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Examination of the haematological profile of pregnant Polish Holstein-Friesian black-and-white cattle in the early stage
Wrzecińska Marcjanna | Kowalczyk Alicja | Czerniawska-Piątkowska Ewa | Kordan Władysław | Araujo Jose Pedro
Cattle health and welfare are monitored via the analysis of the haematological profile, and it shows cattle’s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, pregnancy and lactation; profile changes also indicate reproductive disorders. The literature lacks reports of the examination of the haematological profile in cows up to the 50th day of pregnancy (dop). Therefore, this research examined that in cows up to this pregnancy stage.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The use of plant extracts and bacteriophages as an alternative therapy approach in combatting bacterial infections: the study of lytic phages and Stevia rebaudiana
Stachurska Xymena | Mizielińska Małgorzata | Ordon Magdalena | Nawrotek Paweł
In the light of the problem of antibiotic resistance, the use of combined alternative therapies in combatting bacteria-related disorders has gained popularity. Bacteriophages are one element implemented in new combination therapy. Stevia rebaudiana is known to have antimicrobial activity and regarded as potentially having a synergistic effect with bacteriophages. Therefore, possible interactions of lytic bacteriophages (MS2, T4 and Phi6) with acetone and methanol S. rebaudiana extracts (SRa and SRm) in the bacterial environment were examined.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Droplet digital PCR quantification of selected microRNAs in raw mastitic cow’s milk from the west of Poland
Smulski Sebastian | Pszczoła Marcin | Stachowiak Monika | Bilińska Adrianna | Szczerbal Izabela
MicroRNAs (miRNAs), a class of noncoding small RNAs, have been recognised as potential biomarkers of mammary gland conditions, including bovine mastitis diagnosis. The aim of this study was to quantify selected miRNAs in the milk of mastitic cows.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Some aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of eosinophilic granuloma in cats
Omelchenko Hanna | Avramenko Natalia | Kulynych Serhii | Petrenko Maksym | Volosovets Vladyslav | Volosovets Natalia | Woźniakowski Grzegorz
Eosinophils represent the most active cells in mammals that show protective and assistive activity in the host immune defence against helminth parasites. These cells are also responsible for the reduction of allergic and inflammatory reactions. The eosinophils play a key role in allergic reactions by secretion of different chemical molecules leading to swelling, lesions and granuloma onset.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Morphometry and topography of the coronary ostia in the dog
Barszcz Karolina | Goździewska-Harłajczuk Karolina | Czopowicz Michał | Chłopecka Magdalena | Polguj Michał | Klećkowska-Nawrot Joanna
The purpose of this study was to perform a morphometric examination of the coronary ostia, including their location in the area of the aortic sinuses, and to describe variations in ostia structure in the domestic dog.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Distribution of carp edema virus in organs of infected juvenile common carp
Matras Marek | Stachnik Magdalena | Borzym Ewa | Maj-Paluch Joanna | Reichert Michał
The disease caused by carp edema virus (CEV) manifests with lethargy as a primary sign; this observation in koi in Japan gained the disease the name koi sleepy disease (KSD). In the years following the discovery of the virus in Japan, KSD cases have been noted in the UK in koi and common carp. Conducting research in order to expand knowledge of the processes of distribution of CEV in infected fish organs will be helpful for eradication and diagnostic purposes.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]An initial characterisation of the Unfolded Protein Response pathway in haematopoietic canine cancer cell lines – a necessary step for the future development of new therapies in dogs with neoplasia
Hernández-Suárez Beatriz | Gillespie David A. | Obmińska-Mrukowicz Bożena | Pawlak Aleksandra
New and more effective therapies for canine cancer patients are urgently required and this necessitates advanced experimental research. Dogs are good models for studies in comparative oncology; however, canine cancer cell biology research is currently limited by low availability of validated antibody reagents and techniques. This study characterises the expression of key components of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in a panel of haematopoietic canine cancer cell lines using commercially available antibodies, and validates the methods used to study this pathway.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of automatic methods MALDI-TOF, VITEK2 and manual methods for the identification of intestinal microbial communities on the example of samples from alpacas (Vicugna pacos)
Pławińska-Czarnak Joanna | Wódz Karolina | Strzałkowska Zuzanna | Żychska Monika | Nowak Tomasz | Kwieciński Adam | Kwieciński Piotr | Bielecki Wojciech | Rodo Anna | Rzewuska Magdalena | Kłosińska Daria | Anusz Krzysztof | Orłowska Blanka
Universally, in microbiological diagnostics the detection of live bacteria is essential. Rapid identification of pathogens enables appropriate remedial measures to be taken. The identification of many bacteria simultaneously facilitates the determination of the characteristics of the accompanying microbiota and/or the microbiological complexity of a given environment.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Incidence and the risk of occurrence of benign and malignant canine skin tumours in Poland – a five-year retrospective study
Śmiech Anna | Bulak Kamila | Łopuszyński Wojciech | Puła Agata
The aim of the study was to compile data on the frequency and distribution of canine skin tumours and determine the risk of these being malignant as opposed to benign. This determination proceeded from tumour histogenesis and gave consideration to the dog’s breed, sex, age and the anatomical location of tumours.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Utilisation of Actiphage in combination with IS900 qPCR as a diagnostic tool for rapid determination of paratuberculosis infection status in small ruminant herds
Beinhauerova Monika | Slana Iva
Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causative agent of paratuberculosis, a chronic infectious intestinal disease occurring in domestic and wild ruminants. Early diagnosis of infected herds enabling timely adoption of control measures is tremendously important in view of the fact that the disease has a significant economic impact on farmers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of rapid detection of viable MAP on small ruminant farms based on environmental sample examination using a novel phage-based test named Actiphage.
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