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Evaluation of edetate and thiamine for treatment of experimentally induced environmental lead poisoning in cattle
Coppock, R.W. | Wagner, W.C. | Reynolds, J.D. | Vogel, R.S. | Gelberg, H.B. | Florence, L.Z. | Wolff, W.A.
Twenty mature Holstein cows were randomized into 5 treatment groups. Cows of groups 2 to 5 were given 2 mg of elemental Pb/kg of body weight for 28 days. Clinical signs of plumbism were scored, and blood for Pb, progesterone, and hematologic analyses was collected weekly. Cows also were examined weekly for anomalous ovarian cycles. Starting on study day 28, cows in group 3 were treated once daily with 2 mg of thiamine HCl/kg (IM) for 13 days, cows in group 4 were treated twice daily with 62 mg of Na2,Ca-EDTA/kg (IV) for 4 days, and cows in group 5 were given thiamine (dosage regimen the same as for group 3) plus Na2,Ca-EDTA (dosage regimen the same as for group 4). On study days 96 through 139, cows were slaughtered in a commercial abattoir and samples of blood, skeletal muscles, bones, liver, and kidneys were collected and assayed for Pb concentration. Thiamine was not effective in reducing blood Pb concentration, and treatment with Na2,Ca-EDTA and thiamine plus Na2,Ca-EDTA was effective in reducing the concentration of Pb in blood. However, treatment with thiamine was more effective than treatment with Na2,Ca-EDTA or thiamine plus Na2,Ca-EDTA in inducing remission of clinical signs of plumbism. The concentration of Pb in blood was significantly (P < 0.05) correlated to the concentration of Pb in liver, kidneys, skeletal muscles, and bones. Significant (P < 0.05) relationship existed between number of days from Pb exposure to slaughter and concentration of Pb in blood, liver, and skeletal muscles. Exposure to Pb did not significantly alter CBC values. On the basis of progesterone analysis and ovarian examination, exposure to Pb and treatment for plumbism did not induce changes in the ovarian cycle.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Composition and morphologic features of the interosseous muscle in Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds
Wilson, D.A. | Baker, G.J. | Pijanowski, G.J. | Boero, M.J. | Badertscher, R.R.
Suspensory ligaments (SL) from 32 Thoroughbreds and 32 Standardbreds were collected to evaluate the variation in muscle content with respect to age, breed, sex, limb, and use. Six transverse sections, each 3 to 5 mm thick, were obtained from each SL. Four sections were taken from the body of the SL and 1 from the midportion of each branch. Sections were stained with van Gieson picric acid-fuchsin solution, then photographed, and black-and-white slides were made from the processed negatives. The transverse-sectional area of the SL and the contained muscle were determined by use of a computer with a color monitor and a digitizing device with its associated software. The percentage of muscle was then calculated for each section, for the entire ligament, and for each horse. Results were analyzed by multiple-regression analysis and Duncan multiple-range test, using the General Linear Model of SAS. Standardbreds had 40% more muscle in their SL than did Thoroughbreds. There was no significant difference in the percentage of SL muscle among sex, age, use, individual limb, or forelimb vs hind limb. For Standardbred horses, females had significantly greater muscle area content than intact males. Also, hind limb muscle area content was significantly greater than forelimb muscle content. Thoroughbred horses between 2 and 10 years of age not in training had significantly more muscle content than horses of the same age not in training. The reasons for these differences remain unclear.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Antigen expression in cultured oral keratinocytes from dogs
Wilkinson, J.E. | Smith, C.A. | Suter, M.M. | Lewis, R.M.
Oral keratinocytes from dogs were cultured on either collagen gels or artificial matrices at the air-liquid interface, and the expression of keratinocyte antigens and basement membrane components was determined, using various monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Keratinocytes grown on collagen gels expressed pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigus foliaceous, and bullous pemphigoid antigens. Diffuse, suprabasal, and superficial keratinocyte membrane differentiation antigens identified by various monoclonal antibodies also were expressed in a pattern identical to that observed in the native tissue. Laminin and type-IV collagen were deposited at the keratinocyte-collagen interface in a patchy distribution. When synthetic matrices were used, the oral keratinocytes differentiated, but to a lesser extent than cells grown on collagen gels. Antigen expression for cells grown on synthetic matrices was similar to that for cells on collagen, except for failure of the keratinocytes on synthetic membranes to express superficial cell antigens and pemphigus foliaceous antigens.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Diversity of pilin of serologically distinct Bacteroides nodosus
Gradin, J.L. | Stephens, J.A. | Pluhar, G.E. | Marta, K.M. | Smith, A.W.
Pili from 11 distinct serotypes of Bacteroides nodosus were examined for diversity of pilin polypeptide subunits among serotypes and for purity of the pilin preparations. The pilin of all 11 samples was shown to be homogeneous. Mean +/- SD molecular weight of the pilin of 7 serotypes (A198, IV, V, VI, IX, XVII, and XVIII) was 18,500 +/- 100. The pilin of serotypes I, III, and VIII had molecular weight of 17,600, 19,400, and 19,000, respectively. Serotype XV differed greatly from the other 10 serotypes in that 2 distinct polypeptide bands with molecular weight of approximately 7,800 and 6,200 were detected. We suggest that these 2 low molecular weight bands resulted from proteolytic cleavage of the pilin protein.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Postnatal development of the visual-evoked potential in dogs
Strain, G.M. | Jackson, R.M. | Tedford, B.L.
Recordings of visual-evoked potentials that were induced by flashes of white light were obtained from 13 Beagle pups to document the development of the response from age 7 to 100 days. Responses were recorded between needle electrodes placed on the nuchal crest and the interorbital line, with ground at the vertex. Five alternating positive (P) and negative (N) peaks were observed in most visual-evoked potentials: P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3. Responses were recorded from 2 pups prior to opening of the eyelids. Recordings were performed without sedation or dark adaptation. Peak latencies were essentially mature (equal to those of adult dogs) by day 11 for P1, and by day 38 for N1, and P2. The latencies to N2 and P3 did not reach adult values by day 100, but did reach plateau values by day 43. The P1-N1, amplitude measurements reached mature levels by day 14, whereas N1-P2 amplitudes were mature by day 32. The P2-N2 and N2-P3 amplitudes reached plateaus that greatly exceeded adult amplitudes by days 50 and 58, respectively. Maturation of visual-evoked potential responses paralleled reported morphologic development of the visual cortex. All of the measured latency and amplitude values had significant (P less than or equal to 0.004) linear regression lines of latency vs age or amplitude vs age.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of flunixin meglumine and flurbiprofen for control of ocular irritative response in dogs
Millichamp, N.J. | Dziezyc, J.
Dogs were treated with the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors flunixin meglumine IV or flurbiprofen topically. Acute inflammation was induced in the eyes by disruption of the anterior lens capsule, using a neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser. Pupil diameter and intraocular pressure were measured before and after inducing ocular inflammation. Both drugs maintained mydriasis and increased intraocular pressure in the inflamed eyes, compared with untreated controls.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Use of orthopedic markers for quantitative determination of proximal radial and ulnar growth in foals
Smith, B.L. | Auer, J.A. | Taylor, S. | Hulse, D.S. | Longnecker, M.T.
Cortical bone screws were implanted into the proximal portion of the right and left radius and ulna of 6 newborn Quarter Horse foals as radiographic markers for measurement of growth. Distance between markers on a lateral radiographic view was measured. Radiographs were taken at 2-week intervals until the horses were 8 weeks old, at 4-week intervals until they were 48 weeks old, and at 12-week intervals until they were 72 weeks old. The proximal radius and ulna grew at similar rates during the 72-week period of evaluation, and growth continued throughout 72 weeks. The proximal radius grew 3.5 cm, and the ulna grew 3.4 cm. Although the rates of growth were similar, growth from the ulnar physis contributed only to the length of the olecranon; growth was not transmitted to the ulnar diaphysis distal to the cubital joint. The proximal radius slid distally in relation to the ulna as growth occurred at the proximal radial physis. These findings suggest that transfixing the ulna to the radius while growth is occurring at the proximal radial physis impedes the natural shifting process, and subluxation of the elbow can result. Severity of subluxation would be inversely related to the age of the horse at the time of transfixation.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Circadian rhythms of osteocalcin in equine serum. Correlation with alkaline phosphatase, calcium, phosphate and total protein levels
Lepage, O.M. | DesCoteaux, L. | Marcoux, M. | Tremblay, A.
The purpose of the study was to determine whether there were circadian variations in serum osteocalcin in normal horses and to determine whether it was important to regulate the time of blood sampling in clinical investigations. Osteocalcin or bone Gla-protein (BGP), alkaline phosphatase, total calcium, phosphate and total protein were studied over a 24 h period. Blood samples were taken every 60 min from nine adult Standardbred horses. There was a correlation between serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (r = 0.3, p < 0.01), phosphate (r = 0.42, p < 0.01) and serum osteocalcin levels. There was a very marked individual effect on serum levels of osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase (p < 0.01). This effect was present for phosphate levels but not significant for total calcium. The individual effect was lower and time effect was higher for serum osteocalcin if the subjects were divided into two age groups, one of horses of five years or less (n = 4) and a second group older than five years (n = 5). In both groups a circadian rhythmicity was observed. Serum osteocalcin showed a biphasic pattern. Levels were constant during daytime (light period) and underwent significant variations during the night (dark period), going through a nadir at 2000 h and through a maximum peak at 0500 h. It was concluded that in normal horses the blood osteocalcin level follows a circadian variation. Also daytime (light period) seems to be the more appropriate period for blood sampling.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Cardiovascular and respiratory effects of thiopental administration in hypovolemic dogs
Ilkiw, J.E. | Haskins, S.C. | Patz, J.D.
The cardiopulmonary effects of thiopental sodium were studied in hypovolemic dogs from completion of until 1 hour after administration of the drug. Hypovolemia was induced by withdrawal of blood from dogs until mean arterial pressure of 60 mm of Hg was achieved. After stabilization at this pressure for 1 hour, 8 mg of thiopental/kg of body weight was administered IV to 7 dogs, and cardiopulmonary effects were measured. After blood withdrawal and prior to thiopental administration, heart rate and oxygen utilization ratio increased, whereas mean arterial pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, central venous pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, cardiac index, oxygen delivery, mixed venous oxygen tension, and mixed venous oxygen content decreased from baseline. Three minutes after thiopental administration, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, and mixed venous oxygen tension increased, whereas oxygen utilization ratio and arterial and mixed venous pH decreased from values measured prior to thiopental administration. Fifteen minutes after thiopental administration, heart rate was still increased; however by 60 minutes after thiopental administration, all measurements had returned to values similar to those obtained prior to thiopental administration.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Comparison of methods to determine glucose kinetics and measurement of recycling and lactose formation in lactating cows
Biedebach, M.C. | Anand, R.S. | Black, Al | Jevning, R.
Several investigators have suggested that the conventional multicompartmental exponential analysis of in vivo glucose metabolism is arbitrary and possibly not the most accurate description of glucose kinetics, especially in the large animal. In support of that hypothesis, we found that in a systematic comparison of 3 methods, blood-specific radioactivity data in single-injection studies of glucose metabolism in lactating cows was better described graphically, or by a hybrid polynomial-biexponential curve fit, than by an exclusively exponential curve fit. We hypothesized that this finding was attributable to partial failure of linearity and steady-state assumptions that underlie the exponential model. Second, using both an irreversible tracer (3H-labeled glucose) and reversible tracer (14C-labeled glucose), we found that glucose carbon recycling had no effect during the first 2 hours, but became significant in lactating cows 7 hours after injection. Finally, we determined that approximately 52 to 55% of the glucose replacement rate was being used to generate lactose.
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