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Avaliação da sensibilidade da técnica computadorizada de análise (CASA) para a determinação da concentração espermática do sêmen bovino congelado
André Maciel Crespilho | Livia Chiaradia | Adriana Cortez | Marcela Vaz Dinelli | Frederico Ozanam Papa | Gustavo Mendes Gomes | Kleber da Cunha Peixoto Júnior
Tradicionalmente, a concentração espermática é avaliada por meio da contagem de células em câmara hemocitométrica de Neubauer, técnica laboriosa adotada na rotina dos laboratórios de andrologia. Uma alternativa para essa contagem é a técnica computadorizada de avaliação espermática (CASA), método que pode aumentar a eficiência e acurácia na determinação da concentração de espermatozoides em uma amostra de sêmen. O presente trabalho relata a avaliação da sensibilidade da técnica CASA para o acesso da concentração de espermatozoides bovinos em pósdescongelação. Foram selecionadas 425 doses de sêmen de reprodutores de diferentes raças, descongeladas a 37°C por 30 segundos e homogeneizadas. Alíquotas de 40 µL de sêmen foram transferidas para tubos cônicos de 1,5 mL previamente preenchidos com 960 µL de água destilada, fixando a taxa de diluição em 1:25 para contagem em câmara de Neubauer. Em contrapartida, alíquotas de 5 µL de cada dose de sêmen foram avaliadas com o emprego do sistema CASA considerando o número mínimo de cinco campos aleatórios e 2 mil espermatozoides por análise. A concentração média de células espermáticas foi de 38,96a ± 1,28 e 35,14b ± 0,82,respectivamente para amostras avaliadas em câmara de Neubauer ou sistema computadorizado, apresentando o coeficiente de correlação de 0,87 (P < 0.0001) e concordância de 0,78 (escala de 0 a 1). Conclui-se que as duas técnicas de avaliação da concentração espermática possuem eficiência similar. No entanto, em virtude da precisão, rapidez e por dispensar a diluição prévia das amostras para a contagem, a CASA é uma alternativa para a contagem de células espermáticas em câmara de Neubauer, sobretudo para grandes centrais de produção de sêmen bovino congelado.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Molecular stability of a vaccine strain of Canine coronavirus after serial passages in A72 cells
Iracema Nunes de Barros | Sheila Oliveira de Souza Silva | Sueli Akemi Tanikawi | Paulo Eduardo Brandão
Canine coronavirus (CCoV) exists in types I and II and infects dogs leading mainly to enteritis, though type II has already been associated with generalized and highly lethal infection. A CCoV-type II inactivated vaccine produced in A72 canine cells is available worldwide and largely used, though the molecular stability after serial passages of vaccine seeds is unknown. This article reports the evolution of the CCoV-II vaccine strain 1-71 in A72 cells based on partial S gene sequencing, showing the predominance of neutral evolution and the occurrence of four sites under purifying selection. Thus, cell-adapted strains of CCoV-II may be genetically stable after serial passages in a same cell line due to a stable virus-host relationship.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Farmer Group Performance Bali Cattle In Luwu District East : The Economic Analysis
Supardi Rusdiana | Soeharsono Soeharsono
This research was conducted in the District Mangko Tano East Luwu in South Sulawesi Province, in 2017. The area of research is supported by oil palm plantations, palm plantations, agricultural land, forestry land, vacant land that has not been explored by farmers and other vacant land. The study was conducted by the method of field survey, according to information from the local Animal Husbandry Department, the criteria in the data is the cattle population in farmer.The purpose of this study was to determine the economic analysis on a group of cattle ranchers. Primary data and secondary data were analyzed using descriptive tabulation, quantitatively and economically. The results of the research effort shows that beef cattle, ranchers group profit amounted Rp.3.637.500/year, Agung Sindo Village B/C ratio of 1.2, Kalaenaliri village of Rp.3.886.000/ year ratio B/C 1.2, and the Wanasari Village of Rp.3.788.000/year and ratio of B/C 1.2. Forage in locations very research support to the development of beef cattle Bali. But farmers are accustomed way of raising beef cattle between 2-4 head/breeder, so it needs additional maintenance business scale between 5-10 cattle/livestock farmers, so that the business more effectively and efficiently and economically will benefit farmers.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Combination of Areca catechu , Sauropus androgynous , and Mineral Block is Effective to control Nematode in Goats
Henni Vanda | Muhammad Hambal | Farida Athailah | Mustafa Sabri
A study has been conducted to investigate the effect of two local herbs in Indonesia; Areca catechu nut and Sauropus androgynous leaf, combined with mineral block to treat gastro intestinal nematode in goats. A.catechu is well known to have anthelmintic property due to its alkaloid and tannin content, and S.androgynus also contains tannin, alkaloid and steroid that will enhance the anthelmintic property of those herbals. As many as 80 goats had been divided into 4 groups; 20 were treated with albendazole (Group A), 20 were given A.catechu and S.androgynus (Group B), 20 were given combination of A.catechu, S.androgynus, and mineral block (Group C), and 20 as negative control (Group D). The result revealed that herbal treatment showed significantly effective toward nematodes in gastro intestinal, demonstrated by declining egg worm of Group B and C. Body weight improvement and overall performance in Group C was higher compared to other groups. However, goats treated with albendazole showed slightly better results in the decreasing amount of egg worms found after treatment. Nevertheless, A.catechu and S.androgynus are potential anthelmintic herbal; combination with mineral block will enhance the anthelmintic activity. Therefore they are good options for treating helminthiasis in livestock.
Ikwan Jamil | Teuku Reza Ferasyi | Muhammad Hambal | Yudha Fahrimal | Razali Razali
The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of fasciolosis of Simeulue’s buffalo using macroscopic approach by observing pathological changes in the liver. The sample were obtained from slaughterhouse in Sinabang. A number of 60 livers were obtained on July to September 2015 based on post mortem examination. From this sample, a total of 57 livers were found positive indication of infested by F. gigantica (95%). The length and width of F. gigantica was 25 mm and 7 mm. The body was flat as a leaf, blunt on posterior, gray, brown, transparant and do not have a real shoulder shapes. The liver which were not infested with F. gigantica showed sharp edges and a very high degree of elasticity. On the other hand, in the infested liver was found F. gigantica in the bile duct and showed a color of pale, the dark brown exudate as well as objects looks like gravel. The buffaloes sample were supplied to the abattoir from the paddy fields or oil palm plantations area. In comparison, the buffaloes raised in both areas were not different on the pathological changes of liver. In conclusion, this study showed that simeulue’s buffalo is very prevalence to F. gigantica.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]The Effect of Irradiation to Sensoric Characteristic, Physic and Microbe in Sie Balu, Acehnese Dried Meat
Wiqayatun Khazanah | Nurliana Nurliana | Rini Safitri
One of the Acehnese traditional food preserved by the addition of salt, acid and dried was sie balu. The preservation method may lead to changes in the structure and nutritional content. Sie balu with the addition of vinegar, garlic and ginger can reduce the value of water activity (aW), pH and bacterial counts. This condition affects the physical properties and sensory of sie balu. Irradiation can control pathogenic microorganisms in meat without affecting the physical condition. Low-dose irradiation is able to maintain the desired sensory attributes nutritious food products. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the sensory and physic sie baluthat irradiated with increasing doses and the shelf life of 3-6 weeks. Sie balu was made of 10 kg fresh beef, dried in the sun to dry, vacuum and irradiated at doses of 5, 7 and 9 kGy. Sensory test conducted by taste sie balu by trained panelists and fill out the hedonicform. The physical properties based on pH and aW. The microbe total calculated used Total Plate Count.The results showed that the irradiation dose significantly (P 0.05) affected on microbe total, aroma, color, texture and taste of sie balu. Storage time does not affect the sensory properties. Irradiation dose and storage time significantly (P 0.05) on pH and aWsiebalu. The study concluded that irradiation can improve the physical properties, sensory and microorganisme reductionof sie balu.
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