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Ветеринарно-санитарная характеристика молока коров при применении препарата Хелавит и белково-витаминно-минеральных добавок для профилактики остеодистрофии
Aleksin, M.M. | Rudenko, L.L. | Makaruk, M.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a comparative study of peculiar features of influence of combined application of Khelavit preparation and protein-vitamin-mineral feed supplements Khendriks and Spaeta-kontsentrat on health status of cows and quality of obtained cow milk after application of these preparation for the preventive treatment of osteodystrophy. In course of study there were analyzed haematologic and biochemical blood indexes of cows after application of the experimental preparations. Results of physical and chemical indexes of milk were presented. Research results showed that the analyzed protein, vitamin and mineral feed supplements caused the normalization of biochemical blood indexes in comparison with animal of a control group. Besides, application of mentioned above drugs promoted the increasing of veterinary and sanitary quality and technological properties of produced milk.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Эндокринный статус коров разного уровня продуктивности и его коррекция
Glaz, A.A., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the influence of high degree of cow productivity on the course of down-lying and state of endocrine status of animals and their reproductive qualities. Application of veterinary preparations Katozal and Ovoton made it possible to control the functional activity of cow dam and ovary providing the increasing of cow reproduction qualities. Results of tests of estradiol-17 beta and progesterone in blood serum of experimental and control groups cows were presented. Application of Katozal and Ovoton veterinary drugs made it possible to cause heat and insemination of 86,5-91,3% of cows. At the same time, according to the results of the first insemination the highest results were obtained at cows with low productivity indexes – 60,9% and according to productivity increasing this index lowered up to 32,7% and 29,8%, respectively. According to the results of all insemination in cases of 3500-5000 kg productivity only 2 cows (8,7%) were nonbearing.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Применение синтетического дисахарида для профилактики и лечения дисбактериоза поросят в послеотъёмный период
Malkov, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Belko, A.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Kakhnovich, A.V., Agricultural Production Co-operative Mayak-Zapolye (Belarus) | Velikanov, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the influence of lactulose of the clinical state of weanling piglets, as well as analysis of its preventive and therapeutic efficacy. For the experimental group of piglets in course of 5 days before weaning the lactulose for administrated daily in combination with feed in course of 5 days in dose of 0,002 gram per kilogram of live weight. In 3-5 days after weaning the diarrhea was stated in 4,1% of experimental piglets. The clinically evident efficiency of application of the synthetic disaccharide was showed in lowering of disbacteriosis level in weaning piglets on 33,7%. Besides, there was analyzed the therapeutic efficacy of lactulose for weaning piglets diseased with gastroenteritis. They were administrated lactulose in dose of 0,03 grams per kilogram of live weight once a day after feeding in course of 7 days. Haematologic and biochemical blood indexes of experimental and control groups of piglets were analyzed. Research results showed that application of lactulose promoted the creation of optimal conditions for beneficial microflora, stimulated its reproduction, suppressed the development of opportunistic pathogens.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Эффективность стимуляции и синхронизации половой охоты высокопродуктивных коров, с нарушениями обмена веществ
Matsinovich, A.A. | Novikova, V.P. | Pilejko, V.V. | Rybakov, Yu,A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the possibility of application of biotechnological methods of correction of sexual function of infertile cows and heifers (oestrus stimulation and synchronization) a dairy cattle breeding farms with high breeding productivity indexes and simultaneous metabolic function diseases. In course of the study there were applied clinical, cytodetection technique, haemotological, biochemical and analytical methods. Results of three-year studies of pathological metabolic disorders of cows (chronic acidosis; chronic ketoacidosis; dystrophic liver affection; renal irritation syndrome; disturbance of calcium and phosphorous ratio; trace element deficiencies; hypovitaminoses) were analyzed. Structure of obstetric-gynecologic pathology in experimental dairy cows herd was presented. Research results showed that high reproduction indexes of cows were the contributory cause for development of metabolic disorders. In such conditions for the efficient stock reproduction it was proposed to apply the mandatory hormonal stimulation of sexual function by means of application of the Ovsinkh scheme.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Рост, сохранность и физиологическое состояние поросят при использовании для локализации тепла брудеров различных конструкций
Solyanik, A.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the influence of methods and means of spot heating and localization of warmth on growth, viability and physiological status of piglets. In course of realization of the experiment there was issued a task of scientific substantiation of application of brooders of different construction and proposition of the most optimal method of microclimate formation in resting area of piglets for the increasing of their growth and viability, and improvement of physiological state. Research results showed that the highest indexes of growth and viability, and intensity of metabolic processes in piglets were obtained after the combined application in course of the first three weeks of suckling period of filament lamps and heated floors and brooders in the form of tops with shields, and at a later stage – only brooders of this construction in comparison with animals which were in course of a suckling period under the infrared radiation lamps or at the space-heating floor.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Клинико-биохимический статус стельных коров и заболеваемость новорожденных телят диспепсией
Yliyanov, A.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the clinical and biochemical status of pregnant cows, as well as the determination of the main reasons of disease incidence of new-born calves with dyspepsia (dyspeptic disorder). Realized clinical and biochemical studies showed that the inappropriate feeding of pregnant cows in animal breeding farms in housing season of husbandry caused the disorders of metabolic processes in the experimental animals. In blood there was noted the lowering of indexes of alkalinity reserve, glucose, phosphorous, carotine, disturbance of calcareous and phosphorous ratio. In other words, in pregnant cows there were stated the latent forms of osteodystrophia, hypovitaminosis A, hypoglycemia, and acidosis. All these factors caused the irritation and damage of liver and other organs. Mammary gland of diseased animals released colostrum milk of low quality and according to the content of nutritious and protective elements quantity it was of low quantity. Besides, derangements in calf feeding of pregnant nonmilking cows led to birth of calves with low resistance indexes to the influence of external environment factors.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Выбор оптимального времени осеменения коров при помощи детектора эструса Драминьского
Yushkovskij, E.A. | Garbuzov, A.A. | Rubanets, L.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a determination of an optimal time for cow insemination with the help of oestrus detector by Draminsky's method. In course of the experiment there were used black-and-white nonpregnant cows at the stage of oestrus (sexual heat). In course of the study there were used clinical, biochemical and hematological research methods. Dynamics of changing of estrous cycle slime depending on a day of sexual cycle was analyzed. Indexes of the reproductive function of cows in experimental and control groups were compared. Research results showed that revelation of cows with oestrus with the help of oestrus detector by Draminsky's proved to be efficient and informative. Insemination of animals at the stage when the resisting of oestrus mucilage after the minimal indexes (180-200) rose sharply up to the indexes 300-320 proved to be efiicient. This made it possible to realize single insemination of animals.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Продуктивность цыплят-бройлеров при введении в рацион адсорбента микотоксинов
Kapitonova, E.A. | Medvedskij, V.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of application of an adsorbent mycotoxins Toxfin Dry (Belgium) for lowering of toxicity load on broiler chickens. In the course of the study there was given attention to poultry productivity, viability and forage expenses for broiler chickens breeding. There was developed a scheme of Toxfin Dry preparation feeding to broiler chickens. There were presented the results of weighing of control and experimental broiler chickens during the breeding periods; the basic zootechnical indices in the conditions of introduction Toxfin Dry; economic efficiency of its application. Research results showed that introduction of a mycotoxin adsorbent Toxfin Dry into diets of broiler chickens promoted the improvement of digestion and absorption of mixed fodder nutrients in a gastroenteric tract, that in its turn promoted the increasing daily average weight gain on 4,3%, broiler stock viability - on 2,6%; and to decrease the expenses for forages on 13,9%. On the basis of obtained experimental data it was recommended to include the mycotoxin adsorbent Toxfin Dry into rations of broiler chickens as a dry mix with mixed fodder in a dose of 5 g/kg of forage dry matter.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Влияние минеральных добавок из местных источников сырья на эффективность выращивания молодняка крупного рогатого скота
Kot, A.N. | Radchikova, G.N. | Serguchev, S.I., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Pentilyuk, S.I., Kherson State Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Karelin, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the efficiency of application of a new mineral additive produced of the basis of carnallite brine (the national local raw material) as a part of mixed fodders for feeding of young stock of cattle. There was analyzed its influence on digestibility of a diet nutrients in cattle rations and on animal productivity. Inclusion of carnallite brine in mixed fodders structure for fattening young cattle rendered a positive influence on forage palatability. Forage consumption on a per head basis increased on 5,4%. Optimum dose of addition of carnallite brine in mixed fodder - 0,85%. Feeding of young cattle with the experimental mixed fodders did not render negative influence on hematological indices and physiological condition of animals. Use in young cattle rations of the mixed fodder containing 0,85% of carnallite brine promoted the increasing of nutrient digestibility on 3,4-5,7%. In the conditions of feeding of mixed fodders with other doses of carnallite did not cause any changes in digestibility of nutrients. Feeding of the prepared mixed fodder with 0,85% of carnallite brine to young growth of cattle made it possible to increase the growth energy on 5%.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Зерно высокобелковых культур в составе БВМД в рационах племенных телок
Kurtina, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of feeding of a new protein vitamin and mineral additive containing national local protein and mineral raw material sources in diets of 12-16-month old heifers. Instead of sunflower extraction cake the heifers were fed with the protein-vitamin and mineral additive which contained rape grain (Brassica napus), lupine (Lupinus) grain as well as mineral and vitamin additives based on halites, phosphogypsum, phosphate, sapropel and premix in dose of 20-25% by weight as a part of mixed fodders. The additive was used against the background of rations with green mass from a cereal and leguminous mixture - 56-57%, mixed fodder - 36-37%, molasses - 6-7%. In accordance with nutritional value indexes the proposed additive rendered the positive influence on forage consumption, indexes of ruminal digestion, as well as on the morphological and biochemical blood composition. It application made it possible to obtain daily average weight gains of animals at the level of 812-827 grams within forage expenses of 7,0-7,2 сentner of fodder units. Inclusion of the protein vitamin and mineral additive with local protein and mineral raw materials in rations of calves made it possible to lower the mixed fodder cost price on 12-15% and the cost price of 1 centner of gain during the summer period - on 11-13%.
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