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Seroprevalance of Influenza A in swine population of Rangamati and Khagracchari districts
Md. Karim Uddin | Md. Shamim Ahasan | Mohammad Rafiqul Islam | M. M. Mafizul Islam | Md. Fazlul Hoque
Objective: This study is conducted to assess the seroprevalence and associated risk factors (e.g., age, sex, bio-security practices and management system) of Influenza A virus in swine population of Rangamati and Khagracchari Districts Materials and methods: Prevalence study Influenza A in swine population was conducted over a period of six months Rangamati and Khagracchari Districts between July to December 2013. 180 blood samples were collected from pigs, and the samples were tested for the detection of Influenza antibody using Indirect ELISA method. Results: Total numbers of samples were 180 and numbers of positive cases were 22.Then the overall seroprevalence between the aforesaid districts was found to be 12.22%. Results of the investigation revealed that the seroprevalence of influenza A was 15% in Rangamati district, 10% in Khagraccharidistrict . The highest seroprevalence was found in Rangamati district (15%) and the lowest seroprevalence was (10%) found in Khagracchari district. On the basis of sex, seroprevalence rate of influenza A was found 14.29% in male pigs and 976% in female pigs. Conclusion: The study confirms that influenza virus is circulating in the pig populations of hill tracts area of Bangladesh. Our study had a number of limitations. Veterinarians, researchers and health officials will get new information from this research which will be helpful for developing prevention strategy for combating against this disease. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(2.000): 204-210]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody in the 150 kDa Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus/javanicus) subordinate follicular fluid peptide observed using MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS
Bisono Roesmanto | Adji Santoso Dradjat | Sulaiman Ngongu Depamede
Objective: This study aimed to elucidate the proteome profile of the 150 kDa protein isolated from the subordinate follicle of Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus/javanicus). Some researchers have revealed several factors in the follicular subordinate with a 150 kDa protein substance, which play important roles in the bovine ovulation. Materials and methods: In the present study, subordinate follicles (~ 5 mm in diameter) were collected from 10 female Bali cattle from slaughterhouses in Taliwang, Sumbawa of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The follicular liquid was pooled; fractionated using SDSPAGE 10%, the 150 kDa band was sliced and then analyzed using MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS. Results: Mascot search results significantly revealed the presence of four species of proteins/peptides. Of the four peptides, two were predominant i.e. complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody, which both were 100% identical to complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody of Bos Taurus cattle. Conclusion: Complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody are present in the follicle fluid of Bos sondaicus/javanicus cows. These findings are novel in Bali cattle follicles. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(1.000): 19-24]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Growth performance, microbial and hemato-biochemical profile, and organs histology of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with a seasoning named Jumbo Cube as source of monosodium glutamate
Pascaline Ciza Azine | Jean Raphaël Kana | Tadjong Ruben Ngouana | Audrey Kenfack | Nzako Aurelie Sonkeng | Kemajou Quentin Bunto | Tchantchou Chamberlain Djemen | Simo Philippe Lyale | Kenhagho Arielle Kemmo | Nia Tatiana Ngnouamen | Dongmo Kissel Ngeupi | Alexis Teguia
Objective: this study was conducted in order to assess the effects of dietary Jumbo Cube as source of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) on production performances of broiler chickens. Materials and methods: 320 day-old Ross 308 broiler chicks were randomly divided into five groups of 64 chicks each. Negative and positive control groups were fed on basal diet with no supplement (R0-) and 1 gm of antibiotic (R0+) respectively and the 3 others groups were fed on diets supplemented with the quantities of Jumbo cube containing 1 mg, 2 mg and 4 mg of MSG/Kg of feed. Feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), weight gain (WG), blood parameters and intestinal microbial counts were evaluated. Results: Results revealed that feeding broilers with Jumbo Cube as MSG source significantly (P [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(2.000): 146-154]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Garlic feed inclusion and susceptibility of broiler chickens to infectious bursal disease
Omolade Oladele | Oluwaseun Esan | Ini Akpan | Francis Enibe
Objective: This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of garlic (Allium sativum) with its immunomodulatory activity, on the susceptibility of broilers to infectious bursal disease, being an immunosuppressive disease. Materials and methods: Day-old broilers (102) were separated into 6 groups A-F of 17 each. Groups A, B and C had 0.125% of garlic-meal in feed. At 8 and 18 days of age groups A, C, D and F were administered IBD vaccine and groups B, C, D and E were infected with 1LD50 IBD virus (10-3.4 in 0.08ml PBS) via conjuctival instillation at 4 week-old. Clinical signs, mortality and gross pathological lesions were scored. Histopathological lesions in bursae of Fabricius were recorded. Virus antibody titre in serum was assayed at 1 day-old, 4 and 6 weeks-old using quantitative agar gel immunodiffusion test. Data generated was analysed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA and Duncans multiple comparison tests (P [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(3.000): 275-281]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Evaluation of lamb production potentiality of the Barind, Jamuna river basin and coastal region sheep of Bangladesh under intensive management
Sadek Ahmed | Md. Rezaul Hai Rakib | Morsheda Yesmin | Nasrin Sultana | Nusrat Jahan | Md. Ershaduzamman
Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the lamb production potentiality in terms of nutrient intake and utilization, growth performances, carcass characteristics and meat quality of three regional native sheep under intensive management condition. Materials and methods: A total of 24 growing lambs having 08 lambs from each group with 4 to 6 months of age were used in this study. 40% urea molasses straw (UMS) and 60% concentrate mixture of the total diet were supplied according to lamb body weight. The total feed was offered at 4.0% live weight on dry matter basis of each animal. The completely randomized design was used in this experiment. Results: The dry matter intake was significantly (P [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(1.000): 37-43]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Emergence of colistin resistance in extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae isolated from food animals and its public health implication: A review
Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus | Rungtip Chuanchuen | Taradon Luangtongkum
Antimicrobial resistance as a result of emergence of extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae is a major health problem of human and animal that requires an intensive global attention. The production of beta lactamase enzymes remains as one of the major factors contributing to the development of resistance to beta lactams. These enzymes hydrolyze the beta lactam ring of the antibiotic and render it ineffective. Extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing bacteria have the ability to develop resistance to a number of antibiotics including the carbapenem and other third generation cephalosporins. In addition, the recent emergence and dissemination of the colistin resistance determinants mcr-1, mcr-2 and mcr-3 poses a serious threat to colistin as a drug of last resort in human medicine. In this review, we utilized words such as colistin resistance and Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and colistin resistance, colistin resistance and Salmonella as well as detection of mcr-1 genes in Salmonella and E. coli. The extended-spectrum beta lactamase producing bacteria under Enterobacteriaceae that are resistant to colistin possess the ability to be transferred resistant determinants to other susceptible cells at a higher frequency. In this paper, the role of manure from food animals and how air travel contributes to the dissemination of mcr-1 haboring bacteria, resistance determinants and other metabolites that constitute a public health problem was also reviewed. It is concluded that these pathogens have significant consequences to the control of infection and plays key roles in treatment failure with colistin. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(1.000): 1-11]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]A comparative study on productive, reproductive and ovarian features of repeat breeder and normal cyclic cows in the selected areas of Bangladesh
Mir Md. Iqbal Hasan | Md. Maruf Hassan | Rupam Chandra Mohanta | Md. Abu Haris Miah | Mohammad Harun-Or- Rashid | Nasrin Sultana Juyena
Objective: The research was accomplished to appraise the productive and reproductive physiology of repeat breeder (RB) cows and compare to normal cyclic (NC) cows. Methodology: A total of 366 RB cows were surveyed from 1859 crossbred and indigenous cows using a questionnaire upon positive sampling of RB syndrome in dairy farms throughout the selected areas of Bangladesh. Out of 366 RB cows, 170 were randomly selected, which were at day 0 of estrous cycle. To compare the physiological characteristics, 170 NC cows at day 0 of estrous cycle were also selected randomly. Results: Results showed that age, BCS, and parity were higher in RB cows than NC cows. Survey on productive characteristics illustrated that milk production (P [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(3.000): 324-331]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Prevalence and characteristics of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolated from beef slaughterhouse
Md. Shafiullah Parvej | Montasir Mamun | Jayedul Hassan | Md. Muket Mahmud | Marzia Rahman | Md. Tanvir Rahman | Md. Bahanur Rahman | K. H. M. Nazmul Hussain Nazir
Objective: Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) is the most important foodborne bacterial pathogen worldwide and the bovine animals are assumed as a reservoir of this pathogen. The present study was conducted to assess the role of bovine animals as the source of STEC. Materials and methods: To assess the role of bovine animals as the source of STEC, we examined 100 samples (50 rectal swab and 50 beef samples) collected from the local beef slaughterhouses by cultural, morphological, biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction. Finally, the drug resistance pattern of isolated organisms has been examined. Result: In the preliminary screening by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), E. coli was more prevalent in rectal swab (n=21/50) than beef samples (n=16/50). Among 39 isolated E. coli, 10 isolates were confirmed as STEC (Rectal swab=7, Beef=3) by PCR, where stx2 gene (n=7/10) was predominant than stx1 gene (n=3/10). Remaining 29 isolates did not react to stx primers in PCR. Presence of STEC in beef samples was significantly associated with the fecal contamination at P≤0.1 (0.074818) in Pearsons correlation coefficient method. In addition, most of the isolated STEC strains were resistant to one or more commonly used antimicrobials in the country. Conclusion: The bovine animals and its products could be an important source of multidrug-resistant STEC in the country. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(2.000): 218-225]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Effect of Moringa oleifera feed supplementation on the serum biochemical profile of broilers challenged with very virulent infectious bursal disease virus
Arhyel Gana Balami | Juliana James Ndahi | John Joseph Gadzama | Samson James Enam | Mohammed Adam Chiroma | Paul Ayuba Abdu | Aliyu Mohammed Wakawa | Tanang Aluwong | Sunday Blessing Oladele
Objective: This study was conducted to assess the effect of dietary Moringa oleifera leaf (MOL) feed supplementation on serum biochemical parameters of broilers challenged with very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV). Materials and methods: Two hundred and forty day-old Ross 308 hybrid broiler chicks were randomly assigned into four groups (A, B, C and D) of 60 chicks each and raised in deep litter housing. Broiler starter (BS) and broiler finisher (BF) mash were formulated each with 5% MOL included as part of the feed ingredient for broilers in groups A and B while BS and BF for broilers in groups C and D were formulated without MOL. Broilers in groups A, B and C were challenged intraocularly at 35 days of age with with 0.05 mL of a live vvIBDV, while those in group D served as control. Blood was collected from 10 broilers in each group via the wing vein at 35, 38 and 42 days of age to determine their serum biochemical profile. Results: The level of melondialdehyde (MDA) was observed to significantly decrease in groups A and C. There was a significant decrease in the level of AST in group A, B, C and D. The values of ALT significantly decreased in group A, B, C and D. Conclusion: Supplementing broilers feed with MOL neither protect the liver from damage nor prevent lipid peroxidation. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(2.000): 155-165]
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Knowledge, perceptions and practices regarding brucellosis in pastoral communities of Kagera Region in Tanzania
Jean-Bosco Ntirandekura | Lucas E. Matemba | Helena A. Ngowi | Sharadhuli I. Kimera | Esron D. Karimuribo
Objective: A cross-sectional study was conducted in June 2017 to assess the knowledge, perception and practices on brucellosis by pastoralists of Kagera ecosystem in Tanzania, using qualitative methods. Materials and methods: Five focus group discussions of six participants each were conducted with livestock farmers, administration leaders, religious representatives and youth. In addition, discussions with three key informants were conducted, involving officials of livestock, wildlife and public health departments in each district. Data were analyzed using content analysis with inductive and deductive methods. Results: The study revealed low knowledge regarding brucellosis among respondents. Although participants recognized brucellosis as a zoonotic disease, they consider it of less importance. In addition, participants had low knowledge on causes, symptoms and mode of transmission of this disease. However, they perceived the interactions between humans, livestock and wildlife together with movements between borders to be potential risks for introduction of brucellosis in their communities. Moreover, their habit of drinking unpasteurized milk, the lack of protective gears during assisting animals giving birth and poor vaccination program need to be improved by community health education. Conclusion: A coordinated One Health approach is needed and further studies are suggested to reveal the status of brucellosis in Kagera ecosystem to guide its control and prevention. [J Adv Vet Anim Res 2018; 5(3.000): 343-353]
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