.3967 μg/kg bw/day and 0.00834 – 0.91841 μg/kg bw/day respectively. However, the estimated risk calculated for all groups was <10 % ADI. These indicate that toxicological risk with regard to the consumption of chicken meat could not be considered as a public health problem, but the result can be supportive for the safety authorities to engage policies in managing any potential risk. The occurrence of high concentration of TCs residues in small samples still warrants closer monitoring and management of the use of TCs in chicken farms in Peninsular Malaysia.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]In-vitro validation of the use of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus lam) as an alternative for anthelmintic drugs for the control of parasitic nematodes in ruminants
Nik Him N. A. I. I. | Ming Jiun, J. L.
The aim of this study is to determine the phytochemical constituent of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam (Jackfruit) and its effectiveness as an alternative for the anthelmintic treatment of parasitic nematodes in ruminants. Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam leaves were used to test on L3 nematode larva harvested from fecal culture. There are four species of parasitic nematodes identified, namely: Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus sp., Cooperia sp., and Oesophagostomum sp. Haemonchus contortus was found to be the most dominant, followed by Trichostrongylus sp., Cooperia sp., and Oesophagostomum sp. The phytochemical test of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam leaves was revealed to possess alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, tripertenes and steroids. These components were shown to be effective at causing paralysis and deaths of parasitic nematode in the larval motility assay, where 100 % of the nematodes tested were killed below 6 hours at 5.0 mg/ml concentration; and inhibit migration in the larval migration assay, where migration of the larva was completely inhibited in 2 hours using 2.0 mg/ml concentration. The results suggest that Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam leaves can be used as an alternative for the anthelmintic treatment in goats and sheep.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cutting age effects on yield and nutritive values of Napier Pakchong (Cenchrus purpureus cv. Pakchong)
Haryani H. | Norlindawati A. P. | Aswanimiyuni A. | Nurzillah M. | Saiful S. M.
Napier Pakchong (Cenchrus purpureus cv. Pakchong) is another cultivar of Napier grass which was introduced from Thailand. This cultivar is mostly adapted for local soil conditions in Malaysia, has high yield and relatively high protein content making Napier Pakchong suitable for ruminant feeding. This experiment was carried out to determine the dry matter yield and nutritive values of Napier Pakchong at three different cutting ages (6ᵗʰ, 7ᵗʰ and 8ᵗʰ weeks old). All plots underwent a standard preparation and basal fertilizers during grass establishment. The cutting treatments were carried out 3 times at the 6ᵗʰ, 7ᵗʰ and 8ᵗʰ weeks. After each harvest, the rates of maintenance fertilizer used were NPK 150:60:100 (kg/ha/year). The harvested forage was weighed and sent for dry matter yield and proximate analysis. The data were analysed by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the programme of SAS (Package Version 9.4). The difference between treatment means was measured by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5 % level of significance. The data showed that dry matter yield production increased in line with the cutting interval. Crude protein (CP) value declined as the harvesting interval increased. Even though the CP value declined, the CP percentage still fulfils the protein requirements for ruminants. It is suggested that Napier Pakchong harvested at 7th to 8th weeks due to optimum dry matter yield and nutritive value.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Economic production of broiler industry in Malaysia
Ahmad Daud R. | Nurul Aini M. Y. | Shamizah O. H. | Nurshuhada S. | Mohd Hishammfariz M. A.
The poultry industry is the most advanced and independent among livestock industry in Malaysia with over 100 percent self-sufficient level (SSL) since 2004. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) has launched National Agrofood Policy 2021-2030 (DAN 2.0) in October 2021. One of the objectives is to increase the poultry’s SSL to 140.2 % by 2030, an increase from 104.10 % in 2020. The objective of this study was to analyze the production cost of selected commercial broiler farms in Malaysia. The scope of the study was to evaluate the economic assessment of broiler production in order to understand the industry widely and also to identify which segments along the production line need to be improved and at the same time to ensure that this industry remains competitive and productive. Production cost data were obtained from selected commercial broilers via questionnaire forms. The result showed that the average broiler production cost is RM4.40/kg. Small farms have higher total average cost per kg, which is RM4.70, followed by commercial scale farms at RM4.43 and medium-scale farms at RM4.29, respectively. Feed cost contributes 66 % of the total production cost of whole expenditure followed by day-old chick’s cost, 19 %. The average profit estimation is RM0.65/kg based on RM5.05/kg for the ex-farm price of live poultry.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Detection of parasitic nematodes in pigs reared intensively in Southwestern Nigeria
Uwalaka, Emmanuel C. | Adelakun,Olubukola D.
Infection with gastrointestinal helminths has been a key factor affecting profitable animal production globally. Pig production in Nigeria has been adversely affected by presence of endoparasites. However, type of husbandry system can affect the prevalence of the parasites, thus, there is a need for this study to look at the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the production of pigs in this tertiary institutional farm in Southwestern Nigeria. Faecal analysis for intestinal helminths was conducted on the pigs using saturated sodium chloride floatation technique. One hundred and fifty faecal samples were taken with only Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum spp and Trichuris spp ova identified in single and mixed infection. The overall prevalence rate was 20%. Mixed infections remained more dominant (15.31%) with Ascaris suum having the highest occurrence as a single infection (3.33%), followed by Oesophagostomum spp (2%) and Trichuris spp (1.33%). Females had higher prevalence of nematode infection (14.67%) compared to males (5.33%). Comparing breeds, Large White had 14.67% prevalence of nematode infection which is higher than that of Duroc (5.33%). Weaners had no presence of helminths, whereas growers had the highest prevalence (9.33%), while piglets and adults had the same prevalence of nematode infection (5.33%). One of the factors that affect good productivity in pig farming is low presence of helminthes. Pork eaters are hereby encouraged to buy their meat from institutional farms as they produce safer meats for consumption.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Potency of spirulina (Spirulina platensis) on arsenic-induced lipid peroxidation in rat
Abul Khair | Md. Abdul Awal | Md. Shafiqul Islam | Md. Zahorul Islam | Damanna R. Rao
Objective: Natural substances found in dietary sources and medicinal plants have attracted con¬siderable attention in recent years as chemopreventive agents. Spirulina is a blue-green alga that possesses chemopreventive properties. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of spirulina on rats with inorganic arsenic (As) [sodium arsenite (NaAsO2)]-induced lipid peroxidation. Materials and Methods: 120 rats were randomly assigned to 10 groups and designated T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, and T9. One group was kept as a control (T0) that received no treatment. The seven groups received 3.0 mg of NaAsO2/kg body weight in drinking water and were given spirulina ad libitum. T1 was treated with NaAsO2 but not with spirulina. Two groups of rats (T2 and T3), on the other hand, were treated with spirulina without receiving any As (NaAsO2). T2 received agro-based spirulina (Ab-Sp; grown in 1.5% soybean meal media and harvested on day 12 of seed inoculation) at 2.0 gm/kg feed, whereas T3 received commercially available spirulina (Com-Sp) at 2.0 gm/kg feed. T4, T5, and T6 were concurrently treated with Ab-Sp at 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 gm/ kg of feed. On the other hand, T7, T8, and T9 induced by NaAsO2 were concurrently treated with Com-Sp at 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 gm/kg feed. All groups received treatment for 90 days. Results: The efficacy of both spirulina in preventing lipid peroxidation caused by As was deter¬mined quantitatively by measuring the rats serum malondialdehyde (MDA). The results indicated that As supplementation increased serum MDA levels, whereas both types of spirulina signifi¬cantly decreased them. The highest dose of Ab-Sp (2.0 gm/kg feed) was found to be the most effective in preventing lipid peroxidation in rats treated with inorganic As. Conclusion: Ab-Sp could be a natural, cost-effective, and safe measure to mitigate As toxicity. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(2.000): 330-338]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Precise detection of a murine germline mutation of the Notch3 gene associated with kyphosis and developmental disorders
Haydee M. Torres | Tania Rodezno-Antunes | Ashley VanCleave | Yuxia Cao | Dakota L. Callahan | Jennifer J. Westendorf | Jianning Tao
Objective: Humpback (hpbk) mice harbor a pathogenic mutation in the Notch3 gene and can serve as a beneficial animal model for investigating human myopathy, kyphosis, and developmen¬tal disorders, including lateral meningocele syndrome. Detection of the point mutation in hpbk mice is important for maintaining strains and scrutinizing genetic rescues, especially considering that homozygous mice are infertile and indistinguishable from their littermates at a young age. This study aimed for the development of a novel, precise, and time-saving genotyping method to identify the mutation in hpbk mice. Materials and Methods: In order to study the hpbk mouse line, we describe how we applied sev¬eral tools, including quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), multiplex tetra-primer ampli¬fication-refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR) and Sanger sequencing, toward the recognition of heterozygous and homozygous mice. Results: The Notch3 mutation was clearly identified using qPCR and ARMS assays, but the latter was a more precise and cost-effective approach. The lengths of the ARMS-PCR amplicons are 210 bp and 164 bp for the wild-type and hpbk alleles, respectively. Moreover, the genotyping results for each mouse were corroborated by Sanger DNA sequencing. Conclusion: Our newly developed PCR-based ARMS system affords a swift and precise way to genotype the hpbk mice. ARMS-PCR does not rely on any advanced equipment and is useful as a genotyping method for other model organisms that harbor a pathogenic variant. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(1.000): 7-13]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Molecular optimization, docking, and dynamic simulation profiling of selective aromatic phytochemical ligands in blocking the SARS-CoV-2 S protein attachment to ACE2 receptor: an in silico approach of targeted drug designing
Dipta Dey | Parag Kumar Paul | Salauddin Al Azad | Mohammad Faysal Al Mazid | Arman Mahmud Khan | Md. Arman Sharif | Md. Hafijur Rahman
Objectives: The comprehensive in silico study aims to figure out the most effective aromatic phytochemical ligands among a number from a library, considering their pharmacokinetic effi¬cacies in blocking angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptorsevere acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) S protein complex formation as part of a target-specific drug designing. Materials and Methods: A library of 57 aromatic pharmacophore phytochemical ligands was prepared from where the top five ligands depending on Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, and Toxicity (ADMET) and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR)-based pharmacokinetic properties were considered. The selected ligands were optimized for commenc¬ing molecular docking and dynamic simulation as a complex with the ACE2 receptor to compare their blocking efficacy with the control drug. The ligandreceptor complexes accuracy in prevent¬ing the Spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2 penetration inside the host cells has been analyzed through hydrogenhydrophobic bond interactions, principal component analysis (PCA), root mean square deviation (RMSD), root mean square fluctuation (RMSF), and B-Factor. Advanced in silico program¬ming language and bioanalytical software were used for high throughput and authentic results. Results: ADMET and QSAR revealed Rhamnetin, Lactupicrin, Rhinacanthin D, Flemiflavanone D, and Exiguaflavanone A as the ligands of our interest to be compared with the control Cassiarin D. According to the molecular docking binding affinity to block ACE2 receptor, the efficiency mount¬ings were Rhinacanthin D > Flemiflavanone D > Lactupicrin > Exiguaflavanone A > Rhamnetin. The binding affinity of the Cassiarin DACE2 complex was (−10.2 KJ/mol) found inferior to the Rhinacanthin DACE2 complex (−10.8 KJ/mol), referring to Rhinacanthin D as a more stable candi¬date to use as drugs. The RMSD values of proteinligand complexes evaluated according to their structural conformation and stable binding pose ranged between 0.1~2.1 Å. The B-factor showed that very few loops were present in the protein structure. The RMSF peak fluctuation regions ranged 5250, predicting efficient ligandreceptor interactions. Conclusion: The experiment sequentially measures all the parameters required in referring to any pharmacophore as a drug, considering which all aromatic components analyzed in the study can strongly be predicted as target-specific medication against the novel coronavirus 2019 infection. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(1.000): 24-35]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Potential risk factors of avian influenza virus infection in asymptomatic commercial chicken flocks in selected areas of Bangladesh during 2019
Md. Zulfekar Ali | Mahmudul Hasan | Md. Giasuddin
Objective: Avian influenza is a zoonotic disease with a pandemic potential that can infect avian and mammalian species, including humans. Studies aimed at investigating avian influenza virus (AIV) status in asymptomatic chickens and their shedding are uncommon in Bangladesh. Therefore, the current study aimed to examine the distribution of AIV subtypes in asymptomatic commercial chicken flocks and to identify the possible risk factors associated with this infection in two selected sub-districts of Bangladesh. Materials and Methods: A total of 582 oropharyngeal swabs were collected from 23 chicken farms during 2019 and evaluated for the presence of AIV and its subtypes by real-time reverse transcription PCR assays. Risk factors associated with AIV infection were analyzed from questionnaire data. Results: Overall, AIV prevalence was 7.73% (n = 45) with 7.39% and 7.92% in Dhamrai and Gazipur Sadar sub-districts, respectively. In AIV-positive samples, the prevalence of A/H5N1, A/H5N2, A/ H9N1, and A/H9N2 was 31.11%, 28.89%, 6.67%, and 8.89%, respectively. None of the samples were positive for N6 and N8. The odds ratio (OR) of AIV infection was 1.15 in broiler versus layer and 2 in Sonali versus layer chickens. The OR was 1.95 for medium versus small, 2.6 for large versus small flock size, 1.5 for moderate versus good biosecurity, and 2.92 for poor versus good biosecurity practicing farms. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that A/H5N1, A/H5N2, A/H9N1, and A/H9N2 are circu¬lating in asymptomatic chickens of selected areas. Strict farm biosecurity practices and avoiding higher flock density are recommended to prevent AIV spread in the study. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(1.000): 51-57]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Impact of both early-age acclimation and linseed dietary inclusion on fat deposition and fatty acids meat traits in heat-stressed broiler chickens
Bengharbi Zineb | Dahmouni Said | Benabdelmoumene Djilali
Objective: The purpose of this work was to investigate the combination of early-age acclimation and linseed dietary inclusion in enriching polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in broilers meat as a strategy to mitigate heat stress. Materials and Methods: A total of 400 broiler chicks were assigned to four experimental groups with four duplicates (25 animals each): C: control (basal diet), AC: early-age acclimated (basal diet), Cl: fed 5% ground linseed, and Acl: early-age acclimated and fed 5% ground linseed. The lipid and fatty acid contents of different parts (breast, thigh, liver, subcutaneous, and abdominal fat) of broilers were determined. Results: Low levels of lipids and unsaturated fatty acids have been found in the meat of accli¬mated broilers. Higher levels of linolenic acids were noted in Cl thigh meat compared to C (6% vs. 2.68%, respectively). The results showed that oleic and linoleic acids constitute a large part of the PUFAs of different meats. The most elevated levels of monounsaturated fatty acids were recorded in the breast meat of AcL animals. The highest content of omega-3 was recorded in the liver of AcL animals compared to that of C (14.98% vs. 7.8%, respectively). Conclusion: We suggest that the combination of treatments during hot conditions has led to the reversion of the environment-affected variables to accepted values, and yields better ther¬moresistance, PUFA-enriched meat, and safeguard animal health which conferred to birds better solutions to reduce fatigue and hypoxic activities, which induces a considerable consumption of oxygen. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2021; 8(2.000): 237-245]
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